I OCAL $1.50 MAIL $2.00 The Michigan Daly OCAL $1. 0 II $2.00 ---- - No. 115 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS RIVAL COACHES PREDICT CLOSE MEETTONIGHT Syracuse Coach and Trainer of Wol- verine hopes Think Narrow Margin Will Settle the lleet. ORANGEMEN EXPECT BOWSER TO DEFEAT HAFF IN QUARTER Low Hurdles Added This Year and Points Allowed For Relay. (Special to The Michigan Daily.) SYRACUSE, N. Y., March 14.-That the conflict between the Syracuse and Michigan track teams will be settled by a narrow margin is assented to by- the rival trainers in ante-bellum state- ments. Tom Keane, the Syracuse track coach,is not in an excellent frame of mind, be causein the best way he is able to figure the results, the orange would only lead by one point. Train- er Farrell of the Wolverines Is con- fident of victory, but acknowledges that his squad will be fortunate to bet- ter the efforts of their antagonists by more than eight points. On the face of the two statements it would appear as if Michigan were the favorite, as Keane has figured an or- angeman to win in events where close followers of track dope will not ac- cede this as probable. Bowser, the colored runner, has made fast time in the quarter mile in the earlier indoor meets, but he will have to break rec- ords if he snatches a first from Haff of Michigan, not omitting to discount the strangeness of the track turns to the visiting flier. It is also a matter of strong doubt if Syracuse has a man that can win the pole vault, as two Yichigan vaulters are reported to be clearing over eleven feet. This event % as won at 10 feet, six inches, last year, and there is no Syracusian cap- able of going much higher than this, that will be eligible for competition. With Craig in shape for Michigan, (Continued on page 4.) ORDERS' OUTDOOR PRACTITCE TODAY Given a fair chance by the weather provider, Coach Rickey will lead the diamond men out to the fair grounds for the first outdoor workout of the year this afternoon at 1:00 o'clock. All baseball candidates without re- gard to the cuts in the gym are re- quested to turn out for the open air practice. If rain should interfere with the carefully laid plans of the coach, the regular outfielders and infielders are to report at the gym at 1:00 o'clock, and the picked battery men at 1:30. In the case of the rain falling during the night and wetting the grounds so; that the holding of practice is doubt- ful, the candidates should call at the gym or the athletic office for the cor- rect information. Attendance at the first outdoor meet- ing will -be considered important by the coach in judgment of candidates,1 and all who have any intentions of trying for the team are warned to at- tend to this notice. Remove Seats From Law Corridors. - Corridors of the law building have at last been freed from the discarded seats which have been occupying such1 an obnoxious place in the passage ways since they were removed from1 the library. [ THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Saturday, cold wave. University Observatory-Friday,? :00 p. m., temperature 54.5; maximum temperature 24 hours preceding, 68.0; minimum temperature, 24 hours pre- ceding 35.8; wind velocity 11 miles per hour. Hunt and Edison Win Card Prizes. H. W. Hunt, '13E, and L. W. Edison, '16E, carried off the two prizes at the informal Friday evening card party at the Union last nigtht. About 15 members took advantage of the "get together," which is somewhat of a fall- ing off, inasmuch as from 30 to 40 have been out in past weeks. SPREPAREPLANS TOENTERTAIN PEDAGOGUDES M.AIC. ALL FRESH RESULT IN DOUBT SLIPS TO BE GIVEN FOR OPERA TICKETS Lack of Daita For Comparison is Reason For Inability to Predict Score. the I Union Members Required to Identification Coupons Tody, y Obtain HERE. Noted Scientists Obtained to Before State Educators, Who Will Meet Here April 2 to 4. Speak ANNOUNCE RESULTS FROM EAST. Because of the lack of data on which to base a comparison of the relative strengths of the M. A. C. Varsity and the Michigan All-Fresh teams, the out- come of their battle in Waterman gym tonight is absolutely in the dark as far as reliable predictions are con- cerned. The point winning power of the freshmen seems to lie in the middle | and distance events. C. B. Smith will be eligible to compete, and should al- lay all fears for the safety of the quar- ter mile. Uffer is in better condition than at the time of the fresh soph meet, so should be able to run away with the