.THE MICHIG~AN DAILY. *A-W-Ww-Q.WA I r i I a F ou lose if you mWuiss the big DETROITC FRATERNITy JEWELERS AmD STATIONERF$tS Jewelers, Stationers, Opticians and Fraternity Jewelers EASTER CLOTHII For Men, Young Men and Boys CL UPSALE OF BROKEN SIZES AT I 2o7-211 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETROIT P At this season--when good clothes take on new Importance- we make unusual efforts to provide for every requirement, and our display is mere comprehensive than ever. Young Men's Suits, either in staple models 'or the new Eng- lisb effects, coats 30 to 32 inches long, two or three buttoned, flat or soft roll lapels, beautifully tailored, are now being shown by us. An inspection of our SPRING CLOTHING will convince you of the up-to-dateness of our Clothing Department. WINDO "Purfield 's" 119 South Main Street P%.Iaoe of Sweets Down Town LET F'zrish the Zoe Cree am Attemtkon to F"ra5.ternities o..rd Sororities ON MAIN STREIET rypew1-friter e p; 1ii Ph9' 131 I will meiet or beat anay price made on a typewriter, sale or rental. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Union opera committees' picture to be taken at Rentschler's this noon, 12:00 o'clock prompt. Lit hockey practice today at 4:00 o'clock. Meeting of senior cane committee at Union at 1:00 o'clock today. Soph lits class dues payable Friday in U. hall. Prof. C. L. de Muralt Goes to New York Prof. C. L. de Muralt, of the electric- al engineering department, left Tues- day afternoon for New York on busi- ness which will detain him until Sun- day. One of the advanced classes in that department is planning to go to Detroit Monday to meet him on his return trip and together make an in- spection trip through the Detroit Edi- son company's power station. ADS IN THIS COLUMIN ARE TO BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. WANTED Wanted-,Student representatives.Good pay. G. C. Maedel, 619 Liberty St. Wanted-Men representatives to begin July 1. Care of Daily, Box X. 101-2-3-4 Wanted-Several young ladies of good appearance for the summer.' For in- formation address 12 Michigan Dai- ly. 101-2-3-4 For Sale-Two good reserved seats for Lerner recital. Call' 937 between 1:00 and 5:00 o'clock. 101 LOST. Lost-Log log slide rule, without run- ner. Reward. Phone 954-L. 715 S. 12th St. 100-101 VACATION EMPLOYMENT. If you wish to earn a large sum of money to pay your way through col- lege next year see L. A. Buell at the University Y. M. C. A. Thursday night from 6:00 to 8:00 o'clock. 101 GREAT REMOVAL SALE?1 At the Palais Royal, 209 E. Liberty, U. of M. Pennants and Pillows at cost for two weeks, as we remove to 304 S. Main April,1. 100-104 The best guitar or mandolin for you to buy is made by the world's famed Martin factory. See and try these beautiful instruments at Schaeberle and Son's Music House. tf J: F. WUE3RTH %Co. ,,HEADQUARTERS 'FOR GOOD DRESSERS WHY ? We charge more than some for our cleaning. OUR~ WORK IS BETTER. No Odor. Try us. Cleanmixg and Dyebig Works J. A. GREY, Proprietor. Tel. 16534-L r] i 711 Packard Rt. 9253. ]N. 'niv. Ave. ' DP. WOOD WAR.D xr stvingas n eB g, esrzi Floor Ann Arbor, Mich. 4 209 Souith State $treet Gives Clean, Wholesome Board at .. The largest and finest stock city. Goodyear's Drug Store. Old Post Office Block. The for P'articular men. Koullauf. 1183-L. In the 3 tf Tailor Phone tf $4.00 per Week. Water. Safe Drinking Work Called for and Delivered. ' nr~r~ An up-to dlate showing of Iff1143 Ky 1T1in 3 F all Millinery at popular Iprices. Hair Goods a specialty. Bell Phone 1390J E. B. HATLEY, 206 E. Liberty Street " ~STARTING ajestic TONIGHT Musical Comedy Co. - Thc KELLY - SCHUSTLR Big Gayety. Company in the Musical* Frivolity "Frisky Fran ce"y I Martha Washington Candy for sale only at University Pharmacy. Thur.89 C.IC. Frreman, Proprietor .1 ItY! There's less_ than a month to ordr yourr $18 to$4 .RSITY TGGRYSHOP "KA~ HN-MADE" CLOTHES GAS RANGES I In Large Units 0w ectionunI Candy Making only in the choice new packages of LIGGETT BRAND of been -tptly sai d of them. '-A taste and you want more.". Lig- colatres are srnooth., delik-ious, pure, delicately flavored and ly atsorted, filling every requireinent of a high grade confec- r fvesh groods, nuaranteed in perfect condition have just ar- we urge you to cotae in and examine the line.