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March 06, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-03-06

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MAIL $2.00



LOCAL $1.50


MAIL $2.00


[, No 107.



Junior Law Wins Honor of Represent-
ing Michigan at Hamilton Contest
To Re Held in April
at Chicago.
Testimonials of $100 and $50 and Club
Membership Will Go to Winners
of Final Event
L. D. David, '14L, was chosen in the

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Thursday,
much colder with brisk northerly
University Observatory-Wednesday,
7:00 p. m. temperature 15.2; maxi-
mum temperature 24 hours preceding,
30.0; minimum temperature 24 hours
preceding, 15.2; wind velocity 12 mil-
es per hour.
Popular Prices Prevail for Event of
Mulsical Cluabs Friday.
Tickets for the annual home concert
of the University Glee and Mandolin
clubs, to be given tomorrow evening
at 8:15 o'clock in University Hall,
went on sale yestrday. The admission
cards may be secured from members
of the clubs, or at the S. L. A. window,
in the main corridor of University hall,
between the hours of 2:00 and 5:OC
this afternoon.
Popular prices will prevail for the
concert, most of the seats selling for
25'cents, and a few near the stage for
50 cents. No seats will be reserved
The money obtained as a result of the
performance will be used to hely
finance the trip which the clubs wil
take to the Pacific coast next month.

final contest last evening to represent
Michigan at the Hamilton oratorical
contest which is to be held at Chicago
in April. He will deliver his speech,
"The Social Reform," against rep-
resentatives of Minnesota, Illinois,
Northwestern, Indiana, and Iowa.
B.J. Jonkman, law special, was nam-
ed as alternate from the six men who
spoke in last night's final contest. Pe-
ter Fagan, '13;J. W. Harding,.'14L;and
J. L. Primrose, '13, were the men se-
lected in the second preliminary con-
test held yesterday afternoon. L. S.
Hulbert, '14L, togther with the win-
ner and alternate, were selected at
the first preliminary Tuesday evening.
Percival Blanshard, '14, the man
chosen by the oratorical board before
it was decided to hold a eontest,with-
drew from the competition, declaring
that he would devote his entire time to
the university contest, in which he
qualified in the class preliminaries.
Announcement was made by the
committee that entries must be made
by 6:00 o'clock Sunday. At that time
there were eight entires, and the final
contest was set for Tuesday evening.
Subsequently two additional men were
allowed to enter; and Tuesday even-
ing, the night set for the contest, it
was announced that two preliminaries
would be held. . These arrangements
necessitated five of the ten men speak-
ing yesterday afternoon in a prelimi-
nary, and again last night in the final.
David and Jonkman both spoke Tues-
day evening.
The representatives of the different
universities'invited to enter this con-
test will be entertained at the Hamil-
ton club in Chicago and the winners
will receive testimonials of $100 and
$50 and a membership in the club.
This year's contest marks the re-es-
tablishment of the events, which were
abandoned six years ago on account
of the excessive expense. of the enter-
tainment connected with them.
That the senior advisor system has
been a success so far was the opin-
ion of all members present at the
meeting of the advisors held in Tap-
pan hall yesterday afteroon. While
much has been accomplished it was
agreed that there is still a great deal
to be done.
"Advisors should impress upon the
freshmens's mind that being warned
or put on probation is no idle thing."
said Dean J. R. Effinger. Also the
fact that a general education should
be had ,by all who are graduated from
Michigan should be told the first year
That there are three classes of
freshmen was brought out by Prof.
M. P. Tilley. There are students with
too much money, students who do not
know how to study and those with too
much outside work. That the senior
advisor system has benefited all of
these classes was the opinion of Prof.

