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March 04, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-03-04

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TJ h

MAIL $2.00



LOCAL $1250


No. 105.









n of President-Emeritus in Talk at
Union Says Organizationis Tend
to Euwoirag Tlissipation
Of Tiie. .

Educeaoi' Says Proposed .Abolitio
Laws in Three States Must
Have Some Basis.
''If fraternities do not tend to breed
actual dissipation in their members,
they at least encourage the dissipation
of time," said Dean James R. Angell,
of the University of Chicago, in a talk
before 300 men at the Michigan Union
Sunday afternoon. "Fraternity men
are so well housed, that they sit
around in cozy arm chairs and gossip
with their congenial associates, rath-
er than spend the same time to more
profit in the laboratory, or out rub-
bing up against their fellow students
of all degrees.
"Many good things may be said for
the fraternities, however, The secret
society system originated with Phi Be-
ta Kappa, and for a long time secrets
were the main asset of a fraternity.
Nowadays conditions have changed.
Today the fraternity represents a
home, and the question is whether or
ber is conducive to the best in college
life. Secrets have given way to such
relatively more important ,matters as
bed, board and social training, until
at the present time a chapter is not
considered to be in especial danger if
a lot of the brothers don't happen to
recall the fraternity motto.
Would Abolish Fraternities.
"Just at present there are bills pend-
ing in the legislatures of at least three
states, calling for the abolishment of
fraternities.° This cannot be merely
a whim, because the subject is being
too broadly agitated for that. There
must be some reason for this opposi-
"'As far as I can make out, the men
who are determined to do away with
fraternities object to these organiza-
tions on the ground that they create
snobs, consequently putting democrat-
ic ideals at a discount; and also that
they narrow a man's activities and
tend to cultivate luxurious habits. It
would seem to me that all of these
points have some basis.
"From the fact that a man associ-
ates with other men so closely that he
does not meet the great student body
outside in an intimate way, he is like-
ly to become exclusive and consider
that he is too good to associate with
any of those of equal social standing.
At the same time, he Is servile to su-
periors and supercillious to those of
supposedly lower rank. This is -not
a natural result of fraternity life, but;
it is only too often the case, I'm
Extravagance Censured.
"The charge that fraternity life
brings about false standards of luxury,
s frequently made. The critics say
that not only does this pres-
ence of extravagant tendencies
actually give false financlil notions to
society men, but also that it induces
effeminate standards of living."
Dean Angell is a son of President-
Emeritus James B. Angell. He was
graduated from the literary depart-
nent in 1890, and has since becomeI
prominent in the educational world.,
He is a member of the local chapter
>f the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity,d


Forecast for Ann Arbor-Tuesday,
generally fair with light snow flurries.
University Olbservatory -Monday,
7:00 p. mn., temperature 30.8; maxi-
mum temperature, 24 hours preceding,
31.8; minimum temperature, 24 hours
preceding 4.8; average wind velocity,
12 miles per hour.
Fresh Engineer~s Will lDance at union,
Fresh engineers will give the second
party of the year at the Union next
'Tuesday. Several new feature dances
are promised including favor confetti
and spotlight dances. Dancing will
commence at 8:30 and continue until
2:00 o'clock.

11 1e nii A Inig r.":ppea, Which is
less Tlhanu Needed for
Trip South.
Coach Rickey is up 'in arms today
and is offering large rewards for any
information leading to the capture of
a pitcher, record and pedigree imma-
terial. And the more hurlers that are

Musical Organizations to Present
Many Features at Annual Recital
Friday Evening.
New songs, stunts and features of
great variety will characterize the an-
nual concert to be given by the Mich-
igan Glee and Mandolin clubs in Uni-
versity Hall Friday evening. Accord-
ig to those in charge, the program
will be the most versatile ever offered

Men trying out for speaking parts in
"Contrarie Mary" will meet at the Un-
ion this afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, and
at this time the lines In act one of the
book will be discussed. Both dancing
and singing choruses will have a regu-
lar workout at the Union at 7:00
o'clock this evening.
Bert S. John, director of the opera,
was in Detroit over Sunday, but he
will return today and conduct the re-
hearsals for the rest of the week. A
more or less grueling course of prac-
tice has been prescribed for all the
men who are to take part in the pro-
duction, and it is expected that this
will continue until the date of the first

led into the big cage the bigger will
be the rewards. The reason is simple,
sixty-seveni men so far have reported
for baseball and out of the entire lot
there are exactly five pitchers.. For
the one position on' the team where
the player has more than one chance
to land there are about enough men
out to insure them all plenty of work
with no opposition.



