MLAIL $2.50
mlcl Ig Utl
L0CAL $2.00
XXIII, No. 90.
Presidents of Lit Department Recom-
mend Exclusion of Extreme
Dancing From All the
Class Parties.
One Faction Favors Lea ing Question
Entirely to the Choice of
th Individual.
Another step onward into the valley
of death, was the fate of the tango, on
the Michigan campus yesterday. At a
meeting of the presidents and chair-
men of the social committees of the
classes in the literary department, held
at the Union, recommendations were
adopted calling for the exclusion of
the tango, and other forms of extreme
4 dancing, at all parties sponsored by
these classes.
The following resolution was an-
"We, the representatives of the
classes of the literary department, in
conference, recommend strongly to the
literary classes, that for obvious reas-
ons the tango and all forms of ex-
treme dancing be excluded from class
parties in the future."
The recommendation was signed by
all the executives and social commit-
tee chairmen of the classes in the lit
department, and the sentiment of the
meeting seemed to be unanimously in
favor of tabooing such innovations as
the "clutch hold," tango, and the types
of dances familiarly designated by the
animal-like titles.
Occurring as it does in close connec-
tion with the action of Union officials
in absolutely prohibiting the tango at
the weekly membership dances given
by that organization, the, the move of,
the lit classes comes as a signal blow
to radical dancing. Although the rec-1
ommendations will not become bind-;
ing until ratified by the meetings of the
various classes, or by their respective
social committees, it is expected that
the moi'al effect of a representative
group' of lit classmen expressing them-
selves as strongly opposed to the tan-t
go, will have the result of eventually ]
barring the dance from all class func-
At a meeting of the senior lit classg
Wednesday afternoon, the matter of
abolishing the tango at class affairs
(Continued on page 4))
Tryouts Will be Held in Waterman
Gym Under Direction of Coach
Douglas or Trainer Farrell
With the opening of the indoor track
season, interest in the interclass series
of relay races for the championship of
the campus is coming to the front.
Each year during the indoor season
quartets representing the classes of;
the various departments have run off,
a series of relays, first for the depart-i
mental championship and later for the;
championship of the .university at
large,and have at the same time afford-
ed runners an opportunity to win their
numerals. The same plan will be car-
ried out this season. %
Class track managers who. desire
their teams to get away well in the
series have little time left in which to
pick and train their men. The mana-
gers are expected to have their men
picked and the names in the hands of
Coach Douglas by February 25. As;
the tryouts are to be held on the Wat-
Forecast for Ann Arbor-Friday,
fair with moderate easterly winds;
continued cold.
University Obsevratory-Thursday,
7:00 p. m., temperature, 24 hours pre-
ceding, 1.5; average wind velocity, 12
miles per hour..
Women to Have Cosmopolitan Supper.
An international supper will be
served to the women of the universi-
ty at Newberry hall tomorrow evening
at 6:00 o'clock. It has been planned
to serve dishes characteristic of the
various peoples represented in the
university. English salads, German
stews, chop suey, and Italian puddings,
will be on ,the menu. Miss Sui Wang,
of Nanking, China, will act as toast-
mistress, The supper is open to all
women. The price of the tickets is
25 censts.
Brennan's Restaurant Put Out of Bus-
iness Temporarily by
Small Blaze.
Seventy-five students were temporI
arily deprived of their boarding house
as the result of a fire which damaged
Brennan's restaurant On Liberty street
early last evening. While the blaze
was slight, the amount of water pour-
ed into the building by the zealous fire
fighters of the local department, and
the smoke, put the kitchen out of com-
mission as well as making the base-
ment dining room unfit for use. Man-
ager Brennan stated, however, that he
would reopen tomorrow and would ac-
commodate all the regular boarders.
The fire started near the furnace in
the basement and it is thought hot
ashes was the cause. There was no
one in the building when the flames
were seen. Manager Brennan was at-
tending a performance of a local the-
ater. He was notified of the fire and
arrived in time to superintend the re-
moval of the papers from his desk as
vell as the orchestra's instruments.
Dense smoke which filled th.e base-
ment made it almost impossible for the
fire department. to locate the blaze.
It was not until a draft had been es-
tablished through the cellar that the
firemen were able to get the lines of
hose near the burning boards and box-
Students did some good work in
helping remove the valuables from the
restaurant as well as in reassuring the
occupants of the fiats above the burn-
ing store that there was no danger.
