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February 21, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-02-21

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Vol. XXIII, No. 96.




Numerous Rumors are Rife to Effect
That Board in Control of Athletics
Will Soon Decide Current
Athletic Authorities Deny That Meet-
ing Is to-be Held This Satur-
day Evening.
Dame Rumor is generally considered
a busy body who has nothing else to
do but cause dissentions and then
sneak away to leave the fighters alone
with nothing to fight about, and gen-
erally this lady of "it is said" is met
with the Anartic shoulder. But when
her presence becomes too frequent,
even the most conservative citizen
will turn an ear and there are times
when the rumors carry a certain
weight of truth. Such is the situation
on the campus today regarding Mich-
igan and the conference and not to
give heed to the rumors would be to
deny that there were such rumors.
According to the stories in vogue to-
day the next meeting of the board in
control of athletics here, which is
scheduled to take place shortly, will
determine the much discussed ques-
tion of a return. And according to
most of the stories the meeting at
which it will be finally decided will be
held this coming Saturday night. The
athletic authorities do deny that the
meeting will be held at this time and
have nothing further to say concern-
ing the matter. It has been a matter
of common gossip that Michigan has
been flirting wtih .the conference in
an endeavor to reach a mutual ground
of compromise but just what form
these flirtations have assumed or what
E(Continued on page 4.)
Pucksters From Northeast Corner of
Campus Have Not Yet
Met Defeat.

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Saturday
colder with probable snow flurries to-
University Observatory-Thursday,
7:00 p. i., temperature, 48.2; maxi-
mum temperature, 24 hours preceding,
53.1; minimum temperature, 24 hours
preceding, 42.0; wind velocity, 7 miles
per hour.
Will Hold Weekly "Get Togethers" for
Entertainment of Members.
Tonight, a new feature will be in-
augurated at the Union in the way of
a Friday evening "get together." Each
week some different method of enter-
tainment will be arranged, and an e-
deavor made to get as many members
out as possible. Tonight's program
will consist of a progressive card par-
ty, with bridge, five hundred 'and pin-
ochle as the games to be played. Fa-
vors, have been secured and Will be
given to the winners. There will also
be the regular "cider-doughnut lay-
out." The committee is very anxious
to have a large crowd at the first of
these evening entertainments.
tChas. Cutting-to Address Washington
Birthday Meeting Tomorrow
Final preparations have been com-
pleted for the Washington's birthday
exercises which are to be held in Uni-
versity hall tomorrow afternoon at
2:30 o'clock under the supervision of
th' law department.
Judge Charles S. Cutting, of Chica-
go, who will be the principal speaker
at the meeting, will arrive in the city
early tomorrow morning. He will be
entertained by the law faculty at a
luncheon given at the Union at 1:00
o'clock. While in the city, Judge Cut-
ting will be the guest of Dean Bates
of the law department.
Arrangements have also been made
for the law classes to march in a body
from the law building to University
hall. Third, second and first year
classes are to meet in rooms G, C, and
B respectively at 2:15 o'clock. The
president and sergeant at arms of
each class will lead their respective
Dr. Markus Discusses German Folk
Songs and Musical Numbers
Complete Program.
The Germans of Ann Arbor, and stu-
dents of German, filled the high school
hall last night as guests of the Deut-
scher Verein at an "Abend-Unterhalt-
ung." The entire entertainment was
in German.
The program was opened with a se-
lection by the Ann Arbor zither club.
Miss Julia Rudolph sang Schubert's
Serenade and and Mrs. M. Markus
recited several poems from Heine.
"The German Folk-song" was the sub-
ject of a talk by Dr. M. Markus, of De
troit, who defined, described, and clas-
sified German folk songs. He gave
numerous examples, several of which
were sung by Miss Rudolph, and Mr.

Fritz 'Velten, of the Detroit Doppel
Quartett. fter the lecture Mrs. Mar-
kus entertained the audience with
some, original poems, followed by a
selection by Mr. Velten. The Ann Ar-

Rtd C anipbell, of Varsity Pitching
lame is Engaged to Coach
Battery Candidates for
Present Season.

