THE MICHIGAN DAILY. i SORORITY HOUSES RESOUND WITH SIGHS AND LAMENTS News of the sudden action of the of Reule, Conlin and Fiegel, on Main University senate in regard to the street, now stands. In 1883, the title abolishment of the annual Junior Hop of Society Hop was changed to that of will no doubt be received as a great Junior Hop, and at this time the func- surprise both among the undergrad- tion took on a more formal nature. uate and the graduate bodies of the For ten years, the hop was given an- university. For more than forty years, an an- aually as an exclusive fraternity affair, nual dance, in late years known as the and in 1893 it was housed for the first Junior Hop, has had its place in the time in Waterman gymnasium. On university social calendar. The dance this occasion, the building was not since its beginning has not been known completed, and the committee, in as the Junior Hop, but the big dance charge stretched a canopy of canvas of the college year has always been over the dancers. In those days, given each year at the close of the first the hop adjourned at 5:00 o'clock in semester. the morning and often the guests In 1877, only a few couples attend- would return home in clear daylight. ed the party which has grown in later The Michigan Hop has been a Mich- years to be recognized, from coast to igan tradition. Men of this university coast. Nearly every Michigan Hop have looked forward to the event of has had some distinct advantage over this annual party for more than forty the one of the year previous, both in years. Undergraduates have entertain- regaked to the numbers present and in! ed their best girls from home, and both detailed arrangements, old and young alumni have come back In the olden days, the annual prom with wives, for the one occasion of the was staged on the site where the store year. QUARTET TO SING AT Alpha Nu Society tonight at 7:00 MARKUS' LECTURE. ,'lock. The Detroit Doppel Quartet has Dirtly following this program been secured by the Deutscher Verein nominations will be made for the office to furnish music at the lecture, to be of secretary to succeed E. W. McFar- given by Dr. M. Markus, on "The Ger- land, who left college at the end of man Folk. Song" Thursday evening, last semester. February 20. The Ann Arbor Zither club also will furnish incidental mu- McCloud Will Address Masons Tonight sic. Arthur McCloud, 33rd degree Mason, of Detroit, will give an illustrated sc- Toughest Kind of Luck This! ture on "Palestine and Masonic An- With Washington's birthday falling tiquities" at the Masonic Temple to- on a Saturday, those who look for- night, under the auspices of the ward to a respite from studies on Craftsmen club. All student Masons, February 22 are to meet with disap- whether members of the Craftsmen pointment. Saturday morning classes club or not, are invited to attend. 1 will not meet. This means six weeks of grind from Monday, to the Easter Graduates Will Make Merry TonightV getaway, April 4. Graduate students will hold a val- entine party consisting of an inform- BANISHMENT OF TANGO DOES al luncheon and dance at Barbour NOT AFFECT SALE OF TICKETS gym tonight at 7:00 o'clock. The large number of new students now reg- Despite the announcement that the istered in the graduate department1 tango would be barred from tonight's probably will bring the attendance dance at the Michigan Union, all the up to 100. tickets for the affair have been sold.___________ Prof. and Mrs. Evans Holbrook, Prof. L J. Laws Will Elect Councilman Monday and Mrs. W. G. Stoner and Dean Myra Election of a representative from B. Jordan, will chaperone the party. the junior law class to the StudentI Council will be held Monday in room Alpha Nu Debaters Compete for Places C. of the law building. Grover C.I Twelve initiates will compete for Grismore and William J. Laidlaw are three places on the initiate team of the the nominees. BU4SIN1ESS DIIRECTOIRY I THERE HAS BEEN DEMAND ON PART OF THE MICHIGAN DAILYt READERS FOR A BUSINESS DIRECTORYWHICH WOULD REFER THEM TO RELIABLE BOARDING HOUSES, REAL ESTATE FIRMS, INSUR- ANCE AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES, ETC. THE DAILY GIVES BE.. LOW A LIST OF SUCH RECOGNIZED FIRMS. THIS DIRECTORY WILLl APPEAR EVERY SUNDAY. BOARDING HOUSES REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCEt RESTAURANT WARREN H. SMITH is the man - 331 South Main St. If you want to rent a slat or house.c Regular Dinner 25c If you want insurance, the best of alla Lunches. Home-made Pies. kinds.I Chicken Dinner every Sunday. 