°' TILE MICHLIGAN DAILY. You lose if. youI miss the big C LEANUPSALE OF BROKEN SIZES AT SEE WINDOW FOR PRICES 'Purfield 's"l '119 South Main "Street Pe:.ace of. Sweets Down Town LET fir TRUBEY 1 -, rr- Furniash the Ice Cre...mr ekndSororitieas ON MAIN STREET SENIOR LAWS NOMINATE OFFICERS FOR CLASS DAY Seniors Place Contract For Over 100 Canes to be Class Souvenirs. At a meeting of the senior law class yesterday, afternoon, officers for class, day exercises were nominated. For- merly each graduating class elected a historian, prophet, and poet, but this year. these officers will be dispensed with. The class orator will be a con- tested office, while the valedictorian and the presentor of the class memo- rial will be elected from yesterday's nominees. The contract for class canes was given to Harry Muller and over 100 have been officially adopted as class souvenirs. The senior law dance tickets are be- ing sold at a rapid rate and were re- Dorted nearly sold out. The dance will be restricted to members of the sen- ior law class, and limited to 90 admis- sions. -Prof. and Mrs Stoner and Prof. and Mrs. Holbrook will be chaperones for the affair. PROF. W. J. HUISSEY WRITES OF ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS Word has been received at the ob- servatory from Prof.. W. J. Hussey, director of the 'university observatory who is now at La Plata, Argentina, of the valuable astronomical: observations he is making. He has recently discov- ered several double-stars and a comet, as well as other heavenly bodies of mninor importance. ,Prof. Hussey was handicapped at first by the equipment that he found at La Plata, but with ap- paratus of his own, he is now doing much research work. RtEPRESENTATIVES TO MAKE ANNUAL INSP~ECTION. VISIT. Representatives of the state legisla- ture will arrive in Ann Arbor this af- ternoon to conduct the annual inspec- tion of the university grounds and buildings. They will remain in the city today and tomorrow. The stand- ing university committee consists of the-' following: Senators G. L. Wead- lock, L. D. Verdier and G. G. Scott, and Representatives D. G. F. Warner, Wil- liam, L.: Fitzgerald, Charles H. Mc- Bride, Bion Whelan and. W. J. Nash. COPY FOR 1913 YEAR BOOK IS READY FOR ENGRAVERS, 'ypewriater Rp~irir -1 FORESTRY DEPARTMENT TO HAVE TESTING LABORATORY. Pho ne 1 361 -E.i vill meet or heat any price madle on a typewriter, sale or rental. D. F.4 WOODWARD %rbor SaVI n19 *nk IRldgo. Seconad floor Apra Arbor, Mich. A jo Water. 4L:,C. re~r3Mn. 1Proprietor I OW.L Room. 119 in Engineering Building to be Equipped to 'Test Timbers Room 119 in the basement of the new engineering building has just been turned over to the forestry department to be used as a timber testing labora- tory. The necessary machinery and equipment have already been ordered, and enough to start work with, are ex- pected to arrive in a week. Prof. Fil ibert Roth and Mr. L. J. Young will take charge of the new course, and about 42 students have already signi- fied their intention of taking up the work. The laboratory, which will be used in connection with the work in wood technology, will be devoted to making experiments and investiga- tions to determine the strength of tim- bers of different sizes, species, and conditions of seasoning. The data thus collected will be used in'determining the adaptability for construction work. The .tests will be similar' to those which -would have been made in the laboratory which the government con- sidered installing here a couple of years ago. This is the first time such a course has ever been offered here. It was made necessary ,by the many demands for such work which have been coming in from all over the coun- try. UNIVERSITT WOMEN TO MOLD SECOND ANNUAL LUNCHEON.. The second annual luncheon, of the Association of University of Michigan women will be held -in De- troit at the Hotel Cadillac on Saturday, March 1, at 12:30 o'clock. Tickets are selling at $1.25 and may be obtained from Mrs. C.A. Spaul- ding, 129 Taylor Ave., Detroit, Mich.j All requests for tickets must be receiv- ed before February 26. This association grew, out of a lun- cheon held by the university women in Detroit about a year ago.. There are at present 200 members representing alumnae from Detroit, Flint, Ann Ar- bor, Kalamazoo and Battle Greek. The object of the association is to foster ,among Michigan women an interest in the university. A luncheon is served by the association at the College club in Detroit on the third Saturday of each