THE MICHIGAN DAILY Line of Spring Woolens Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, 13WILD- CO. 3 11~ S. State Street ®, '.ENNIS The season will soon be here. Have your Racket ready for use. Bring it in now and let us re string it. We guaran- tee all our work. Do not delay but do it now. EEHAN .CO. Student SIREEIM"AI Btwksta:-e AFFINITY ILOR CLOTHES that are your INITY in PATTERN, style and Di eterle LOR Liberty Street (Copyrighted) TYPEWRITERS , OF ALL MAKES For Sale, S5.00up For Rent, - $2.00 up (3 uos. $5.oo), TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES Typew ritInga Shorthanaf for Jiverybddy 0. D. MORRILL (over Balti- more Lunch.) * Bell582,3 Call T axi.av 1550 :i On Call Day or Night. Auto and Baggage Livery. THE MICHIGAN DAILYI Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor- to 3 p. m.; 7 to io p. i.Business Manager- to 3 p. in. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; Davis and Konald's Confectionery Store. Phone: Bell, 96. Frank Pennell.. ......Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard........Business Manager Maurice Toulme...............News Editor C. H-arold Hippler ................Assistant Karl Matthews..............Athletic Editor G. C. Eldredge....................Assistant John Townley .............Music and Drama Maude Edwards...................Women Harold B. Abbott ................Cartoonist EDITORIALS Harold G. Mc Gee Louis P. Haler Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers R. Emmett Taylor Edwin R. Thurston Robert Lane NIGHT EDITORS H. Beach Carpenter Fred B. Foulk Bruce J. Miles Lester . Rosenbaum Morton R. Hunter LeMorris Milligan David D. unting REPORTERS Leonard M.Rieser . Selig Yellen Leo Burnett Penn H. Hossick F. M. Church Carlton Jenks Charles S. Johnson C. H. Lang Bernus EM Kline Will Shafroth Y. F. Jabin Hsu .C. Rum mel P. . McKinner W. R. Melton R. E. Cunningham BUSINESS STAFF A. R. Johnson, Jr.......Advertising Manager Emerson R. Smith...............Accountant Harry E. Johnson......Circulation Manager Sherwood Field John Leonard THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1913. Night Edtor-Bruce J. Miles. A TASK FOR THE CANOE CLUB. It is still a trifle early to consider canoeing but not too early to point out a way in which the newly formed Michigan Union Canoe club may be of service to that pastime once the season has opened. Scarcely a year goes by which does not record numerous accidents, nar- row escapes from drowning, and ac- tual drownings, due to the inadequate equipment of the vast majority of canoes in service on the riv- er. True, the disasters have not been confined to students, but the loss of life on the Huron last year, due to this type of craft should serve as a warning to the stu- dent body, since nearly everyone tak- ing work in the university gets out on the river at some time during the year. Although we know of no specific law governing the equipment of canoes, local regulation could be made possi- ble if the proper steps were taken. Thereare few canoes on the river pro- teted by air compartments, althuh in many jurisdictions, these are requir- ed. Cork cushions are practically un- heard of, though they can be used as effective life-preservers in times of emergency. Further, few canoes car- ry an extra paddle, despite the fact that they are inexpensive and take up but little room on the inside of the canoe. With the opening of the lake above the new power dam, canoe accidents are bound to show an increase this year. Every precaution should be tak- en 'to prevent the loss of life. It is not so serious a question with those who can swim, but to the hundreds of others who find pleasure in canoeing, the Huron is as dangerous in case of an up-set as a much larger stream would be. This matter of preventives provides a useful field for the Canoe 414 DETROIT CENTRAL ALUMNI MAY RAISE SCHOLARSHIPS. An increase in the amount now be- ing contributed towards the support of the twenty-five students who have received scholarships from the Detroit Central High School alumni associa- tion, was considered In the annual meeting of that body in Detroit Friday night. For twenty-five years the sum allowed each student has been un- changed, and there is . considerable sentiment among the members of the Association in favor of raising the ap- propriation to conform to the increase in the cost of living. The proposition will receive the attention of the cam- paign committee during the coming summer. University Hall is to be Left Intact. No action on plans regarding the demolition of University Hall for the construction of class rooms is con- templated. The hall will be left as it is at present to be used for small assem- bly purposes. MISSOURI VALLEY CLUB. TO MEET AT UNION TODAY. Men from Missouri, Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma, will gather at the Un- ion today for the first meet ing of the Missouri Valley club. Plans for this organization which will take into its membership men from four states of the Missouri Valley origi- nated with the Kansas club. At the last meeting of that body it was voted to merge