THE MICHIGAN DAILY of Spring Woolens" THE MICHIGAN DAILY _FN ERS TO RAVE MATCHIES., Official newspaper at te nierit o Mch)Faculty Men to Meet. Student Wielders ,, DO YOU STUDY HYDRAULICS ? Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, D, CO. 3H 11S. State Street1 ack GoodsI Complete Line of Shoes, $3.00 ig Corks, 15c, Running :suits, $1,.00 Supporters," 50 and 75c EHAN Q S toda rts" EHAN ~.Co.'Bookstore Published every morning. except Monday dur- ing the :university, year. Entered at the postoffice at Aarn Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1 879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, M9aynard Street.. Office 'lfours : Iditor-r to 3 p. m. ; 7 to xo 1,. m. Business Manager-- to 3 p. mn. Sub.'.scriion Price: By carrier, $2.5o; by mail, Want Ad( Stations: Press Building; Q},uarry's Phiarmuacy ;Lniversity Pharmacy; Davis and Konald's Confectionery Store. Phone11: Bell, 96o. F'rank Peninell.............M lanaging E'ditor josephi Fouchard..... ......,usiness Manag-er Manurice Toli e---------------.News Editor C. H arold Ilippler----------------X ssistant Karl Matthcws--------------..\thletic Editor G. C. lidredge-----------------Assistant john To'(w1)1-,V ...........Music anrd Dr-ama Mlacde l;:iards-----------Women I laroclld:1. Abbott..........artoonist EDITORIALS flarold G. McGee Louis P. Haller Howell Van Auken Manrice Myers R. Emmett Taylor l dwiin R. Thurston Robert Lane NIGHT EDITORS Il l.1each Carpenter Yred B. Foulk Bruce J. Miles Lester V. Rosenhaumi MNortonR. Hunter Morris Milligan David D. Hlunticng REPORTERS L~eonard At. Rieser J. Selig Yellen Leo Bu:-nctt Penn li. [lossick F. fI Church Carlton jenks Charles S. johrnson C. 11.ILang Hernus T?.MKle \Wi!l Shafrotl, Y.V. -.jabin risn 11. lC. Runincl V~. F. McKinnev W. R. Mceltou R. Ea. Cunningham BUSINESS STAFF A. R. Johnson, jr...Advertising Managei Lmerson R. Smith ..............Accountant H arry E. j (ihuson....... Circulation Manager Sherwood Field John Leonard TUE1SDAY, MARCH 4, 1913. Night Edi~or-K M. Church. FIAMILIARITY WITH THE BIBLE. of Foil i a Series of Bouts. A. series of mnatches has been ar- ranged between the Fencers club team and a faculty team representing the University club. The first match will be held Thursday evening in the Uni- versity club rooms over Wagner's, and three men witl make uLp the team of each organization, every man on one team meeting every man on the other. The faculty team will consist of Prof. C. F. de Muralt, Mr. J. R. Hay- den and Prof. R. Talamon. Final tryouts will be held Wednes- day afternoon in the fencing room at the gymi to determine the personnel of the university team. All students are eligible for this team, and it Is hoped that fencers who are not affili- ated with the club will turn out for the com petition. IWT'lANl('AL IEPARTMlENT MEN ACCEPT OFFICIAL POSITIONS. Word has been received by members of the faculty of the botanical depart- ment of the appointment of two grad- uates of the department to official po- sitions along agricultural lines. .john S. Bordner,"'08, of Bristol, In- diana, has been appointed agricultural expert for his county, and -George L. Keenan, who received his master's de- gree last summer, has. accepted a po- sition as microscopic expert in the bureau of chemistry at Washington. Professor ,'Scott to Address Journalists :Professor F. N. Scott will address the school of journalism at Notre Dame University on March 20. He will speak on matters relating to w AHR'S University Bookstores If so, have you a Log Log Slide Rule? Engineers' Supplies in General- A wonderful timesaver $7.50 in Leather Case ipiati um V1ortratW referred by discriminating people for' exquisite' .and enduring beauty of tone, for ab-.olute integrity of workmanship, for undoubted reliability. kTHY skin deep. If sod, they sigh .ly d1cssed. its !. rIe Liberty Street St~ldlo 319 Ec. lisrom St. 3PhIcae 961-0 _1 Try a Victrola In Your Frat House Nothing to equal it for entertainment. Largest stockc of records in the city. Grinnell Bros.., 120- 122 E. Liberty St. r 11 a~x--1550 On Call Day or Night. Auto and Baggage Livery. In many of the fratcrflty houses and I newspaper work. or T axicab Co. RTH MAIN