THlE MICIGAN DAILY. :. _.._ i You lase if you miss the b. , I'A FO u "4r .j FA R EAST versjity Y. MvI 11:, i ' r n H. Tinker Oa the Uni- C. A. has just re-eived Chares Farquhar Shaw, B2u ra,., Arabia eii ra ee CLEANmUP SALE OF BIROKEN "SIZES AT W6INtDOW Z PRICES 119 South Main Sreest 1n a aay ok in which lisc tell'. bui it ie elh Ctiattat 1)lAce (ArafJ;a, 4_.'!r(-ofin2. ; windows, reinforc- ing l.a-Lrials, t4., iiave had to be 'ir- fact in l isconnlectionl is that the re- N ~~ow% T ru rsvish the l I'Ci rea rm are' ,,zwriter p ir 1, meet or ' eat anly prace m A D. F. WC abor Savtnac Mlmk lc 14. qe-*u Attean* ounto ~~~nte ON MAIN T T o4 a IiBtypcwrktceri s~tle Or sental. OODVWARDPI At TIC-n A= Asr. rMich. v .. 2O~ o'w~ S~tt. Sre4 "-Ii A ves 4.0© Cleanl, Wholesonme P~oard at per Week. Safe Drinking Litfering aeialis i aLfc LIezl l3 a _ 3 G-r iler. C(2rhcr n_st c erta il feel proad of'lhiin Pro;etolh" alocal. Shaikh. frow. buin" hsptahe opened _up 5 Li~ i n~litale bxit of a house, ane ca :list, year he performed morm ' c o:aiies than any other niedica' Dain : rabi. We trust that some othe M:higa,. n n will come forware tfil ire th gapthat Thors has left An i~rtwill be made this spring b the_ .:vi, C.. A. v-crk"er s to secure threE snti o:l.nt crs to enter the Arabian nl~oaryfieldl. It is hoped that af leat (lotr, a nurse , and an engi- nr maybe foundl wvho will join the k ? gflion and wo-men. now at Buts- rali. lient fky Clb ll'd smoker. 1); of_ the uive irsity Kenitucky3 c b had a short nmeeting at the Unior last night. Afer h_ r ou l^ Ilt in. bu~IS1Ci' had ean iispsedC1, the meeting tool, the CV~lof a so.ciable smioker. The glderof the) Aeroc'Clu, upo:' WIL~ memersof the sceyhv been .orking mnoreor:less all winter in the r-oold loft of th:ve ng7n crin 'Vld x ill be ':; '3a. t:ial ete at the end of this we or next. The t e v,-Ill be held on one of the b hills along the boulevard. Les;d3st Ilng over- the matter o; the tes.t o thne glider, the Aero club a) :uer~e hp nud i'rogrtani comitte-F cooplrtlng 'ith a local aropl,,ane en- thusiast who intends buildin - a ma- chine were also discussed. BSKEl-BALL SERIES B3asketball will make its bid for the camiputs rle li' ht next Mnday even- in- at 7:30 o'clock in Waterman gym- 'rasiii, when thec soph lit basketeers ire schdnd to hook up with the resh lht quintet. Both teunis hae deo oped their playy I prctice nam~es during the past ;Pwv weeks and are well along in ev- _ry doprtment of the game. The roh lis are particularly adept at the "-cssing end, while the freshmen have Jisrlayed some remarkable ability at each Du as and inter-class 'man- te 'Ci'lbert hae made some changes .n th b asietball schedule, beginning with March 3. On' that date, both ,atc rys 8 and 9? will be played, i- tead of 3 loe Match 10 will be flayed on March 4, math 11 on the ~Ihh, match 1 , on the sixth, and the inuals are dated for the e~enin o Karch 10. The ni ths on which single' contests are scheduled, play will begin at 7:30 o'clock, but on the occasion of double headers, the matches will be called for 7:00 o'clock. For the initial contest on Monday, 'Jiohnny" La ans has agreed to ofici- ate as referee. The following men w~il start the game: 4011h. Fits Fresh Lt zterar.......... L.F. .....Roenfel Davidson........F.......Raymond Jhapn~an......... C. .......Warner Brown.. ,....... R.G Holton, St.Clair Marsh............ L.G.........Scott Frequent substitutions are promised by the class managers for the purpose ic tryingo out the candidates under fi re. TIME FOR RECEIIWG JOB- SEEKING~ STUDENT IS SET, Students who are registered with die appointment committee, and in- tend to' teach history or mathematics next year are urged to be present at ~he committee offices in Tappan hal Monday afternoon between 1:30 and 3:00 o'clock, in order to foster a clos er relationship betwen themselves and 'he various oficers of the committee. Stu dents intending to teach modern :an uag es will be received on Tuesday )iterneon at the same hours. Each applicant registered with the ..:nnaittee should fill out a blank form 'ling detailed information in regard o his university work for the present .ma~ster, so that if a visiting super- ntendent wishes to see an applicant, he can be found without difficulty. :hfaw {o Attend 1Meeting fitColumbus. WNilfred B. Shaw, '04, editor of The iichigan Alumnus,left Ann Arbor yes- trday afternoon for Columbus, Ohio, ,licre he hill attend a meeting of the :leretaries of the various university alur ni associations throughout the . ountry. TODAY1 ny Fncy Suit 1f lf or Ove rcoat-- qqwI~ This" includes fancy Suits, or Overcoats valued up to $25.00 All S h irts 20 pct.. Of f Heavy Underwear 20 pct. Ofi 1 . P. WUERTH CO. V~ W eh;rE mre than -m for our clean ing. Oun\VR K B t s IET R. N o Odor. Try u: Hay ley'. slpvcialty. SALE I 'illi,~nrTAn up-tvdate hwi~go 1T~i1IJiI ~ Fall Millinery ait popuL prices.' Hair' GooN Bell Phone 13904 E. E. HAYLEY, 206 E. Liberty Stre 1711 P CLOSE! l e :lung and Dyei jWorks J. -A. COREY, Proprietor. Tel. 1 534-L Packavct S#. 