'IlE MICIGAN DAILY. esos~I watt you to see our sh Custom Lasts the the new flat 7 8 inch end tan, light or heavy 7 per pair. pio .~C ./'p N vF.E .. D .y Y li\ J" ? ' " I -NEW COURSE IN SA.N SKU1IT TO BE GIVEN 'NEXT SEME^STER Prof.. C,L. Meader will give a two hour course *n beg;inning SanskriL next semester. This course is not {mentioned in the regular announce;- ment and students 'intending to tale this work will meet to arrange houirs on the first Tuesday of the second1 semaester in room 102 U. H. at 4:00 fo'clock. Prof. Meader's (course, in Russian literature will meet on Monday and Wednesday at 2:00 o'clock in room..101 U. 1I. and not at 10:00 o'clock as stat- ed in the announcement.11 AD)S IN TIlS ('10,U3M ARE TO ICE PAID) FOE IN ADVANCE. FOIL RENT For . ent-Single room. Vacant end of first semester. RDates reasonable,. Phone 948-1-.838 Fear Ret-First ls steam heated !front room, vry desirable location. $2.50 per week.:727 S. Thayer street. Phicne Ill -L . 85 FOR SALE d's" YOUR clothes should be right and you may be thankful that there is a store in your midst where You can get clothes that fit, and hiave style and workmanship guar- anteed. Price's $10.00 to $25.00 for Suit or Qvercoat. Furnishings, Hats, C a ps, Bags and Suitcases.. Mackinaws J. F. W'UERTU COMPbAY I STREET he largest stock of best fittivg pumps you ever $4.50 and $5.00 per pair. For Sal~e-- Dress suit in good condition, chest measure 37 inches. Price $15. To be seen at Goldman Bros., State Street. 84-85 Hand painted place cards, for Val- entines and Junior Hop parties. Spe- cial fraternity designs to order. The Crafts Club. 331 Maynard St., Hours 2:0,1 to 5:00 daily. 85 Pepl.1ae of Sweets. Downi Town T1.,T '1 TRUB VEY Frnish the Ica >Creek. For Sae. -22 Long Ma-rksmnan's sights. S plendid condition. repeating rifle. Ful~l equipment. See Bailey and Old Post Office Block. The for Particular men. Koullauf. !~~-Attentiorr to Fraternitios « \ *,txd Sororities ON MAIN' STREET MAJESTIC Venus on Weels "Some Girl, Believe Me" MAT INEE TODAY~ P. M. " the Suffragettes" MUSICAL COMEiiV COMES MONDAY NEXT r. E'drnns. 85~ 11,ited---Two laouse to house solici- tors. Big selling articles, Good pay. Call Saturday after 10:00 -a. M. Frank T. Gilpin, 1021 East Univer- sity. 85 Comorol 40 . ALrRED O DEKER MCOHN W WJ'Y ?We charge tmore than &ome for or&aig Ocu l llEL BEiS N. Odor. Tryus.' l~eeknin and Dyeing Works J. A. C REY, Proprietor. Tot. 1 534-L I_ L 'OST ;wr-itor Repsda r z Phne131L' fet or b'eat any price male on a typewriter, sale or rental. D~. F. WOODWARD LwA- Poker Pipe with '13E numerals. I Finder pleas e call 396 Collamnore, or return to 910 C'ornwell lace..85 I We are never undersold. Goodyear Drug Store. 2 tf 711 Packard St. - 925. N. Univ. Ave. IT'v)1*r ilI f or a ( 1wtI irl. Ann Arbor, Miech. I I L I ilayley'Is.Millillery specialty. Bell Phone 1390-J E. E. An np-tr) da'ea showirg of Fall Millinery at popular prices Ha ir Goo', a IHATULY, 206 E. Lib: rty Street Ideas For Moving Picture Plays! F vwrw r You CA IdN EARN WRITE PH-OTO PLAYS AND $25 OR MORE WEEKLY I THEATRE COM1QUE' SPECIAL TTRAC1913 Grand 2 Rel Feature "Don' Caesar Die azan" Victor Hufto's Most SensationaI Drama and Other Interesting Pictures LATEST STONGS--MISS "t"MlLY FISCHER, Mgr. Continuous Performance 1:30 to E:00; 6:30 r o 11 P. 112, SPECIAL VOCAL SELECTIONS EVERV MONDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY NIGHTS The best guitar or mandolin for you Grinnell Br~os. are selling the late to buy. is made by the world's fame d edition of the U1. of MA. Song Book Martin factory. See and try these 75 cents. >Opera and classic music, o beautiful instruments at Schaeberle half off list.' All popular songs, and o' Music House, cents per copy. 120 arnd 122 E. Liber We Will Show You How! If you live ideas-if you cani THINK-cue chill sh( w you tI e secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no experience or literary excel ence n~cessary. No "flowery language"' is wanted. The demnand for P'lot.plays is pr~xctica1iy uti-initedl. The big film rn~a -flt rrs are moving "heaven and earth" in their at- teip s to get cnoigh good plots to supply the ever increasing de- inivd Tlhey are off ring $roo and more, for sinigle: scenarios, or written ide i. Nearly all the Vg' film companies, the buyers of photoplays, ar:l catd n o barNHW YORK CI'TY. Being right on the spot anlknowing at all titres just what coatt (f plods arc wat led by the pro Dicers,