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February 27, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-02-27

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MAIL $2.00



MAIL $2.00

LOCAL $1.50

Vol. XXIII, No. 101.












Government to Offer Many
Men Opportunity to Spend
Months on Battle-


k ~ f

For First Season at Least, Men
be Required to Pay Part of


Michigan students will have an op-
portunity to spend two months on
board a battleship of the United States
navy, according to plans of the Navy
Department received here, which will
go into effect this summer. The Navy
Department, in cooperation with the
presidents of the universities and, col-
leges of the country, will train a cer-
tain number of college students in this
manner every year, the plan being a
forerunner of a movement in naval
circles to build up an efficient naval
President Hutchins has received an
official communication from the Hon.
George von L. Meyer, secretary of the
navy, in regard to the matter; and
Capt. C.C. Marsh, of the Naval Reserve,
has sent Dean Cooley the proposed
general order from the department to
the navy, with an inquiry as to the
sentiment at the University of Michi-
gan on the plans..
Dean Cooley Favors Plan.
"The plan is a hummer," said Dean
M. E. Cooley yesterday, "and I have
written the naval authorities that the
only trouble with us will be to keep
enough of our boys here to hold a
summer school. I want every man

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Thursday,
snow flurries and much colder, with
cold wave.
University Observatory--Wednesday,
7:00 p. m., temperature 31.2; maximum
temperature, 24 hours preceding, 35.5;
minimum temperature, 24 hours pre-
ceding, 21.7; average wind velocity, 4
miles per hour.
Women Support New Tea Room.
Patronage at.the tea room at New-
berry hall the past week has steadily
increased so that enlarged quarters
will be necessary soon if the women
continue to make the room their head-
quarters. There are about 100 women
eating there daily at present.
The profits are given to the patrons
by reducing the price on the favorite
dishes, as the Y. W. C. A. does not in-
tend to make any financial gain in
running the room.
Pharmics to Hear Norman Taylor, '08.
Norman I. Taylor,. '08P, a member
of the firm of Frederick Stearns and
company, of Detroit, manufacturing
pharmacists, and editor of the "New
Idea," a journal of commercial phar-
macy, will talk to the Prescott club
this afternoon at 4:00 o'clock in room
303 of the chemistry building. He will
speak on the "Retail Drugstore Adver-
tising and Salesmanship."

L. D. David, '14L, Member
Students' Committee Says
crease in Wages Will

S. Martinez, '13E, Says Mexico
Work Out Own Salvation
If Let Alone.


no In-




"If Wilson pursues Taft's policy and

who is interested to drop me a postal the United States keeps hands off, Mex-
so I can have some accurate guage of ico will surely work out her own sal-
the sentiment here. This does not vation." Such is the theory advanced
mean an enrollment in the project, but by Saturnino Martinez, '13E, of Iguala,
simply support for the idea." Mexico, regarding the present condi-'
As far as can be learned from the tion of affairs in the republic. "The
orders and the correspondence receiv- revolution is now shattered," said Mar-
ed, there is no definite limit as to the tinez, "except for a few scattered
number of men who will be taken from bands waging a guerrilla warfare in
any school. All students accepted the fastnesses of the southern moun-
must be approved by the college au- tains. Intervention now would mean
thorities, be 18 years of age, and have that war would again break out with
completed at least two years of their both the Mexican factions united
course. They will be allotted to ships against the United States. Huerta, the
in groups of 20, the men from each new president, has adopted Diaz's pol-
school being in the same group, un- icy of iron-handed rule. He has shown
less ther are over 20 which is the lim- his stand by killing Madero, the best
it for each ship., thing which could have happened to
Men Need Not Enlist. the conutry. Madero himself was
The men will not be enlisted but overthrown. primarily because of the
will be subject to all the rules and laxness of his administration. The
regulations of the navy and their ship. populace is even now clamoring for
They will be under the immediate the return of Diaz, but Huerta, with a
charge of a senior line officer, and strict control over his troops can eas-
there will be a first and second leader ily maintain peace until another gov-
of the group appointed on faculty rec- ernment is firmly established."
Instruction will be given in engi- SELECT SENIOR ENTRIES IN
neering, electricity, gunnery, naviga- ORATORICAL CONTEST TODAY
tion and boats; besides the regulations
and routine of shipboard life. The Two senior entries will be selected
college authorities wll be consulted in for the final University Oratorical con-
drawing up the schedule of work, and test at the class preliminary this af-
an effort will be made to have it follow ternoon. The contestants and their
the students collegiate training. subjects, in the order in which they
The expenses of the training will will speak, are as follows: E. J. Ros-
be borne at least this year, by the stu- enberg, '13, "The Modern Promethe-
dents; and will approximate $60.00 for us;" J. L. Primrose, '13, "Industrial
the two months, plus travelling ex- Peace;" H. E. Goodenow, '13, "The Un-
penses to and from the point of em- realized Self;" and W. W. Wheatley,
barkation. The students will buy uni- '13, "A Central Bank."
forms, pay for their board at the rate The contest will be held at 4:30
of 40 cents a day, and also pay for o'clock in room B of the law building,
their laundry. and will be open to the public.
Mines Will be Layed.
The fleet will probably be stationed TOLEDO GRADS WILL FORM
on the New England coast this sum- UNIVERSITY ALUMNI CLUB.
mer, with Naragansett Bay for a base
of operations, but the different battle- Alumni of Toledo and vicinity will
ships will visit ports from Portland to meet at the Toledo Commerce club on
New York. War manoeuvres, mine the evening of Saturday March 8. The
laying, overhauling machinery, trying purpose of the dinner is to form a
torpedoes, signalling, and boat work University of Michigan Club of Tole-
will occupy the time for the two weeks do. Men of that city who are now at
spent in the north. college are invited to attend.
About the middle of August the Secretary Wilifred B. Shaw, '04, of
whole squadron will proced to the the Alumni Association will be present.
southern drill grounds off the Chesa- The University Glee club will send a
peake Bay for the autumn fleet target quartet, which as now planned will
practice. It will be divided into two consist of Kenneth N. Westerman, '14;
fleets pitted against each other to play George M. Moritz, '15; Norman W.
"the war game," and there will be day Reed, '13L; and Edward G. Kemp,
(Continued on page 4) '14L.


