r . ... LOCAL 1 .0 MAIL $2.00 1111 11 Vol XXIII, No. 98 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FBRUARY 23, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS I PRELIMINARY - RESULTS ARE No Phenomenal Marks Are Set, But Records of Last Year's First Meet Are Bettered. i. - THE WEATHER MAN INDICATIONS POINT TO BALANCED TEAM Freshmen SiLow Up Well; Makes ood Time in' Hurdles. BEST IN YEARS Armstrong High Entirely satisfactory-this was the verdict rendered after the final event in the annual preliminary meet, which opened Michigan's indoor track sea- son last evening at Waterman gymna- sium had been staged. There were no phenomenal marks set in either the track or floor events, but the records of last season's preliminary were cut down in several instances,, and the showing in the whole list of nine events pointed out the fact that stu- dents may expect a better balanced track team than in several years. Sev- eral freshmen also showed well in last evening's performances. Seward lived up to his advance no- tices and scampered across the floor for an easy victory in the 35 yard dash in 4 1-5 seconds, the time in which he won the event last season. H. L. Smith and C. B. Smith, both freshmen, took s'econd and third respectively. Bond got away poorly in the first heat of the preliminaries and did not quali- fy for the semi-finals. Monetta turned his ankle in the semi-finals and failed to qualify for the deciding race. Make Good Marks in Hurdles. In the hurdle events, two men who may fill the gap left by the absence of Jimmie Craig, at least indoors, captur- ed firsts. Armstrong and E.S. Cohn took the high and low sticks respectively. Armstrong's time for the high barriers was 5 4-5 seconds, the same that Craig made in the preliminary meet last sea- son. Cohn's time was 5 2-5 seconds, compared with 5 1-5 seconds for Craig last season. C. B. Smith came to the fore in the quarter when he won in 54 2-5 seconds after having participated in the 35 yard dash. Reck won last season in 55 seconds. In the half mile Carver took the race cutting down Brown's mark of 2 minutes 6 seconds last sea- son to 2 minutes 3 3-5 seconds. Jan- sen, who was ineligible last year, cap- tured second in this event. Brown's time in the mile was 4 minutes, 40 3-5 seconds. Smith made the fastest mile last year in 4 minutes, 49 seconds. Pole Vault Proves of Interest. The pole vault brought out no little interest when Cook and Cross tied for first at a height of 11 feet. Cook and Van Kammen tied for first last season at 10 feet 3 inches, with Barton scoring third. In the shot put Cole had every- thing his own way with a put of 38 feet 7 1-2 inches, though he did not ap- proach Kohler's mark of 42 feet 11 1-2 inches last season. In the high jump, W. H. White took first with a leap of 5 feet 11 inches. This distance was neasured from the floor, however, and not from the two inch mat off from which the contestants took off. White tied for second wllen jumping against Sargent last season. Sargent's height' last year was 5 feet, 10 inches. From these comparisons it is read- ily seen that Michigan's 1913 team will be pretty well balanced. With the vet- erans able to better the marks in near- ly every event, the novices will fill in the chinks in good shape, and when (Continued on page 4.) V orecast for Ann Arbor-Fair and continued colder. Udiversity Observatory-Friday,7:00 p. m., temperature, 22.9; maximum temperature, 24 hours- preceding, 356; minimum temperature, 24 hours pre- ceding, 22.8; average wind velocity, 15 miles per hour; rainfall 0.18. COSMOPOLITAN GROUP MEN TO CULTIVATE FRIENDSHIP. Plans for cultivating friendship among the members of the Cosmopoli- tan club were discussed at a banquet given by President W. W. Welsh last night in honor of the 16 group leaders of the organization and Premananda Das, '12, former vice-president. Each leader will take charge of four other members of different nationalities, and his duty is' to contract a close ac- quaintance as well as to furnish them necessary assistance. The revised constitution of the club, as compiled by a committee consisting of James D'Evlin, '13, Fred B. Foulk, '13-'15L, and K. Tonouchi, '13, was out- lined by President Welsh. The new constitution provides for a president and administrative board of four stu-M dent members, two faculty and two graduate members, by which all stand- ing committees will be appointed. CELEBRATE BIRTH I OF WASHINGTON Judge C. S. i Address; CONTRASTS Cutting Gives Principal at Law Department Exercises. HERO. IT iIN($i START ACTION TO BRING BACK BAND CONCERTS S : > .gin Last gtt (a Rei- sf_; Iu er : adana ; Sx.sl nt j tOm.:d' ak"e illtter WITH ATILETIC ASSOdIATION Librarian Koch Declares That Loca- tion Does Not Affect Studying in the Library. Following the disclosure yesterday that lack of funds was responsible chiefly for the action of the universi- ty band in deciding to discontinue its open air concerts this spring, a move- ment was begun last night to adjust matters so that the popular Friday night entertainments on the campus might be reinstated. The first step came in the announce- ment of President IHancock, of the student council, that the matter would be taken up at the next meeting of that body. At the same time it was learned that early action would be taken by a committee of the board of control of the athletic association, which was appointed to investigate this question last fall. Band is in Debt. "With a debt of $40 at the present time, the band cannot afford to under- take giving spring concerts this year," said Leader "Ike" Fischer last night. "It would mean that each member of the organization would have to dig down into his pockets for the music and other incidentals. "The band is no longer supported by the athletic association and, inasmuch as the members were not given a sin- gle trip last fall, they do not feel com- pelled to