Women who live upstairs asked sever-
al of the bystanders to stay with them
while the fire lasted and this gave the
students a chance for near herosm.
Manager Brennan places his loss at
abut $500, which is covered by insr-
ance. The boarders in the basement
dining room will be accommodated up
stairs pending the renovating of that
portion of the building.
' _
Victor M. Gore, of Benton Harbor,
and Dr. Walter H. Sawyer, of Hills-
dale, are the nominees of the repub-
lican party for regents of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. The candidates w e
nominated at the republican state con-
vention in Lansing.
Victor M. Gore, no minate to suc-
ceed Regent John Gr t, ' died a
few weeks ago, is a pr om ent lawyer.
He is a graduate of the University of
Michigan, getting his degree from the
law department in 1882. He was a
member of the state constitutional
convention of 1907.
Dr. Walter H. Sawyer has already
served one term as regent and was re-
nominated to succeed himself for a
Percival Blanshard Is To Represent
Michigan at Hamilton
Oratorical Contest.
Percival Blanshad, '14, has been ap
pointed by the oratorical board to rep-
resent Michigan in the Hamilton Ora-
torical contest at Chicago in April.
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Northwestern,
Indiana, and Iowa will also be rep-
resented in this competition.
The Hamilton club of Chicago con-
ducted these contests for seven years,
but they were abandoned six ye o
on account the excessive xpense
connected wit them. Mic gan was
always repres nted in the ast events,
and at once a cepted th invitation to
enter when th contest were reestab-
Owing to t earl date of the con-
test this year, Perc val Blanshard was
appointed. I te future, a regular
university conkt will determine Mich-
igan's representative.
The reorganization will be on a more
stable basis, and the extravagent en-,
tertainment which marked former con-
tests has been abandoned. The ora-
tors will be entertained at the club,
however, and testimonials of $100.00
and $50.00 will be offered to the win-
In accepting the invitation of the
HamIliton club, Michigan recommend-
ed that the provision debarring men
with an "A. B." degree, be rescinded.
In the opinion of the oratorical board,
this rule works a hardship upon Mich-
igan, owing to the increasing require-
ments'of the professional departments.
Foresters Benefit by Suggestion Box.
The suggestion box recently install-
ed in the forestry department is being
used with effectiveness.
Board Meets and Changes Manner of
.Awarding All-Fresh
Track Insignia.
Important provisions regarding the
awarding of insignia to members of the
All-Fresh track team were. discussed
at a meeting of the board of directors
of the athletic association yesterday
afternoon, and as a result a decision
was reached which probably will les-
sen considerably the number of sets of
numerals awarded to the young track
Heretofore there have been practi-
cally two sets of numerals awarded to
members of the freshman team. In sev-
eral cases men who won their numer-
als in indoor competition would drop
out when the team got out of doors.
thus allowing others not so fortunate
in the indoor meets to have a second
try at the coveted insignia and in sev-
eral cases these men were successful
in the attempt. It was this fact which
gave rise to the action of the board
of directors.
The decision of the board was to the
-kffect that hereafter only those men
who win firsts in both the indoor and
outdoor dual meets will receive numer-
als from the hands of the athletic asso-
ciation, with the provision that in ex-
ceptional cases insignia may be award-
ed to a man who has only one first, if
a committee composed of Trainer Far-
rell Manager Dennison, and possibly
others, deems the procedure justifi-
. able. This does not affect numerals'
awarded by the classes for points won
in the fresh-soph contests.
A provision was also passed by the
board which will in the future allow
only the wearing of numeral caps by
managers of class teams. Heretofore,
the manager of a class team was al-
lowed to wear a cap and sweater the
same as a member of his team. In-
asmuch as a Varsity manager is not
allowed a sweater with insignia,
sweaters with class insignia will be
taken away from class managers.
Carpenter and Cohen Star n' T'heir'
Respective Aggregations; Lack
of Team Work Sliowt.
After waiting over a month for
weather conditions, the skaters played
their first game of hockey yesterday.
The lits outpucked the engineers and
grabbed the long end of a 7 to 2 score.
The game was played upon the Wein-
berg rink which is smaller than the
regulation pen and so the teams play-
ed with only six men e ch.