Today is Last Time Association Office
Will be Open for Members
to Secure Event

l asebal1 Cage Will Be Hung
erman Gymnasium

in Wat- No Admittance at Door by Yellow
Book;Admission Allowed on Pre-
sentation of Proper Card

Candidates for the pitching staff of
the 1913 Michigan baseball team are
to have the advantage of a special
coach. Commencing Monday, when
the work of the 1913 battery candidates
will commence in earnest, "Red".
Campbell, Varsity pitcher in 1910 and
1911, will take charge of the twirlers.
Heretofore the pitchers trying out
for the varsity staff have been obliged
to shift themselves during the time be-
tween the opening of indoor practice
and the arrival of Coach Branch Rick-
ey. This season, Campbell has been
secured to take charge of the hurlers
during this time and to assist Rickey
during the major portion of the sea-
Campbell is one of the best pitchers
Michigan has had in years. In the
spring of 1909 he pitched the senior
lit class to the championship of the
campus in the inter-class series. In
1910, Campbell's junior law year, he
pitched for the Varsity and in 1911
was the star twirler of the staff. His
quick return ball which he used when
"Johnny" Fischer worked behind the
bat, was a sensational feature of his
Campbell is employed in the office of
Judge Murfin, of Detroit, an alumnus,
and has been enabled to give his time
to the 1913 Michigan team.
The baseball cage will be hung in
Waterman gymnasium today, and will
be ready for the battery men. Earnest
work will commence the first of next
Lits Meet and Discuss Possibility of
Dance for Second Year Classes.#
At a meeting of the soph lits yester-
day, the social committee was given
power to confer with representatives
of the soph engineers relative to form-
ulating plans for an All-1915 Prom.
It appears that many of the second-
year men of the other departments on
the campus want to combine with the
lits and engineers and make the event
a general sophomore dance. It is to
decide this matter that the two classes
will meet, and if possible to arrange
affairs so that the annual Soph Prom
can be changed into a dance of this
At the meeting of the soph engineers,
which has been called for next Tues-
day, the question will be gone over
thoroughly, and a committee will be
appointed to meet the lits.
Senior Laws to Hold Dance Tonight
Nearly all the tickets for the senior
law dance are now sold. The sale is
being strictly limited to members of
the third year class. The dance, will
be held at the Union tonight and a one
o'clock limit has been set. Prof. and
Mrs. Stoner and Prof. and Mrs.

Every student who wishes to attend
any one of the three indoor track
meets, open to the student body as
a whole, namely, the preliminary, Var-
sity, or -M. A. C.-All-fresh, must ex-
change his yellow coupon, number 13,
for an admission card to the event at
the association office today..
Absolutely no one will be admitted
to the meets this season upon presen-
tation of the yellow booklet; admis-
sion will be allowed only upon pre-
sentation of the proper ticket. These
tickets can be. obtained at the associ-
ation office today at any time between
9:00 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. in exchange
for the yellow coupons. The office has
been open for this purpose for two
days and only a small percentage of
the student members have exchanged
coupons in the necessary manner.
Another point which the authorities
wish to be clearly understood is that
every contestant must have an admis-
sion card. This will entitle the con-
testant to enter the gym by the south
door. Every man, whether he is a
freshman, numeral winner, AMA, or
Varsity material, must present atick-
et in order to gain entrance to the
meets. These tickets can also be ob-
tained today at the above hours.
The scheme of drawing for admis-
sion to the meets, in order to give
every student an equal chance, was
devised by the association and approv-
ed by the Student Council. Whether
the student body understands this sys-
em is a question, but at any rate, every
student is expected to go to the
office today and there acquaint him-
self with the plan.
Final arrangements for the big meet
Saturday evening have been made.
The entry lists are closed and the offi-
cials selected. Trainer "Steve" Far-
rell has announced that his men are
in good shape, and it is believed that
an interesting contest will be staged
by the new men and novices. Michi-
gan students will have their first op-
portunity to see the 1913 track can-
didates in action Saturday evening.
A. E. White Addresses Chemicals,
Mr. Albert E. White, instructor in
chemical engineering, addressed the
regular monthly assembly of the Mich-
igan section of the American Chemical
society, held yesterday afternoon in
the chemical building. His subject
was, "The Availability of Blast Fur-
nace Slag as Material for Building
The legislative committee for the
inspection of the university arrived
in the city yesterday at 6:00 o'clock
in the evening. They were entertain-
ed at the residence of Pres. H. B.
Hutchins. Inspection of the buildings
will be carried on today and possibly

