$ 1e50
MAIL $2.00
i i7
LOCAL $1.50
MAIL $2.00
I, No. 95.
Forecast for Ann Arbor-Unsettled
weather, snow or rain insouthern por-
tion, warmer.
Unjiversity Observatory-Wednesday,
7:00 p. m., temperature 49.0; maximum
temperature 24 hours preceding, 58.8;
minimum temperature 24 hours pre-
ceding, 30.0; average wind velocity,
10 miles per hour.
Prospective Battery Men Will Report
'For First Workout of Season
This Afternoon.
A bibulcus gentleman sauntering up
upon Number 13 Must
ianged for Admission
rds at Association
en to Each Student
Determined by
Will 'be
very member of the athletic asso-
ion who wants to attend one of the
e indoor track meets open to the
lent body at large, namely, the pre-
.nary, Varsity, or M. A. C.-All fresh,
t exchange his yellow coupon num-
13for an admittance card at the
ciation office immediately. Abso
ly no one will be admitted to the
ts upon the presentation of the
ow booklet. Evey member must
I a ticket, issued for that particu-
meet. These tickets can be obtain-
4t the athletic office in exchange for
yellow coupons.
a announcement to this effect was
.e several days ago, but up to the
;ent time only a few men have ap-
d at the office for tickets for the
ts The association office will be
o for this exchange today and to-
row, only, from 9 :00 a. m. to 12:00
n and from 1:30 -to 5:00 p. m.#
To Decide Meets by Drawing.
system of drawing has been de-
d whereby every student in the
ersity can secure admission. The
ciation office will be open at the
s named, and at this time coupon
ber 13 will be exchanged for an
ission card to one of these three
eral meets, the event which each
ent attends to be determined by
draw. The drawing is open to the
en pf the university as well as the
ie first meet, open to the student
r at large will be the preliminary
e held this Saturday night. Wheth-
student intends to attend the pre-
nary or not, he should draw at the
ciation office at once. All of the
ission cards for the three events
be given out today and tomorrow.
Us year the association has over
) members, and it would be imprac
>le to attempt to accommodate this
ber at a single meet. For this
on, three meets have been set
e for the studftt body as a whole.
_y member will be entitled to an
ission card to one of these three
ts, and it is for these events that
ats are now being distributed at
office. .Approximately 1,600 stu-
s can be accommodated at each
, and in the three events the entire
ent body will be admitted. In ad
n to these three meets, juniors,
ors, graduate students, and faculty
be admitted to the Cornell meet
usively; and freshmen, sophomor-
,nd faculty will be admitted to the
i-soph. meet exclusively.
nior lits will dance tonight at a
y with no name. It will be held
larbour gym from 7:30 to 11:30
ck. Admission cards may be ob-
d for 35 cents from members of
social committee or at the door.
ets have met with a rapid sale,
there are still home to be disposed
It is a strictly "stag" affair and
en from other classes will be ad-
ed. Prof. and Mrs. U. B. Phillips
Prof. 'and Mrs. C. H. Van Tyne
act as chaperones.
The Druids entertained the Vulcans
and Barristers at the much talked of
"B-V-D" smoker held at the Union last
night.. The "Barber Shop Trio" con-
sisting of "Heine" . Spring, "Norm"
Reed, and "Berry" Ratliff were on
hand with music. "Nig" Kuhn, "Ed"
Howell, and "Bill" Hart entertained
the honorary seniors with several pi-
ano solos.
from down town yesterday claims to
have seen a robin twittering on a high
branch. The garnerers of cast off rai-
ment are remarking on the sudden in-
crease of .business.But no such sure
sign of the approach of the poet's
delight and the Huron's money maker
has yet appeared as the first call for
baseball which is sent out today. True
only the battery men are supposed to
heed the clarion call and report at
Waterman gym but it is the first real
sign of the coming of the season of
fussers and serenades.