Lineup Shows Juniors Have Promising
List of Contestants and Good
Chances of Winning.
Entries for the Varsity meet, to be
staged as an interclass struggle ir:
Waterman gymnasium Saturday even-
ing, closed last night, and are now in
the hands of Trainer Farrell and Man-
ager Denison.
The men signing up as having quali-
fid according to the marks set will be
classified according to their year in
the university and the meet will be
conducted as a four cornered affair.
Considerable speculation has been
aroused over the meet since the an-
nouncement of the new form it will
take on this year. Whether the seniors,
juniors or freshmen will win out is a
question that is being freely discussed.
The sophomores are cleft entirely out
of the question owing to their disas-
trous showing of Saturday evening
against the freshmen.
The .juniors seem to have the best
opportunity of winning out for they
have Seward, Carver, Jansen, Bond,
Craig, White, Sargent, Kohler and oth-
ers in. their number. Capt. Haff,
Haimbaugh and Baier will undoubted-
ly have to do the brunt of the work for
the seniors, while the freshmen de-
pend upon Day, Armstrong, H. L.
Smith, C. B. Smith, Monetta, and a few
others. Cole, McNabb, Greene and
Conn may win points for the sopho-
James H. Pottinger, of the forestry
department is delivering a series of
lectures in Hart and Oceana counties
which will extend over a period of
two weeks. He will speak upon the
use, care, and importance of wood
lots, delivering 1'5 lectures in all.
Since Prof. Filbert Roth's visit two
weeks ago the people of Hart and
Oceana counties have clamored for
more detailed lectures along these
lines, and Mr. Pottinger's visit is the
New York Alumnus Talks to Engineers
Ernest P. Goodrich, '98E, consulting
engineer, of the Borough of Manhat-
tan of New York addressed the Engi-
neering society Tuesday afternoon on
"Engineering of Harbor Construction
as Related to the Course in Civil Engi-
neering at the University." Mr. Good-
rich and his wife were entertained at
a reception given at the home of his

Prof. Sadler, of Marine Department,
Says Sea T]'raining Would
Show Need of Ships.
Plans of the navy department for
raining university students onboar
attleships this summer is meetin
vith the approval of faculty members
is well as the students.
"The great majority of student ir
.he west and middle wes have neve,
een a warship of any kind, and t
hem a pwerful navy may not seer
necessary," said Prof. H.C. Sadler
head of the department of marine ar-
chitecture. "Let the men, however
spend some time upon a warship, an
they will soon realize what a nav
means to this country. On their re-
.urn they will be able to dispel certai
erroneous ideas, and help to dissem-
nate an interest in naval affairs tha
cannot be otherwise than beneficial
We shall then, perhaps, have less o
he parsimonious talk of only one bat-
cle ship a year.
"Respect for superior officers is al.
so a good thing to learn, and one tha
will be exceptionally useful to a young
man starting out in life. Perhaps af-
ter the scheme has been in operatio
for some time there will be less o
that unintentional lack of respect tha-
is so frequently seen, when a stude
ones into a professional office wit
his hands in his pockets, hat on hi
head, and with the greeting of "Say
professor," or "listen here." At least
let us hope so."
Whether other than engineering stu.
lents will be allowed to avail them-
selves of the plan of the navy depart-
.nent for training students aboard bat-
seships during the summer, is no
yet known in Ann Arbor. .
"This is the question which many
men from the other departments as.
me," said Bean Cooley last night. "Bu
I am unable to satisfy them, for the
matter cannot be determined from the
orders and correspondence receive(
here. I have written Col. Marsh upon
this point, and expect to hear from hi
Choruses and Orchestra Hold Initial
Assembly; Elaborate Programs
Are Planned.
"Contrarie Mary" was formally in-
troduced yesterday afternoon to the
men who will guide her destinies for
the next month. At a rehearsal of the
principals recently picked to handle
the speaking roles in the 1913 Union
opera, held yesterday afternoon at the
Union, act one of-the show was worked
out in detail. Act two will be taken
up later this week, and the third act
will come up for consideration next
Singing choruses, dancing choruses,
and orchestra met together last night
for the first time. No effort
was made to have the orchestra ac-
company the singers, as the score has
aot yet been completely mastered by
the instrumentalists.
A more elaborate program than was
sver prepared for a Union opera is
planned for this year. Practically all
of the advertising space in the book-
et has been sold, and it is expected
;hat the money received from this
source will not only pay for the print-

ing of the programs, but also for all
of the advertising expenses incurred
for the 1913 show.
President Edward G. Kemp, of the
Michigan Union, announced the per-
sonnel of the membership dinner com-
mittee for the second semester last
evening. The following men will
serve: Karl Mohr, '13, chairman, Ed-
mund Chaffee, '13L, Edward Lazear,
'13E, Frank B. Powers, '13L, Willis
B. Goodenow, '14L, W. W. Schroeder,
'14, Harold Schradzki, '15L, Donald
Melhorn, '14L.

