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February 18, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-02-18

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MlAIL $2.00



LOCAL $1.50

XXIII, No. 93.
w Coupon From Athletic Boo]
Will Admit Students and
Faculty Men to Indoor
Track Events.



Forecast for Ann Arbor-Warmer
and cloudy today; light to moderate
variable winds.
University Observatory - Monday,
7:00 p. m., temperature 20.0; maxi-
mum temperature 24 hours preceding,
29.9; minimum temperature 24 hours
preceding, 20.0; average wind veloci-
ty 9 miles per hour.


ri .io'r fntcst St1!rday Caw es
# -.^'nas to Sett?^ Dawin to .
S2:ie1 Work of
Scholastic Difficulties Not Expected
to Disqualify Many
Settling down to the steady grind

Department Will Observe Sixty-Third
Anniversary Tomorrow Instead
of on February 22
as Customary.

Athletic Board Discusses Plans for
Recognizing Baseball Men
Not"Given Letter.
Hereafter recipients of the Varsity
tennis "M" will also be awarded U. of

Small Seating Capacity of gymnasiam
Preients Accommodation of
All Ticket Holders.
Following the much discussed ques-
tIn of a proper solution to the prob-
z of admitting members of the ath-
letic association to indoor track meets,
the association has devised a plan, ap-
proved by the, student council, which
will give every member an equal
chance to see the same number of
m ets to be held this season in Water-
man gymnasium. The action was nec-
e- ary because the number of ticket
h ders excqeds the seating ca-
pikity of the gym by sev-
e ' thousand. To attempt to accom-
mi date all members at each meet
w uld be impracticable, and by' the
new arrangement, under the blanket
system, every student will be giv-
an equal chance.
'he following arrangement will be
ollowed in the distribution of tickets
fog the indoor meets of the season of

Elwood Griest, '14, Suffers Breakdown
As Result of Overwork
Last Semester.
Michigan's track team has been de-
prived of the services of Elwood Griest,
'14, of Lititz, Pa., who has been obliged
to leave the university owing to a gen-
eral breakdown in health. Griest's
specialty was the high jump, in which
he was a second only to Sargent, and
in which event he had a consistent
mark of five feet ten inches. Though
Griest's work was not at all phenom-
inal last year, he was depended on to
win points for Michigan in the dual
meets this season, and his loss will
be keenly felt.
Griest carried 19 hours of work last
semester, and filled an assistant's po-
sition in Zoology in addition to doing
a great deal of laboratory work. He
was also an active member of the
Adelphi society. Griest's friends state
that the strain of college work, to--
gether with some outside work whict.
he pursued, was responsible for hit

Dr. Abraham Jacobi, of New York
and Dr. W. J. Herrington, of
Bad Axe, to Speak.


Founder's Day, the sixty-third anni-
versary of the founding of the medical

h-soph meet will be open to
and sophomores and mem-
faculty exclusivelyp
,nell meet will be open to

eni rs, grdtu xcsi
ers of the faculty exclu'sive-


three meets, namely, the
Varsity, and M. A. C. All-
>e open to the entire stu-
nd faculty.

University Men Taken While Leaving
Suspicious Place Released
After Quiz.
Efforts of the police department to

of training, the track athletes have
their eyes fastened on the first of the
indoor meets which is scheduled for
this Saturday evening. Reparts have
not yet beeen received from the uni-
versity confirming the eligibility of
all the men, but Trainer Farrell an-
nounced that he expected to suffer lit-
tle if any from that source.
In the sprints, the names of Bond
and Seward stand out from the rest.
Lapsley, who was coming along with
good speed earlier in the season has
received a temporary set-back in the
way of a loosenen muscle. Farrell is
now working with Green, of the last
year all fresh team, who may be de-
veloped to fill the vacancy in the hur-
dles. Jansen, a candidate last year
for the Varsity in the hurdles, was
taken hold of by Trainer Farrell, and
has shown enough speed in the quart-
er, to loom strong for a place on the
mile relay team. Haff, Baier and
Craig complete the tally of the prob-
able mile relay quartet, and Michi-
gan 's representatives in the quarter.
In the -half mile, the trainer looks
principally to Carver and Brown.
Smith is the only candidate that has
shown much promise in the mile, al-
though the fresh squad of last year
may give him a running mate in Gray,
who has some good marks to.his cred-
it. Heinie Haimbaugh reigned in soli-
tary grandeur over Michigan's chances
in the two mile race.
One thing Farrell is certain of, and
that is the impossibility of finding the
material to compose both two-mile
andfour-mile relay teams for the rea-
son that tjhe same men would have to
be used in either case. Kohler can
be expected to better even than last
year with the shot, and it would not
surprise those who have watch him
perform if he should break the Water-
man gym record before this year's in-
door meets are history. Cole and
Smith are being taught form by Far-
rell and can be counted upon to win
points in the dual meets. No hope
is seen for Michigan in the pole-vault,
as far as placing in the Eastern inter-
collegiates, but Cook, Van Kammen,
and Daskem are touching eleven feet.
The list of indoor events ends with
the high jump, ably taken carq of by
Surgent who can leap six feet with
tase, and who is looked to better his
previous records under the coaching
of Trainer Farrell.

