THE MICHIGAN DAILY HOE $4.00 and $5.00 Episopal Theological School CAMBRIDGE, MASS. The location offers unequalled oppor- t inity for graduate work at Harvard University. For catalogue addres~s DEAN H-ODGES. The Farmers and Mechanics Bank 101-103-105 South Main Street Capital $1000. Surplus and Profits $61,000 The, Ann Arbor. Savings Bank Capital Stock $301,000 S urplus 5 1f0,(( 0 Resourses $3,000,000 A General aking Business~ransacted; Officers: Chas. L. Hiscocz, Pres., W. D~. Harri- man, Vice-Pres. M. J. Fritz, Cashier. ONE NIGHT," THURSDAY, JAN30 FROD!R IC McKAY- PRES ENTS COMEDIENNE WHO HAS SET THE NATION S11ftG8iNC A R~I New hitney The M.0O and $6.00 IFIRST TIME HERE wmimiee& 1, co. STATE STREET Sign-of the Big ;Whits Shoe IN HER MVSICAL. COMEDY SUCCESS, ma Avlj, in"f, iforest Ilawn, Zea oloo m I 7o tch COLLAR MADE IN FOUR HEIGHTS Gaedow 2 'ain. Belmont 2% iIn. Medora A a n. Chester 2 in. 1 5c. each-2 for 24c. Lu CLUETT, PEABODY & CO Makers ILImm BOOK BY MARGARET MAYO AND EDGAR, SELWYi1N' Lyrics by HARPGOOD BURT !Music by KARL HOSCHkWA I I HEAR MISS RING lSINC "DEEbLE.DUM-D E E'° "I WANT. A REGULAR MAN" "WHISTLE IT" "I SHOULD HAVE BEEN 'BORN A BOY" WM Il O GERS (SPECIALILY EN GA+GID I -v 016 q Opoen Evenin~gs I Prcs b$.00w Seat Sale Tuesday Ave. Phone 1238 .P 4 1 ' LANSING, MICH. Largest Manufacturers of Gymnasium, Basket Ball, Bathing, Swimming Suits EA WlU I IG 1,FGCN~U. [ oo APCRg Gymbrc ,toow Giymrins sturn S til DETROIT UNUI El) LINES Ann Arbor Time "fable Limited Cars for Dfelrols-7':12 a. i. and haourly to> :1 ?p. in.. falso :1' .m r. Lacal Cars for i tet-:;,40, 6:40 a. mn., and every two hu rs to t0;40 p. rn . 7:40 p. mn., 8:40 p. n.. 9:45 p mn.. and 10:45 p. mn Tro Yp~ilanti only. 11:1;5 p. Mn., 1:5p n 12:30 p. i. 1:00 a. m. Limited Cars for Jackson-7 :46~ a. gm. and every two hours to 7:46 Local Cars for Jackson- 5:20 a wn.. and every two hours to 9:20 11:13 p. in. NEW WHITNEY THEATRE 'Tuesdy, February 41 KLAW & ERLANGER Present the International Musical Comedy do Luxe The Famoua-4nd Origi nt1 rb~Fink of Perf c tionl 'Singing 8an(d J 'llancin Girls. UNM ri Banquets and Club Dinners ara~ s irv A in bes of style at ,;° f ,' ,. 1 A lC Pink ()n e I Iunfired PiI.yerS F2-ok und Ly rics By C. A]. S. McLellan M se lv Ivan Caryll Sole "Manufacturers of TEA MACK'S ROOM d 166Gymnbloom" Suits Also din ners, lunches and refreshments Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.- -Saturdays till 9'p.mi. Otchestra Satttrdxys---Noon and Evening Individual Measurements The New Ains: er~dam Thieat re New York Band and Or hestrn. Three Cair Loads of Alladiln Like Scenie Costume and In all Her Scintillating, Splendor that Sensational- ized her Record (breaking Runs in EUROPE AND AMERICA, where she has been voted the most V'ivacious, Beautiful and Melodious Novelty of tecenit theatrical hisiorv- rd to the School Teachers and, PhylicaI Directors: ogin;; statement from of our comp)etito rs will show why "(rymbloonm stuits are superior to all h sme of our competitior's are want to make derogatory statcm r'ts about tthe material we use ; the ttement will interest Nyou one of our c omnpttitors in Ypsilanti catne to the M. A. C. here, and askeG show thecir suits? The Physical Director said.""yes;" and after examinatioan of samte she said, "\We ta less price,. an'(l better material, whereupon -he asked of who boU"ght, and if he mright set a aSuit? Sshown