half, as the East Lansing men are weak in that distance. Lynch and Richards will attend to the young- ster's honor in the mile. No way of estimating the results of the dashes is available, as the two teams have practiced on straight- aways of differing lengths. M. A. C. supporters claim that in Beatty they have a hurdler who can best Arm- strong over the low sticks and press him hard in the high barrier event. Michigan freshmen are weak in the shot put,-with only two entries, while M. A. C. boasts that Blue can put the twelve pound weight over 45 feet. This would be sufficient distance to easily best the efforts of any of the local tal- ent. With Benny of of the All-Fresh ineligible, Loveland should have an easy time winning the high jump for M, A. C. The pole vault is liable to de- velop into a duel between Cross of the All-Fresh, and Loveland of M. A. C., with the victory a toss-up. All the freshman runners are train- ed to the minute, and while knowing nothing of the competition they will run up against tonight, have the feel- ing of confidence which is a strong aid to victory. The first event is call- ed for 7:30 o'clock. Reports from the Syracuse-Michigan meet will be received at the gym dur- ing the home struggle. MATERIAL SENT TO PRINTERS, AUTHOR BIOLOGISTS AND GEOLOGISTS TO REPORT ON THEIR LABORS Students May Attend Meetings Free by Obtaining Admittance Cards at Registrar's Office. Plans for the coming meet- ing of the Michigan Academy of Science and the School- masters club are rapidly nearing com- pletion, and when some 1,200 teachers of the state gather here on April 2, 3, and 4, men with national reputations will entertain them with lectures and reports of their investigations. The scientists will assemble in the lecture room of the museum for their initial meeting on the afternoon of April 2. Matters of general interest will be discussed and reports of work done by the state biological and geolog ical survey will be read. Dean V. C. Vaughan and Dr. A. F. Schull will each read a paper on eu- genics. In the evening Prof. C. J. Chamberlain, of Chicago, will lecture in the physics laboratory on the expe- dition he recently made into Mexico. The biology section will have charge of the general meeting in University hall on Thursday morning and will' discuss the different phases of their work before the whole organization. On Thursday and Friday afternoon the two organizations will hold 16 conferences in order that they may meet in smaller groups and discuss with one another the recent develop- ments in the particular field in which they are interested. Thursday evening Prof. Dayton C. Miller of the Case School of Applied Science will give a lecture on "Sound Waves." Prof. Mil- ler has constructed a considerable amount of elaborate apparatus for giving actual demonstrations, and will bring with him a gold flute which he will use to produce different sound wives. The final meeting of the scientists, which will be devoted entirely to bus- iness, will be held Friday morning. In the evening Mr. Moore, editor of. "The Nation" will give a lecture on "The Paradox of Oxford, England." Most of these meeting will not be open to the general public but stu- dents will be admitted free on the pre- sentation of a card which can be ob- tained in the registrar's office. Tickets admitting the bearers to all the lec- tures and conferences will be sold for one dollar. OF "CULTURE" Slips will be given out to members of the Union today from 9:00 o'clock until 5:00 o'clock at the desk in the lobby. These will entitle the holder to purchase six tickets for any one performance of the opera, when the advance sale for Union members opens Friday, March 21. T'his new system was adopted to pre- vent a monopolization of the ticket sale so that one nnay secure only six seats for any single performance, al- though if he possesses enough slips he may buy as high as six seats for each one of the five presentations. Previously members could collect a number of these slips and thus secure a large block of the most desirable seats. All Union members are urged to take advantage of the opportunity of getting these slips today. The principals and chorus have learned practically all of the songs and are perfecting them at the present rehearsals, for the general meetings of1 the whole cast which- Director Bert St. John is planning to start early next week.The speaking parts in both acts have already been rehearsed and work along this line will consist