department in this university, will be'
observed tomorrow. The usual date
for this celebration, in previous years,
- has been February 22, but as this date
falls on Saturday this year, the com-
mittee in charge of the exercises has
moved the day ahead to the 19th.
Tle custom of observing Founder's
Day has become an annual event in
the medical calendar. The object is
to bring the faculty and students to-
gether in such a way as to develop de-
partmental spirit, and to foster the
feeling of fellowship which results
from the personal acquaintance of
those engaged in the same work.
Dr. Abraham Jacobi, '82M, of New
York City, and Dr. W. J. Herrington,
of Bad Axe, Mich., will de-
liver the principal addresses dur-
ing the day. Dr. Jacobi stands
today as one of the foremost figures in
medicine in this country. Because of
his wide experience in the medical
world, he has been made the president
of the American Medical association.
Dr. Jacobi was given the L.L.D. degree
by Michigan in 1898. Dr. Herrington
is a physician of extraordinary ability
and he has been asked to come back
to deliver the Foun'der's Day address.
The program will be opened by Dr.
Jacobi who will lecture before Dr.
Vaughan's class in hygiene at 10:00
a. m. in the west amphitheater of the
medical building. Dr. Herrington will
deliver the Founder's Day address at
4:00 o'clock in the afternoon in Sarah
Caswell Angell Hall. He will speak
on the subject of the "Country Doctor."
At 8:00 o'clock in the evening, Dr.
Jacobi will address a joint meeting of
the Ann Arbor Medical club and the
medical department in Sarah Caswell
Angell Hall on "What are doctors good
Following the evening program, a;
reception will be given under the aus-
pices of the Ann Arbor medical club
to members of the faculty, medical'
students, and invited guests.

by a vote of 22 to
"Bubbles" Patterson


13. Councilman
supervised the

M. caps. This step was decided upon
at a meeting of the board of directors
of the athletic association held yester-
day afternoon The design of the in-
signia on the caps will be similar to
those given in recognition of other
athletic service with a slight differ-
ence of crossed tennis racquets inter-
woven with the U. of M.{
A matter relative to some sort of
award for baseball players who make
the Varsity squad, but do not receive
the baseball "M," was also discussed.
It is planned if possible to give the
baseball men insignia in reward for
their service similar to the "R" of
football and the "A. M. A." of track.
Heretofore the men who have not been
of regular "M" caliber in baseball have
gone without any recognition, not-
withstanding that they have rendered
valuable service to the Varsity base-
ball team. The matter was left open
until the arrival of Branch Rickey,
baseball coach, in order that his ideas
on the subject might be obtained.,
J Laws Elect Grisinore Councilman.
G. C. Grisinore, '14L, was elected
Junior Law councilman yesterday af-
ternoon. He defeated Wm. J. Laidlau


