THE 'LCHIG AN DAILY ______________________________________________f Putting your money into a suit made to your order is like putting it in the bank, for smart clothes of fine quality are a real asset. They make you look better and add to your confidence. Wilt you spend just ten minutes with us to-. m-3rrow in going over the wonderful assortment of spring fab,-I s. You need not think of placing an order, but do have 'a look. See what a fair expenditure will secure in the way of a "made as you want it suit." FRATERNITY JEWELERS AND) STATIONIERS J ewelers, Stationiers, Opticians and Fraternity .fewelers 207-211 'A OOD WA1RD AVENUE, DETROIT i4ERMAN ILAY ENS TO APPE AR IIIATlE IN RETURN EN GE )E111"NT 1" mmq NEW- WHITNEY. THEATRE hentire week, Bleginning MONDAY NEXT, Matinee Daily at 2:15 400 Seats on Lower Floor, 25c Every Evening at 8:15 - 25c, 35c, 50c RETURN ENG.AGFMENT of the Alarvelons :Motion Pictures which cre- ated such, a delightful impression here last December. PAUL I RAINEY'S Afrsica'n Hunt WVith interesting I~escriptive talk rby WV. W. KLIRB3Y, V. C. D~irect from New York Presentation. This wonderful series of TRAVEL .PIC- TURR.S has thrilled and charuned patrons of the first class theatres wherever pre- sented throughout the country. I There's a Reason Why You Should Eat at Painter's RESTAURANT, I I STUDENTS be Produced on Aporil 1 al WliitiAley 'Theatr~e. wIVillI will be held this afternoon at 3 :00 o'clock from the f'amily residence at 347 MlainL street. The services are to be private, and the burial will be in Forest 11111 cemetery. RIVAL COA( CS VREI)WT"r (LOSE MREET )rNIGHT.~ (Continued fromi page 1.) K~eane's figurine that his team would 709 North University Ave, 112 W. Huron St. SI[RTS TO ()UJRiEf The com-pany of Munich Folk-play- ers which produced "Deer G'wvissen- w urm" here last fall under the auspic- es of tile German faculty, will play a JK. Malcolm 604 East Liberty Malcolm Block GREATER' THAN EVER I. ayn Festival our Days- --Five Concerts---Hill Auditorium appold, Schumann-' Reserved Seat Sale begins ak, Hinkle, Wirthlin,I Saturday, Mar. 8, 8 A. M. phy Amato, rI S- University School of Music d, Scott. Firs4t Choice, $3.50 return engagement on Tuesday even- win a first in one hurdle and a sec( ing, April 1, at the Whitney Theatre, in the other, may be upset by under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Michigan man copping both. Stadtverband. They will play "Alinen- 'T'rainer Farrell took the Michi rausch und Edelweis," a five act cone- athletes to the Syracuse gym this edy by Ludwig Ganghofer. Music by ternoon, and gave them a quarter zither players and folk dances, will a ort etottePcla fill the intermissions. The company contains 15 players, of the corners. Capt. Hlaff and II~ andl the leading part will be played by baugh, were very careful in tl Miss Cence Krueger, who, since its workout and should he helped im arrival in the United States two years rially by the advantage offered ago, has been playing at the Irving practice the turns. The Michigan Place Theater in New York. ; lay men spent sonme -time on the tr Leaving Ann Arbor, the company as their event calls for two laps will proceed at once to New York,! the man. whence they° will sail to fulfill theirI Changes in the programr oft summer engagement at the Theater am year's meet from those of the pree Giaertnerplatz in Munich. in.- year are the addition of thet ---__ _______ hurdles, and the counting of the T'Ileida Georg to be Buried today. lay points. Firsts and seconds only The funeral of Thuleida Georg, '10, scored, and only first in the relay. coed the [igan 5af 'r of Ities I Ann Arbor Dye Wlorks French Dry and Steam Cleaning Bell 628 204 E. Washington St. L. R. Wahl. Manager IRegular Meals 25c Commutation Tickets Good in Both Places If You Don't CGbt Enough Say !So CARRICK THEATRE D E T ROIT Philip Bartholomle's Musical Comedy, "WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE" With Joseph Santley j t ain- heir ate- S to ire- as to this :ced- low re- aE University Choral Union Children's Chorus Thoman Orchestra An All Star Cast Announcements will be sent to any of your out -of -town friends if you will send their names to the office. CHARLES A. SINK, Sec. special Rexall Week, March I7 to 22 All over the United States, Catnada, and England, six thousandl llexall agents are united to promnote the Rexall Policy of Better Goods, Better Prices and Better Satisfied Customers. Rexall truly signifies Highest Possible Qduality at Lowest Possible [Prices. R'texall Week will be specially observed with bargains in Rexall IWemedies, Stationery, Rubber Goods, and Candy. The People Stoip at I. C. £DSILL16.Pr'oprletor- 32Z Sr. Male.s treet Preacr1lptlerIL Spaclmejlsts - . I « r I B3Y TH E ~IL URE 5HOE . Go PA Y SFormeriy WM'U PU PlJ R I F=LDq Incorporated $56.00 Shoes for Men and Women -m -3.95 $5.00 Shoes for Men and Women -n- - 2.95 $4.50 Shoes for Men and Women mm IM95 M~f'S AD WME'SOXRD - X2.95 -$1.95 Last Season's Oxfords ust Go. hile theylastwe will sell them at 9%0 119 OllT 'GEET -- --- - dl 4 Spring IIat&s Your Spring Ht will be right if it is chosen .f AK here. faces,. Stiff hats in a variety of proportions for different heads and Irk, Soft hats in all the correct shapes and colorings. $2 and $3. FRED W. GRZOSS, 123 E. Liberty