THE "ICHIGAN DAILY I WE KNOW IT IS EARLY DETROIT FRATERNITY JEWELERS AND STATIONERS Jewelers, Stationers, Opticians and Fraternity Jewelers our Spring Oxfords are now in stock. Why not select just the right width and size now. You can come in and get them later when you need them. You may not be able to get J at the size you require if you wait until the season opens. A word to the wise is suffi- cient. Experience teaches. Come in and see the New English Lasts. We have not shown them in our window as yet. WHITNEY THEATRE THURSDAY NIGHT, MARCH 13 First Appearance Here of the Famous ENGLISH Abor GRAND OPERA COMPANY Presenting by Distinctive Request, \Verdi's Melodious Masterpiece, U1 Tropvat1pore 207-211 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETROIT P Zbe jforest lawn 1e a IRoom ORDERS TAKEN FOR BANQUETS Open Sundays 604 Forest Ave. Phone 1238-J Wagner e" Co, State Street Sign of the BIt Whit. Shoe SENIORS LAND FIRST HONORS IN TRACK MEET. (Continued from page 1). Cohn, McNabb and E. S. Cohn, quali- fied for the finals. Finals-D. Cohn (1913) first; Craig (1914) second; Mc- Nabb (1915) third. Time 5 1-5 sec- onds. 440-yard Dash-Haff (1913) first; Baier (1913) second; Smith (1916) third. Time 52 2-5 seconds. 880-yard Run-Carver (1914) first; Ufer (1916) second; Terry (1915) third. Time 2 minutes, 3 4-5 seconds. Mile Run-Haimbaugh (1913) first; IMAJESTICI This is the same ABORN organization with its alternating casts and grand orchestra that has extended seasons in New York, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and other large cities. This Noted Organization, Now o Its Fourth Tour of the Country, will visit only Six Cities in Michigan. i DOUBLE CAST OF PRINCIPAL ARTISTS . II._____ -1 I Estimates Cheerfully Furnished on Special Gymnasium and Basket Ball Suits The Uymb loom Girl ,y1 ~f Ji ( i I Every Suit Positively Made to Individual Remember!Y Matinees Every POWERFUL CHORUS SINGERS and MUSICIANS SE LE C TE D ORCHESTRA FIN TH E ENSEMBLE MAGNIFICENT EQUIPMENT OF SCENERY, COSTUMES AND EFFECTS PRICES: $2.00, $1.50,$ 1.00, 75c, and 50c MAIL ORDERS with Checks enclosed will be filled NOW. Regular Seat Sale Begins Tuesday, March 11. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY a I New Shows Monday Nights and Thursday Mat- inees MY LES Announcement I Measurements C 1otEa Shep i Insuring a Perfect Fit. "Gymbloom" - Bathing, Basket Ball, Gymnasium and Swimming Suits 4 I l o'DfI!( EA~IATIONI tiCCN3F RED 96 i I The "Gvmbloom Girl" has become famous throughout the country as stand- ing for perfection iA gymnasium, basketball, bathing and swimming spits. To the great number who are familiar with the excellent qualities of these suits, this little talk is not necessary, To those who have not investigated all the claims we have made for these suits this message is especially intended. Gymbloom Suits are made under perfect sanitary conditions. They are carefully made, by expert tailors, according to your own individual measure- ments. Why do we emphasize individual measurements? Because in the various trying positions necessary in the best athletic exercises the body must have the most perfect freedom. Gvmbloom suits are sold all over the United States. Write for more detailed information than it is possible for us to give in this small space. All inquiries receive prompt and careful attention. "Gymbloom. Sits are Made on onor Vaudeville DeLuxe ROBERT & ROBERT in a "Dog Drama" in which a wonderful Canine plays the leading role. T h e most re- markable act on the American Stage. King of Equilibrists PAUL STHEPHENS Among other daring feats, he balances himself on top of a 15-foot pole without support. SINGING, DANCING, TALKING BROWN & BARROWS Two well known stars of Mus- ical Comedy in a clever skit, full of good things to laugh at. A funny Comedian---Pretty Cirl DeNoyer & Banie Crazy Doings, Eccentric Danc- ing. "No Sense to the Thing" Extra added Attraction LeRoy, Harvey & Co. in a comedy of Western Life "Rained In." Special Scenery Our Exclusive Feature PATHE'S WEEKLY Motion Pictures of Current Events all over the World. Starting Next Thursday Matinee-- "Duke of urha FOREIGNERS IN UNIVERSITY GET CLUBHOUSE. TO Buy your Spring Suit early and get first choice. Our new Spring Woolens of the coming Season are exclusive and will not be duplicated. F. A. MYLES, 607 E. Williams St. es. C. M. Smith (1913) second; Brown (1914) third. Time 4 minutes, 27 2-5 seconds. UNIVERSITY CALENDAI. March 11.-Fresh engineer dance at the Union, 8:30 o'clock. March 11.-Soph engineer dinner at the Union. March 12.-Juniorlit dinner. March 13.-Membership dinner at the Union. . 4-116 '' U 1I I society having a membership of 25,000, scattered among the great universities of the world. It has been proposed that the club may do well to affiliate with either the Michigan Union or the University Y. M. C. A., but the mem- bers feel that the club has a special mission to accomplish, and further that funds may now be raised from sources which could not be appealed to otherwise. The School of Shorthand, 711 N. Uni- versity Ave., has just started an even- ing class. Better enroll in this class if you cannot attend any of the day class- I (Continued from page 1). number of men will be provided, as Michigan is rapidly forging ahead as the greatest Cosmopolitan university in America. First Clubhouse of Kind. The Corda-Fratres Association of Cosmopolitan clubs is especially in- terested in the project of the local club, and if the Michigan clubhouse is a success, similar houses will prob- ably be erected at all of the large universities in America, and perhaps throughout Europe. Michigan will be the first to attempt fa clubhouse for all foreign students, and officials of the Corda-Fratres are emphatic in their approval and support of the project. The Corda-Fratres Cosmopolitan, club is a chapter of an international The regular March class in short- hand and typewriting will begin Mon- day, March 17. For full particulars call at the School of Shorthand, 711 N. University Ave. 110-116 STUDENTS There's a Reason Why You Should 709 Nor University Ave, 112 W. Huron St. Eat at Painter's RESTAURANT I Regular Meals 25c I; ii a lb. tyrt ,doeea it .dvrM77s JW.KAPP 0 t '1'AL MNIOLPE~i,ABL STORE aiNtsawG * . MctsA Commutation Good in Both Tickets Places , Extensive Mail Order Dept. If You Don't Cot Enough Say So _ 20 - People 20 - .1 I C U C. MaedelPotographer We didn't believe it possible in 1912-but our range of designs for 1913 for COLLEG and SCHOOL PORTRAITS-well just come and see for yourself. hone 832 L. Make Appointments for Sittings. 619 E. Liberty St. . mama in sold to anyone proposing the best name for the new ice cream parlors to be opened in the