C Michigan Daiy LOoAL $2.00 MAIL $2 .: . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1913. PRIOI FI ED TH H WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Tuesday, snow flurries and colder; moderate east winds. UniversIty Observatory -Monday, 7:00 p. m. temperature 26.8; maximum temperature, 24 hours preceding, 29.4; minimum temperature, 24 hours pre- ceding, 7.4; gverage wind velocity, 8 miles per hour. "M jggie" MIemoriAl is Decided. Forty dollars have been collected by the committee in chirge of the CONSERVATION' ATTACKED BY GOV.SHAFROTH Senator-Elect of Colorado Knocks Present Movement; Brands Action of Covernment Unjust. SAYS HE REPRESENTS ENTIRE WEST IN THIS SENTIMENT. REGENT GRANT DIED OF HEART FAILURE JAN.26 J. H. Grant Succumbed Unexpectedly at His Home in Manistee, ;Mich.; Was apparently in Best of Health. WAS' OFFICIALLY CONNECTED WITH MICHIGAN MANY YEARS * * * * * * * * * * "To President Hutchins, facul- ty, and student body of the Uni- versity of Michigan: Greetings and best wishes by wireless." W. 0. THOMPSON,, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. This message was received at the University wireless station last night at 11:00 o'clock. It is the first wireless communication ever received from 0. S. U. An- other dispatch last night prom- ised future messages and asked for a reply. * * * * * * * * * ,d by and Prof. memorial for "Maggie" late janitress Believes at Barbour gym. It has been decided to secure a large mirror to be placed Pinchot and Others U"derstand Actual Conditions. j Do Not Gov. Ferris Has, Appointed William Comstock, '99, to Fill Vacancy. the name of the -pera. Announce- made last even- -man Philip K. t the same time tryouts for plac- ction were made in the gym with a fitting inscription in meniory of Maggie. It is hoped to have the mirror in place within a week or two. MANY SMALL POX CASES REPORTED >ns will nion at g. At en giv- emorize a How- ing the to fill will be About Fifteen Have the Disease Some Form; a Few Cases Are Serious. in clock, g. All roiler o try- ity 'to , and igned gular horus even- the L3 snow or pub- print- ers are will be )Y-HOP" STIVITIES. the strenuous J hop n-hoppers alike shar- given under the aus- higan Union,- in Bar- lay evening. Dancing 8:30 11:00, arid 170 sent SOIL IS TO MARRY. .DENTS VACCINATED FREE. Small pox is present in Ann Arbor to the extent of about fifteen caes. Some of these are mild, but others are seri- ous. Owing\ to the dangers of contagion in the crowded classrooms and the lack of suitable accommodations in case of a serious epidemic, the univer- sity author ties have advised all stu- dents to be vaccinated. Free v cination has been provided for all students who desire to avail themselves of the offer. Attention will be given in the two gymnasiums today, and Wednesday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 o'clock. This arrangement has been in prac- tice sinr Friday, and about 100 stu- dents have been treated. "No, the vaccination is not compul- sory," said Dean Vaughan, of the med- ical department. "In this free country anyone who wants to have smallpox can have it. However, we would advise anyone who has not been vaccinated in the last few years to avail himself of this opportunity. Journalim Class Will Hear P. E. More Paul E. More, managing editor of the New York Nation, will deliver an address before Prof. F. N. Scott's class in journalism on April 4. Mr. More is well-known as a literary critic and' is the author of teh Shelbourne Es- says. The lecture will be open to the public. UNION MEMBERSHIP DINNER SCHEDUL~ED FOR THURSDAY. Professor Charles Denison Will Pre. side.. Faculty Men and Students Will Speak. Prof. Charles S. Denison, of the engineering department,, will act as toastmaster at the regular monthly membership dinner at the Michigan Union Thursday evening. Other fac- ulty, men will speak on this occasion, and subjects of current camphus inter- est will be. discussed by the student speakers on the program. The ticket sale for Union member- ship dinners so far this year has been unprecedented, the full block of ad- mission tickets havitg been sold outr in, advance for every one of the af- fairs. Pasteboards for this week's dinner were put on sale at the Union yesterday, and a large number had Conservation and conservationists came in for some hard raps at the hands of Governor John F. Shafroth, '75, of Colorado, in his address under the auspices of the Oratorical associa- tion in University hall last night. Brandip' the action of the govern ment in seizing large tracts of lance the 4estern states for conservation p pos s as unfair and unjust, Gov- ern Shafroth asserted that, while other ections of the country were fat- tening on this program, it was prov- ing ruinous to the growth of Colorado as well as other western states. The speaker characterized his views as typical of the west. "This bugaboo about the exhaustion of our coal supply and monopoly is an impossibility," declared Governor