Men Will Cooperate With Landladies
to Better Conditions in
Eating Houses.
That the proposed union among
working students would advance the
price of board in Ann Arbor has been
denied by those who are behind the
"We do not intend to ask for an in-
crease in wages," said L. D. David,
'14L, a member of the committee, last
night. "We expect to better conditions
under which students work, and I do
not see that the boarding house keep-
ers would be justified in advancing
the price of board,merely because they
are asked to treat their employees bet-
ter, or to supply extra help where it is
The committee plans to hold a mass
meeting in the near future, to which
all working students will be invited.
They intend to ask cooperation of the
Michigan Union and the Y. M. C. A.
and to work through them.
"There will be no attempt at violent
c ercion or strikes," said David. "We
are students, not rioters. We intend to
work with the boarding houses not
against them, and the organization will
benefit the landladies by raising the
efficiency of their employees. We will.,
act as an employment agency and effi-
ciency commission combined; for, in
addition to securing positions for stu-
dents we will attempt to put men in
places that are fitted for them, and
if they are incompetent, we will give
others a chance to fill their positions.
"The union scheme is in the nature of
a protest against conditions which are
deplorable. The working students ob-
ject to the treatment which they re-
ceive at the hands of the landladies
and the way in which they are over-
At the mass meeting a bureau of
some kind will probably be created
which will try to secure the coopera-
tion of the larger boarding house
keepers. They expect to conduct a
"campaign of education" for the land-
ladies, and put the matter squarely up
to them. They hope to meet the In-
coming freshmen next fall, before they
secure theyi positions, and help them
to find places, where conditions meet
with the union's requirements. By an
organization, which includes all work-
ing students, they hope to force the
improvements they demand.
Hockey received another setback!
yesterday by the unfavorable weather
conditions. On account of the poor1
condition of the ice and the small sizei
of the rink the final game between the;
literary and science aggregations may1
be staged in Detroit, Friday March 7,
The way the league percentages now"
stand the flag will be carried away by
one of these teams, for the other two
aspirants cannot reach the top if they
are winners in every contest.
The athletic authorities are com-
municating with the managers of the
Detroit rink, and if the necessary ac-
commodations can be secured the"
hockeytes will be given a chance to
fight off the final battle on a regula-
tion rink.1
Weather permitting the other games
of the schedule will be played off on;
the local rinks. Today the engineers1
and laws will play at 4:00 o'clock.1
Pattengill Not to Run For Regent.
Henry R. Pattengill, '74, of Lansing,
nominated for regent of the universityi

on the Bull Moose ticket at Battle
Creek last week, has refused to run.
because of a plank in the progressive
platform indorsing uniform text books. 1

