T HE AICHIGAN DAILY .. . ' FORMER STUDENT TO BOOST MICHIGAN IN FAR EAST. Premanada Das, '12, of India, who is visiting friends here, will deliver lectures to boost Michigan in all the' principal cities in India, and will try to induce the Hindu people to send more of the sons and daughters of that country to a wuire American educa- tion. The campaign will be conducted with the partnership of Sarendora Bal, '12, who will return with him in March. While in College, Das was active in l campus affairs, and was vice-president of the local Cosmopolitan club. After ! PROF. ANDERSON IS GUEST AT WEB AND FLANGE DINNER Prof. H.C. Anderson, of the mechani- cal engineering department, was the guest of honor at a dinner last even- ing at the Union. The occasion was the regular dinner of the Web and Flange, the honorary engineering so- ciety, at vhich Prof. Anderson gave a short talk followed by general remarks' by a number of those present. Indiana Students to Dance Soon. Men from Indiana will dance at the Union on Wednesday next, February 26. Tickets for the function may be ob- New Whitnety Theatre i Saturday, Feb.,22 Woods, Frazee & Lederer $5.00 $6.501 Black or Tan Present, for the first time here THE MAGNIFICENT NEW AMSTERDAM, NEW PRODUCTION ME YORK, THEATRE A New Bunch of this popular English Last. The detail on this shoe is complete. OUR BIGGEST SELLER graduation he took post-graduate work tained from the committee in charge, in the Harvard medical school, and lat- or at the Union desk. Prof. and Mrs. er did research work in the laboratory Hugo Thieme and Prof. and Mrs. Gor- of the Mulford company, Philadelphia. don Stoner will chaperone the affair. Das will also deliver a lecture be- The dance will be informal and will be fore the Prescott club on "The Mod- limited to 75 couples. Wagner f Co. State Street sigtz of th. Bli White Shoe Zhe forest ,Lawn .ea 1iRoom ORDERS TAKEN FOR BANQUETS Open Sundays 04 Forest Ave. Phone 1238-J ARRIVED The Royal Tailors Samples 'OR SPIING I DON'T FAIL TO SEE, THEM SUITS, $16.00 to $35.00 EVERY PATTERN GUARANTEED ALL WOOL The Campus Boofery 308 South State Street The "TIFFANY" Pipe "ALL that the name implee" DAVIS [$ KONOLD. Agt.. 701 Packard Hart, Schaffner & Marx C LOTH E S AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ern Method of Manufacturing Antitox- ins and Vaccines and their Therapeu- tic Value.' The date of the lecture as yet has not been settled, but it will be early in March. Vaccinate Everyone at Hospital. In accordance with instructions is- sued two weeks ago at the university hospital to the effect that all connected with the hospital must be vaccinated, all nurses, waiters, and other persons, working at the institution, are being vaccinated. Although no new cases have developed, it was thought best to take all precautions against the spread of the disease and enforce the vacci- nation decree. LAST ISSUE OF PAINTED WINDOW HAS READY SALE. The February "Painted Window" is meeting with the largest sale of the year..A second edition may be nec- essary. Considerable comment has been aroused over Milton G. Nicola's trans- lation of "Finis" from the Servian of Ketschirtov, portraying a unique and ~startling prophecy of the end of the. world. John Townley's arraignment of Michigan dramatics has also caused much discussion in histrionic circles. The busienss staff of the magazine has been reorganized on a competitive basis. Several positions, however, are yet unfilled. Prof. Cross Lectures on Art Today. Prof. Herbert R. Cross of the liter- ary department, will give an address in Harris hall this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock on "Pagan Religious Jdeals as Expressed in Art." The lecture will be accompanie'd by stereoptican views. Ferris Club Will Meet Tomorrow. The Ferris Institute club will meet in Webster Hall of the law building at 7:30 tomorrow evening. This meet- ing is important and all members are requested to be present as at this time plans will be completed for the annual banquet. CONFERENCE QUESTION IS GOSSIP FUEL. Grand Rapids Club Meets Tonight. The Grand Rapids club will hold a meeting tonight at the Union at 8:00 o'clock. Plans for the