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January 26, 1913 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1913-01-26

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OTER f Al Trd t nal loc "M" iFormed Dur ig Grn Marc
To ud Idivdgai EeognzedWithQuets e Bre aromAtint"
r Ega's bkdIumahad nnins swIrea hop, and othere t hop, 1MCl i
ghort space lastdnight, whn ls me instancda u b o d j4mp, was co
44 r f.fty, toqued. Btndividuals fat- but ary to-ebreng "th, wftrh4tt g1it4l", o dh
Cotd o ere ydttacet Wt Thnnua ms l s eoOf,.for tte erdcis pve aete.I N 1ht4n atXdnlJationhQ~
rrhaWntgyninas u yegah ury.ePurteas-b d nepe, qh~ph acav l d stanam,'twi the
ng Agent shBrle, eron-en twa as- ed danh4 ere tstoto 'r8 een AVn Ar
istant usnaie seaC1p brduris from b r, a be gpvnn, anymoreathan' nti
ea~ ~OiD~d ~e~4r ~u l~, it omes foatin Tbrongb nubermaternnm'ter e nenbIr1VU] 1yjug il f
bi-ic4o, whrch secret placeebebur4ed - -h9 r 9td edIly;f, >o ght. The lt-4aCtbwater tbxe
chhrough thee esar utthsappnd iiestoandurd ors rth. Atiu onnnic and t pheha'di I tInVo (4 ia
4 sjt.eThburede ig. Teher criwd wave ofkee o4bUt fo ento4th gr4-sprays, te W n
?ea eI I sirteypoib t stedents ond deivlntthM . Edward nes. Ha ba ru eat
dpWY 4 dwheen tet e opOauthoritoies ere-g-s ' daltanocngfJ1vt OneJttl m l s. ThG henr
~ O~ II ~ l~~i. ~ast noe of ~"pr~ ~p. Fp ,011, mUleO1,Sha4s Arted dnJd {wpg4?an hers,
cuse 1d e dt4had b'een taesouthntbn e 18 a. re~.r circus.PBil.ilg, free
% De sitgyearse to Th e zhli tod, w-dtre dsl14rsr life m 1nle lGerniPPr .nce tis mstion. '
t, thiiyeeter1a dt i nid a andtn eveental ide -oT,-e eryehnger auta ih an&at Vhoe 'yh auae
the rI4pt 8te thnIitIt.A lie o madi 'art If there,'vepto he "rncrt, A 'llelrad oghthaev itod tidhse ho ili>lt'
beg spritd atackupo th souh (argd: P. Sott) a young D men in 'nipeachbole win- ld Ol t prdey hon theirhl- i a laghn scabe ir thep lie, h aksb edignsde'g
es het ghwng rtily nti te msscandnd hhpntnigepiee whea n'eraI Dre sieIzf Yon rt r4eetngNbaa p Hl hai
refo dbyth seofa ai. p. le~ryinitetl, t omsflatngMr ee ore-B. Dfizned bot fsrerly warns amng tHop wzee ra l J ~ os ta ~~y~
eou~les pre~enn by\aMr. Georgits.iFiika. , wnderfulnodl4utguCl o. ngedIripa spos'gnedito
it gilig etrase~ furhpradvncedo . o m-u f4s e u a f troit,~ au no Rule of-~ eir~ a me~ir ti Hops?) a d's Jli~ Ho opthoi ugb e arnfo SoiFls..