This afternoon at 1:00 o'clock all
would-be hurlers and receivers are in-
Musical Clubs Will Give Concerts in
Port Huron and
Leaving tomorrow noon at 12:15
o'clock, the University of Michigan.
Glee and Mandolin clubs will go to
Port Huron and Saginaw to give their
first out-of-town concerts of the year.
The combined clubs will appear Fri-
day evening at the Majestic theater,
Port Huron, and on the following night
at the Masonic Temple hall, in Sagi-
Nearly 50 Wen will be carried on
the trip. In case a western trip is
definitely decided upon, this number
will be materially cut down later, but
on the occasion of the trip to Detroit
and Toledo, scheduled for the first
week in May, the same large number
of songsters and string artists will be
The advent of the Michigan musi-
cians has been heralded for weeks by
society in Port Hurdn and Saginaw.
All the alumni in St. Clair county will
rally tomorrow evening to give the
men on the clubs a welcome in the
form of an aninual alumni dinner at
the Elks' club in Port Huron. The
meal will be followed by a program
of toasts. After the concert, the Mich-
igan men will be guests at a dance
planned for th'em by the St. Clair
county alumni.
Tickets Have Ready Sale.
The seat sale for the concerts in
both Port Huron and. Saginaw has
been unusually vigorous. In the for-
mer town, the concert is to be given as
a regular number on the "Men of
Michigan" course, and the admission
cards for the .event have been practi-
cally sold out. A capacity attendance
is also expected at the alumni dinner
in that city.
Saturday morning the combined mu-
sical clubs will leave Port Huron on
(Continued on page 4.)
Gridiron Star
May Reconsider
to Leave College
at Once.
Roy E. Torbet, '14, the Varsity foot-
ball player who signified his intention
of immediately quitting the university
owing to discouragement as the result
of the outcome of his first semester's
scholastic work, may not be lost to
the 1913 Michigan football eleven af-
ter all. Friends of the star end have
about prevailed upon him to remain
in college, and it is entirely likely that
Torbet will wear. the Maize and Blue
again next fall.
When Torbet returned to Ann Arbor
after having discussed the matter with
his parents in Detroit, he was deter-
mined to leave Michigan. Yesterday,
however, friends of the athlete rem-
onstrated with him in' regard to his
proposed action. As a matter of fact
Torbet's scholastic work was not of
sucli' a nature that it would prevent
him from playing football next season
should he do a little better than the
average work next semester. This
fact was pointed out to the athlete by
his friends, and after an interview
with faculty men, .he has about decid-
ed to remain in college.
Torbet's loss would have been keen-
ly felt had he really left school. Last
season the gridiron exponent proved
to be the best man on the team at
launching forward passes, and Coach
Yost intended to build many of the
1913 season's plays-around him. The
student body at large, as well as Tor-
bet's intimate friends, are rejoicing
that there is a chance of his remaining
at Michigan.
Senior lits will hold their first ev-
ening party of the year at the Union
tonight. Dancing will start at 9:00
o'clock and will continue until 1:00
o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Campbell
will chaperone the affair and "Ike"
Fischer will furnish the music. Tickets
may be obtained from members of the
social committee for $1.00.
Place Unibn Dance Tickets on Sale.
This afternoon at 5:00 o'clock the
tickets for the regular Saturday night
Union dance will be placed on sale.
The number will be limited to 100 as
usual, and it is expected that they will
be sold rapidly. -The committee -in
charge of this week's dance will be an-
nounced tomorrow.
structed to appear at Waterman gym
and start the annual practice that will
only end next June. The catchers and
pitchers who report will be set to work
straightening out the kinks and curl-
ing the steamers, and no professional
squad will have the edge on Michigan's
bunch of diamond artists in the matter
of an early start. Capt. Joe Bell will
hand out a few instructions to last
until the arrival of Branch Rickey who
is expected the last of next week.