If Bert St, John Arrives in Ann Arbor
Tomorrow, First General Meeting
Will be Held End
of Week.
Opera Committees Will Have Group
Picture Taken This Noon
at Rentschler's'
If Bert St. John, director of the
1913 Michigan Union opera,who is now
in New York city on business, arrives
in Ann Arbor tomorrow, as is expect-
ed, the first general rehearsal of "Con-
trarie Mary" will be held Saturday af-
ternoon. The date of the first prac-
tice has been postponed several times
on account of the inability of Mr. St.
John to be present, but it is now assur-
ed that all the candidates for positions
in the cast and chorus wlil have their
first general get-together without fur-
ther delay.
The tryouts for places in the medium
and broiler choruses will meet this
evening at the Union, and it is an-
nounced that at this time a definite'
choice of material will be made, and
the results of the competition made
public tomorrow. The dancers have
been working since some time before
Christmas, and the results of the train-'
ing are so fully apparent that those in
charge express considerable hesitancy
in picking out what they believe to be
the most agile danseuses from the
large number of capable performers.
On account of the fact that the Un-
ion annex will be in use tomorrow
evening, no dancing chorus gyrations
will be gone through at that time, but.l
members of the squad competing for
cast positions will meet and recitel
their roles. The names of those who
will take care of the principal parts
will not be announced until Mr. St.1
John has looked over the material.
Members of the committees in charget
of the 1913 opera will have a group
picture taken at Rentschler's this noon<
at 12:00 o'clock for publication in the
"Frauenbewegung in Deutschland"t
was the subject of a lecture by Prof. J.c
W. Scholl of the German department
delivered in the economics lecture
room yesterday afternoon. Prof.
Scholl described the general
movement for the emancipation oft
women, and its particular aspects inf
"The suffrage question," he declar-t
ed, "is merely a means toward secur-
ing those other advantages which the
women hope to gain, particularly re-I
lating to freedom of occupation andi
a single standard of morality." f
Union Dance Tickets Go on Sale Today
Tickets for this week's Union mem-
bership dance will be placed on sale
this afternoon at 5:00 o'clock as usual,<
at the desk. The number will be limn-
ited to one hundred and the ticketst
will go pretty rapidly if the previous
dances are any criterion. The com-I
mittee and chaperones will be an-
nounced tomorrow.

There will be no regular meeting
of the Women's League Friday after-
noon. This action was taken to allow
League members to attend the "at
home" parties given by women of thei
city for the benefit of the rest room1
at Newberry hall. These parties will
be held at 3:00 o'clock tomorrow at
the homes of, Mrs. Junius Beal, Mrs. J.
L. French, Mrs. Rollie Nelson, Mrs. A.e
E. Jennings and Mrs. Wm. Henderson.
A silver offering will be taken at
these parties to purchase furniture fori
a room in Newberiy hall to be fitted1
with lounging chairs and tables which1
will be used as a general rest room1
by women of the university.

Movenent is Also Prevalent in Ohio,
Texas and Missis-
MADISON, WIS., FEB. 26.-Follow-
ing a third hearing, the bill for the
abolishment of fraternities in the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, has been favor-
ably voted upon by the committee on
education in the lower house of the
state legislature, and was referred to-
day to the corresponding committee in
the senate for a final decision. Col-
legiate and fraternal circles are anx-
iously awaiting the result of this ac-
"Wanted a clean young lawyer" is
the substance of a letter received by
the law department from an attorney
in Oklahoma. The writer is in search
of a capable man to take care of the
legal work of a proposed oil concern
in that state, and offers the position
to any eligible member of the 1913
class. "The prospects are good,
he writes, "and to any fellow who is
looking for an opening which displays
chances for great results, this propo-
sition cannot be equaled."
and night attacks by torpedo boats,
submarines, and ships of the line.
Fred H. Rindge, of New Yark, Talks'
to College Men on Value of
Industrial Service.
Volunteering their efforts to carryt
on industrial service work in Ann Ar-
bor, 50 out of the 75 students who at-
tended a meeting last night at McMil-
lan hall in the interest of the move-t
ment organized themselves into a com-
mittee and will begin work immediate-
ly. Arthur E. Gilman, '14, was chosen
to act as chairman.
The meeting was due to the efforts
of Fred B. Rindge, of New York city,S
who has spoken to more than 1,200
students during his three days' stay in1
the city. Addressing mainly engineers,1
and students of political economy and
sociology, he urged a practical course
in "humanics" as a necesary part of1
the training of a college man, and the
cooperation of the university in solv-1
ing great national industrial and so-t
cial problems.]
The work which will be carried on
in Ann Arbor will consist of shop1
talks and civics, "first aid," and other
educational subjects, and classes in
English wl be organized among the1
foreign employees of local factories.
A class of Greek bootblacks was or-
ganized Monday night, and they will
be taught English by the Roberts
method, which is a surprisingly rapid
and effective one.
Mr. Rindge is a graduate of Colum-
bia University and the New Yorkc
School of Philosophy, and has beent
connected with industrial servicer
work with the Y. M. C. A. ever since
the beginning of the movement. r
Those who intend to be present at1

