THLE MICHlIGIAN D)AILY. , r 'i majesti14 c Monday Tuesday. WIednesday Sale ng 25 percent discount on our entire n's Suits and Overcoats. This in- our famous Stein-Bloch Clothing well and favorably known. e received another large shipment IMackinaw. i BIG GIRL SIE W ""The 1 Nan Halperin nd Company A MUSICAL FRiVOITYVIN ONE. ACT Book, Ly rics airi KaU3 b Fi eUm G Mrs. Lovejoy Kidder fHForence Turner Alphone. . .. . .JoeWod lhu Jack Dia mond... . Archie Folk Durham 1Mrixture O 4 . Rex Ad~arns Henry Herring . .. X'aVPi1pS AND3 NAN HALPERIN as DA<4-ISY LOVEGOLD SUJFFRAGETTES, ATI HN i0U iI;,E C Buy Your Tickets in Advanc. NoBeats Held Afler 6P.M. CGE T n U y ChursdgyFink s Eduvcate8'd wIN ,e s Wanted, Amateur Acts <1 a11 hf d- . Apply to Manager. .$5.00 in Prfics. Big Doings. f LYNO Established 1905 719 N. Univ During the Long, Cozy. Winter Nights, take FOlashlights They are easy to make .and f: don't mind telling you hoxv. Fireside pictures are eslptcially easy. Dlrawti g in, my v ii:- dow tells you all about it. Developing Printing by the tank method, used by by'expe-rt workmee, modt ru methods, bts=t gTades p~per, all leading finzishinjg estab- and pr. p. rly Cixtd anu d lsnients, l c per roll. aahed. Popular prices. Enlargements My method of enlar ging pr oduces excd'~ rt results fr( i ordin~ary ammiteur ut gatives. Popular pr c( s' or I E Say Fellows, have you tri Litt, Apfel &C.- "A'S"I Cracker Jack?' 11 I Ty itat 613 Lbety St. Happy's Formr 'Store' You Find Home Made Candy Light Lunche s _____ _____ xi; I Gilbert's De Lux, mb"fetting the Bal is Efasy- i Chocolates