Shafroth. Statistics show that at the. present rate of consumption Colo- rado alone, with 371 billions; of , tons of coal, can keep the en- tire world supplied for the next 300 years and all the coal producing stat- es of this country can give the world all the coal it will need for the next 1,600 years. "If monopoly should arise, Colorado can take care of itself better than the national government can provide. Ev- en at the present time bills are pend- ing in the Colorado legislature, as a result of- which, the mining lands when developed will be in the hands of no less than 1,800 competing com- panies,." Offering figures to show that forty per cent of the 15,000,000 acres of for-; est preserves in Colorado are above, the timber line where trees cannot grow and thirty per cent more in the zone below which produce unsaleable timber, Governor Shafroth declared that it was a misnomen to call these lands forest preserves. "It is fortunate," said Governor Shafroth in conclusion "that no polit- ical policies have developed in connec- tion with conservation. All parties are presented on both sides of the is- sue. I believe that Pinchot and the others are honest in their intentions,, but they do not know real conditions.- (Continued on page 4) -John Henry Grant, member of the board of regents of the University of Michigan, died at his home in Manis- tee, Mich., at 4:00 o'clock Sunday morning, January 26. His death was due to heart failure, and was entirely / . . unexpected by members of his family, as he was apparently in the best of health. Judge Grant was born at Burlington, Indiana, in 1857. He entered the Uni- versity of Michigan in 1878, receiving his A. B. degree in 1882, and his LL.B. degree the following year. He served as probate judge for 16 years, during that time being chosen director of the National Association of Probate Judges and also president of the state associa- tion. His official connection with the uni- versity began when he was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Regent Hill. At the next election he was chosen to occupy the same of- fice, his term .running to December, 1913. He was a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity and was a prominent fig- ure in various state fraternal and in- surance societies. Private funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon January 29 and on the following Sunday a miemorial service was held. President Harry B. Hutchins and Regent Beal attended the latter service and delivered short ad- dresses. Other addresses were made by members of the state bar. He is survived by a widow and three chil- dren. Governor Ferris has appointed fWil-' lan Gomstock of Alpena to fill the va- cancy on the board of regents caused by the death of Judge Grant. Regent Comsto ck is a graduate of the Univer- sity of .Michigan and received hit de- gree from the literary department in 1899. Lajured Hopper is Better. George Drach, who was injured at the J hop Friday night, was removed from the Hospital Saturday morning to the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, his condition being greatly improved. Race Problem to be Discussed. Prof. William Pickens of Talladega College will speak on "The Race Problem" in the South at the Con- gregational churhc parlors tonight at 7:30 o'clock Mr. Pickens is a colored man, born in the south and has made a study of the problem from all angles., WORK IS RESUMED, ON INDOOR TRACK Practice to be Faciliated by New Starting Device and Other Apparatus FRESH SHOW LITTLE INTEREST 'While most of the track athletes considered yesterday as part of their enforced holiday by reason of the usurption of their playground by the junior hoppers, still enough put in appearance to keep Trainer Farrell moderately busy. Starting today, the active part of the indoor training sea- son gathers speed to prepare the men for the competition of the early spring meets. Some of the .candidates have already been working on the gym floor since the first of December, bar- ring the vacation times. Several improvements in the way of accessories to the track apparatus will meet the observation of the re- turning atheletes. Most note-worthy of these will be the new starting cleats, which because of their firm- ness and the facility with which they may be adjusted, constitute a decided improvement over the less firm and more cumbersome ones they replace. Built on ideas suggested by Dr. G. A. May with theaid of Mr. Thomas Ferry Field ground keeper, their greater utility and superior convenience. will make them welcome to the sprinters. Trainer Farrell believes that Jimmy Craig will be able to run the quarter mile on the indoor track, thereby brightening the chances for a good relay team in that distance. Craig will probably not attempt the hurdles on the gym floor but will save his knee for the outdoor hurdle competi- tion. Baier, a last year A. M A. win- ner, has loomed up as a strong pos- sibility for membership on the quarter. mile relay team. Not