pay the expense involved in these concerts." ' Committee Holds One Meeting. When the band question came up last fall, a committee was appointed by the athletic association, consisting of Prof. A. S. Whitney, Prof. Evans Holbrook and Prof George Patterson, to establish the relationship of the band to the association. The com- mittee held a meeting several months ago but has done nothing since. "Something ought to be done to en- able the band to give its concerts," de- clared Prof. Holbrook last night. "A meeting of the committee from the board of control probably will be held in the near future and some means de- vised to bring this about." While the reason originally given by the musicians for their action was that the music disturbed students in the library, Librarian Koch yesterday declared that no 'protests had been made on this ground. "The location of the band stand last year was far enough away from the li- brary so that those studying were not materially disturbed," he said yester- day. "So far as the library authorities are concerned, I can see no reason for discontinuing the concerts." The expressions of regret which fol- lowed the announcement that the con- certs would not be held this spring (Continued on page 4.) First Re-earsal of Entire "Contrarie Mary" Will Held Tomorrow Night. Washington's Birthday was celebrated yesterday afternoon in University Hall by exercises under the auspices of the law department. Charles S. Cutting, judge of the probate court of Illinois, upon whom the university conferred the degree of doctor of laws in 1907, was the speaker of the day. In his address Judge Cutting con- trasted Washington and Lincoln, in their origin, equipment for life, and material stations; and then linked them together in their characters and accomplishments of statesmanship. "To us today, George Washington seems almost impossible," he said. "Present day staadards are so differ- ent that the devotion of this man of the aristocratic class to what he believed was the right is almost startling." ' He traced the building of our nation- al government from the time of Wash- ington's achievement of the adoption of the constitution, to the final saving of all that this document stood for by Lincoln, in the crisis of the Civil War. Judge Cutting closed his address with a tribute to both of these men. "Like two great mountains-snow cap- ped so that all the world may see-in line with each other in all material facts, but one rising from a lofty plat- eau and the other from the plains, yet each rearing themselves to equal heights-such are Washington and Lin- coln." University Fall was fittingly deco- rated with flags, palms and the por- trait of Washington. J. J. Kennedy, president of the senior laws, presided. President-Emeritus Angell, President Hutchins, Dean H. M. Bates, and Ralph Snyder, president of the junior law class, were also on the platform. Miss Marian Struble rendered two violin solos, accompanied by Miss Catherine Burlingame; and George Becker sang two solos, and led the au- dience in the singing of' "The Yellow and Blue" and "America." Miss Frances Hamilton accompanied him. ACTUAL WORK TO BEGIN ON I UNION OPERA SSINGING CIOIRUS STILL HAS SEVERAL VACANT POSITIONS Scenery and Costumes Havc Been Se- lected; Music Has Arrived in Printed Form. All preliminary practicing will now cease, and commencing tomorrow, ac- tual work will be started on "Contrar- ie Mary," this year's Michigan Union opera. The men in charge of the show have been working on the production for more than two months, but with tomor- row night's rehearsal at 6:45 p. m., the students selected to take part in the show will begin operations in earnest. From now until the producing of the opera, which will be staged at the Whitney theater on March 26, 27, 28, and 29th, rehearsals will be held reg- ularly. 'The opera committee has hung a bulletin board in the office of the Un- ion and all notices of practice will be posted there. The entire cast, which includes the speaking parts, dancing and singing choruses, and the glee club, will in- clude 85 men, the majority of whom have already been selected. Cards have been sent to successful tryouts and these men will report for rehear- sal tomorrow evening. There are still a few vacancies in both the bass and tenor of the singing chorus, and men wvho have not already reported for tryouts ar.e asked to do so immediately. About 50 students came out for the singing chorus Friday evening, and 25 were chosen to take part. The sing- ing chorus, when complete, will be composed of 32 voices. The dancing chorus which has been working for two months, is about complete. By constant drilling the rough edges have been worn away, and at the present time, the dancers trip to perfection. Music for the opening chorus has arrived in printed form. It has been published in great detail, all four voices are included, and the opening chorus will cover 30 pages of the op- era score. All costumes and scenery for the production have been selected and laid out. All that remains to be done in this line is' for the final con- tracts to be completed. Bert. St. John, who will personally direct the production of the opera, will arrive to assume charge of affairs on Tuesday morning. He will conduct re- hearsals, and will be in the city from Tuesday to Saturday of each week. The cast of the show will be an- nounced next week. The men who have competed for places in the cast are far ahead of those of any previous Union opera. In addition to their acting ability, all haye excel- lent voices. There are 15 speaking parts in the show. The posters have gone to press and will be ready for sale on March 1. JI~~b~tentan Cburch, Io:30.--Address by Leonard A. Barrett. Subject: The Illumination of a Soul. 12:0o-University Classes for Men and Women. 6:3-2. E. Subject: Social Settlements. I DR. HERBERT Episcopal Church i MONTREAL, CAN.