to him, and the price that the Suit was purchased for gi vn himt, the p~rice we are giving you~t after exami-nation said, .There is no use of talking any further, fm-rtwe or- any~ other firm cannot compete SECOND FLOOR hack &Co. C MAIN STREET Prlces, 50 to $2.00. tScat Salk O]) US .a W-e a il, 1FEb. / 7t1 The NEW WHITNEY THEATRE 11 I olved Orders for Oyinbloonz Suits .... incinntati, Ohio gh School....... . . ..Cin c in n a ti, O h io Univrity.. ...... ....Columbus, Oh1io I)cakareOhio lietge. .Ontario, Oregon al Cnllege, _Albany, NAY griculinral College.. ... Lansing, Mich. c..Holland, ,Michigan rarinmar Schools... Kalamiazoo, Michigan 'hysical Education.. 'Ssion, .Chicago, Iliinois al Col gec..... . orinal,.I'linoks I.. .. .naia, Michigan I. ..WVayland, Mich ?gan I..Negaun& c, 'icfhiganl F'arrillgtn~, Aichigan 1 . ....... . . . . Carson City, Mtichigan tiehooll' for Girls; ... le l'ard:. Massachnlsetts :Ivory............... ._lurlinghton, Vermnont Agriclturatl College(....... A-i icinl nraT (Col.,'New M e. icc) State Norm)al Sclo ol........ . ......Ieartih, South Dakota Girls' -Athletic Associatio...,, ... ..Wakeiield, Northecrn State Normatl School.. ........Marquiette, Miciganu M ltinorener COLI, It Normal. ( )ntua,rmal School.. .Pru, Nebraska St atueNormal School............ .1?dinb oro, Pennsylvania Oak .I 11x11School foiirls .S..... . Paul, AMinnlesota ~t. Mlary'sz School . Nauvoo, Illinois Bernarr - M acfaclden l1 ealt hato- rini ...,.......C hicago, Illinois Rattle 'Crre'z San1itariumt,... ...... 1:ttlr C('rek, lMichigin Ceo. \I.M.kb:C nr::vy........ high S-zhool .....Fl: n, ll~nrP Please send to the address below GYMBLOOM ..s per the,-e measurements: 1l easutrernents (in inches) 13 t'S'l--lntUj el arrltfl(I holy over fullest pat( of bust and %vlt upon shoulder blades in hIack (_A)...................... N ~C~iANI)--enthof neckband that its von ri ;ht (Bi).............. ............ WAIST --.\round Body at smallest part ot aist (C') . . . .. I II PS-i srev rotmnd body at hips,., about ix inches below xwst line (D))..,,...,,.. . SL,t~tVE LIengtht of inlsidle seam of sleeve to lbo, am hanging at sidet E) .............. I( ) )M hlS---l~engtht of bloomers from waist to) bendt of knee (F) ............. BA.CK 1 ,> > bottorn of neck-hand down back t) waistlinie (G). ..... .................. SH1 U ) ; -Il istarnc( from ineck to shottlde sanm flt).......... ...... G.ive actual measarments, we make all allowances. IOate........ ............11)1. .Xddrs ... ............................. -Do not fill out the' following blanks: )rde N.4........... Date promnisedl. . ............ LANSING, MiCH.j Wednesday, Jan. 29. ,Sellsationa1lIndia Feature Film n ms H'onor" I I TUESD ,J 2 Fresh from One Year at the Gaiety Theatre, London; and art Entire Season at the Casino, New YM'rk. Samuel E. Rork, by aryangement with William A. Brady, Presents" The No. 1I and Only Compartyin the Musical' Rainbow THE In Three Tingling, Tuneful Acts of Romance, Melody and Fuun, With an Immense Company, Augmented Orchestra, and$ the Famous Balkanese Beauty Chorus. ASK ANYBODY, They'll tell you what EVERYBODY says: B''/rihe s/, Iell e,tAIM 1Tuneful Play on1' 1 e u Adsio, l c Prices,. 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.54 Seat Saile opev' Slrd q,.anwy25. A L . MICHIGANiENSIA POOGPH ARE MADE BY MAEDEL,- The Photo gra'herof Our Three Doors West of State Sfreet 1 619