Mhlekes Muist Attai Qualifying
to Enter Evenus 1Next


Efforts of the candidates of the 1913
Varsity and of the aspirants for the
All-Fresh team will be bent toward

the annual Varsity meet, which occursI
Saturday evening, during this week's
practice. A feature of the meet will
be the establishment of qualifying
marks in various events, and as only
those men who can meet the condi-
tions will be allowed to compete, wrk
this week is expected to be spirited.
The entry lists for Varsity track
meets have often been overcrowded in
previous meets. This fact, it is believ-
ed, has handicapped the trainer and
captain in sizing up the men with a
view to giving them permanent posi-
tions on the track squad. It has also
made the staging of the Varsity meet
diflicult. With the establishing of qual-
ification marks, it is believed those ob-
jections will be met.
Marks which the entrants must equal
if they wish to compete in the Varsity
meet have been set in only six events,
as Trainer Farrell and Captain Haff
thought-it would not be fair to fix con-
ditions in such events as the 35 yard
dash and the high and low hurdles.
These marks have been set as follows:
Shot Put-33 feet; High Jump-5 feet
3 inches; Pole Vault -9 feet 4 inches;
440 Yard Dash--5 seconds; 880 Yard
Run-2 minutes 12 seconds; Mile Run
-5 minutes,
Captain Haff has announced that
freshmen will be eligible to compete in
the Varsity meet, under the above
conditions. Last year there were few
if any freshmen entered in the' Varsity
meet, owing to the fact that the All-
Fresh team was weak. Other years,
however, freshmen have been allowed
to compete and the old precedent will
be followed out this' year.
Junior Rtesearch Cb to Hold Meeting,
The Junior Research club will hold
a meeting tonight at 8:00 o'clock in a
fourth floor room of the medical build-
ing. Mr. G. N. Curtis will read a pa-
per on "Reconstruction Methods as
Used in Histology."
Prof. Wilgus Hopes to Meet ('ases,
An attack of la grippe has 'confined
Prof. H. L. Wilgus of the law depart-
ment to his home for the past few
days, but he hopes to meet his classes
First Year Laws Will Phian for Dinner.
Final arrangements for the annual
Fresh law banquet will be discussed
at a meeting of the first year class this
afterneon in room C of the law build-
ing at 4:00 o'clock.

1Last year at this time sixty-seven
men had not handed in their names,
but already there were twenty-three
heavers working out the kinks and.
every one of them working hard.
Where the missing eighteen have dis-
appeared to, and where new aspirants
have hidden themselves is the question
that is bothering Rickey and it is no
Jittle bother. Branch, being a battery
man himself, considers the pitching
staff a mighty factor and last year's
experience bears out his contention
and to have only five men show up
was somewhat of a blow to the coach.
Perihaps the cause is that one or two
men have been so played up by vari-
ous newspapers that most aspirants
clieve they have but little chance to
land the coveted job. But as a matter
of fact i is very likely that at least
four pi ;hors will be taken on the
southesi tri) and probably double
that nueber will be used during the
season so this is one place where
there is lots of room. Also those hurl-
ers who have not yet reported are ex-
pected to hustle so as to get their
arms in shape and the coach is exceed-
ingly anxious that all desiring to try
out at this job report at. once. It is
known as a matter of fact that there
are more pitchers than five in the en-
tire university, and it is to be hoped
:hat these men will come out at once,
for if they do not Michigan might as!
well give up hopes of a winning team.i