3oph Lit Basketball Team is Beaten
After Holding Boilermakers
to Tie Score.
It took five minutes overtime last
evening for the junior engineers to win
rom the sophomore lits in the fastest
>asketball game of the season. The
anal score was 25 to 23. At the end
>f the allotted time the count stood
21 to 21, so the quintets were forced to
play an extra five minute session.
The engineers started out with- a
rush and outplayed their lighter op-
ponents in the first half, but the
plucky lits came back in the second
period and located the cage for twice
as many counters as the last year
:hamps. The tie was first broken by
Jhapman, but Patterson soon tied it
tgain. With one minute to play, Week
;aged the sphere for the winning tally.
Brush played the star game for the
the winners, the lengthy center locat-
ed the net four times and was the most
langerous man for the lits to guard
Patterson also played a stellar game
at guard. For the lits the the two for-
Yards Stuart and Chapman were th(
:hief performers, while Marsh a
;uard made it a hard proposition for
Thienes to throw baskets.
Good team work was shown by the
engineers during the first half of the
battle and in the five additional min-
utes, but the second period was the
sophomore's round, and the light-
weights unearthed some real system-
atic workings.
The summaries are as follows:
19,1 Eng. 1915 Lits
Thienes........... L.F. ...... Stuari
Weeks............R.F. .... Chapmanr,
Fletcher .......... L.G. Marsh
Final score-1914 engineers, 25;
1915 lits, 23.
Field goals-Brush, 4; Weeks, 3;
Patterson,2; Thienes; Stuart, 5; Chap-
man, 4; Marsh, 1.
Fouls-Weeks, 5; Marsh, 3."
Referee-J. W. Mackey.
Tonight the junior laws and fresh
medics will battle for the right to pla
the junior engineers for the campus
championship Monday night.
Secy. Smith Suggests Annual Reward
Mr Michigan Man Who Does '
Most for Mankind.
Each year the Michigan alumni bod-
ies throughout the country will seek
Tut the one member who <has done
the most toward bettering the condi-
tions of mankind and bestow upon him
a substantial reward; provided that
the enthusiasm which greeted the sug-
gestion when it was proposed at the
recent New York alumni dinner can'
be crystalized in some organized way.
Secy. Shirley W. Smith is responsible
for the idea. When he suggested -that
it be carried out he found immediate,
support among the alumni, and a
movement is now on foot to establish
a fund for this purpose.
"The proposition is great," said
William McAndrew, '86, ex-president of
the New York Alumni association. The
thought that every alumnus ofnMichi-
gan, wherever he be-in China, in
Alaska, or in South America, has the
searchlight of his fellows turned on
him, is Mound to stimulate his efforts in

"The college man loses his real en-'
thusiasm too soon," said Jeremiah W.
Jenks, '78. "He wants to return to
his college the value of its service but
he lacks a coherent scheme.s This
plan seems to supply a splendid
The officers of the University club of
New York are now working on the
suggestion, and it is believed that
within a. few weeks it will evolve into
more tangible form.
Union Membership Continues to Soar.
Michigan Union membership figures
reached the 2,400 mark yesterday. This 1

Stunts and ragtime will be a fea-
-ure of the concert to be given tomor-
row evening, at 8:15 o'clock in Univer-
sity Hall, by the Varsity Glee and
.andolin clubs. "Bill" Williams, '14E,
will furnish the major portion of the
atunts, and the new "Midnight Sons'
Quartet" will supply the kind of melo-
3y that makes people keep time with
their shoulders.
Jpperclassmen May Reserve Seats For
Cornell Meet by Presenting
Yellow Coupons.
The drawing, of seats for the Cor-
,ell meet will take place today at the
athletic office, starting this morning a
,:00 o'clock. Following out the stu-
dent ,ouncil plan, only faculty mem-
bers, post graduates, seniors and jun-
iors will be admitted to the meet an(<
the men will be checked up so that
none of the underclassmen will b
privileged to draw.
At this meet the seats will be reserv-
ed andthose drawing first willshav
the choice of seats in the stands. A
section has been reserved for Cornell
men and one set aside for the alumn
where admission will be charged, but
otherwise. the reservation stubs will
be given out only in exchange for cou-
pon No. 14. Those who desire to sit
with certain persons or crowds should
get tickets at the same time as nc
seats will be set aside.
The section which has been reserv-
ed for alumni will not be placed on
sale until the week preceding the meet
and the Cornell men will also receive
their allotment about this time. It is
expected that the demand for seats for
this meet will exceed the supply and
upperclassmen are urged to secure
their reservations early. The drawing
-will be similar to the system used in
the Fresh-Soph meet and ticket hold-
ers will be asked to draw for main
floor or running track seats.
On the evening-of Saturday, March
8, the Michigan alumni of Toledo and
vicinity will give a dinner in that city
at which a University of Michigan club
of Toledo will be organized. Wilfred
B. Shaw, general secretary of the
Alumni association, will give a short
address, and a quartet from the uni-
versity glee club, composed of Ed.
Kemp, '14L, Kenneth Westerman, '14,
Geo. M. Moritz, '15, and Norman Reed,
'13L, will render a few selections dur-
ing the evening The dinner will be
given at 6:30 o'clock at the Toledo
Commerce club. It is expected by the
committee in charge, that all Toledo
students now attending school at Ann
Arbor will be present for the occasion.
Article of Prof. Davis is Distributed.
The article written by Prof. C. O.
Davis dealing with - the history and
organization of the Appointment com-
mittee has been reprinted from the
School Review for October 1912, and is
being sent to all the accredited schools


