THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~i AJvESOTIC STARTING TONIGHT MARX BROS. BEAUTY REVUE 25 - PEOPLE - 25 m Song Show Important Notice Buy your tickets in advance. No tickets sold after 6 P. M. GET BUSY EARLY DON'T GET LEFT Tonight is the Night Createst Ciri Show on Earth LASS BASKETEERS ANNOUNCE GAMES Dates for the interclass basketball mes have been ararnged. The pre- inaries will begin the week of Feb- ary 24, the semifinals will be held 3 following week, and the contest rich will decide the campus cham- )nship wlil be staged on the night of Vr 4L111111fi11,tt-J Y EXPRESS- CONCOURS T GRAIN ROOMa _ .,_.:.. --=_- ~SUBURBAN CONCOURSE 1" ' , i -UURBAN RAN OO ,SUBURBAN. TRAIN LOOP I I New The C H11 SECTIONAL VIEW OF THE NEW GRAND CENTRAL TERMINAL, NEW YORK CITY rand Central T( eart of New Yo qew York through passengers and the other and wait Terminal, for suburban passengers. attendan rk erminal City -wing is 24-(1) 25- (2) the schedule: '15 vs. '16. '14 vs., '13; (3) '15E vs. HE interior of the N Central Lines' new. ing rooms with maids in ce, toilet rooms, manicure dressing rooms, and shops hn the terminal. -(4) '14E vs. '13E; (5) '15LI -(6) '14L vs. '13L; (7) '16M .rch 3-(8) Winners (1) vs. win- (2). rch 4- (9) Winners (3) vs. win- (4). rch 5-(10) Winners (5)' vs. win- Semi-Finals. 6-(11) Winners (8) vs.*win- rch 7-(12) Winners (10) vs. ers (7). Finals. -ch 14.-Winners" (11) vs. win- k. committee consisting of Lyle Har- '15, Howard E. Morse, '16, and Ar-; Pr B. Griffes, '15E, was appointed by erclass manager T. E. Gilbert, to )k after the details of the games. ~lass managers should hand in lists names of all men in their respective sses who will take part, to Coach uglass at the athletic association of-, on or before February 20. All the m must be examined at Dr. May's of- before their names are handed in. (ATERS FINALLY TO WIELD- STICKS aless his majesty the Sun takes a bad tout with his brother Mr. Winter ,ween this morning and this after- .n, hockey will make its debut, the meeting the engineers at Wein- g's rink at 4:00 o'clock. [anager DuBois spent yesterday af- noon wtih a throng of enthusiastic ksters making a suitable home for skaters to stage their battles. The k is now in readiness for the ini- contest today. a1 men who are aspiring to play on any one of the teams must report just opened in New York City and dedicated to the Public Service -is a marvel in size and com- pactness, beauty and utility, com- fort and convenience - a terminal larger than and different from any other in the world. Broad inclined walks take the place of stairs - the distance from street to train is a short, easy walk. Standing at the center entrance on 42nd Street you can see The Twentieth Century Limited, across the waiting room and concourse. The movement of the traveler is a progressive one, the ticket windows coming first, the Pull- man windows next, the baggage office third, then your teain. There are no steps to retrace, no time lost, passengers proceeding direct from waiting room or con- course to train platforms. There are two great concourses, each 300 by 120 feet, one for The tracks on two levels within the terminal aggregate 33 miles. Forty-nine acres are devoted to through traffic and thirty acres to suburban traffic. Thirty thousand people may be comfortably accommodated in this terminal atone time. Over twenty million will use it in a year, indeed it is planned to accommodate a hun- dred million, people annually. All trains entering and depart- ing from the Terminal are drawn by electricdmotors-no smoke, no noise, no dust, no soot. Train platforms are broad, and level with car floors; no steps to climb, or descend. For the comfort and needs of women, there are private rest rooms Surrounding the Terminal is building a new civic center, em- bracing convention, amusement and exhibition halls, hotels, clubs, and restaurants, post office, express offices, modern office and apart- ment buildings and numerous stores and specialty shops. The new Grand Central Termi. nal is located in the heart of New York, and is the only station on all lines of local traffic-the subway, the surface and the elevated. More than 7,000 cars pass its doors every day, affording easy transit facilities to the furthermost part of New York City and suburbs. Within a radius of a few blocks are 49 hotels, 58 clubs and 35 theatres. Plan your next trip East over the Water-level Route of the New York Central Lines. Enjoy three hours along the Hudson, and reach the heart of New York through this remarkable Terminal. and hairo -all wit] I I -', ~ 9 I ems , .at 1i ..a - - - i . to Dr. May at the Waterman gym for General hospital staff, which were an- physical examination this morning be- nounced this week, U. of M. graduates tween 10:00 and 12:00 o'clock. are found to form a large percentage. Graduate Placed on Hospital Staff. Following is a list of the Michigan Of the appointments to the Detroit doctors selected for positions on this staff: Doctors H. N. Torrey, R. S. Rowland, T. B. Cooley, T. J. Levy, Wil- lam Metcalf, J. E. Gleason, W. H. Mor- ley, and W. A. Evans. i Senior Lils Will Hold Luncheon Today Senior lits to the number of 150 will gather this noon in Barbour gym for a "get together" luncheon. Dancing I will follow and will continue until 2:00 o'clock. Registrar and Mrs. A. G. Hall and Dean Myra B. Jordan will act as chaperones. __ _ i Clothes to Order --$20 to $40 received. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. 500 new spring Woolens just F. W. GROSS, = 123 East Liberty Exclusive Local Representative of Ed. W. Price & Co., Merchant Tailors, Chicago