Incidentally there should be a great
bunch of battery men this year and the
weak spot of last year's team should
be the strongest. Sisler and Quaint-
ance are looked upon as the most prob-
able deceivers and the return of
"Pudge" Rogers is a welcome one. But
there is known to be a wealth of good
material in college and a large turn-
out is expected this afternoon.pIt is
essntial that all candidates appear
this afternoon as the men-are expected
to start at once.
Soph Lits Meet Freshmen in Initial
Contest of Season
Class basketball squads are begin-
ning to round into shape, and the prac-
tices are unearthing some real basket
shooters. The results of the exams
did not hit the aspirants to any great
degree and the managers are all con-
fident that their proteges will land the
The first game, which is between
the sophomore and freshman classes
of the literary department, will be
played Monday. The second year men
are positive that they. can out toss
their opponents since they were strong
contenders for- the.,ehampionship of
their department last year. The be-
ginners, however, have been working
overtime in their practicing and man-
ager Surgenor believes that he will
have a "five" upon the floor Monday
that will surprise the confident soph-
Michigan's Representative in Hamilton
Contest to be Selected by
Michigan's representative in the
Hamilton Oratorical contest may be se-
lected by a preliminary contest, despite
the action of the board in appointing
a representative through a committee
last week.
Percival Blanshard, '14; was appoint-
ed since,-in the judgment of the board
at that time there was not time to hold
a contest. Blanshard, who is a mem-
her of the board, seconded the motion
yesterday to rescindthe former acti4n'
and expressed himself as thoroughly
in sympathy with the idea of holding
a contest.
'This motion carried, and the board
then appointed a committee having dis-
cretionary powers as to whether a con-
test would be held. If there are five
or six men willing to compete, a con-
test will be arranged, but if there are
only two or three, the committee will
make a selection on some other basis.
The members who brought the"mat-.
ter before the board represented the
Webster society and the junior law
class. They were present at the first
meeting and still approve the former
action, but in fairness to their con-
stituents, some of whom desire to com-
pete, favored reopening the matter.
If a new contest is held it must be at
an early date, as the orations must be
in the hands of the Hamilton club by
the first week in March in printed
.form. No oration may be used in this
contest which is used in any other,
and it must be on a subject of a polit-
ical, social, or economical nature. The
board decided to let anyone entered
in the university contest have the priv-
ilege of withdrawing to enter the Ham-
ilton contest, if he so desires.
L. D. David, '14L, who is entered in
the university contest and lives in
Chicago, is desirous of competing for
the opportunity of representing Michi-
gan in the Hamilton contest. His sub-
ject is "The Social Reformer," which is
an eligible topic..
Any others who are desirous of en-
tering this contest must see the com-
mittee at once.
John F. O'Hara to Address Club,
The Commerce club will hold a smok-
er at the Union next Tuesday night at
7:00 o'clock. The principal speaker
will be John F. O'Hara, secretary and
treasurer of the American Garment
Company, who will speak on the "sub-
ject: "Corporations; are they Alhus-
ed? T
All Compositions for Next Year's Un-
ion Opera Must be in the
Hands o Committee
Feb. 24,
Compictition fo Positions in Chorus
Wii (los Friday
With the 1913 Michigan Union opera
still some weeks away, a call has been
issued for books for the 1914 opera,
which must be handed in at the Union
next Monday between the hours of
6:00 and 7:30 p. m. A number of com-
positicrs have already been handed in
to the committee in charge of this
year's show, and it is known that sev-
eral other embryo playwrights are
putting the finishing touches onto tkleir
productions, preparatory to submitting
them for judgment.
Robert G. Beck, writer of "Contrarie
Mary," is a senior law student, and
will not enter the competition for the
writing of next year's book. It is ex-
pected, however, that several men who
have barely missed out in past selec-
tions will contribute entries for the
1914 show.
On account of the fact that Philip K.
