The MAIL $2.00 Michigan Daily MAIL $S.00 I LOCAL $1.50 I mom ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1913. PRIMU FI V CUNT XIII. No. 103. GRADS MURDER ARESULTS IN A BIG INDEMNITY Italian Government Agrees to Pay $25,000 for Killing of Dr. H. F. Pre o o '88-90, by Arabs. WILL PLACE THlE ONEY IN HANDS oFARCHAEOLOGISTS De Cou Killed While on Norton Ex- pedition in Cyrene in Oct. 1911. An indemnity of $25,000 will be paid for the murder of Dr. Herbert Fletch- er De Cou, '88-'90, by the Italian gov- ernment. Dr. D Con was killed by the Arabs in Cyreife, Tripoli, prior to the outbreak of war between Italy and Turkey in Northern Africa in 1911, while engaged in the "Norton Archae- ological Exploration" organized by the American Archaeological society. The indemnity was demanded by Senator William Alden Smith, '92L, on the ground that Italy, as present pos- sessor of Tripoli, should assume the responsibility. The sum of $25,000 will be put in trust with the Archaeo- logical Institute of America. Dr. De Cou was born at Good Har- bor, Michigan, June 10, 1868.. He was taught by his mother until twelve when he was sent to the Detroit Cen- tral High School.. On completing his preparatory education he entered this university and distinguished himself in the classics. Receives Scholarship. After graduation, Dr. De Cou was appointed to the Elisha Jones Clas- sical Fellowship. From the fall of 1890 until his death he spent consider able time abroad, first as student upon a fellowship at Athens and in Germany then as secretary and lecturer in the American schools in Athens and Rome. He returned to the university to fill the instructorships in Greek and Sanskrit in 1892 to 1894, and 1899-1900. Dr. De Cow's contributions to schol- arship were not numerous but charac- terized by independence, lucidity, and sureness. Best known is his mono- graph upo the bronzes found in the excavation of the Argive Heraeum; yet unpublished is an extensive man- uscript upon the collection from Bos- coreale, in the Field Museum of Chi- cago, which was prepared by himself. Arabs Commit Murder. The work of the Norton Expedition. in Cyrene commenced in the latter part of October 1910. The staff in charge consisted of the director Rich- ard Norton, Dr. De Con, Dr. Joseph C. Hoppin and oither associates. On March 11, 1911, while starting out for the place of digging, Dr. De Cou was shot by three Arabs concealed behind a wall 70 feet away. In connection with the murder, Richard Norton, head of the Expedi- tion, writes "The Arabs who commit- ted the murder had never had any re- lations or dealings with us; they did not belong to the neighborhood, but were hired and sent from more than 50 miles away to commit this crime." "To the chivalry of a mediaeval knight," Norton writes, "he added the deep learning and broad outlook of a true scholar. Words cannot picture him to those who know him not, amt give but a sad satisfaction to us who loved and admired him. His blood ad- ded a grace to the asphodel where it blows among the sleeping ruins of Cyrene, and his spirit has entered into our efforts to bring the work to such conclusion that he would himself have said, 'Well done.'" Prof. White Leaves Town for Few Days Prof. A. H. White, professor in chemical engineering has been forced to leave town on account of the sick- ness. of his mother. He has failed to meet any of his classes since last Wed- nesday. Scientific Club Dines Tonight. Members of the Scientific club will hold their regular bi-weekly dinner at their Union at 8:00 o'clock tonight. There will be no special features on f wi I THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Saturday, generally fair with light snow flurries in the east. University Observatory - Friday, 7:00 p. in., temperature 17.9; maxi- mum temperature 24 hours preceding, 25.5; minimum temperature 24 hours preceding, 15.0; average wind velocity, 5 miles per our; precipitation, .03 inches. Complete Second Round of Tourney. The second round in the chess and checker tournament between Michigan and Illinois was finished Thursday night at the Union. Twenty-five mov- es have been completed and it is ex- pected that the game will last the rest of the semester. Prof. Wilgus Confined With La Grippe. Prof. Horace L. Wilgus is confined1 with a slight attack of la grippe. He' will probably meet class,s .Monday. SOPH PROSPECTS OF VICTORY DIM Majority of Points Seem to be Within the Grasp of the Freshmen. TO ELECT FRESH TRACK CAPT. Prospects do not stack up any too brightly for the sophomores in their approaching dual track meet with the; freshmen athletes, tonight in Water-] man gym. All the known ability in the class has been working out steadily for several .weeks, and although not numerous there are several names that] it is safe to believe will appear in first place among the results. But the youngsters with a large representation in each event will be there to take ev- ery advantage of an opponent's poor start, and with their unquestioned class in many of the runs, look very plausible for the victor's laurels., Monetta will probably not be for- midible in the short dash, because of an injured leg, but his place will be] well taken care of by the two Smiths,] and by Lyttle, so that the first year1 men may monopolize that race. First place in the 440 dash shouldI be a present from C. Smith to the freshmen, and in the half mile run,] Murphy and Uffer loom strong for first and second with a possible soph- omore third. There is not much hope for the sophomores in the mile, as Gray, who showed best last year is not in shape, and Lynch and Richards are+ counted upon by the freshmen to make the fourteen laps in lose to 4 minutesi and 40 seconds.