Michigan Daily I I LOCAL $1.50) MTAIL $0.00 a a ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS AXE AGAIN HITS BASEBALL SQUAD Eligibility Committee Gives Slates to Men Still on List. Clean I WRESTLE 30 MINUTES TO DRAW. MAY HOLD OUTDOOR PRACTICE. By a toss of a coin, the last bout of In order to facilitate practice as soon the season's wrestling tournament was as the team gets out in the-open, the ended and the title of heavyweight much feared axe performed its second champion settled by fate upon H. W. swing yesterday and a few more ball Lightner, '14E, against R. W. Watson, tossers lost their heads. The cut was '16, his opponent in yesterday's match, not'an extensive one but large enough The two grapplers had struggled to cause a few of the athletes a little back and forth across the mat for 30 sorrow mingled with the hope of a minutes without either gaining the better showing after spring vacation slightest advantage when the time al- when all the beheaded will have an- loted for the tussle expired. The con- other chance. tending grapplers were asked if they If the present weather continues and wished to settle it by decision from the March ceases to flirt with Old Man referee or by a coin toss, and both Winter and Geddle Sprig it is probable agreed on the coin solution. Lightner that the team will have a week or more was the favorite of fortune and on the of outdoor practice before starting turn of the coin won not only his rigli south. Lack of out of door work has to the title, but the silver loving cup, always been a handicap to the team presented by Dr. May. in its first trip and it looked favorable With the conclusion of this bout, the to overcome it this year. Ferry field most successful season that the uni- is still somewhat unstable under foot versity grapplers have known passes but it is expected to be dry enough for Into history. Keen interest was stirred a workout before the end of the week. up among the participants in the Coach, Rickey has given no indica- tournament, and already plans are be- tion as to the final makeup of the team ing discussed for a bigger program as yet, but the second cut has narrow- next year with larger entries and per- ed the material to the pick of a squad haps the addition of another weight of 100, and it ought to be a good team division for the featherweights up to that has been sifted from that mass. 125 pounds. There was a meeting of the eligibil- ity committee last night to pass on the MEET WITH READY SALE. baseball men. Their investigations give clean slates to all the players who Tickets for the all-lit "altitude hop" are retained on the squad. which is to be held in Barbour gymS Saturday afternoon, were placed on TRAVELING SCHOLARSHIP IS sale yesterday, and as a result many OFFERED FOR ESSAY CONTEST yellow tags were displayed all over All Seniors Whose Mother Tongue is the campus. The affair is intended for Not French Willbe all classes, and students are urged to Eiibl attend as individuals, not in couples. The festivities will begin at 2:30 p. m. Saturday and continue until 5:30 A traveling scholarship of $300 for o'clock. Men students are to enter by the coming summer will be the award the main door and will occupy the for a French prize essay contest to be parlors, while the women are to enter held on Thursday, April 17. The schol- by way of the basement and thence up arship is offered by M. Edouard Drey- onto the gymnasium floor. This plan fous of Paris and New York, who has will avoid a crush at the entrances.' Surprises and feature dances of put that sum at the disposal of the several kinds are assured for the af- National Society of French professors ternoon's entertainment. Tickets sell in America. The contest will be held for 35 cents, at the same time in the colleges and universities throughout the country, Fullerton-Reed Invitations Issued. and the winner will be decided by a Invitations have been issued by Mr special jury of eminent educators. and Mrs. Charles F. Reed, 820 Oxford Seniors, men or women, in any col- Road, to the wedding of their daughter lege in the United States are eligible Margaret Reed to William Fullerton, for the contest, provided only that '09, on April 5. The wedding will take French is not their mother tongue. place at the Reed home at 8:30 o'clock The contest will be in the form of a lit- in the evening. erary composition which is to be writ- The couple will reside in Bellton, ten in the three hours from 2:00 to Mo., where Fullerton owns and oper- 15:00 o'clock