THE MICHIGAN pAILY ! ae of Spring Wooen Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, .D CO. 311~ S. State.Street NNIS MAWAM eseason will soon be here. Have your Racket ready for Bring it in now and let us re-string it. We guaran- all our work. Do not delay but do it now. EEHAN(~ C~Bookstore TIHE MICIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of ,Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, r879.. Offices : Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor-i to 3 p. in.; 7 to 1o p. m. Business Manager-r' to 3 p. m. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press, Building; Quarry's, Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; Davis and Kmonald's Confectionery Store. 'Phone: Bell, 96o. Frank Pennell.............. Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard........... Business Manager Maurice Toulme ......... ......News Editor C. Ilarold Hippler ...........Assistant Karl Matthews.........Athletic Editor G. C. Eldredge Y . .. ..Assistant John Townley ............. Music and Drama Harold B. Abbott...... .........Cartoonist EDITORIALS Harold G. McGee Louis P. Haller Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers R. E mmett Taylor Edwin R. Thurston Robert Lane NIGHT EDITORS 1I. Beach Carpenter XFred B. Foulk Morton R. Hlunter Morris Milligan Bruce J. Miles Lester F. Rosenbaum David D. Hunting REPORTERS Leonard M. Rieser J. Selig Yellen Leo Burnett Fenn H. Hossick F. M. Ch urch Carlton Jenks "Charles S. Johnson C. H. Lang Bernus E. Kline Will Shafroth Y. F. Jabin Hisu Id. C. Rummel F. F. McKinney W. R. Melton R. E. Cunningham BUSINESS STAFF A. R. Johnson, Jr...Advertising Manager ESmerson R. Smith.........Accountant Harry E- Johnson.....Circulation Manager Sherwood Field, John Leonard SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1913. IL UNITARIAN CHURCH State cor. Huron, R. S. LORING, Minister MORNING SERVICE AT 10:30 i Young Peoples' Society at ? Subject: Travelling in the Steerage With the Emigrants. r Subject: The Modern Faith in Man. Speaker Mr. Leo Bruder Athletic Goods THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN Base Ball Tennis Track Supplie Racket Re-stringing a Specialty W AUniversity Bookstores S are Ire ado with that ry that brings desire-desire to have clothes Mke yours do. erie Liberty Street hied) able travesty, and the George Beach Comedy company, in a "school" act. Next Thursday the Jolly and Wild company of 25 musical comedy f a- vorites will appear. Union D)ance 'Pickets Hlave Poor Sale. For the first time this winter, all of the tickets for the Union }dance last night were not sold, about 25, tickets remaining. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ladd acted as chaperones,. ADS IN TIS COLUMN ARE TO BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. WANTED. jIpatinuni S*Asdto 319 E. Hu row St. I'horn. 9616 Preferred by discriminating, people for exquisite and enduring beauty of ton~e, for absolute integrity of workmanship, for undoubted reliability. m ry a Vicetrola In Your Frat House Nohing to equal itfor entertainment. Largest stock of records In the city. 01 7opyrig DANCE. New term beginning now. Assemblies every WEDNESDAY DAY evening. Rent the Academ~y for your next party. Rates very reason- formation call at academy or phone 246. Office Hlours: 10 to 12 AM., 2 to 4 P.M. Our Optical System is equipped to give the best service. We test eyes No "Drops" Used. We make your Nioght Editor -Leo N. Blurnett. UPSETTING THE DOPE. With all due respect to the eastern sport writer who concedes third place to Michigan in the Eastern Collegiate this year, we predict a revision of his figures. Reason, the remarkable vic- tory of the Wolverines over the Syra- cuse Orangemen last night, as com- plete a vindication of the. defeats ad- ministered to Michigan in past years on the home track of the Orange, as it is a criterion of the material of our 1913 team. And then -to add to the size of the feather for ur cap is the walk-away of the Fresh over the Mich- igan Aggies, all of which furnishes a worthy clue to the reluctance' of Ohio State to relinquish Steve Farrell to Michigan. Now for Cornell, and then for the big meet out East. We maintain that the first place in the latter is as much ours, on paper, as it is the other fel- low's. Certainly, prospects never look- ed any prighter for an unblotted sea- son. HI. L. Switzer Co., 310 S. State St. tf Slat -Oa Agecy D)on't buy new razor blades until you have to. Bring your dull blades to us and we, will put them in better condi- tion than new ones. Our electric au- tomatic grinder will put a keen edge on airy blade. Arnold & Co. 320 S. MAIN rJewelry CO. South Mate Street Phone 53H Wanted-Agentts to canvass city. Also road agents. $25.00 per week. Phone 1792-L or apply at 815 S. State St., evenings. 