° From all that can be gleaned from1 past records, the freshmen should be the favorites in tonight's tilt, but there will be a sophomore contingent pres- ent to see that the score is not too one- sided and perhps to overturn the dope and win. Immediately after the meet the freshmen will elect a man from the evening's point winners to captair their squad in the meets that Director Bartelme has arranged for them with the M. A. C. Varsity. GREENSTEIN AND BURR WIN PRIZES AT UNION CARD GAMES. A large number of Union members took advantage of the Friday evening entertainment last night. There were ten tables of card players with five hundred as the most popular game. The prizes this week consist of two stines engraved with the Uni- yersity of Michigan seal, and were won by L. W. Greenstein, '13L, and F. M. Burr, '13E. Alpha Nu to Pick Debaters. Alpha Nu literary society will hold. its regular weekly meeting this even- ing in University Hall at 7:30 o'clock. Final elimination .for the initiates' debating team, which will determine who shall have the right to represent the society against the Adelphi has been postponed until March 8, when the trio will be chosen. TWIRLERS FACE MANYS ENIGMAS OAN SCHEDULE Dates for 1913 Baseball Contests In. clude Eastern and Southern Teams Not on Former Schedules. THIRTY GAMES BILLED, HALF OF NUMBER BEING AT HOME. Cornell Game to be a Mid Week Bat- tie, and Pennsy Plays Here in June. One of the best baseball schedules that Michigan has had in some time was given out last night. There is a total of 30 contests slated to take place with just half of them billed for Ferry field. The real feature of the program is the large number of new opponents that will meet Rickey's bunch and the majority of them will cavort on the Ann Arbor diamond. The two trips are attractive ones, the first one being the southern jaunt and containing a program of eight games in which "Kentuck," Georgia, and Vanderbilt are the head liners. The eastern trip contains six games with the eastern leaders, but it is no- ticeable that the old hoodoo, West Point, has been dropped and Lehigh has been put on. On the home slate, eastern teams predominate. Cornell, Pennsylvania, Syracuse, Washington and Jefferson, Pittsburg, and Georgia are some of the aggregations of ball tossers that will delight Michigan fans. As usual the Michigan Aggies are slated and the Wolverines will attempt to retrieve last year's battles with them. The Pennsy games will be held during commencement week again and the only regrettable feature is that Cor- nell will be here for a mid-week game. To Test Merit of Team. The schedule will prove a real test for the merits of the team, which is starting in with brilliant prospects. If the Wolverines can clean up the ma- jority of these contests they will rank high among college teams and Rickey has a campaign mapped out for him that will allow no loafing. The schedule, with an alumni game to be arranged later, is: Saturday, April 5.-University of Kentucky, at Lexington. Monday, April 7.-University of Georgia at Athens. Tuesday, April 8.-University of Georgia at Athens. Wednesday, April 9.-University of the South at Sewanee. Thursday, April 10.-University of the South at Sewanee. Friday, April 11.-Vanderbilt at Nashville. Saturday, April 12.-(A.M.) Castle Heights at Lebanon. Saturday, April 12.-(P.M.) Vander- bilt at Nashville. Wednesday, April 16.-Alma at Ann Arbor. Saturday, April 19.-Western Re- serve at Ann Arbor. Wednesday, April 23.-University of (Continued on page 4.) FRESHMEN PILL PUSHERS TO BE GIVEN COACHING. "NEW OPERA RSAYS ST. JOHN DEAN ANGELL, OF CHICAGO, TO SPEAK AT UNION TOMORROW Several Musical Numbers to eluded in the Sunday Program. be In- Director of "Contrarie Mary" Thinks Dramatic Talent, Melodies and t Plot Better Than in For. mer Years.a DANCERS WILL NOT SING AS IN I PAST BUT WILL DANCE ONLY.a Rehearsals to be Held This Morning For Chorus and Cast at t Union. "With better dramatic talent, liv- lier melodies, a more active plot, and more efficiently trained dancers thanf were ever before assembled for a Mich- igan Union opera, 'Contrarie Mary'r gives every possible indication of go-' ing down in campus annals as the best production ever put on by the Union," said Bert St. John, director of the op- era, last evening. Mr. St. John came to Ann Arbor yesterday afternoon from New Yor# City, where he secured a number of suggestions from the latest metropol- itan offerings, which will be used in7 the presentation of the 1913 opera. Di- rector St. John expressed his satis- faction with the book, lyrics and mu- sic of the show, but intimated that before the time of the first perform. ance a number of novelties would be interpolated, and the present lines al-.