the afternoon of April 17. ates a stock farm. Fullerton was a The winner of the contest will be giv- member of the Beta Theta Pi fraterni- en, on his departure from New York, ty while in the university. (Continued on page 2.) BIOGRAPHER AND STUDENTS CELEBRATE BARD'S BIRTHDAY The corner of State street and North Tom mounted the packing case after; University avenue was transformed in- Jack had introduced him as Dr. Thom- to a Roman forum at noon yesterday; as H. Lovell. the Cobbler-Bard of Ann Arbor dis- "Gentlemen; hit's a grite hoccision, coursed on poetry and philosophy be- this is, for me, 'an it mikes me feel fore several hundred enthusiastic lis- bloomin' glad that Hi've lived this fif- teners; and Tom Lovell Day became ty year to be here and be able to ad- a duly ordained institution at Michi- dress ye-" gan. When Tom finished the biographer Incidentally, Railroad Jack, the hu- re-introduced him to the crowd. Again man encyclopedia, sprang into fame as Tom spoke, and was re-introduced. He4 a humorist and orator, and established recited his "Ode to Columbus," read his station on the campus. his treatise on Plato, and then Tom, It was not an ordinary looking indi- sang. Caruso, Bonci and McCormack vidual who made his appearance on never charmed an audience as did the campus yesterday morning to re- Tom when he sang the quaint songs1 ceive the, birthday greetings of the stu- of old England. dent body. Attired in frock coat, plug Finally, Tom's vocal chords rebelled hat, Belle Isle necktie and cane, Tom and oration and concert were Lovell resembled a newly promoted over. A Photographer was sum- professor on a Sunday morning rather moned and Dr. Thomas H. than a 'umble cobbler. Lovell - book, cane and plug With Tom was Railroad Jack, who hat in one hand, his other out-1 hastily constructed a platform (prop. stretched like that of a commencement erties: one strong packing case) and day speaker asking for liberty or mounted it. death, posed for his picture-on the "Friends, Romans and countrymen fiftieth anniversary of his birth.1 -" he began, and a mob formed a "Never has been such a day in history1 half circle about the plaU orm. since Polixitus (390-450 B. C.) Spar- F. B. GILBRETH TO SPEAK HERE. Will Discuss Methods Employed in Efficiency Tests. Mr. Frank B. Gilbreth, one of the foremost pioneers in the study of the efficiency of corporations and men in the country, will lecture here during the week under the auspices of the mechanical engineering department. Mr. Gilbreth will deliver the same lecture that he delivered in Chicago last week before the scientific manu- facturing conference of, the Western Economic society, in which he will ex- plain how the motion picture machine is more accurate than the stop watch in investigating the efficiency of the movement problem. The time of the lecture can not be announced because Mr. Gilbreth does not yet know exactly when he will pass through the city. SELECT ALL-STAR BASKETBALL FIVE Much Ability is Disclosed by Players In Recent Interclass Series. INTEREST IS SHOWN IN SPORT. First Team Second Team Stuart,'15.......L.F. ...Weeks, '14E Corey,'14L........ R.F. ..... Spring,'13 Brush,'14E........ C. .... Warner,'16 Paterson,'14E.....R.G. ... Tower,'14L Marsh,'15...... ... L.G. .. Fletcher,'14E In announcing the selection of the first two basketball fives, which in the opinion of The Michigan Daily sport staff embraces the 10 men whose in- dividual play has in its quality stood out from the play of their team-mates, full realization is acknowledged that this choice may not be unanimous. Some not represented -in this selec- tion might have won places had their' teams not dropped from the competi- tion in the first game. A wealth of forward material was disclosed in the series, making a choice of only four men for the all- star notice, a difficulttask. Stuart and Corey surpassed all other for- wards in accuracy of basket tossing, seldom missing a fair throw, and cag- ing many under close covering. Weeks started out the season with a burst of speed that bid fair to place him on the first five, but lost the choice because of slowing up in the later games of the season. Spring although partici- pating in but one match, demonstrated enough ability to be picked for the second quintet. Thienes deserves hon- orable mention. Easily downing all opposition from rival centers, Brush beyond doubt is the logical man for the pivot position. The only center in the series that ap- proached him in class was Warner who was picked