main- ly in training the men for their-partic- ular places in the production. Roy D. Welch, '09, author of "Mich- igenda" and "Culture,"the first two Un- ion operas was present at the rehears- al last night and gave the members of the cast a short talk, urging them to put every effort into making this year's show the "best ever." Mr. Welch is claimed to be the pioneer in the Union opera activities. The entire cast, as well as the or- chestra and the six members of the dancing sextette will rehearse this morning at 8:30 o'clock. The time is set so that- those who desire may get away in tiee to leave for Detroit at 11:12 o'clock. SPE AKERS FAIL TO APPEAR fudge Kuhn and Prof. Bogle are Una- ble to Attend Junior Law Banquet. Judge Franz C. Kuhn, of Mt. Clem- ens and Prof. T. A. Bogle of the law department, who were to speak at the junior law banquet last night, were unable to attend. Judge Kuhn was detained by business, while Prof. Bo- gle was so seriously affected by eye trouble that he was unable to attend. Prof. Evans Holbrook, speaker of the evening, talked upon the confer- ence question. He dealt with the question from the point of formation up to the present situation stating the dvantages and disadvantages of returning to the conference. Prof. Holbrook did not argue for either side but merely stated the facts as they exist today. Daily Wins First Lawsuit. Judgment was given The Michigan Daily in its suit against E. R. Frost, local shoeman, to recover $61.65, an amount due for unpaid advertising. Wisconsin Dean Pays Short Visit. Dean E. A. Birge of the University of Wisconsin visited Ann Arbor a short time yesterday on his way back from an eastern trip. Graduate Club Dances in Barbour Gym The graduate club entertained in Barbour gymnasium last evening with a short program. The latter part of the evening was passed in dancing. Light refreshments were served. Third PROFS. GARGOYLE OUT ,l SOON Faculty Number ofHumnorous I aga- zinc is in Hands of Printer ! Now, and Will Appear"Nex":t e. Material for the "Profs." number of the Gargoyle is in the hands of the printer now, and will go on sale early next week. The faculty will be treat- ed from every standpoint and the ar- raignment will be merciless. The cov- er, designed by A. D. honey, '15E, pic- tures one of the race of "the superior beings" poring over a large sized tome. The inside double page is the work of E. S. Everett, '14, and shows what the faculty would resem- ble if they symbolized the subjects they teach. Among the other features will be a rare extract from Thie Michi- gan Daily, ORATO'RS SCORE DIG SUCCEO S IN"THEFN Annual Production of Oratorical Association Takes Well With Big Crowd. "Copy" For Annual Publication Been Turned in and Shipped to Engravers. the Has All material for the 1913 Michiganen- sian has been handed in, and with the exception of a few minor selections, has been shipped to the printers and engravers. As the book is to appear about the first of May, the publishers have a month and a half in which to complete their part of the work. In commenting upon the art work which will make up part of the vol- ume, Managing Editor Stanley New- hall said yesterday, "The standard of the drawings submitted this year is much higher than that of any year since I have been connected with the publication. This is due, in part, to the prizes that were offered for the first time. Several drawings of each illustration have been handed in and all have been of a high grade." Junior Engineers Dance at Union. Seventy-five junior engineers attend- ed a pre-St. Patrick's Day dance at the Union last evening. The affair was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs Frank R. Finch. Hawaian Alumni Hold Banquet. Michigan alumni in the Hawaiin Isl- ands to the number of 50 recently gave a diner at the Mochizuki club in Wai- kiki beach, Honolulu. WCENES ARE LAID IN SUNNY LITTLE ITALIAN VILLAGE. C. C. Harbison, '13, and 31ildred Guil- ford, '13, Show Especially Well in Their Parts. A peaceful street, in a sunny little Italian village, formed the background for a remarkably successful bresenta- tion of Goldini's comedy, "T1rh(' Fan" by the oratorical association in Uni- versity Hall last night. The bare stage had been transformed into a garden of roses and greens and the quaint and charming costumes of the gayly clad senoritas looked as if they belonged there. C. C. Harbison, '13, as the gallant and accommodating Count of Rocca Marina was admirable, and kept the audience