STREET DETOITUNITED LINES A .nn< Arbor Timte Table IN SASONLimitrd Cars for Detrol-7:1l2 a. n. and IN SEASONhourly to 6:1' p. mn., also 8:1:: p. im. Local Cara for Detroit-5;40 a. Tu., 6:40 a.' e m., and every ti~o hours to Gi;40 p. in., 7:40 . m, 8:40 p. in.. 9:45 p. in., and 10:45 p in1 Ivers y p:30p ai . only0.m.:;p n. 21" .m 12:3p in10in. 1:5p n,1:5p n Limited Carsfo Jackson-7:46 a. mn. and kNE 115 every two hour; to 7:46 p. m,. (Local Cars for Jackson- 5':20 a mn., and LL (very two hours to 9:20 p mn., 11:15 p.mi. T nT \ TR !e " t N W 'C T" club homes, an hour was given over last evening to consideration of the. Bible. Members of the faculty met with various groups for the purpose of interesting the student group mem- hers in a Lenten consideration of the Scriptures. The meetings were the first of a series to continue throughout the remaining weeks before Easter. Of course it is not expected that an exhaustive study can be made, even of one book, of Scriptures, in the short time allotted for the series of meet- ings. But what can be fostered, and in many instances created, is an inter- est in-the Scriptures among men who are too prone to neglect the residing of their Bibles. Truly a mavn's religion is personal. A man may accept no established creed andl'be a Christian. A man may believe :firmly in an established creed and be a Christian. But in any "man's religion, should not the Bible be a factor? The Bible is the official document of Christianity. Should not a man,, then, be familiar with the Bible? If he has formulated, his own religion, personal or established, should he niot be famil- iar with the Scriptures? If he has not yet established his religion, should he not fa iiiarize himself with the Scrip- tures before taking this important step? Therefore does it not behoove all of us to get behind the movement to fos- ter among college men an interest in the written teachings of Christianity -the Bible? Old Daily Man Visits in City Sunday. Clarence E. Eldredge, '09-'11L, man- aging editor of The Michigan Daily, '09-1I0, spent Sunday in Ann Arbor. He is now practicing law in Chicago. loi ,a Professor Will Address Acolytes Prof. E. D. Starbuck, of the philos- ophy department of the University of .Iowa, will speak before the Acolytes Wednesday evening on "Psychology and Religion." The Quadrangles will be the guests of the Acolytes. LAST YEAR'S STUPENTi'i' swN At CONTRACT IWITH "iRAi TES" Fred Shuessler, a member of the fresh law class last year, has signed a contract with the Philadelphiia Pi- rates. 'While in the university ° iues- sler played with the ineligible base- ball team as an outfielder. Hiis contract with the natioi~al league team states that if the outfielder fails to make good this year he will be giv- en another chance, in 1914. "Blobby" Williams, '12, Takes at Bride. ".Bobby" Williams, '12, of Little Rock, Arkansas, was married last Fri- day to Miss Marian Clark of that city, the daughter of Senator Clark of Ar- kansas. H-e is a member of the Psi Upsilon fraternity. , Fenr2 &Co.* THE HOUSE O.F STANDARD. QUALITY Designersaof Men's Clothes G CARDS - PROGRAMS -STATIONERY j GREGORY MAYER & THOM Co. DETROIT. MICHi W HI L E T HEY L AS T A first-class Shaving Stick for I Se. Makes a mice creamy lasting lather. Guaranteed not to smart the face.w VAN DOREN'S Pharmacy See the World's Star Hosiery, ss liE KIND THAT WEARS10 Beauty and Strength Combined. Agency at 625 E. Liberty Gertrude L. RuddGroves Bldg..,co:. State and Liberty. _Entrsnce on Lit- NiNO UiN.A;h1hN GO TO 1 u c best Tailoring Service to be had Anywhere. king Dress Clothes we aknowledge no (qual, rove our superiority in every instance. ' B~urchfield &'Company HENRY & CO. HENRY& CO.711'.N. University I UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Members of the membership cam- paign committee of the Cosmopolitan club meet at 509 E. Liberty' street Wednesday at 7:00 o'clock. Glee club rehearsal, 7:00 o'clock this eNvening,, University Hall. Singing chorus rehearsal for "Con- trarie Mary," 7:00 o'clock this evening, at Union. 1 i I I{ , , ---==- !/ l ' . ' / P 106 East ffuron StreetI ~KARD ACADEMY eading Place For Private Parties icing Class every Itrid