was blockd by a ja~or iho hreat- th scene; andl~~tc preset tir 4yot speujc ~th Thlue~ borestags z'fielyto r hca ae.Duig"ed.hwta u rcn otal oht
Coad yr lniu.N4eedr-wxdfpr ,r wnyfu ot s rb he irehigan, whtare vis ol eitur - daete s rlngt Dyt-clraedI th4'sreone it4ido h hr'tecalfrMcia' e~
ed~athfie 4th cowd washelddecoate in he slor of he df4een iin wbl mth and:mesdaes , crowdgi~ sl9 sui-ntxcd dn eruisopn fpros oesrgtdw otecnernei togs c
at ay or weny mnuts utilthegrops or hic thy ae itenedH. . Htcinw, .d y ecr, J.t Efen- Fs.dr thi Veet nenrnetinsamn thab daner a~tn~~i avrs1 a.: ajreShpr'o ultM
pal~ge o c. Obeve thy wre pe- rd anne, bt wth ll te sienif l Cooly,. (R. AdamnG Wr,~ atterson, favr. the serieso gte betwin sthre Iht And "T~how~ Mdit orrhu raamIfSt P
ntedifron .iterfttin becuse ofskil of he taine decrato, 'ao J fr. flQWe, J.g lu.- Knowltohe, F. tJy. sevethand eighftbt ans, anti - Lbe eDaes fr Alab~t~a' fornth th e oi-g Tehpcl a eert5
to oo avatae byth jnior t oe rdnail sesth bsies-lkeWeth E D Ypu Cambo t. C.rthe cram Dand ca, orepa, iondtr and~e braem, wan thke thlysno ead ano hl
eep he cow~ bac. Svera fir ralingof he rnnig trck, s aseris Blkle, ad C.L. Los.. seved andeate wih cosum ate isthe eUnpiv seam-ut tJ osp om 1tawebf he pe hent Ine
extngiser wreplye upn heofroanicarhe, mdeofwhtea- udenyQ Whert iic. Softly, art.on.Wat sger atended J-Hoperm orhya4 t f1ee on n mg-
nit~hfo tebrveyofth tom-ptsatte assofth rces ro tefie-oerd rhe ta supr ur ofaur t* aridaog ver any warn, them ts at ieic~ o theoo ihonV.Teol lea'
ng art. '- laf, geenvins tatclib u an th rhR P ky Thl harer see .evr-rCin w vfnti s andhim Kor'a Psrig good~nit and t asecin'fesCrneClie
ttempd were m de b mem ers f alng te glamin, inticat tr____-______r__ss_______t_____y;__rd__g____r.Ed_ ad___gg_,bar__eathe foe u th ftr.o. wens Stelr, uthefordltd' atl
the aoul tp dentfy tudets w o sis, ad fauntbigyellw chysathe-they .immdiatly ove ff .owar ton sooist sins Mr Buron iseh tPton.ManetioHnf Ih Iy KEth
rtiiptel n he facu wtha ie 'ms F bv l ti, s- il hIFEsENv bo asN Thog5 x rs at og "JXTA n IttE AdzGoYLE EXP~oSE, SOIEr eefo ana ly osi
of Iterfacuty ctin. yllo-an-blu sk, fom wosezen pecingsom paricuarl intresingDanc inYou Arm," hic is rit EVNT I DACEsU BE. Jannttt eides 1rowhichom
Severl nams wer secued ad ithhang__n_______d__y___d________entThyaren__dipp__nd. en fouanddedacted oMth 1914autyOk1a
speey fculy atio is'exectd. amecolrsand-berin on ts ide Scrcey hs te lst oteof he pre Ho. Fr "O, Yu Crcu' Dy "- -At eas 60percen ofthestuen4
Th ysadesprr, dntfe frheadi hils~n tefgue, 94.lde ndd wefrmth ouh tee sa elcics.Prae fe Atre nJ o, abte agol a h uieriy r f4 te<tt
th ns at/b rfsostowo n h Es stebigetSa fth oetemvigmaue f Teehbton odru lieo ie ig md t peaac hsmrnn o(otn4do ae4
>te a lse Frhrse 'wl Mornin thtee hn;an nteVcos, lyda ny adcntn4eetsd4hweeyhn slag ihadaAtoewoatn
Ae t n a p e-t n etg te t e W sh r e u ly rd a t sit r h l y i. A ln f m rc t rsf4m t e e v nt t e "o c r. W s atng t' v n n h s h i nt
matrAip Ac th bam. E>ul Een :Sa.-hr o aei:a th DetKap Esinbotj thOd w" sIs erhe onagnre'.,

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