Forty Special Lectures and Series of
Entertainments Will Be Given
in Addition to Program.
Already Arranged.
List of Speakers Includes Pres. H. 1.
Hutchins and State Geologist,
R. C. Allen.
In addition to the regular lectures
which have been announced for the
summer session of the Univrsity of
Michigan, a series of 40 special lec-
tures and entertainments will, be giv-
en during the hot weather session. The
lectures, many of which will be illus-
trated, will be open to all students
without charge, and will deal with spe-
cial topics of general interest to the
student body.
Negotiations for a series of three
open air performances have been en-
tered into with the Ben Greet Wood-
land Players, and it is practically as-
sured that the troupe will appear here
some time during July or' August. Ad-
mission will be charged for these per-
Among the special numbers which
have been planned are an address by
Pres. Harry B. Hutchins on"The Ideals
of Service," which will be followed by
a reception in Barbour gymnasium; an
illustrated lecture by State Geologist
R. C. Allen on the mineral resources
of Michigan; an excursion to Niagara
Falls under the direction of Prof. F.
Carney, and several concerts.
The lecturers and their subjects fol-
Prof. F. Roth, Conservation and
Prof. H. It. Cross, How to Judge a
Dr. V. C. Vaughan, Eugenics or Race
Prof. L. A. Strauss, Present Ten-
dencies of the Drama.
Librarian T. W. Koch, College and
University Libraries.
Prof. E. D. Jones, Danger Signs in
Prof. Bird, Quaint and Picturesque
Prof. J. S. Drake, Some Curious Con-
Prof. A. S. Warthin, Care of Human
Cells as Basis for System of Ethics.
Prof. R. H. Curtis, Modern Devel-
opments in Astronomy.
Dr. S. W. Hubbard, Foods, Their
Adulteration and Detection.
Dean Bates, Recall of Judges.
Prof. W. B. Ford, The Number Con-
Prof. W. D. Henderson, Some Scien-
tific Paradoxes.
Prof. R. M. Wenley, Burns in prose.
Prof. F. Carney, The Geology of Ni-
agara Falls.
Prof. J. B. Pollock, Conservation
of Soil Fertility.
Prof. E. W. Dow, The Face of the
Earth in the Making of History.
Prof. J. R. Brumm, Reason and
Comon Sense.
Prof. A. H. White, Chemical Indus-
tries of Michigan.
Dr. L. L. Hubbard, Copper Mining
(Continued on page 4.)

Toledo was chosen Tuesday by the
first year law class as the place for
their anuual banquet. The selection
was made from four cities, by solicit-
ing the vote of each member of the
class which was divided into three
sections, each section being canvassed
; :- c, .mmitteeman.
The banquet will probably be held
at the Secor Hotel, but the date has
not yet been decided. Talk of having
a special car for transportation is now
circulating. The committee in charge
of the dinner is composed of H. R.
Schradzki, J. G. Tucker, E. H. Saler,
V. C. Hampton, K. J. Mohr, M. P.
Kuhr, R. M. Alton, S. M. Cook, C. E.
Donelly, W. I. Rowlands, E, S. Wol-
aver, and V. Hall.

C. B. Davis also gave a short
ore the meeting and asked sev-
estions on the merits of the

Prof. and Mrs. Bursley.
born to Prof. and Mrs.

number is practically twice as large
as the 1911-1912. enrollment.

in the state, and to some of the schools
in the adjacent states.

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