Fletcher, '13E, general chairman of the
1913 opera, has been called to Pontiac
by the serious illness of his grand-
father, the tryouts are being conducted
this week by the four assistants to the
general chairman. There was no
deaith of.-musical material at the try-
outs for orchestra positions, held at
the Union last evening, but some con-
cern is felt by those in charge over the
fact that there have not been so many
tryouts for the singing and dancing
choruses as in past years.
More Men Are Needed For Chorus,
In the hope of getting more men to
try out for chorus jobs, final competi-
tions for these places will be held this
and tomorrow evening at the Union.
At 7:00 o'cloc tonight, men of broiler
size, whether they have tried out be-
fore or not, will be given an opportun-
ity to go through the prescribed steps.
Tryouts for the medium chorus will be
held at 8:00 o'clock tonight, and anoth-
er chance will be given those with as-
pirations for singing roles to exhibit
their qualifications tomorrow evening
at 7:00 o'clock at the Union.
It is announced that these will be ab-
solutely the last tryouts at which new
material may report, because Bert St.
John, director of the production, will
arrive in Ann Arbor Monday, and a
definite choice for all the roles in the
opera chorus and cast must be made
the first of next week. Following the
selection of men to fill the various
roles, rehearsals will begin in earnest,
and the grind will continue until the
date of the first performance.
John R. Webster and Thomas H.
Mills, two graduates of the University
of Michigan, played an important part
in the banquet of 300 college men
which was held at the Omaha Univer-
sity club a few days ago. Mr. Web-
ster managed the big function and Mr.
Mills, coach of the Omaha High school,
gare a reading of Kipling's "Gunga
Din." Mr. Webster is remembered by
several older men on the campus as
'being responsible.for the elaborate re-
ception tendered the Michigan Musical
clubs while in Omaha four years ago.
All Local Sororities May Restrict
Pledging of First, Year
the I Students and
Faculty CommemorateI
63rd Anniversary of Founding of
Because the work of freshman wom-
en may in part be impaired by affilia-
tion with sororities, action is under
consideration by the Pan Hellenic, an
organization of the sororities of the
university to forbear taking in fresh-
The medics went on a vacation yes-
terday and observed Founder's Day in
commemoration of the 63rd anniver-
sary of the founding of that depart-
ment in the university. The program
man women during the first semester was opened informally by an address
of their first year here, and by Dr. Abraham Jacobi of New
to cease pledging high school York City, before Dr. Vaughan's class
girls. The action has been in hygiene. He spoke of hygienic
under consideration for some principles in every day life and their
time, but was formally brought out in importance in the health of man. Sore
a meeting of delegates from these va- throats and colds were pointed out as
rious organizations held yesterday. likely to develop into serious diseases,
The proposal was initiated entirely and he told the class both of the evils
by the sorority women without any of tuberculosis and its cure.
outside interference or suggestion. Dr. Willett Herrington, '82M, of Bad,
Almost unanimous approval was given Axe, delivered the Founder's Day ad-
to the plan, there being only two or dress at 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon
three groups who voiced any objec- at Sarah Caswell Angell hall. He is at
tions. present' one of the foremost practicing
Consideration of this plan is up be- physicians in the state, and addressed
fore the. individual sororities this month the department on the subject of the
and it will be a live question for de- "Country Doctor."
bate by the university women until the "What are doctors good for?" wasj
next meeting which will be held in the the question which Dr. Jacobi answer-1
middle of, March. ed at the evening program in Sarah1
The proposed move which has just Caswell Angell hall. Dr. Jacobi rep-
become popular in local circles has resents the type of physician of the
been followed with a great deal of suc- larger cities and his knowledge of
cess in other universities and colleges medicine is recognized throughout the
in the country. (Continued on page 4)
Sand Tomorrow Only-
Exchange upono. 13
for one of these three, meets, i.
e., Preliminary, Varsity or M. A. C.=A11 Fresh.
Office open 9 A. 11 to 12 noon, 1:30 to
P. M.
by Ticket ONLY
" #.*
" -_ "'.
No Yellow Coupons Accepted