y the clubs, including a liberal sprink-
ling of popular numbers and recent
operatic selections.
"The Midnight Sons" will be one of
the innovations to be introduced for
the first time Friday night. This will
be a comedy, ragtime quartet, which
will perform in marked contrast to
the more serious Varsity quartet. Pop-
ular hits and . feature numbers will
compoge the portion of the program to
be furnished by this organization,
which was discovered by leader
Richard J. Simmons, of the Glee club,
while it was rendering an impromptu
harmonic melange on board a Pere
Marquette coach, on the recent trip to
Port Huron and Saginaw.
With the idea in mind of attracting
as many as possible of the student
body to hear the musical clubs in ac-
tion before they start on their long
tour to the Pacific coast, popular pric-
es will prevail at the Friday night
concert. The greater part of the seats
in University Hall sell for 25 cents, in-
cluding most of the main floor. A few
of the more desirable seats near the
stage will be sold for 50 cents. No
seats will be reserved, but general ad-
mission cards, at both prices, are now
on sale at the book stores, or may be
secured from the members of the
The following program will be pre-
1. (a) The Victors .. Louis Elbel, '00
(b) Varsity ......Earle Moore, '12
Combined Clubs
2. Song of Prince Rupert's Men
.....................Arthur Thayer
Glee Club
3. Overture, Light Cavalry.....
........Franz Von Suppe
Mandolin Club
4. Varsity Quartet Selections
5. Stunts by A. O. Williams.
6. Selections from Robin Hood ....
............. ...Reginald de Koven
(a) Hunting Chorus
(b) Sextette
(c)- Tinker's Chorus
7. Selections from Naughty Mariet-
ta ................ Victor Herbert
8. (a) Old Irish Song (Solo by Wes-
Keep a Goin' .. Heinrich Jacobson
Glee Club
9. Selections for the Land of the
Birds...............Manuel Cline
Mandolin Club
10. Medley of Michigan Songs
Combined Clubs
X. (Selections by the "Midnight Sons"
quartet will be interpolated.)

Percival Blansihard, Board Appolntee,
Has Withdrawn From,
This Contest.
The contest to choose Michgan's rep-
resentative in the Hamilton Oratorical.
contest will be held this evening, with
8 men competing.- The winner will
speak against orators from Minnesota,
Wisconsin, Northwestern, Indiana, and
Iowa at Chicago in April.
The entries are: John L. Prim-
rose, '13; Clarence E. Franklin, '15L;
Maurice Sugar, '13L; Louis D. David,
'15L; Peter R. Fagan, '13; Lyman S
Hurlburt, '14L; Paul Daugherty, '14L,
and W. W. Schroeder, '14. ,
Percival Blanshard, '14, who was ap-
pointed by the oratorical board to rep-
resent Michigan before it was decided
to hold a contest, has withdrawn and
will devote his entire time to the Uni-
versity contest.
Prof. A. G. Hall, registrar of the lit-
erary department; Dr. J. W. Scholl,
of the zoology department; Dr. C. E.
Parry, of the economics department;
and Prof L. P. Joslyn, of the high
school will act as judges.
The order in which the men will
speak was not determined by the com-
mittee, and the men will draw for
places immediately before thecontest,
which will be held at 7:30 o'clock in
room B of the law building, and will
-be open to the public without charge.
Junior lits began an active campaign+
for class dues yesterday, when $25.00
was collected during the office hours
of the committee in charge of the so-
licitation. Personal letters have been
sent out to all the members of the
class behind in their dues, and it is
expected that as -a result of the efforts
of the committee most of the outstand-
ing assets of the juniors can be col-
The men in charge of the campaign
will be in a receptive mood from 2:00
to 5:00 o'clock this afternoon, when
members of the class may settle their
accounts at the S. L. A. ticket window,
in the main corridor of University hall
Hygiene Class Needs Better Quarters.
Containing over three hundred stu-
dents, the largest number in its his-
tory, Dean Vaughan's class in hygiene1
has outgrown its quarters in the med-
ical building, and arrangements are
being made to find a room large
enough to accommodate the entire