annual banquet will be discussed and a committee will be appointed to look into the feasibil- ity of getting a house for the club next year. SENIOR ENGINEERS MUST ORDER THEIR INVITATIONS TODAY. All orders for senior engineer's in- vitations will be taken in the engi- neeringsociety rooms today from 11:00 to 12:00 o'clock and from 1:09 to 5:00 o'clock. This is the last day on which orders will be taken. The in vitations will sell at the rate of three for a dollar, but the money will nor be payable until a later date. Johns Hopkins Grads Will Dine. A number of graduates of Johns Hopkins University will meet at the Michigan Union tomorrow noon for a social dinner. Prof. Jesse S.. Reeves has charge of the meeting, which will be -attended by about ten men. They do not constitute an organized club, but have been accustomed to meet annu- ally within recent years. Buy your Spring Suit (aly and get first choice. Our new Spring Wooles of the coing Season'are exclusive and will not be duplicated. F. A. MYLES, 607 E. Wiliam St. From Now On= It will cost but (sHE'S THE TOAST OF THE TOWN) WITH Special Cast, Irresistible Comedy, Stunning Cho- rus and all Enchanting Melodies Including "Every Little. Movement Has a Meaning of Its Own" The World's Biggest Musical Hit BEAUTIFUL SCENERY, ELECTRICAL and MECHANICAL EFFECTS PRICES: NIGHT, 35-50-75-1,00-1.50 MATINEE, 25-50-70-1;00 Seat Sale Thursday, Feb. 20 V",2Annoull Cment Cloth Shop -lk==% - *AJOW"Alt 4F OXW3, UNIVERSITY NOTICES. All eligible men on Glee and Mando- lin clubs leave on special D. U. R. car, 12:15 o'clock this noon, State and Packard waiting room, for trip to Port Huron and Saginaw. Gargoyle business staff meeting at 5:00 o'clock. Advertisement assign- ments will be given out. Meeting of the tryouts of the Mich- igan Daily staff at 4:00 o'clock today. The Kentucky club will meet at the Union this evening at 7:30. Important meeting of the Grand Rapids club at the Union at 8:00 o'clock tonight. All members are re- quested to attend. FORESTERS ARE WAGING STATE WIDE CAMPAIGN. (Continued from page 1.) Representative Samuel W. Beakes on being interviewed regarding the question said, "I do not.agree with the sentiments recently expressed -by Mr. Shafroth. I think he was merely re- flecting local sentiment and state pride. There is no reason, so far as I can see, why the control of the na- tional resources should be delegated to the states." to have the Michigan Daily deliveredat your door. .4 It will cost but LUT Z Clothing Store 217 South Main The Store that Satisfies (Continued from page 1.) has been accomplished is not known. The various rumors have assumed wild and alarming proportions in many instances, but even the most conserva- tive say that it is believed that the board hastbeen working on the propo- sition and that shortly it will be de- cided one way or the other. As to any negotiations or results, or grounds of alleged compromise absolutely noth- ing definite is known and rumors on that ground are not of whole cloth. It is given outthat the board meeting will probably be held withinthree weeks and it may° be that within a month Michigan will have the big question decided for another space of time. But until an authorized state- ment on the matter is given out the various rumors and reports will con- sist in the main of rumors only UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. February 21.-Senior law Washington Birthday party at Union. February 21.-Senior law Washington birthday party at the Union. February 22.-Tryout for soph engi- neer relay team 10:00 o'clock. February 22.-Tryout for soph engi- neer relay team at 10:00 o'clock. February 25.-Commerce club smoker at the Union. February 26.-Indiana club dance, at the Union, 8:30 o'clock. February 28.-Fresh lit dance, at the Union, 8:30 o'clock. March 1.-Regular dance at the Un- ion. to have the Michigan Daily de- livered to any address in the country. All the news all the time for the remainder of the college year. C all at Michigan Daily office, across from the Majestic, any time during the afternoon and Subs z i6e ,_ 5c The Best Ever on the Market, at ArRM u5c Cloth Bound RAP BOOK noP PE'S, 619 E. Li .: