LOCAL $1.0 $ M4AIL $2.00 The Michigan Daily NO .1 YPTFF "AT.n Y19.. Vol. XXIm, No. 92. DEANS ASSERT COUNCIL'S FATE IS IN BALANC Student Council Must Act Wisely Hop Probe to Uphold its Prestige, Declare Faculty Men. QUERY OF COUNCIL CALLED IN QUESTIOiN BY TWO DEA Professors Cooley and Bates Comm, on Relation to Faculty Investigations. That the fate of the student coun depends on its treatment of the m ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS E in NS Dnt J THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Colder to- day; probably snow. University Observatory- Saturday, 7:00 p. inm., temperature 35.2; maxi- mum temperature 24 hours preceding, 43.2; minimum temperature, 24 hours preceding, 22.4; average wind velocity 12 miles per hour. WELL KNOWN LIBRARIAN IS I FEATURE OF UNION PROVR1tAM Samuel Ranck, of Grand Rapids, to be Principal Speaker at Today's Gathering. Members of the Union who attend Cie ,en found implicated in the trouble at the gymnasium the night of the Hop, is the opinion of Dean M. E. Cooley and Dean H. M. Bates. The faculties have given all the names and evidence in their possession to the council, and are awaiting its action before proceding farther in the pnatter. The council, however,has tied itself hand and foot by securing all its additional information under a prom- ise to divulge nothing to the faculty, and to give no publicity by name to those sent home. Council's Method Seeret. The council claims that it could se- cure no information except under such a pledge. It is a fact, however,, that the faculty had given it informa- tion which the faculty itself considers of sufficient importance to result in probably severe disciplinary measures. . The policy of the council,