< tered in parts. Dancers Will Not Sing This Year. Following out the system used for the first time this year in picking out the choruses, the men in the dancing groups will not be required to furnisht any of the vocal talent for "Contrarie Mary." All of the singmg will be done4 by me especially selected for this1 work, while the dancing will be fur- nished by toe-artists chosen only witht regard to their agility. The first general rehearsal for ther 1913 production was held at the Un- ion last evening, at which time all of the candidates for parts in the show l were present. On account of the lim- ited time for which the large hall could be used, no work was done by the cast or dancing choruses, but the singers were given an opportunity toj go over the score.' To Rehearse This Morning., The tryouts who will be given th principal speaking roles in "Contrarie1 Mary" have been practically decidedf upon, but one or two of the roles are still open. At a cast rehearsal called for 9:00 o'clock this morning, Mr. St. John will make a final examination ofl the material, and the results of the2 competition for parts will be announct£ ed at this time. Dancing chorus tryouts will meet at the Union at 11:00 o'clock this morn- ing for their last competition, preced- ing the selection of the men who are to don feminine frills and war paint on behalf of "Contrarie Mary." The ma- terial which has come out for danseuse positions has been so capable, accord- ing to those in charge, that it will be difficult to select the candidates who can best fill the gyratory roles. Begin Work on First Act. Commencing the first of next week, work will be begun on perfecting the stage work in act one of the opera. The entrances of the principals and choruses, and other preparations of this nature, will be settled upon at this time, and the rehearsals continued un- til all of the lines are in good condi- tion. The first rehearsal of the week will be that of the singing chorus, which will meet at 7:00 o'clock Mon- day evening. The orchestra for the opera has been practically filled out, but further try- outs will be held at 9:00 o'clock this morning. At this time new men may prove their ability, and following the rehearsal final selections will be made. Junior Women Lunch Today. Junior women will hold the second of a series of three luncheons at the Union this noon. Dancing will follow and all feature dances have been ta- booed. Tickets for the affair may be obtained from members of the commit- tee for 50 cents., FAR WEST TO "The Fraternity Question" will be the subject of a lecture to be given by Dean James R. Angell, of the Univer- sity of Chicago, at the Michigan Union tomorrow afternoon. Dean Angell has appeared before- Ann Arbor audiences a number of times in the past, and it is expected that especially in view of the interest in the subject he will discuss, a large crowd will greet him tomor- row. Musical numbers for the Sunday af- ternoon program will be furnished by Selden Dickenson, '13-'15L, and Chase: Sikes, '16E. Members mof the Sunday afternoon committee for the second semester were announced by President Edward G. Kemp, of the Union, yesterday as follows: Edward Hazlit, '14L, chair- man, L. K. Wood, '14L, Merle Taber, '13E, J. S. McElroy, '13L, Charles Web- er, '14, and Edward Field, '15. PLAN TO IMPROVE CAMPUS IN SPRING Entire State Street Front Will Graded and Planted With . Shrubbery. be STUDENT COOPERATION SOUGHT Improvements will be made on the campus next spring and summer in- volving an expenditure of $2,500. The entire State street front as far back as the rear of University hall will be graded and planted with shrubs fol- lowing out ideas used in city park sys- tems. If the scheme succeeds to the extent that N expected, the entire cam- pus will eventually undergo a similar process. Walks along State street from North to South University avenue which are not above grade will be raised. The entire front will be graded, fertilized, and planted. A catch basin will be placed at the Memorial building cor- ner, preventing much previous incon- venience with wet walks. Shrubs will be planted along the walks, especially at the junctures and will take the place of the present iron rails in keeping the lawn at the cor- ners from being trampled. A v riet of shrubs will be chosen so that one portion of the lawn will always be in bloom during the spring, summer and fall. Will Construct Walks. Walks will be constructed along the present drives from the law building north to North University avenue and south to University hall. The entire scheme is in the nature of an experiment and if successful a park system will be carried out over the entire campus. The problem which confronts Supt. James H. Marks is the difficulty of bb- taining student cooperation. "I be- lieve," he