on the showing made in his only game. The four guards given mention are on a par when ability to interfere with the making of baskets is considered but the scoring prowess of Paterson and Marsh makes them of particular value to a team. Tower and Fletcher are mentioned for their guarding work alone. Basketball during the past interclass series is said to have aroused enough general interest to support a Varsity team, meeting with representative fiv- es from other universities. If inter- collegiate relations should be resum- ed either of the two selected teams would ably uphold the honor of the university in clashes with outside in- stitutions. PAUL BLANSHARD TO SPEAK IN STATE PEACE CONTEST. Paul B. Blanshard, '13, will repre- sent Michigan against the orators of M. A. C., Olivet, Hillsdale, Albion, and Ypsilanti, Friday evening in the state Peace contest at Ypsilanti. The winner of this contest 'will speak at the western Interstate Peace contest at St. Louis, Mo., in May; and the winner of the semi-final competi- tion will enter the competition next month. A large delegation is planning to at- tend the contest, and special reserva- tions will be made for the Michiganj supporters for the general admission, of 15 cents, BADGER JOINS *WOLVERINE IN HARMONY FS Michigan Glee and Mandolin Clubs 1Will ,Join IWVisconsin Orgaization For Concert, LAST PUBLIC APPEARANCE TOGE THER WAS HELD IN 1908 Arrinigerments for Long Western Trip lhAaIe Been Practically Completed. Returning from their 5,000 mile trip to the Pacific coast, the University of Michigan Glee and Mandolin clubs will stop over in Madison, Wis., April 15, for a joint concert with the musical clubs of the University of Wisconsin. The affair will be the first combined appearance of clubs representing the two institutions in five years. The Madison concert will be given in Latlirop hall, a university building witi ia seating capacity of 600. When the Wisconsin and Michigan clubs played together the last time, in 1908, the concert took place in Milwaukee. According to information received from Madison by the local manage- ment, the idea of a joint concert has met with favorable comment at Wis- consin and it is expected that a capac- ity audience will welcome the Wolver- ine musicians. During the day in the Badger capi- tol, the members of the Michigan mu- sical clubs will be entertained at fra- ternity houses. The return to Ann Ar- bor will be made the next day. Arrangements for the long west- ern trip have been practically com- pleted by Manager Malcolm McCor- mick. Advertising matter has been forwarded to all the 12 towns where stops will be made, and reports from the west indicate that the Michigan men will play before large crowds at every appearance. REGENTS DESIRE TO BUILD"...TRACK Boardi Asks Permission of Council to Construct Spur to Cat Hole. TO BUILD ON RIGHT OF WAY. Permission to build a spur track from the Michigan Central railroad near School Girl's Glen to the cat hole, south of Washington street, has been asked of the city council by the board of regents and the St. Joseph sanita- rium. The petition was referred Tues- day night to the street railway and sewer committees. The new track is proposed to serve the new university power house, the new store house and the proposed power house of the sanitarium, whick is to be located east of observatory hill overlooking the Michigan Central tracks. The petition asks for the building of a new sewer from the cat hole across Huron street to Glen av- enue and Catherine street The proposed siding is to start from the Michigan Central tracks just west of the first bridge over the Huron iiv- er east of Ann Arbor. Storage tracks are contemplated for loaded and emp- ty cars on and alongside the Michigan Central right-of-way, from which sid- ing one spar track will extend. To construct the tracks it will be necessary to vacate the road now known as School Girl's Glen, for a (Continued on page 3.) PROF. TOMBO WILL LECTURE ON "HIGHER EDUCATION." "Higher Education in Germany and in the United States" will be the sub- ject of an illustrated lecture to be given in English this evening at 8:00 o'clock in the High School hall by Prof. Rudolph Tombo of Golumbia. The tickets, which cost but 25 cents, will also admit to the lecture on "Par- sifal" to be given by Prof. Tombo to- ed tan heavyweight champion its out Cyriterus, (392-438 B. C. ad potamian hope, in ten rounds a July 4, 429 B. C." declared F as Jack, as the crowd dispersed. knocked ,) Meso- at Creno, Railroad