In the first half the lits kept the
puck in their opponents territory most
of the time and the engineers were
frequently saved from having their goal
net located by Carpenter's phenom-
enal stops. The guardian of the goal
played the star game for the boiler-
makers throughout the contest. The
lits stellar stick wielder was Cohen.
At all times the clever freshman had
little trouble in guiding the elusive
disc through the ranks of the oppon-
Throughout the two periods the lack
of team play was in evidenc.e, and in-
dividual working was relied upon by
both aggregations. The second hal
started with the engineers taking a
great brace, but after caging the rub-
ber twice they weakened, and' in the
last five minutes of play the lits an-
nexed four points to their string.
The teams lined up as follows:
Lits Engineers
Doyle.....,...... R.......Edwards
Huntin, Eastman. . R.W. ........Ratz
Spring...........C. ........Crase
Parks, McCloud... Pt. .....-...Hewitt
Referees-Saier and Horton.
The engineers will try to come back
strong in the game with the laws at
Weinberg's today at 4:15. Tomorrow
the lit and science teams will clash.
No Students Have as Yet Been Proved
Guilty of Participation in
J Hop Disturbance
Reports of the four committees of
the student council which have inves-
tigated many men said to have been
implicated in the J Hop fracas were
heard by the student body at its spe-
cial executive session last evening but
no action was-taken. It is hoped that
definite information concerning the
ring-leaders may be secured today in
which case it wlil be reported to the
council at an executive meeting to be
held this evening at 7:00 o'clock.
As the inquiry proceeds, it has been
found that the crowd which attempted
to force its way into Waterman gym-
nasium last Friday night was in-
deed motley. Upperclassmen, fresh-
men, sophomores, town boys and sev-
eral older, seemingly respectable men
made up the crowd. Many of these
have already testified before the coun-
cil's investigating committees. Prom-
inent men outside the ranks of the
council are assisting the student body
and if this cooperation on the part of
the students continues, the council
hopes to get at the pith of the matter.
The four committees will continue
their work daily and will report their
findings to the council at the evening
meetings. This procedure will con-
tinue until the trouble is cleared up
and the men responsible for the at-
tempt to force their way into the gym
are found and punished. The coun-
cil may hold an all-day session tomor-
Women Can Apply for Scholarship.
The Lucinda Stone scholarship loan
fund is now open to upper class wom-
en of the university. From $200 to
$600 are loaned yearly to women stu-
dents in the different departments
from this fund. All applications for
loans should be made to Dean Myra
B. Jordan before February 20.
Course 11 in ecbtooies w ill be wll
,;upllemented this semester w ih lec-
tures by different authorities. Among
the experts who will talk to the v a-
ous classes, are Prof.I ajfir~ of te
University of Caifornia;-Prof E. B.
Jones and IDr. C. 11 Parry of this uni-
versity, and several ther speakrs
who are to be arranged for late.
31r,. lBrew ser "Mill iRoad lna y.
Mrs. J. ii. Brewster will read "Ollanl-
tay," a lyric drama, in Sarah (Caswel
Angell hail February 18, at 8:00
o'clock. he scenes are laid in and
about Cuzco, the capital of the Incas
Emuire about the tine 'of he Spanish
discovery and conquest. The play was
not written until alter the onquest
as there was no written :languagat
that time. An old Spanish monkse-
cured the story from the Peruvins
and wrote it out at fength.
Craig Will Give MostI Hs Time to
Th~le Quarter; Carver and
Baier LookGooed
From the prospects that present
themselves to Trainer Steve *Farrell
and Captain "llap" ,a of the track
team, lechigtm will have a mile relay
quartet this season, and a good one.
Trainer and captain are already plan
ning to put a fast mile relay team in
the field, and, judging from the list of
men who are eligible, there seens no
reason to doubt that their plans will
work out successfully.
Captain Biff, of course, will be a
member of the mile team. Haff's spe-
cialty is the quarter mile and his abil-
ity In his line is well known, Jimmie
Craig is the other veteran who will un-
doubtedly draw a place on the mile
quartet. While Craig has particular-
ized in the hurdles in other years, he
is no stick at the quarter mile. With
an injury to one of his knees which
may prevent his taking part in hurdle
events at least during the indoor sea-
son, Craig is planning to devote most
of his time to the quarter mile, and in
this case it is expected that le will be
better than ever.