115-116 Wanted-How's your French? If you desire help from superior teacher and French conversation at table of good home cooking call at 407 East University. 116 FOR SALE. For Sale-Residence, 326 Ingalls St, north. Suitable for sorority or frater- nity. In quire at house 1009 Corn-' wvell Place. 114-119 For Sale-Must sell boat house and all equipment on account of ill health. Good bargain. Call Paul G. Tess- mner. 116-21 24 post cards for $1.00. White's stu- dio, 110 E. Huron. Open Sundays. 116-17-18-19 The best guitar or mandolin for you to buy is made by the world's famned Martin factory. See and try these beautiful instruments at Schaeberle and Son's Music House. tf The regular March class in short- hand and typewriting 'will begin Mon- day, March 17. For full, particulars call at the School of Shorthand, 711 N. University Ave. '110-116 Try our chocolate sodas and bitter- sweet sundaes. University Pharmacy. tf Open every evening until 9:30. Sun- days from 9:30 to 12:30, 1:30 to 3:30 only. Lyndon's kodaks, films, flash- lights. 719 N. University. Sun&Fri II Grinnell Bros., 120-122 E. Liberty St. BU SINESS D I RECTOIkYI BOARIIDNG HOUSES REAL ESTATE AND INSURAN~CE RESTAURANT. GAUNTL~ETT AND SELLMAN 331 South Maim S. .,Real Estate, Fire, Health and Reguar Dnner25cCasualty Insurance Lunches. Home-made Pies. I Chicken Dinner every Sunday. 110 E. Huron St. Phone 180-L. CAMPUS CAFE WARREN AG~ENCY Why not board at a real Boarding 206 National Bank Bldg. Phone 303. House? Special Bargains in desirable places Meals like those at home, for sale or rent. Come to 911 N.' University" and be Life, Accident andI Fire Insurance. We convinced. solicit correspondence or calls. The An Arbr Savngs BnI UD. CARR The nn rborSavngs ankReal Estate Ageii Capital Stock $300,000 Suplus $ IC0,000 17 Savings Bank Block.. Phone 441. Resourses $3,000,000 General Banking B3nsineas Tram .acted Officersi Chas. E. Hiscockc, Pres., W. D. Hrr- Specialty-residence property, houses man. Vice-Pres. M, 1. Fritz. Cashicr. for sororities and fraternities. kI GREATER THAN, EVER MayFesiva Four Days--n-Five Concerts..-HiII Auditorium Rappold, Schumann- Reserved Seat Sale begins Heink, Hinkle.. Wirthlin, Saturday, Mar. 8, 8 A. M. Murphy Amato, G r i m University School of Music y wold; Scott. First Choice, $3.50 University Choral Union Announcements will be sent Children's Chorus to any of your out - of - town Thoman Orchestra friends if you will send their names to the office. An All Star Cast CHARLES A. SINK, Sec. MUSIC AND DRAMA. ;es of Fuaiui pens.= Jewelry Repairing. Fine Watch and 'EET AS ITSOUNDS ERVICE BETTER CANDY F HE SUGAR' BOWL' Best Confectionery. Ice cream soda de luxe. Candy of all 11. Junior members of the School of Music faculty will give a complimen-t r ei a t :0 oco k t m r o night in'High School hall. Louis Cogs- well, Jessie Dicken Reed, and Ada Grace Johnson, with Frances Hamil- ton, accompanist, will he in charge. The public is invited. T HEATRICAL CIRCLES. ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO EVERY ORDER NO MATTER HOW SMALL ON MAIN STREET' At the Majestic. The Majestic theater will present a high class vaudeville. program start- ing with the usual Monday night shows with matinees Tuesday and Wednes- day. 'The Sutcliffe. Troupe of Scotch singers, dancers, pipers, and acrobats, appeal' in a sensational exhibition. Pistol and Cushing appear in a laugh- CARDS-_ PROGRAMS -STATIONERY ING PY'I'WRITE SAMPES GR[GORY MAY[R & THOM C. DETROIT. MICH' The Farmers and Mechanics Bank 101-103-105 South Main Street c~pitaI $100,000. Surplus and Prpflts $61,000 enan- eican 3jvIn RI~ ARROW SHITS Them makers depend on their good qual- ities to sell you another bearing the same label. THE BEST JOHNSON'S CHOCOLATES THUE SEPREY Liberty and Main Sts. A Mast Convenient Place for- Banking Your U S Y B ER,- CHOCOLATE SODA OUR SPECIALTY DlROP IN AND TRY IT of dressing well lies in the little details that impart a note of distinction and smart- ness. The man who wears our clothes stands apart from the crowd. Our stock of Spring Suitings is now complete. All garments made in our owns shops. Banquets and Club are served in best of style at Dinners ,8'54 UP MACK'S N i TEA ROOM, Cluett, Peabody & Company. Makers LES Announcement1 DETROIT UNITED LINES hop # WGNER & CO. Also dinners,lun~hes and refreshments' Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.- -Saturdays till 9 p.m. Orchestra Saturdays4- -Noon and Evening SECOND FLOOR Mack.,& Co. Suit early and get first choice. Woolens of the coming. Season are Anrn Arbor Time Table Tailors-Motte Street Limited Care for Detrit--7:12 a., m. and %hourly to 6:12 p. mn., also 8:12 p. mn. Local Care for Detwoit--5;40 a. mn., 8:40 a. mn., and every two hours to 6;40 p. in., 7:40 p.., 8:40 p. in., 9:45 p. in., and 10:45 p.,im ToYpsilanti only. 11:15 p. mi., 12:15 p. m. 12:30 p. m., 1:00a. im, MAIN S°TR] is' [I