said, "that a sentiment can be created against trampling over freshly planted grass, and treading be- side the walks instead of on them. We cannot succeed in making a beau- tiful campus unless students will do their part." TOASTMASTERS WILL "TOAST," DINE AND DANCE TONIGHT. The Toastmasters' club will give its midwinter dinner-dance tonight at the Packard academy. Edward Kemp will be toastmaster and Prof. R. D. T. Hollister who will speak on "Wind- mills," and Professor C. B. Vibbert will represent the faculty. The fol- lowing will respond to toasts : Karl Mohr, '13, "As We Go Marching On;" McGee, '13E, "The Spring Crop;", Mo- rie Lohman, '15M,, "Spring Fever;" Phyllis Dunn, '14, "The Fourth Es- tate;" Dion. Birney, '13L will also give a "toast." President Hutchins Speaks In Saginaw President H. B. Hutchins spoke be- fore the Board of Trade at Saginaw on Thursday night on the needs of the University. The address was given on the series of luncheons given by the club to the business men of the city. HEAR VARSITY MUSICAL CLUBS Trip Will Be Through Northwest For the First Time, as Last Year's Trip.Was in Southwest. EXPENSE CAUSES REDUCTION OF NUMBER TO BE CARRIED. 27 Men to be Taken Including 20 Glee Club Men, Four String Artists, Manager. and Faculty Man For the "second time in their 39 years' history, the University of Mich- igan musical clubs will journey to the Pacific coast this year. According to the announcement made last evening by Manager Mal- colm McCormick, '15, the clubs will leave Ann Arbor March 31, give con- certs in eleven towns between this city and the coast, and return April 15. The trip will continue over 15 and a half days, and the Varsity warblers and string-artists will cover a total of 5,200 miles. The itinerary for the tour will in- clude the following cities, on the dates named. March 31-Battle Creek, Mich. April 1-Chicago, Ill. April 2-St. Paul, Minn. April 3-Miles City, Mont. April 4.-Helena, Mont. March 5-Missoula, Mont. April 6-7-Spokane, Wash. April 8-Portland, Ore. April 9-Aberdeen, Wash. April 10-Tacoma, Wash. April 11--Seattle, Wash. First Trip in Northwest. The trip arranged -for this spring is by far the longest ever taken by the clubs on their own responsibility, and the only tour ever made which extend- ed farther than St. Paul in the north- west. All expenses for the journey have been guaranteed by alumni or- ganizations in the west, located in the towns and localities to be visited. Last winter the musical clubs went to the Pacific coast as the guests of the Santa Fe railroad, on which trip 13 concerts were given, and a mileage of nearly 6,000 miles traversed. The tour extended over 24 days, and the clubs at this time journeyed over the southern route to the coast. Clubs to be Reduced. On account of the great expense ne- cessitated in carrying a large number of musicians on such a trip as that planned, it has been found to be im- practicable to take both the Glee and Mandolin clubs on the tour. For this reason, the mandolin organization will only be represented by a quartet, and the number of songsters will be reduced to 20. In all 27 men will be carried, includ- ing an accompanist, faculty represen- tative and manager. It is expected that the management will be able to meet all of the expenses of the tour, but in order to provide available funds at the outset, each man who makes the trip will be required to furnish a deposit of $25. Alumni Will Entertain. Michigan alumni haverarranged va- rious entertainments for the clubs in practically every city to be visited. The musicians will give concerts with alumni dinners at Chicago and St. Paul, in which cities no public appear- ances will be made. Dinners, dances and receptions have also been promis- ed in profusion at nearly every stop. "I am confident that the University of Michigan clubs will acquit them- (Continued on page 4.) EMMA GOLDMAN, WELL KNOWN ANARCHIST TO SPEAK TODAY. Emma Goldman, the celebrated an- archist will speak this afternoon at 3 o'clock and tonight at 8 o'clock at Woodmen's hall, corner of Main and Washington streets, on the subjects "Damaged Goods" and "Syndicalism." The former eis a review of a social drama by a French author, - Brieux; the latter " deals 'with a. new form which opposition teo capital has taken. Trainer Farrell Arranges Class Bring Out any Budding Talent. to All freshmen heavy weights who are alleged shot putters are to be given not only special attention but have a special class arranged for them in an endeavor to bring forth the budding ability. Trainer Farrell has arranged to be at the gym every morning from ten to twelve, and will conduct with proper decorum and unequalled skill the practice in pushing the pill. The crowded condition of the gym in the afternoon has made it impossible for the heavy frosh to get the desired amount of practice and so two hours in the morning will be devoted to it. All freshmen who are desirous of working out at the shot put, including both those who have reported and those who have not, are requested to appear at the gym at these hours whenever possible.