and baseball have issued a call for all
sophomores who wish to try out for
the office of assistant manager in these
respective sports, and for all juniors
who wish to compete for the position
of varsity managers in these lines for
the season of 1914. Men of either the
junior or sophomore classes who de-
sire to compete under the new ruling
must leave their names at the athlet-
ic association office before next Tues-
day. All candidates who wish to try
out for track managerships will ad-
dress their applications to Don Den-
nison, '13, and those for baseball to V.
L. McCarthy, '13L.
The new competitive system aims
to do away with the petty politics that
are prevalent in campus elections. The
new plan will base the selection
on merit alone. Inasmuch as this -is
the first opportunity offered for the
working out of the plan, at this time
both sophomores and juniors must re-
port at the same time for competition.
The juniors will compete directly for
the managership in either track or
baseball, and of those who report, two
will be selected by the committee in
charge of that sport, to run for the po-
sition of manager at the election next
The sophomores, at this time, will
try out for -the assistant managerships.
From the nunber of sophomores who
compete, two will be chosen by a com.
mittee, composed of men in charge of
that particular sport, to run, in their
junior year, for the office of assistant
manager. The man, thus elected as-
sistant manager by the members of the
association, will automatically become
Varsity manager in his senior year.
The plan combines the merit method
and still does not take from the mem-
bers of the association the right of
their franchise to vote for the final

Scienee -Team Defeats.

Varsity Track and Baseball Officers
Issue Call for Men Wishing
to Compete Under
Revised System.
Members of Association Retain Right
to Vote on Final Selection
of Candidates.
The new regulation of the athletic
association, regarding the election of
all future Varsity managers, will go
into effect next week for the first time.
The present student managers of track

Lit Men; Lack

of Light Prevents Finishing
of Second Contest.

m of drawing has been devis-
will insure an equal chance
secure a ticket to at least one
ast three events. The chanc-
taining a ticket will not be
by early application. A stu-
wing his ticket the last hour
I daystands the same chance
lent who draws on the first
he first day. This new plan
necessitate standing in line
iletic office or bolting classes
a ticket. This drawing sys-
is that, every student in the
y has the opportunity to at-
of these three meets, namely,
ninary, Varsity, and M. A. C.-
, the one which he attends to
niied by his draw at the as-
awing forhthe three meets
open o the entire student
take place at the athletic as-
office fror 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
from 1:30G:. m. to 5:30 p. gm.
, Thursday end Friday, and
oupon number 13 must be
exchange for a ticketuto the



secure evidence against the notorious
Huron club, a colored organization
with rooms on North Fourth avenue,
resulted in the arrest of three univer-
sity students early. Sunday morning,
after they had been seen leaving the
building. These men have since been
released, no charge having been made,
and their case has been completely
dropped by both the city and county
As a result of the information which
they were able to give the police, the
club-rooms were raided yesterday af-
ternoon, and the equipment, consisting
of liquor and gambling devices, confis-
cated. Herbert Case, colored, the pro-
prietor of the place, has long been un-
der police surveillance, on suspicion
of breaking the liquor laws and of ad-
mitting white pepple to the rooms,
against orders.
In their testimony given yesterday
in Prosecutor Burke's offices, the stu-
dents involved were able to defend
their actions to the satisfaction of the
police. They went down-town near to
midnight on Saturday and entered the
place out of curiosity. No charge of
drunkenness was made, and the
men were further able to satisfy the
police that they at no time had any
money in their possession for gambling
This is not the first time that the
liuron club has been in trouble with
the authorities. It has become the
custom with the local police depart-
ment to raid the place periodically be-
cause of the evident inability of its
management to obey the law. This is
the first time that any students have
been mixed up in the clean-out.

Hockeyites made up for lost time
last night and staged two games at
Weinberg's abbreviated rink. The
teams skating for honors were the lits
vs. science, and the laws vs. engineers.
In the first contest the scientists were
able to drive the puck home three
times while the lits located the wire
cage only once. The second game
was called after 18 minutes of play on
account of the lights being turned off
at 10:00 o'clock. At the end of the

Adimission cards for the junior lit
"No Name" party went on sale yes-
terday and are selling rapidly. The
nameless function will be held Thurs-
day evening in Barbour gym from
7:30 to 11:30 o'clock. The affair is
strictly 'come alone' and single tick-
ets niay be obtained from ' members
of the social committee at 35 cents.

iminary meet, tte first one
n and one open t the stu-
at large, will be held Sat-
t in Waterman gymlasium.
city of the gymnasitm is
it is thought that the de-
ickets for the three meets,
Varsity, and M. A. C.-All
ot exceed the combined ca-
he three meets.
gymnasium entrance will
r women of the university
scorts, and for members of
at all meets.
estants in all the meets
ige thetproper coupon for a
ticket which will admit
south door of Waterman
1n number 13 must be ex-
he office of Waterman gym
y afternoon of this week
06:00 p. M.
istructions as to the met1.-
ange of coupons for the
Lfnd Cornell events will be
SThe Michigan Daily at a