Tryouts to be Held at Union Tonight
at 7:00 O'clock to Fill Thirty
Two Positions,
In order to organize a 1new singing
chorus for the Michigan Union oiara, a
tryout- will be held this evening at the
Union at 7:00 o'clock. This formation
of a new chorus will provide an added
opportunity to all who may have tried
out, except those who tried out last
Tuesday, and the management wishes
to solicit the whole campus for new
material. Thirty-two places are open
for this chorus which is promised to be
one of the snappiest and liveliest of
Picking of men for this chorus will
be made upon vocal rather than any-
other qualifications, and the tryouts
will not be required to do any dancing
and little of the ordinary chorus work.
This chorus together with ppe cast and
glee club will furnish the ocal part
of the program. Prof. W. H. How-
land. of the University School of Mu-
sic will train the nin. The music
which has been turned in, has proven
to be most meritorious.
Mortar Board and Women's League7
Propose System of Basing All I
;Honors on Credit
Mortar Board, in conjunction with
the Women's League, is supporting1
a petition to submit to the non-ath-S
letic committee a motion to the effect
that all honors, other than scholastic,
shall be determined upon , basis of,
credits. This idea is to prevent anyt
one person from holding three or four
important offices at the same time.
Every office on the campus will be rat-
ed at a certain number of points, and
a student will be entitled to dbtain
only a limited number -of credits each
year. It is thought that this scheme
will provide for a more even distribu-
tion of honors that are obtainable in
student activities than now exists.
The Michiganensian shows that
many students have a long list of offi-
ces attached to their names that tend
to make one believe that the univer-
sity is run by a selected few. It is
this feature that the women would likea
to see abolished, The idea will be pre-I
sented to the Student Council in thet
hope that it will be treated favorablyc
by the men. The system is in vogue
at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-I
nology and is reported to be workingi
quite successfully there.
Will Give Concerts at Port HuronI
and Saginaw.
Fifty members of the glee and man-<
dolin clubs will leave this noon at
12:15 o'clock for Port Huron where
they will give a combined concert thist
evening. Saturday they will go to Sag-t
inaw for a concert, returning to Anni
Arbor Sunday morning. There hast
been a large set sale for both con-
certs and extensive plans have beenc
made by Michigan alumni for for en-
tertaining the men. Charles L. Loos,i
university purchasing agent, will ac-

company the clubs on the trip.
Junior Lits Attend "No Namne" Party,
Junior lits were unable to label the,
"No Name" party held at Barbour gym
last night. A large number of the
class were present. Prof. and Mrs.
Claude 11. Van Tyne and Prof. and
Mrs. U. B. Phillips acted as "chaper-
Kentuekians to Gather at Union.
Kentuckians will meet at the Union
at 7:30 o'clock tonight to conduct rou-
tine business. The meeting will be a
regular gathering of the Kentucky
club and after the transaction of bus-
iness, will assume the nature of a
smoker. All men from the blue grass
state are requested to attend.

Fifteen Hundred Copies of Prof Roths
Reply to Ex Governor Shafroth
Are Published and
L~e;tes are Sent to Prominent Men
for Informion Regarding
Th sIdea.
,In an endeavor to awaken the people
of the state to the frantic effo'rts being
made by the disciples of "big business"
to wrest the control of the hatural re-
soureas from the hands of the federal
go vrnment, the Michigan Forestry
association, with headquarters in Ann
Arbor, is waging a state wide publicity
Fifteen hundred copies of Prof. Fili-
bert Roth's reply to ex-Governor Shaf-
roth's speech favoring legislation to
put the control of all forests, coal
lands, and water powers in the hands
of the state will be mailed to all mem-
bers cf the association and to the
members of all associate organizations
throughout the state.
Under the direction of Prof. P. S.
Lovejoy, secretary of the association,
letters have been written to the most
of the prominent men of the state
and also to the members of the Mich-
igan delegation at Washington, asking
for information regarding their stand-
point on the- question. The answers
have beon practically unanimous in
favor of leaving al control in the
hands of the federal government. Both
of vihigan's senators and *the ma-
jority of her representatives have al-
ready gone on record as being opposed
to the idea of conserving to the states
the national resources now controlled
by the federal government.
(Continued on page 4)
Nine Sub-Committees Are Appointed
to Take Care of the Routine
Arrangements are already being
made, and permanent committees have
been appointed to aid in entertaining
the Michigan teachers when they gath-
er here for their annual meeting next
October. The general committee ap-
pointed by President Harry B. Hutch-
ins some time ago has been reorganiz-
ed on a broader basis and several sub-
comittees have. been named, each
having its own specific duties.
Work will be started on all busi-
ners which can be attended to at pres-
ent bu most ogfthe details will not be
consi<ere: by the various committees .
until later in the year.
President Hutchins is chairman of
the reorganized committee and Prof.
C. 0. Davis is secrotary. Final author-
ity in all matters is to rest in the exec-
utive committee having D. W. Spring-
or, principal of the high school for' its
chairman, Pres. hutchins as general
chairman, Prof. Davis as general sec-
retary, and Regent J. E. Beal as chair-
man of the committee on finance are