The other men expected to make up
the quartet are both novices, so far
as Varsity relay work is concerned,
but both are men who have experience
behind them. Carver and Baer are
the men who are expected to make
good. Both Trainer Farrell and Cap-
tain Haff are much impressed with
their ability and it is very likely that
they will have no trouble in making
their places on the team, unless some
dark horse looms up as an unexpected
Carver did not show much last sea-
son, although he ran a litle. Tis
year, however, he stepped into the
lime light when he won his C. C. C.
in the fall cross country races. ile
also showed well in the relay held be-
tween the halves of the South Dakota
football game. Carver runs the half
mile but Intends to do the quarter also,
and, in the opinion of Trainer Farrell,
Carver is about as fast as Captain
Haff himself on the indoor track.
Baer is an A. M. A. man of last sea-
son. This year he is shoning better
than ever, and there seems but little
doubt of his ability to make good alo
with the other three men mentioned.
Back Numbers of liniy Wanted.
The Daily wlil pay 'e cents a piece
for each copy of the following ises
when returned to the oi e in good
condition: No. 2, Thursday, October 3;
No. 3>, Friday, October 4; No. 4, sat-
urday, October 5; No. 8, Thursday, Oc-
tober 10; N . 9, Friday, October I:
and No. 88, .ednesday, February 12.
Chess Men Will hold Tournmnent.
Chess enthusiasts, meeting at the
Union Tuesday night, arranged for ii
chxamp ion ship tournament which wil
be held updr the auspices of the
Chess and Checker club. Reports
were received of the games with Chi-
cago and Illinois.
At Union Dunner ir., W. H.
Declares That Top Grade
Are Not Always the Si
ofzaBrainy Student
ii R il.A 'LL T2KEI 0
OApht Se'lby Spoke About Gen
dent Activities; Hono:
"There are lots of dubs in
Kappa, and the men who I
habit of drawing top-grade m
not always the most brainy s
said W. H. lamilton, of the e
department, in a talk at the I
Union membership dinner l
ng. "What I like to see is the
students who pick their coui
tome attention to the needs
especial temperanents, and w
rush to the registrar's office t
or snap nubjets, and in gen.
sue a policy of following the
least resistance."
The dinner was attended
100 men, and all of the speec
favorably received. The Vars
tet which furnished the musi
occasion,.was called back fo
number of encores. Prof. Cha
nison presided as toastmaster
The recent disturbance in
tion with the Junior Hop was
ject of a talk by Prdf. William
er, of the history department
igan is the apex of the educati
tem of this country," said Pr
ar, "and occupying this positi
1nere or less in the spot-ligi
favorable criticism when som
the campus goes awry. That
the gyyn has more -than a locE
cance; it will be put down all
country as a point against
name of this institution. For
soon, the men who participat
affair cannot be too seere
manded for their far-reaching
Capt. Inanan Sealby, '2L,
the importance of the Michig;
in acting as center for all sti
tivities. When we secure (
builing:.-and we are going
in a very few years," stated C
by, "we must make it a gene
quarters for all Michigan m
student council should meet t
all campus societies should
ase of its rooms, In a word
affairs should be centralize
Helpfulness to one's fellow;
;,aject of a short talk by HE
'ee, "13E, and Edwin Thurm
'15, discussed the honor sy.
its proposed adoption at Mic!
h ER
lEI(niae Choice of Material
Made Mondlay; Chances
;or New Men.
On account of the meagre n
tryouts present at the compe
broiler parts in the 1913 Mic
iwn cpera, conducted at the U
ci ening, a second tryout has
e for next Monday evening
time, a definite choice of mal
be made, and the results of t
competition announced the I
mo~nh. New men as well as
have been present at past try
be eligible to prove their
this session.
Tr oss for the medium
chorus will be held at the
1:30 o'clock Saturday after.
a further opportunity for mi
toe artists to go through tl
iens will be afforded on the
of the final tryout for medit
positions announced for nex
evening at 8:00 o'clock. Sin
rue tryouts will be held at
Tuesday evening at the same
ium running track un- term of eight years. He is also a
n of either Coach Doug- Michigan graduate, being a member of
Farrell; it is desirable the homeopathic class of 1884.
s manager consult with
s before going ahead "M.E." Department Gets New Assistant
its in order that there J. E. Hancock, '13E, of the mechan-;
flicts and that either the ical engineering department has been
er may be on hand dur- appointed as student assistant to Prof.
J. E. Enswiler of that department.