THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Arwl' YiV Hwy k All 25% OFF NEW YORK UNIVERSITY HAS NEW IDEA IN TRAVEL COURSE Offer Students Chance to Study Eco- nomies, Commerce, Finance and Sociology Abroad. JUST TWELVE MEN COME OUT FOR OPERA SINGING ROLES. Lack of Candidates Causes Committee to Arrange for Extra Try- outs Friday. its and- Overcoats New York University has announced Only an even dozen men reported e bal illce o rhe month at 25% discount. This inclttdes ei i.- Bloch Su ts and Oveicoats in b ue, bl ck, brown and ni vhing reserved. Linclnschmitt, Apfel & Company, 25o OFF mmi Every Medical Man Should Get a MICRO SCOPE and CET IT of -THE- quarry Drug Go. They Have a Pri.e what is probably the latest idea in 'col lege courses in a ,travel school for the summer months. The purpose of the course is to offer students of higher economics, commerce, finance, and so- ciology an opportunity to study con- ditions both in America and foreign countries. Two months before the date of sail- ing, bibliographies will be sent to pros- pective students, suggesting reading in helpful books. Informal conferenc- es will be held on the ships, but there will be no formal lecture during the tour. Places of interest will be visited,' and in each city a local expert will be employed to assist the leaders. In ev- ery large city at least one dinner will be given to enable the students to meet the leaders in various move- ments. Three courses for the summer of 1913 will be offered. The class in Elf- ropean commerce and industry will study problems in transportation, ad- vertising, accounting practices, and other questions of industrial organiza- tions. The class in labor problems, and industrial betterment willinvesti- gate state insurance, labor exchanges, courts for the settlement of industri- al disputes, accident prevention, and industrial hygiene. The class in social problems will consider such ,subjects as city planning, housing, garden cit- ies, charities and philanthropy, and penal and vagrant colonies. DR. WENLEY LAUDS MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY "Astronomy is the only science in which the United States is in advance of Europe today," said Prof. R. M.' Wenley, before his class in ethics yes- terday morning, "and this world su- premacy is due to the University of Michigan alone. "During the last 60 years the Mich- igan astronomy department has pro- duced a series of men of the first rank in their profession, and the field of astronomy today is dominated by the graduates of the University of Mich- igan." for the tryouts for singing roles in the 1913 Michigan Union opera conducted last evening at the Union. The mate- rial on hand was meritorious, but the management regrets that the number" of candidates was not greater. In an effort to secure a more strenuous com- petition, further tryouts for singing parts in "Contrarie Mary" will be held at the Union Friday evening at 7:00 o'clock. Tryouts for the choruses have not brought forth the number of candi- dates for operatic honors that have reported in former years. The man- agement wishes it understood that competition for chorus positions has not ended, and that new men may re- port any time this week. Final try- outs for broiler jobs will be conducted tomorrow evening at 7:00 o'clock at the Union, and mediums will report at 8:00 o'clock at the same place. Men less than five feet seven inches in height are rated as of broiler size, while men between this height and five feet ten inches are considered likely material for the me- dium chorus. Bert St. John,' director of the opera, will arrive in Ann Arbor next Monday. He will remain here during the week, and at this time final tryouts for all parts in the show will be held. When men have been picked for the choruses and cast roles, rehearsals will be com- menced at once, and continued until the time of the first performance, March 26. PROF. DIEKHOFF TO SPEAK ON "DIE DEUTSCHE SPRACHE" "Die Deutsche Sprache" is the sub- .ject of a public lecture to be given in German this afternoon at 4:10 o'clock in the economics lecture room by Prof. T. J. C. Diekhoff of the German facul- ty. He will deal with the evolution of the German language, its relation to the dialectic vernacular of modern Germany and its place in America. The lecture is the third of a series which is being conducted under the auspices' of the German department by members of its faculty. mommomewmRW THERE are those who will come to you and beg for the privilege of taking a picture of that group. THEY have nothing else to do but beg. If they were real photographers they would be too busy to beg. S OME even try to make appointments by telephone, using my name. would be pleased to have anyone who is interested com- Jpare my poorest negatives with their best. Fp you just want to see someone burn up his flash powder, let anyone do it-but if you want a real photographer to make a real picture JUST TELL ME WHEN LYN 0N AND WHERE WXTE do more Amateur Developing, Printing, Enlarging and Lantern Slides than all the others in Ann Arbor put to- gether, because we do better work more promptly, by the most modern methods, at the same prices. roc per roll, any size or length. Prints, 3c, 4c and 5c. Postals, Sc. Say Fellows, have you tried "MAC'S" Cracker Jack'? Try it at 613 Liberty St. Hoppe's Former Store Home Made Candy Light Lunches F.i , LOST. Lost-A bunch of silk and velvet flow- ers on north State street. Finder please return to Daily office. 