also members of the executive com-
'Vne sub-committees have been ap-
pointed to take care of the routine
business and to co-operate with each
other in making the meeting a success.
The committee on finance of which
Re;ent l:eal is chairman, is to raise
mcney and apportion it among the dif-
fer ent committees.
A number of other. committee chair-
men were appointed as follows: rail-
road transortation-R. T. Dobson;
local transportation-H. J. Abbott;
publicity--Shirley Smith; headquar-
ters and halls-H. M. Slanson; enter-
tainments--Chas. A. Sink; hotels,
rooms and meals-Ross Granger; in-

* * * * .* *
* Team Won
* Science......2
* Literary.....2
* Engineers ....0
* Law........0

* * * * *




* * * * * * * *

* *

Four games have been played on the
hockey schedule, and the science ag-
gregation is the only team that can
lay claim to a perfect record. The lits
have pulled down two of their three
contests giving them second with a
.666 average. The engineers and laws
have been the unlucky puckers, fail-
ing to get the big end of a battle. How-
ever, one of the two teams would have
had one game to their credit if Wein-
berg had not formed the custom of
keeping a ten o'clock house;for the two
unfortunate departments were forced
to stop a game after 18 minutes of
play on account of the closing hour.
The standings of the teams cannot
be taken to indicate the outcome of
the season, for the race is only on the
first lap and the delinquent ones may
develop into fast aggregations if the
weather will, permit.
Up to date the teams have played
remarkable hockey considering the
fact that they have had practically no
chance to rehearse their team work.
This is especially true of the league
leaders, since they are nearly all new
men here at Michigan. They have play-
ed much of the sport at other institu-
tions, but in hockey individual work
cannot accomplish much unless it is
systematized in the plays of the team
as a unit. Another great barrier that
the pucksters have been facing is the
small rink. The box is little over

Holbrook will chaperone. tomorrow. Special attention will be
given to the rooms now used by the
UNION DANCE TO FEATURE !science departments, as a bill provid-
NATIONAL HOLIDAY STUNTS ing for the erection of a new science.
building will be introduced at the
Appropriate Washington's birthday present session of the legislature.

bor zither club closed the program. stunts will feature the regular weekly
. Union dance tomorrow evening. Six- Prof. Davis to Speak at Traverse City.
Webster Society to Debate Tonight. ty-five of the tickets have already been Prof. C. 0. Davis, of the education
Webster society will meet this even- sold. Inasmuch as everybody accept- department, left Ann Arbor yesterday
ing at 7:45 o'clock. Papers Will be ed gracefully the ban placed on cer- afternoon for Traverse City, Mich.,
read. on "The Land of Spain," "The tain kinds of dancing last week, no where he will deliver a lecture deal-
Outlook for Wilson's Administration," trouble is expected with the tango en- ing with the broadening influence of
"The Balkan War," "Value of a Legal- thusiasts tomorrow night. The chap- the university..
Education to the Business Man," and erones will be, Prof. and Mrs. C. P.
"Labor Legislation of 1912." The ques- Wagner and Prof. and Mrs. L. H. Pharmics Meet to Collect Dues.
tion for debate will be: Resolved, that Doynton. Prof. Doynton has just Fresh pharmics held a class meeting
the act of Congress, discriminating in come here as a member of the archi- yesterday to, arrange to meet their
favor of American vessels doing coast- tectural faculty. William Hart, '13, is debts. Few have paid their dues and
wide trade through the Panama Canal, chairman of the committee in charge 'an effort is being made to have all
should be repealed. of the party. ' dues paid up as soon as possible.


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