-THE MIICHIGANI DAILY. 19 I Suilts Things Different Baft r--Ponnants--Pilows I CHARLES HI. BUNNELL Hats Men's Clothes AT JUST 1/2 PRICE ur entire line of STEIN BLOCKH Suits and on display and would be pleased to show you s prices $j18.00 to $35.00. i BRITISH WOOLENS, $55.00 AND) UPWARD To close out and make more room for Photographic Work. 69 West Fort Street Detroit 0 1I Absolutely everything at % the regiular price tintil all sold- Over 500ofnow Nut they woi't last long. ad stiff. $3.00 Jimiti, Apfel & Cmpany"' i I I . - -,. OVER 100 TICKETS ARE 'SOLD FOR ANNUAL WOMEN'S BAN(JUET More than 100 of the 400 tickets pilaced on sale 'for the women's banquet this week have been disposed of at the tables in the general' library and U~ni- versity hall. The committee in charge states that this early sale has exceed- ed its expectations and probably all the admission cards will be gone by next 'week. No reservation of tickets is being; made. FACUJLTY RECOMMENDS FOUR GRADUA TES FOR LAW DEGREES At a meeting of the law faculty yes- terday, the names of four graduates, who finished their collegiate work last semester were recommended to the board of regents'as eligibly for LL.B degrees. They are as follows : M. E. Haggerty, 1. R. Kistner, H. D. Souter and V. L. Mansfieldl: Action on _these names will probably be taken at the next meeting of the board. IMAJEST1IC UNIVERSITY NO'TICES. Glee club practices at Union Monday at 7:00 o'clock. WIFE 01F GOVERNOR BHELPS RECEIVE AT ALUM)1NAE AFFAIR. Mrs. Woodbridge N. Ferris, wife of Governor Ferris, with Mrs Harry B. Hutchins, received at the Annual Col- legiate alumnae reception given to sen- ior women, at Mrs. Hutchins' home yesterday afternoon. This annual tea is given by the Collegiate Alumnae to serve as an introduction for the sen- ior women to the alumnae association. Mrs. Ferrris has been the guest of' Mrs. W. D. Henderson since Thursday. She will leave tomorrow morning for her home in Grand Rapids. L Y Founta in ia PenH 'P We Repair Your; Pens WHILE YOU WAIT ANY MAKE We a/so sell any make 1 1. 1.. G 4 I SCHEED 340 S. !State St. I I I Who Does the Best Kodak Fiu'ishing ? e Easter Clothes We can show you. Bring iu your film. Films dqe-. veloped 10c per roll. Prints 3c lip. I I324 So. State Streetj TUTTLE' S WeF carry the very. best Ready-to- ll ON STATE -STREET We Serve Hot Lunches A Vaadevil le MON., TUESI, WED. Engagement of ORE AT Suicliffe Troupe. Scottish Pipers, Singers, Dancers, Acrobats In a Sensational Exhibition of Skill Music De Luxe Reed St. John& Co. "Colonial Pastimes"' 1Al 1842 BITTER SWEETS Get Your Eater Hat AT Wear Clothes for Men and Young Men, Prices, $15.00 to $30.00 A Strictly Modern Offering of Candy Favorites in Old Style. Calkins' Pharmacy,7 324 So. STATE St. WADHAMS -, COMPANY WEAR See Ouri indlows. 121.123 '-.-.Main St. I I for displays of the newest creations Imperial Four-in-Hands and Bow a new assortment of Silk Hose in terns. & Company, 342 S. State Street Maynard Street ass froum Majestic, iRew (abitne beatr I Beautiful Scenery, Costumes, Etc. I I WALTER BROWNE Monologue Comedian Comedians and Singers Pistol and Cushing "Stranded Minstrels " Go, Beach Comedy Co, In the Comic Skit "FUN IN A SCHOOL ROOM" Path. Weekly Moving Pictures Current Events. 1,Beginning Tomorrow E-NTIRE WEEK Prices:, Evenings 25c, X563 1 400 best '0;1 seats Boxes 75c g aily on lower floor, 25c' Matinees. Matinee at 2:15; Evening at 8:15, DELIGHTED and THRILLED New York's Gay Social Set for ONE SOLID YEAR at Daniel -Frohman 's Lyceum and Bijou Theatres Paul J Ra3' MUSICG From rR.OM MONTMARTRE IRIE MARY MUSIC Sr..JMer. 26 1913 ,at 8:30 P.M. African t I I IIComing Next Thursday I I Starting at I t ~Telephone 716r CLOCKS and you will get to your classes on time ht and all clocks guaranteed. New location. 111 EAST WASHINGTON STREET L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler THURSDAY MATINEE9 JO-LLY WILD CO. i"Overnight in Boston' All Shows Now Open Each Week on Monday Night and Thursday Matinee. MATINEES Thur., 'SriSat. 3 fP, M, BL : tiful Educational Sensational Wonderful ta vel Scelles from London to British East African jungles and deserts with the young millionaire and his big party of ex- plorers and sportsmen. 'THE MOST MARVRLOUS MOTION PICTURES EVE R SHOWN ."--N T4zYork World. W'ith Graphic Descriptive Lecture by W. W. KIRBY, V. C., Direct from New York Presentation. "Some as thrilling as a gladiatorial combat in Ancient Rome; soime as soft andc lovely as a land- scape by an-old master. Magnificent. "-LONDON FREE PRE SS. "So entirely n-ew, s- ah olutely different; charm and delight beyond words DON ADVERTISER. Art Store id Framing Reasonable Prices Prompt Service and Good Workmanship. TWEILVE FOUR FOUR FOUR~ TH1REE MVonths in New York Boston Chicago San Francisco Philadelphia REAR Mr. Kirby's Delightful Talk on Equa-. torial Africa. to 'express.'"'-LoN- The Beautiful Country traversed; the animals at the Nvattr = hole; the thrilling chase of Pon and cheetah. SEE J "A L WHILE THEY LAST 6GOOD LOOSE LEAF BINDERS WITH FILLER FOR I Sc EACH versityPI 3 Toilet Articles harmaoy, Candis COULDING &,,WIKEL Proprietor 121!9 South University Ice Cream sodas Shaving