lauging whenever he was on the stage. Mildred Guilford, '13, play- ed remarkably well the part of the hot- tempered, sharp-tongued, but lovable Giannina, who is the "cause of all the trouble." Evaristo, the handsome young hero, was well, acted by Charles M. Anderson, '15, and Candida, the ob- ject of hs affections, was ably present- ed by Amanda Strom, '13. Coronato and Crispino the rivals for the hand of Giannina, were engaged in inter- esting, and in the case of Crespino, sucessful intrigue and conspiracy, in the persons of W. Ray Melton, '13, as the defeated, and E. Mark Wisdom, '13, as the victorious, lover. Gertrude, Candida's aunt, and the peacemaker for the melancholy lovers, was played with great merit by Madeline Bird, '13. Baron Del Cedro, the disappointed suitor for the hand of Candida was well acted by D. C. Johnson, '14L. The minor parts were well handled by J. J. Reighard, '12, Gladys I. Stowell, '13, Arleon E. Spellman, '15, Elsie Seitz, '14, Gaylord H. Chizum, '14, and Will Shafroth, '14. The production was in charge of Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, the scenery properties and costumes were under the directions of J. J. Reighard, E. Mark Wisdom and Madeline Bird, res- pectively and the programs and pub- licity were taken care of by Will Shaf- roth and W. W. Schroeder, '14. The music was directed by T. E. H. Black, '12-'14L, a seven piece orchestra offi- ciating. The unanimous verdict of the unus- ually large audience seemed to be that the play was a success from every point of view. ORDER OF COlF PICKS SIXTEEN NEW MEMBERS .( igal Honor Soeiety :akes Annual Spring Election Fron'Present Senior Law GRtADUATE LAW STUDENT IS SELECTED FOR FIRST TLfE. A. W. Noreop, '12L, is Elected to Me- btorsbip an Enrolled as '12l Member. Fifteen members of the senior law class and a graduate were elected yes- terday to membership in the Order of the Coif, the legal honor society, Al- bert William Norcop, '12L, although a graduate, is still in collego and will-be enrolled in the class of '12 of the Or- der. This is the first time in the his- tory of the local chapter that a gradu- ate has been selected. Of the number which were selected, ten have received A.B. degrees from this and other colleges,and one a Ph.B. degree from Yale. The selection was based on scholarship, character and personality. The men who have been chosen from the '13 class are: Charles Avery, A. B., Peter Balkema, A.B., George S. Bur- gess, A.B., James Cleary, George A. Cram, A.B., Morris Feldstein, Lowell P. Johnston, A.B., Francis M. Murphy, Robert L. Mayall, Wilson Mills, Ph.B., Samuel Morris, A.B., Frank A. Reid, A.B., Clarence l-i. Royon, A.B., Burke W. Shartel, A.B., Charles Anthony Wagner, A.B.. Death 'T'akes One of Five '56 Grads. Dr. E. M. Jenkins, '56M, one of the five remaining members of his class, died at his home in Addison, Michigan, this week. Dr. Jenkins' death leaves only four men now living out of 36 who were graduated from the university in the class of 1856. ALUMNI REUEST RETUNTOFOLD Letters from alumni of different classes which are published in the March issue of the Michigan Alumnus indicate a predominating sentiment in favor of an immediate return to the Conference. Various reasons are giv- en, the most important being that in recent years Michigan's athletics have but an inconspicuous place in Western affairs and that by returning to the Big Nine they would be revivified; also that alumni in the states across the Mississippi are entitled to witness Michigan games and that this opportu- nity should be given them. The Freer manuscripts of the Gos- pels, their discovery and republica- tion, is fully described, and their sig- nificance to the world discussed in an editorial. Half-tone illustrations de- pict a number of pages of the original manuscript. Considerable space is also given to a discussion of Founder's day, and its significance is explained in d'tail. The pamphlet recently published by the university urging the appropr.iation of funds for a new science building is re- printed. Short articles also appear dealing with the health of students, the Palm- er ward for children's diseases, the founder of the Cole fellowship in bot- any and the function of the Architect- ural school. Get Yours While They Contrari~e lary Souvenir Posters I NOW ON SAiL 1 5 Cents. Wa hr's State Street tre 1 4 d Union Members can secure slips at Union today from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m., for Tickets