94 Stolen-$5.00 Reward for information leading to the recovery of bicycle stolen from in front of the American hotel Sunday evening. Cleveland make, new black mudguards, old-fash- ioned Christy saddle, vacum cup tire on rear wheel. Mel. Case, 1317 South University avenue. FOR RENT. For Rent-Good fifteen room house suitable for fraternity in good quiet location. Steam heated. H. F. Frost, Real Estate, First Nat. Bank. 90-94 We can give you the best service on strings for all Musical Instruments. Grinnell Bros., 120-122 B. Liberty St. Exceptional opportunity to purchase standard novels, literary and medical works from private library. Mrs. A. Fraser, 16 South Washington St., Yp- silanti, Mich. Phone 596-J. 93-95 The best guitar or mandolin for you to buy is made by theaworld's famed Martin factory. See and try these beautiful instruments at Schaeberle and Son's Music House. tf ETLES TE STREET We Drug are never undersold. Goodyear Store. 2 tf Lunches _ r-five Cent HOs ITEMPLFI Our Wind TOE AD HEE1L' play -of TINKER . COMPANY F]RNIvRIIIHR AND IIATTERS [oW SENIOR LIT AND ENGINEER COSMOPOLITANS FORM GROUPS DINNER PROVES BIG EVENT. FOR CLOSER FRIENDSHIPS. Big Feature BY EDISON ery Nr ww m iVCE8itfIt u8C ibotise ss Building Maynard Street Across Irem Majestic Specia Hoi With the largest attendance at any dinner held at the Union this year, more than 200 senior lits and engi- neers formed better acquaintances last night at their first combined din- ner of the year. Harmony was the keynote of the evening and Dean M. E. Cooley and Prof. David Friday, repre- sentatives of the different departments, caught the spirit and gave inspiring talks on the value of college associa- tions. "Jinx" Otto, '13E, acted as umpire and short talks were given by Captain "Dick" Dickinson, of the lits and Cap-.{ tain "Ed" Lazear, of the engineers. Music was furnished by the engineer- ing band. Indiana Club Will Hold Dance Feb. 26. The date for the dance to be given by the Indiana club, which was an- nounced as February 20, has been changed to Wednesday evening, Febru- ary 26 at 8:00 o'clock. It will be lim- ited to 75 couples, and tickets may be secured at the Union desk or from the committee. Prof. and Mrs. Gordon Stoner and Prof. and Mrs. Hugo Thieme will chaperone the affair. WISCONSIN'S SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM IS LARGEST. The University of Wisconsin leads the country's schools of journalism in attendance, with 95 enrolled this year. The total number of regular and spe- cial students in the department has reached 160, the largest number since the course was established eight years ago. In order to foster a real universal brotherhood the local Cosmopolitan club has adopted a group system, di- viding the members of the club into 16 groups. Each group consists of one group leader and four other mem- bers of different nationalities. The leaders will be exchanged in a certain length of time, and by this-method the organization expects to achieve a di- rect and close acquaintance between its members. The first set of group leaders con- sists of William Walsh, '12 Harry W. Crane, graduate; John L. Primrose, '13; James D'Evlin, '13; Fred B. Foulk, '13; Jabin Hsu, '14; Bernard Prichard, '13E; William M. Johnston, '13; K. Tonouchi, '12; Frank I. Olmstead, '15; Peter Balkema, '13I; J.R.Gandhi, '13E; 0. X: Searles, '13. The leaders will banquet at, 213 N. Thayer street on Saturday at 6:00 o'clock to discuss plans for the new system. Homer Heath Resumes Duties at Union Homer Heath, graduate manager of the Michigan Union, who has been con- fined to his home for over a week with an attack of the measles, was able to resume his duties at the Union yester- day. ADS IN THIS COLUMN ARE TO BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. WANTED Wanted-Student representatives.Good pay. G. C. Maedel, 619 Liberty St. tf Wed., Feb. 19 '/ A / ' i ' . , M ., r _.. Never too Late to Mend ADMISSION 10 GENTS FEATURE DAY FOR '2 TS A Strictly Modern Offering of Candy Favorites in Old Style. Calkins' Pharmacy, 324 So. STATIE St. BITTER SWEE .. see ..m Don't take chances on your And Other Hat or cap bers Featured at the Hop T OUR tM CL9CfKS and you willj s right and all clocks guarantee 111 EAST WASHINCTO J. L. 'CHAPMAN, Telephone 716- ret to youx classes on time ed. New 'ocation. N STREET. Jewelttr THE "NO NAME" imIT- Get the Best at Wadhams & Co. s WAme: s' Art Store, s and Framing In Street Reasonable Priees Prompt Service and Good Workmanship. ME**** * M WADHAMS & COMPANY 121-123 S. Main St. err IVERSITY PHAR ACY Coulding & Wikel, Proprietors 1219 South University Toilet Articles Candies Ice, ream Sodas Shaving Req