too much diligence has been displayed by the freshmen trackster in turning out regularly for practices If all the All Fresh team is going to make a respectable showing against the opponents that Director Bartelme has arranged for them to meet this year, they will have to reform sudden- ly and take the matter of praparation more seriously.. On March 15, the yearlings stack up with the Varsity track team of Michigan Agricultural Colloge in Waterman gymnasium. This same college will furnish them out- door competition at Lansing on the tenth of May. There still exists a dearth of good material in the pole-vault and in the hurdle events Cook, Van Kammen, and Daskam are vaulting between ten and eleven feet, but such marks will never class them as point-winners in any respectable brand of contention. FRACAS AT GYi IS INVESTIGAT BY A UT HORITI Dr. W. J BIen, Homeopathic It Discharged for Hitting Janit Expulsion and Suspensioi Awaits Many. NAMES SECURED BY FACUL' MEMBERS WHO ATTENDE] Student Council Cooperates an Appointed Committees to Probe Matter. ,a Alth h no students have been di issed as the result of forts to gain entrance to the Hop Friday night, Dr. W. J. B: interne in the homeopathic hi was discharged by the authorit ter it was proved that he had i tor Bradley, who attempted to him from entering the gymnasiu Bien was graduated from the h pathic department last June aun doing excellent work as a hospi terne. Faculty Takr's A The university authori ducting a thorough inv Friday night's affair an names and accurate in secured the participan marily dealt with. pulsion or suspens versity will probabl those who are fou part in the affair. "About fifty per entrance to the o'clock Friday ni custom in previo doors to everyon wheni, because of lery, this permis crowd composed partly of studen partly of town people attempti force its way into Waterman g slum by breaking down the sout] A gas pipe was used as a ram. ever, when the door was forced, discovered that several jantors standing at the top of the stairs ed with Indian clubs. The si; these men did not enliven the i of the crowd, and the few e some ones who attempted to clit stairs met the heavy clubs, and discouraged from a further adva Previous to the foring of the door stones were thrown which the window and the janitors : fire extinguishers on the mob tl the aperture. This and also tb that the janitors are said to ha sumed an insolent attitude t those wishing to gain entrance : bly brought on the crisis. Purchasing-agent Charles Lo Janitor Bradley who sustained injuries in the affair are able about their duties today. Student Council Cooperate$ The twenty-five suspects, s have been in the fracas, will 'be tigated by a special committee c en student councilment, appoin a special meeting called by Pre Hancock, of the council, yes following a conference with Pre Hutchins. The nimes of the st suspected of .having been the leaders in the rioting were g President Hutchins by instr present at the Hop, who reco their students in the mob. Several councilmen, including ident Hancock and "Howdy" ' were at the gym during the t and both are members of the co tee which is seeking to identi culprits. The other members committee are Councilmen Spi (Continued on page 4) iders Will Wed rner, '09, iders, '90, of they to be married to' '9, in Chicago to- rs made the an- t. Miss Poynor, ersity from Dal- ember of Delta ter hpr gradua- d with -the. Asso- hicago. For the .as lived in New FIND MAN'S BRAIN INTACT; FIDO IS ALSO RECOVERING Despite the insistent efforts of the scribes, W. A. Smith, of 'Kalamazoo, still retains his own brain and there is one happy dog in Ann Arbor. Smith was reported to have undergone a se- It carne to light yesterday, however,. that Sirith's condition did not warrant the transference of any tissue from the dog to his brain. Although the animal was in readiness for the operation, Dr. New York erlin of the any. They diterranian ns, Rome,, Paris. rious operatIon in the university hos- Canfield found that it was not needed. i pitR last week and it was stated that a portion of his brain had been re- moved only to be replaced by a simi- lar portion of a dog's mental machin- ery. Speculation was rife as to the re- sults of the alleged operatiou and meanwhile Dr, Canfield, who was the surgeon irj charge, was beseiged with inquiries. In fact, the brain has never been transferred.. It is not uncommon to use tissues from the head of canine in the human skull and sometimes the cov- ering of the brain is grafted but no brain cells are ever tampered with. Smith is rapidly convalescing and the dog is entirely well. I been disposed of by last evening. e FIVE MORE DAYS - - Final Date tor Senior IgI n Pictures, Feb. 15th I wade arruigernents bor your picture, to assure its appearance in the Senior pages, youi should phone the pliot Xg, Photographen $Ur you special portrait rates until Saturd.Yy. Senior Records should he mailed Mid any be secuered a1 otftcka _- ' ,q.@f5le y_4 d ra her at