312 National Bank Bk. Phone 1612. CAMPUS CAFE GAUNTLETT AND SELLMAN OUR clothes should be right and you may be thankful that Sthem is a store in your midst where . " I you can get clothes that fit, and have style and workmanship guar- anteed. Prices $10.00 to $25.00 for Suit or Overcoat. Furnishings, hats, C a p s, Bags and Suitcases. Mackinaws JUMANY I I copyr~ng i ii &LPRE:D DECKEAR 6 COHN I We charge more than )' om(e for our cleaning.. ®(iJ WORK i1BETTER. No Odor. Try us. C1em- n ix and Dye"" Works J. A. LREY, Proprietor. Tel. 19534-L 711 Paekard . 2 . . VxlI. Ave. 1} urk C.'ole 1 for and Delivred. I .o" specialty. An iip-to date showing of B Pn139UJE EFall Millinery at popular . _.r . ,pr-ices .. Hair Goods a Bell Phone 139')-J E. E. IJAYLEY, 206 B. Liberty Street See the World's Star Hosiery "fHE K ND THAT WEARS" Beauty and Strength Combined. Agency at 625 E. Liberty Lerrud . RuddrowsBldg.,cur. Stat and Liberty. Entrance on Lib- GRAND RAPIDS LIBRARIAN T' ADS IN THIS COLUMN ARE TO BE TALK AT UNION TOMORROW PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Samuel Ranck, head of the Grand Rapids library system, will be the speaker at the' Union meeting tomor- row afternoon. He will talk on the possibilities of library work when car- ried on by trained experts in a scien- tific manner. During his regime, the infuence of the public libraries in the city of Grand Rapids has been tremendous. He has put books where the public can get at them easily, and has made it possible for the working man to use his leisure to advantage in educating himself. His library has been called the average man's university. Mr. Rank is a personal friend of Prof. Wenley, at whose suggestion he was invited to address the gathering. PRI BETA IKAPPA STARTS TO LOOK OVER "SlARKS" Preparations for the annual selec- tion of literary students who are eligi- ble for Phi Beta Kappa were begun yes- terday when initial lists of 460 names of those who expect to graduate in June or October, were mailed to mem- bers of the faculty. After this list is returned, the names of those students with the highest marks are placed upon another list, and the process of elimination is be- gun. Final elections will be announc- ed in April. WANTED Wanted--Student representatives.Good pay. G. C. Maedel, 619 Liberty St. tr V W'nted-Boarders for 6 chair table, smoking room. The Pines, Cor. Jef- ferson and Thompson. LOST Lost-Gentleman's open face gold watch, Friday morning. Finder please call H. J. Forshee, phone 130- ring 13. Reward. 91-93 Lost--Chinese lktter on Ti u!ron or Washington, between State and Main or on Mari between Uihuron and Washington. Liberal rewar--- Mr. G. Tsen, 114 N. Thayer. 91-2 FOR RENT. For Sale or Rent-Desirable Lunch Room. Phone 740-J. 89-92 For Rent-Good fifteen room house suitable for fraternity in good quiet location. Steam heated. H. F. Frost, Real Estate, First Nat. Bank. 90-94 The best guitar or mandolin for you to buy is made by the world's famed Martin factory. See and try these beautiful instruments at Schaeberle and Son's Music House. tf The largest and finest stock in the city. Goodyear's Drug Store. 3 tf The best shoe shine next to Wag ner's. eod. tt They all like it. Take her a box this week end. Martha Washington Candy Real Estate, Fire, Health and Casualty Insurance 110 E. Huron St. Phone 180-L. WARREN AGENCY 206 National Bank Bldg. Phone 3034. Special Bargains in desirable places for sale or rent. Life, Accident and Fire Insurance. We solicit correspondence or calls. L. D. CARRE Real Estate Agent 17 Savings Bank Block.. Phone 441. Specialty-residence property, houses for sororities and fraternities. FRESH ENGINEERS ARE SECOND CLASS TO LOSE' PRESIDENT. Nominations for president of the fresh engineer class to succeed Merit Haag who resigned last Wednesday, will take place at the next regular as- sembly on February 26. IIaag has transferred to the lit medic course. The heads of the different branches* of engineering will spealk to the fresh- men assembly during the semester in at University Pharmacy. Sat order to give them a better idea of what is offered in that department and We can give you the best service on assist in making their classifications strings for all11 Musical Instruments. in later years. Grinnell Bros., 120-122 E. Liberty St. BIG REDUCTION SALE on all Winter Suits and Overc ts I SWeaterS a## Sweatgr Vests at 20 pet. discount. All colored shirts including the world famous Manhattan and Eclips Shirts $1.00 Shirt at $ .85 $2.00 Shirt at $1.55 $1.50 " " $1.20 $2.50 " " $1.85 $3.00 Shirt at $2.25 Mens Single Trousers 20 pct. off. Reule, Conli, Fiegel Co.