the dinner to be given by the Associa-
tion of Michigan Women in Detroit at
the Cadillac hotel Saturday noon must1
notify Mrs. Clayton A. Spalding, 129
Taylor Ave., Detroit, before this noon.1
After the dinner a general discussion
of the question of residential halls
for women students at Michigan will
be held and plans.made for a campaignl
to be carried on in Detroit to interest
all grads now in business to establish1
a fund for this purpose. As the asso-
ciation is composed of women who take
an active interest in the current af-
fairs of the university, the recent ac-
tion of the Women's League relative
to barring the tango and the forma-
tion of a Dramatic club will doubtles
be talked of, as will the proposed
question of "credit system" for wom-


Hammer Throwers Must Have'Weight
Land Within Certain Radius;
Relay Men Required to
Carry Wand.
Keen Fitzpatrick Reports Princeton
Athletic Situation to be in
"Great Shape."
Two reforms were adopted at the
meeting of the Eastern intercollegiate
held Saturday in New York that are
of general interest to Michigan track
supporters, according to Track Mana-
ger Don Denison who has just returned
from the east. The reforms affect the
hammer throw and the relay races
and were adopted after their trial at
the recent Olympic games proved their
At the, intercollegiate games this
spring, men throwing the hammer will
be required to throw it in a field bound-
ed by an are of a circle 90 degrees in
extent, or the same are that is laid
out by the foul lines of a 'baseball
diamond. Otherwise a foul will be
called on the athlete. This measure
was adopted to prevent indiscriminate
throwing of the heavy weight which
might endanger spectators. To further
protect spectators, a cage will be re-
quired to cover the rear of the circle,
the cage will be placed at a distance of
10 feet from the circle and will have
an opening of 120 degrees.
In the matter of the relays, runners
will be required to carry a light wand
this sprnig, whch they will pass to the
next man instead of touching him off
in the old manner. It is expected that
this measure will greatly simplify the
staging of the relays and will be fairer
to all concerned.
A measure introduced by Yale to de-
bar freshmen from competing in the
Intercollegiate games and one Intro-
duced by Harvard to change the weight
of the hammer from 16 to 21 pounds
and shorten the throwing handle to 3
feet instead of 4, were voted down.
Manager Denison visited Keene Fit5-
patrick, former trainer of the Michigan
track men and now at Princeton Uni-
versty, during his trip east. "Fitzpat-
rick reported that he had lost a unm-
ber of his best athletes through fail-
ures in scholarship,." said Denison.
yesterday, "but otherwise he stated
that everything was in great shape at
Underclassmen Must. Present Coupon
Number Fourteen in Order
to Pick.
Drawings for tickets to the Fresh-
Soph indoor meet of Saturday evening
commence this morning at the office
of the athletic association and will
continue without noon intermission
till 5:30 this evening., Only under-
classmen may draw for the tickets.
Owing to the large number of under-
classmen who desire to attend the meet
and the limited seating capacity of the
gymnasium, the athletic association
has devised a scheme for ticket draw-
ng which will work out equitably it is
believed. Underclassmen must sur-
render slip Number 14 from their tick-
et books. They will then be entitled
to draw lots from a box. Those lots,
which are marked, entitle the holder
to a ticket for the meet, and a blank lot
will not entitle the holder to a ticket
As many marked lots as the seating
capacity of the gymnasium will allow
have been provided.

Ticket number 14 from the athletic
books will be used by seniors, juniors
and members of the graduate school in
drawing for the Cornell meet, and for
this reason underclassmen are warn-
ed not to throw ths number away.
en's honors.
The tickets are $1.25 and must be
bought in advance. The dinner will
be served at 12:30 o'clock noon.




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