Till' 3ICHICAN DAILY. TOEE$1000 $OLE$ FROM. FRIEND$ ry "Eye, 'll e fftyyears oif a-e if If to the *'byes"--he "loves 'em all, Godt g Sale live to the eigh,'te-nth of' next aIrch." bless 'em"- -to help him in his quest. began Torn Lovell, Mlicii-an'scobbler- On the, eighteenth of next March Tom poe, peacersinger, anrd general eau- will heave roprnded out a full half cen- poe, peaher 1t ury o f life anmd it is his belief that tert ainer. Torimwas -avring his ek IIthere ar a thousand good soles going ]y rejpeets to the offices of the camr- to wat aout town and that he has puls news dispensory y.-sterday after- ,ful .- a thousan rd good. friends who noon and as uisual had a new pcesi to ' culd be willing to donate those still read and a essage to deliver. S.:o af- naseful soles, as a birthday rememn- ter pleading with the assemled s 5a~rf lrance to Ann Arbor's only represent- for eighteen verses,,,to3 lc