925. N. Vriit.. THE HOUSE OF STANDARD QUALITY Designers of MI en's Clothes AV Y t ak Called for and, Delitvered. C. 0. lrvoormmes, Proprietor .1 VI' There's less than a month to order your $181to$40, SITY TOGGERY SIP II N .AIDE" CLOTHES HENRY & CO. 711 N: Uni x the W*orld's Star Hosiery "zllE KIND THAT WVEARi59" rty ad Str.gth C~ubted. Agency at W1 E. Liberty r1de °L~. l d OrvotBldg., cr. Stt, mabd Lib.zy. J'ntrunce nii JI.., IN THIS iCOLUMN ARE TO RE PbAID FOR IN ADVANCE. We are never undersoid. Goodyear ~Dru;g Store. ' 7.2', For sui the phi _r FOR RENT. IFR.E 11 LAWS WILLj VOTE FOR ____________ I -PLACE TO HOLD - NQIJT Rent-If you move-There's a.j "Where shaillNwe hold our banquet," ite at 832 E. University. Every- Iwsh i usinta aetpb ng modern. Call and see it, or{ one 320-. 9798tore a mreeting of the fresh laws yes- _____ ___________________I terday. Put-in-Bay, Toledo,. Detroit W AWTED and Ann Arbor. are the places under _____ _____________________consideration. ted-Two hundred boarders at The question will be settled . by al- inter's Restaurant on N. Univer-l lowying each member to state his .y avenue. Open next week. We ' choice. One member from each of mbino quick 'service with the the"Aree sections, into which the "His praise is lo who waits till all cor mend."" Of the miany wI ~nk it, there are fe who do not sing d 'rissof on the market. 97 claszs is divided, will solicit the'vote of -each man in his section. 'A committee of eight was appointed od to act as ushers at the Washin-ton St. 1 birthday exercises this afternoon. =--Student representatives.C C G. C. Maedel, 619 Liberty ard if ret-urned to 702 S. Sk a9t6 The best guitar or mandolin for you to buy is made by the world's famed Martin factory. See and try these beautiful instruments at &,haeberle and Son's Music Hlouse. tf Jeffersonlan Society Mfolds Melin . Je-ffersonian society had 'a good at- tendance at their meeting last night. The subject of the debate was "Resolv- edf that the Federal Judges should be; elected by Popular Vote." Thel- -- mainder of the program consistedi of talks by James W. Avery on the "Re- lation of Attorney and Client," George A. Cram, on "Recent AmrericaiiLeg;- 1 aton on Judicial Decisions," and M. !H. Moffett, on "Ambulance Chasers." 'in order to facilitate the positing o' notices which have to do with the op- era, a s-pecial bullinaboard"Lhas beex:r placed in the Union which will be se solely for opera notices. Theye" board has beenz hung; over the hasebjals fo isn) o^ the old bulleti.board ant. is Oxp ected to be of material use to the co mimnttee chairmena in ani- nouncingwo and in kee-pngmom- hers of the cast posted.. P().CL . 4eo MU1tALT TO - SP&EAK A'.9- PURI)UE TUESDAY Prof. C. L. de Muralt, of the elec- trical engineering department, has gone to Purdue, -where he will lecture on "The Electrification of Steamn Rail- ways." Prof. de Muralt has been in Toooo on business since Tuesday, andi from there he left for Purdue Thursdy nigt. He is expected to If -srI 'WOENERECT AEM-ORIAL TO JAM1TORESS. The women of the university have purchased a mirror 24 x 60 inches which will be placed in the basement of Parbour gyr__nasium as a memorial to "Maggie" Johnson, the janitoress =Yiho died C uirn. the Christm'as vaca- The mirror is to be bordered with a six inch oaks frame and an appropri- ate silver plate will be fastened to it on which the following inscription will be engraved: "In memory of the faithful services of Margaret Johnson as janitoress of this gyhmnasiuma during the years 1906 to 11212, the collegre girls have placed vlus to'--m of. their affection." ld~1r~)Dsous Current Topics. NWeh)ster ,society held their weekly mneetin -last night and discussed cur- rant topics. The principal feature of the viregram wias a discussion in the forum of a debate on t e" act passed by Ccngre ; s , discriminating in favor of A::erican vesel~s doln , coastwise trade through the.Panama canal. V Get a pipe-rand j o in the chorus.. goes like th is-"Stec tempting fragrant( such delightful ncl ness, such satisfyiri smoothness was nevf known before." TOT1$ TOeAOCO 'They all like it. Take her a ,box his week end. Martha Washington andy at University Pharmacy. Sat. . .i BIGi rILSuits And Overcoats Sweaters and Sweinter Vests at 20 pct. dfscoun't. Menis Si'ngle I All colored jIl s hicL T~nj the warld iamrjus anhattan and Eclips-Shuts, S1,9 'K Shirt at S .85 $2.00 Suitt 441.51 $1.50 61 66$1.20 $2.50."66 $1.85 $3.00 Shirt at $2,25' 'rousers 20 for $1.00 Reule., Nis - Rill