month. Mr. A~ E. White to. Speak to Chemists. Mr. A. El. NWito of the chemical de- partment will address the monthly meeting of th~e Michigan section of the Americen Chemical society, to be held this afternoon t 4:3Q0 'clock in room' 151 Chemistry building. Mr. White has chosen a~s his subject "The, Availa- bility of Blast' Furnace Slag as a Ma- terial for Building Bricks:".. ,.... ADS IN THIS COLUMN ARE TO BE PAID~ FOR IN ADVANCE. WHY7 We ch irge more than ,omne for our c'eaniti~*. OJR WORK Is B13,T[,R. N o Od ) r. Try u . XTOUR clothes should be right and you may be thankful that there is a store in your midst where you can get cloths that fit, and have style and workmanship guar- anteed.-' Prices $10.00 to $25.00 for Suit or Overcoat. FurnIs~itugs, Hats, C a P S , Bags and Suitcases. Mackis cleeahnIInj _wd Dyair% Works J. A. GREY, Proprietor. Tel,. 1 534-L 1. ALFRED DECKCER C&COHN- s a I I 711 Pakard St. 9'S.,N ViiAve. TTVork Called for awl D lve rof. I ~ ~Ana pto (latet.howir gof I a HcY ..s l iiery Fa11 IMilliety at popular Iprices Hair Gcods a specialty. Bell Phone 1390-4 E. E. HAY LEY, 206 E. Liberty Street erI Q TH-E HOUSE OF. STANDARDI QUALITY We Carry'. All Sizes -arN- Designers of Men's Clothes I HENRY & CO. 711 N. Univer Hats and Ca'ps Varsity Thggery Shop lhu Made Suits, Tailored to Your Order, $18 to $10. Fit Guaranteed c WorldPs Star hosiey c~rHE KIND THAT WEARS"P and~ Strength Comin~ed. Agegncy at 625 E. Liberty utle l,. Ruidd Ilrovs Bldg., c,,.State and Liberty. F trance.opLib. ESTABLISHE.D I8I8 BROADWAY coR. TWENTY- SECOND 5" !4FW YORK. Our Representative,Mr. Walker : . Practically all copy for the 1913 Michiganensian lhas been handed' in to the editors, and most of it is already in the hands of the engravers. Seniors to thie number of 1 ,9O0, the same per- centage of tie class as last year, have been "shot" by the photographers, and by the time the proofs have bee~n hand- ed in, almost every near-grad will have his picture in the year-book. Satur~day was the last day on which sittings couldl be had. All but a few of the group pictures have been taken and sent to the en- gravers. The art work is of a high grade. Tomorrow is the last day that such wor'k Will b~e aecepted, while all grou~p pictures will have to be in by Thursday, Fresh l uueers Mnale Nominations. A~t tbQ regulat weekly assembly of the fresh engineers yesterday nomina- Lionls were made for president .to suc- ceed Merit Haag who resigned last ,week. Everett Judson, Paul' Wagner, and Horace Corey are the candidates and the election will be held on Wetd- nesday, February 5. Dean Mortimer C~Mty. introduced Prof. C:. l, J h.non of th~e surveying departmient, who spoke, on the, "Fun- damentals- of. Sureying."' arman Smith, a member of tl(e ])ngiieering satiety aliso p Q Adcelpii to iRebate, tarIngySsem. weekly mceeting at : M q'~ ge or - row eve ing, fn adlition to a program of four numbers a debate will be given on the question, Resolved, That the marking system employed by the uni,. versity has proved a failure. 1 o-.. t ! 1 > tt q + 1 / _l l '4 6 eTh a l 'rYC_ WANTED WILL BEt ,AT The Alienel on 'February 25th tWanted-Student representatives.Good t pay. G. C. Maedel, 619 Liberty St. L tf The/ best shoe, shine next, to Wag ner's. eod ti cThe largest and finest stock in. toe city. Goodyear's Drug Store;, 3 tf Exceptional o pgtunity to purchase standard ]hQvels, literary _and medical workq arm private,.-libr~ary. l19-k .A. F'raser, 16 South Was, ngtcu St., Yp- The l? giptai 94X-mfkdA , ton1you to buy i is @b tl worj-4's a~ed Martin fact9r See Aid, rythese beao i l ipsrul na t ScThaeberle an4 Spiji' 1s wi k1®ue. tf Martha Washington Candy, foi sale only at University Pharmacy. Thur.89- Old Post Ofi4 ]Block. The Tailor for Part~ular men. Koullauf. Pl\Qt* 3 -L {tf Of the m1-.any who ' ithre are few -4h do inot sing the prais -s o Get a pipe--and join uich dlightful rich- w~ss uch satisfying ~.o Phns xafn7 e Vnon bfor o WITH Spring & Sunuumcr Suits, an Overcoats, RikinxadlMotor Gap!1n Jnglish t abedas iry HATS, SHOE, AND LEATHER COODS Fats i6 q a 2-ounce Itto f r im °R".,,, ,:.t 7r1 7 C h Y Lh1 :'. e. xi P elo i7 WrY u' ,°, e i V } . "{ 5. J'.Y pound' jars with hum idor; .. i:c.YF BIG EDUCTION SALE ou pjt l Winki ut ndOeca and Sweater Vests at 20 pct, discount. Menrs Single rtsers 20 pct. i. -All color s rf Including the wor # famous Manlutte n and Eclip s Shirts $1.00 Sl t 5 $.85 $2.00 Shrt at t155 .50 $:.20 $2460$1.85 $,&Q Shirt at $2.25- A 11 3 for $1.00 Re.Ale, -Conlin, leg