Conference Was Held Yesterday With
President Hutchins Upon
Soliciting Among
Sentiment at Meeting Favored Mutual
Understanding Between
At a conference between represen-
tatives of the Michigan Union and Uni-
versity Y. M. C. A., held yesterday af-
ternoon in President Harry B. Hutch-
ins' office, the building fund campaigns
announced some time ago by each of
these organizations, were discussed at
No definite decision was reached as
a result of the discussion. The chief
paint broached at this time was the
proposal that the Y. M. C. A. and Un-
ion unite in their campaigns for funds.
This idea was made the subject for
some discussion, but both sides agreed
to submit the question to their respect-
ive controlling boards before announc-
ing any course of action.
The meeting was wholly informal in
nature, and was called by President
Hutchins to insure continued harmo-
nious relations between the two organ-
izations concerned, especially as re-
ards their individual plans to canvass
the alumni for funds with which to
erect new club houses. Yesterday's
session was preceded by another con-
ference held one week ago yesterday,
at which time no effort was made to
get formal expressions of opinion, but
rather to consider the matter in a ten-
tative manner.
General sentiment at yesterday's
conference seemed to favor a mutual
understanding between the Union and
Y. M. C. A., if no more intinate re-
lations could be established. Some
of those present expressed the convic-
tion that a joint solicitation for funds
could best be undertaken by some man
who would present both of the build-
ing projects impartially to alumni. A.
C. Jennings, who secured the funds for
the erection of Newberry hall, was the
man mentioned for this position.
At an informal gathering of a score
of Michigan Union members, held at
the Union last evening, the matter of
combining with the Y. M. C. A. in the
campaign for building funds was put
up for debate. The proposition, after
a discussion lasting over two hours,
was generally approved. It was the
opinion of most of those present, how-
ever, that if a capable man could be
secured within a reasonable time to
undertake the solicitation of money
solely for the Union, that a coalition
with the Y. M. C. A. would be scarcely
President Hutchins, and officials of
the two organizations, would express
no opinion on the relations of the two
building campaigns last evening.

The senior lit campaign for dues
will be inaugurated today when the
special tax of $2.00 will become paya-
ole at the S. L. A. window in Univer-
;ity hall, from 8:00 to 12:00 and 1:00
co 5:30 o'clock. The window will be
:pen at the same hours tomorrow.
At the same time that the dues are
paid the invitations may be ordered,
sachi member ordering as many as he
wants at 30 cents. All dues must be
paid in order to have names in the
In vitations.
itig Engineer lo Seuh This Afternoon.
Mr. H. F. Goodrich, '98E, consulting-
gineer of New York, will lecture on
': arbor Construction and Mainten-
ance" at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in
room 43 of the new engineering build-
ing. Mr. Goodrich is an expert along
This line.
Crisii-mn Seieiitist Speaks Tonight.
Judge Cliiford P. Smith, a member
of the beard of lectureship of the First
ihureh of Christ; in. Boston.
a'ill speak at Sarah Caswell Angell
a'll this eenipg at 8:00 o'clock on
'Christian Science." The lecture will,
be oti en to the public.

Prof. Friday Goes on Lecture Tour.
Prof. David Friday, of the economics
department, left Ann Arbor yesterday
morning for a week's lecture tour in
the upper part of the state. He will
speak on "Tax Reform" and "Tariff
Fallacies," giving two lectures in Lin-
coln, one in Spruce, and one at a coun-
ty grange.
First Year Engineers to Hold Dance.
Fresh engineers wlil give the second
of a series of dances at the Union on
Tuesday, March 11. Admissions are
limited to 100 and tickets may be pro-
cured at 75 cents from members of
the social committee.

1. A. C. Professor Enrolls in Lit Dept.
C. H. Coons, an instructor at the
Michigan Agricultural college, 1has en-
rolled in the literary department for
this semester to take up the study of
the prevention of plant diseases under
Prof. H. C. Kaufman.
Geology Class 18 Meets Tonight
Classes in a 4ourse given by Mr.
Frank Leverett on the pleistocene gla-
ciation of North America, geology 18,
will start today. Students who elect-
ed the course at the first of the semes-
ter will meet in the museum lecture
room at 7:00 o'clock this evening.






Tuesday and

30c each


March 4 and 5

Class Tax

INVITATI NSmust be purchased and CLASS DUES
Paid at the S. L. A. WINDOW in University Hall.

8-12 A. M.



- 5:30P.ME

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