their club into the larger one. As there are fully 250 students from these four states in the university, It is expected that the initial meeting will be a large pne. ILLUSTRATORS EXHIBIT ART . DESIGNS IN MEMORIAL HALL Original illustrations and cover de- signs of some of the popular maga- zines are now on exhibit on the upper floor of Memorial hall. The exhibit is the property of the Society of National Illustrators and has been temporarily loaned to the Ann Arbor Art associa- tion! More than 200 drawings, in gen- eral larger than their magazine re- productions, which have been used for] fiction illustrations and frontispieces, are included in the exhibition. Plans Made for Funeral of Miss Georg. Funeral services of Miss Tudie Georg, '12, will be held from the fam- ily residence, 347 Main street, at 3:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Interment will be in forest hill cemete6y. THEAATRICAL CIRCLES. Aborn Opera Coiniuany Tonight. This city has long been distinguish- ed above most places of its size for ap- preciation of music of the higher class, proof of which will doubtle be evi- denced by a large attendance when the Aborn English Grand Opera company presents I Trovatore at the Whitney theater tonight. At the Majestic. Not in many years has a chorus that equals the "Duke of Durham" girls in comeliness of features, grace of fig- ure and beauty of voice, been gathered together. There are an even dozen maidens with this musical comedy, each representing a distinct type o loveliness, from the blonde Dresden doll variety to the raven-locked, black- eyed maid of the Carmen type. The Ma- jestic engagement will open with a matinee Thursday afternoon. 'eferred by discriminating people for exquisite and enduring beauty of tone, for absolute integrity of workmanship, for undoubted reliability. A wonderful timesaver $7150 in Leather Case Engineers' Supplies in General- WAHR'S University Bookstores IDO YOU STUDY HYDRAULICS ? St~sdI6 319=. Hu root St. phouie 61-I. nn Arbor Taxicab Co. 300 NORTH MAIN STREET If so, have you a Log Log Slide Rule? Platinum Try a Victrola in Your Frat House Nothing to equal it for entertainment. Largest stock of records in the city. Grinnell Bros., 120-122 E. Liberty St. CARDS- PROGRAMS -STATIONERY WRITE E FOR GSAMPLES GREGORY MAYER & THOM Co. DETROIT, MICH WHILE TiHEY LAST A first-class Shaving Stick for 15c. Makes a nice creamy lasting lather. Guaranteed not to smart the face. VAN .DOREN'S Pharmacy See the World's Star Hosiery "THE KIND THAT WEARS" Beauty and Strength Combined. Agency at 625E.Liberty Uertrude L. Rudd Grov"' Bldg., co.. State and Liberty. Entrance on Lib- *erty, Up Stairs, Room i. PHONE 539=L benrg& CoL THE HOUSE, OF STANDARD QUALITY DETROIT UNITED LINES & HALL Ann Arbor Tine Table FLOWERS IN SEASON 2 S. University Limited Cars for Detroit-7:12 a ,m. and hourly to 6:12 p. in., also 8:12 p. m. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. n., 6:40 a. Tn., andoevery two hours to $;40 p. m., 7:40 p. w., 8:40 p.mL., 9:45 p. mn., and 10:4.5 p.,im To Ypsil anti only. 11:15 p. in., 12:15 p. in- 12:30 p. M., 1:00 a. M, Limited Cars for Jackson-7:46 a. m. and every two hours to 7:46 p. m. Local Cars for Jackson- 5:20 A. ., and every two hours to 9:20) p. i., 11:15 p. Mn. PHONE 115 s ANNOUNCEMENT Designers of Men's Clothes GO TO HENRY & CO. 711 N. University "Burolifield. & Co.'s- r. II For the best Tiloring Service to be had Anywhere. In making Dress Clothes we aknowledge no equal, and prove our superiority in every instance. m" Burchfield & Company . 06 East Hunon Street PACKARD .ACADEMY Loading Place For Private Parties Beginners' Dancing Class every Frid y evening, 7 to 8 o'clock. Advanced Class every Monday evening, , to 8 o'clock. Private Lessons by appointment. 50"1 Residence 570"L - + ; at C, ;- , ' , . .,, , 1. ) r 1, ., ; r ', 1 - =- ~% .. / =ti.. J edecorated 1912 ese and American Restaurant to rooms reserved for parties and ladies and emen. I S. State St. Chop Suty Away From UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Election of officers of Comedy club at meeting today at 4:00 o'clock in Cercle Francais room. Senior engineers can procure invi- tations from the committee in the En- gineering society rooms today from 8:00 o'clock until 11:00 o'clock; to- morrow from 10:00 o'clock until noon and from 1:00 o'clock until 5:00 o'clock.. Invitations must be paid for at this time. Fresh lit class party today at Tap- pan hall, 3:15 o'clock. Senior women's section of Deutscher Verein meets tonight at 7:00 o'clock. Senior lits have measurements taken at Mack's for caps and gowns? All orders must be in before April 1. Glee club men to take part in Un-. ion must report at Union, 7:00 o'clock tonight. i bags-con.. f venient for ' cigarettes Turning the logs makes a fire burn brighter. When your brain is dull and in- spiration lags - vary the mood with It brushes away the clouds and lends wings to fancy. Grave or gay-Velvet lends itself to YOUR mood. It's a constant delight - always temptingly rich--ever smooth and satisfying. Sz ® Al*o if one pound class jiars with ha idar WAMMAim"Am"