The recent state democratic conven-
tion nominated William A. Comstock
of Alpena and Frank H. Begole of
Marquette for regents ci. '*a. niver-
sity of Michigan. Mr. Comstocx is
now serving as regent, having been
appointed by Governor W. N. Ferris
to fill the vacancy on the board caused
by the death of Regent Grant. He is
a graduate of the university receiving
a degree from the literary department
in 1899.
Mr. Begole is prominent in Mar-
quette industries and is president of
the Lake Shore Engine Works. He is
the nephew of the late J. W. Begole
who was elected governor of Michi-
gan in 1882.

Cabinet Club Elects Semester Officers.
The Cabinet club, a sectional organ-
ization comprised of men from the na-
tional capitol, elected the following of-
ficers at a meeting held for that pur-
pose Sunday. The men will hold office
during this semester. President Thos.
C. Rathbone, '13E; vice-president, F.
L. Weaver, '13E; secretary, Harry S.
Estler, '13E; and treasurer, Theodore
M. Robie, '14E.
Lit-Social Club Dance Well Attended.
About 50 couples attended the regu-
lar dance given by the Lit-Social club
last evening at Grangers. An increase
in the number of attendants over those
present at the last function was notice-


18 minutes, the laws had scored twice
to the engineers once.
The lighting was por and frequeui
halts were necessary to wait for the
uncertain current to produce enough
light for the players to see the rub-,
ber. During the first half of the lit-sci-
ence contest the latter were able to
advance the puck more consistently
than their opponents and the period
ended with the long end of a 2 to 1
score on their side of the ledger. In
the second period the lits took a great
brace and played at par with the sci-
entists, each team annexing one digit
to their account.
The feature of the battle was the
phenomenal stops of Barnum at goal
for the lits. The lengthy protector of
the coveted cage was able to stop the
puck when a goal seemed inevitable.
Warrel formerly a member of the
Houghton team that won the Ameri-
can championship played a wonderful
game at point for the science aggre-
gation, and Buerile at rover kept the
lits guessing at all times to follow
his advances.
Hunting, playing left wing for the
literary men, received a bad blow in
the nose from the stick of one of his
opponents and was replaced by Spring,
The injury is not considered serious.
In the second game Wharton played
the stellar game for the laws, holding
lown the rover job. Ratz at right wing,
.nd Edwards at rover were the most
consistent dodgers for the engineers.
The rest of this contest will be played
>ff Thursday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock.
Today the lits will meet the laws at
4:15 o'clock and the science team will
ace the engineers at 7:30. Tomorrow

State Solons to Inspect University.
Representatives of the state legis-
lature will visit Ann Arbor Thursday
and Friday to make the annual inspec-
tion tour of the university. To assist
the committee in its work here Pres.
Harry B. Hutchins has notified the
committee in charge, of the national
Alpha Delta Phi convention that he
cannot preside as chairman of the con-
vention which is to be held in Madi-
son, Wisconsin, the last of the week.

Grant Petition
Name Class
Hon. IV.

of Class of 1894 to
Fund After Late
W. Wedemeyer.

After a thorough canvass of the dor-
mitories at Prniceton President My-
ers of the Woodrow Wilson club an-
nounces that a huge delegation of the
university students has signified its
intention to march in the inaugural
parade at the capitol on March 4. The
orange and black men will have the
distinction of being the first to attend
the nromotion of their own nesident

While all the faculty and students
were peacefully enjoying the pleas-
ures of slumberland the honorable
board- of regents were grinding out
their monthly business. From 7:30
o'clock last night to 1:45 o'clock this
morning the governing body of the
university was passing upon routine
matters in one of the longest sessions
in its history. The report of the goard
in control of athletics for the year
1911-12 was received and accepted.
In accordance with it, the regents
authorized the use of University Hall
to accomodate the sale of tickets for
the big games next fall so as to avoid
students waiting in line.
The building and grounds commit-



es Dinner at


Auspices Women's I
h Caswell Angell H

e, For


11 Fund.

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