.5 $2.50 I The M1 -'111g 1 ~Daily Lmcal $2.00 I! tail $2.30 q ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS - ---- , I TAKES THE WEATHER MAN PLACE CRAIG ON ~ALL-COLLEGE TEAMa Foreeast for Ann Arbor-Friday, colder and snow; brisk to high west to northwest winds. ,James B. Craig, l1E, is Selected foi P JUESTI ON OF DANCING fichigan Union Committee Discusses Situation and Will Start Crusade Against Dances of Unusua Nature. VILL BAR ALL DANCES THAT ARE OF QITESTIONABLE FORI oston and Tango to be Permitted But One Arm Must be Out sat One Side. Thl.at the ban must be placed upon II. dan es of the kind termed "ob- ectionable," was the decision reached y the chairmen of the Michigan Un- on dance committee, following an ex- ended discussion of the subject last vening, According to the new edict, the loston and Tango will be allowed to o unmolested for the present at least t Union parties. It is understood that the action of he Union officials comes as a certain rewarning of a general campus cru- ade against dances of an unusual na- ire. Faculty action on the matter radical dancing has been taken at a arge number of universities, and it is aid that an intimation of similar ieasures here precipitated the rule id down by the Union.. egulationn Goes Into Effect at Once. The new regulation will go into ef- ect at the regular Union dance Sat- rday"'night. All persons who do not ance in the manner prescribed by kie committee will be infomed by hose in charge of the affair. Besides liminating "close" dancing, all dis- lays of otherwise objectionable danc- g will be barred. * "No, we are not trying to' revolu- onize the social activities of the cam- us," said Manager Homer Heath, of e Michigan Union, last evening. "It oes seen, however, as if matters have ached a point where something se- ere needs to be done. For this rea- mn we have barred one type of danc- tg, as an experiment, and will now atch results. We were forced into tIs action by the abuse of dances hih are in tgemselves perfectly roper." I'ickets for Tomorrow Are on Sale. Tickets, for tomorrow night's dance ent on sale at the Union yesterday 'ternoon, and over half of the total umber of admissioncards were dis- >sed of during the evening. E NATORS ARE APPOINTED TO ATTEND MEMORIAL SERVICES A committee of seven state senators A ben appointed by the legislature Lansing to attend the memorial rvices in honor of the Hon. W. W.l edemeyer which will be held in Uni- rsity Hall at 2:30 o'clock Sunday terncon. In addition to the repre- ntatives of the State of Michigan id the United States, members of the an Arbor Arbeiter Verein, Schwaben erein, and'of the Maccabee and Ma- mnic lodges will attend in a body. Positions are Open to Engineers. Several positions are at present >en to students of the engineering de- artment. Prof. H. C. Anderson, of .e mechanical engineering depart- Cnt, has received two letters, one ;j the American Aluminum Co. of agara Falls asking for two or three en, another from the Bay City In- istrial Works asking for five. rof. Shull to Speak in Battle Creek. Prof. A. F. Shull, f the zoology de-c trtment, will deliver an extension eture on "Eugenics" at Battle Creek is evening. The address will be giv-. i under ,the auspices of the Battle reek nature club. Girls Elect Captain for Team. Ruth Graybill, of Williamsport, Pa., as elected captain of the girls fresh basketball team at a dinner of the ,am canndidats held after practice University Observatory-Thursday, ,7:00 p. m., temperature, 35.0; maxi- mum temperature, 24 hours preceding, 37.8; minimum temperature, 24 hours preceding, 37.6; average wind veloci- ty, 10 miles per hour. PROF. TREITEBLOODI'S CLASS TO GIVE RECITAL TONIGHT, Prof. Trueblood's class in Shakes- pearean reading will give its second recital at 8:09 o'clock this evening in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The play to be given, "The Comedy of Errors," is one not often presented on the American stage but one of the most amusing of all Shakespeare's come- dies. No admission will be charged and the public is cordially invited. ALUMNI BANQUET AT" WASHINGTON Pres. Harry B. Hutchins is Guest of Honor at Annaal Gathering in Capitol City. 220 Hurdles on All-Anierican College rrick Team A 0tOU'CE I) IN1913 CALENIARI. James B. Craig, '14E, has been se- lected as representative iii the 220 yard hurdles on an All-American col- lege track team picked by James E. Sullivan, secretary-treasure of the A.. A. U. The fact that Michigan has a representative on the team was an- nounced in the 1913 athletic calen- dar just published. Many of the men name competed in the Olympic games which were held in Sweden last summer. The list of #selections for the team which Mr. Sullivan selected follow: All-American College Teai. 100-yard run-R. B. Thomas, Prince- ton. PLAN CONGRESS AT aITHACA NEXT FALL E ighth International Assembly of Sludents to be Held at Cornell From Aug. 24 to Sept. 13. 1 NOTED EDUCATORS TO BE THERE The eighth international congress of students will be held at Cornell uni- versity, Ithaca, N. Y., under the aus- pices of the Corda-Fratres interna- tional federation of students and the American association of cosmopolitan ciubs August 29 to September 13 in- clusive. On the honorary committee list, there appears the names of about 50 prominent educators in the world. President Harry B. Hutchins, Presi- dent-elect Woodrow Wilson, Mayor William J. Caynor, of New York, Hon. Edwin D. Mead, who spoke here re- c ently, President Charles R. Van Hise, of Wisconsin University and President Harry P. Judson, of Chicago Univer- ROLl) ELECTION 4F OFFICERS Pres. Harry B. Hutchins and 68 alumni gathered at the Hotel Gordon last night at the annual meeting of the Washington, D. C., alumni associ- ation of the University of Michigan. Pres. Hutchins was the guest of hon- or and in his speech he described the steady growth and progress of the university. Senator Townsend, former- ly the undisputed champion wrestler of the university, also gave a short talk. .Justice William R. Day, '70, of the supreme court of the United States sent a letter regretting his inability to attend the banquet. A proposal was made to raise the scholarship fund in the memory of the late W. W. Wed- emeyer who was a member of the association. An election of oficers preceded the banquet and the follcwing were chos- en: president, Robert Hill, '66; firsi vice-president, D. A. Edwards, '94; secretary, M. E. Porter, '93; and treas-' irer, C. H. Spenser, '96. The asso- aiatvon honored Mrs. J. A. Leroy of Detroit, wife of a former track cap- ain of the university, by electing her the second vice-president 'of the or.- fan zation. VULCANS WILL TRAVEL IN SPITE OF ABSENCE OF SNOW Despite the fact that the gods have rowned upon the Vulcan sleighing party scheiuled for this evening and have refused to send snow, the society will have its outing as planned. Hay- racks instead of bob-sleds will be the reans of conveyance to Whitmore ake. The start will be made at about ):00 o'clock, and the principal fea- ;ro of the evenin:, aside from the anquci, will be dancing. I'rof;-Lovejoy Speaks at Lansing. Prof. P. S. Lovejoy, of the forestry department, was the guest of Governor V. N. Ferris in Lansing yesterday. where he read a paper on "The Meth- ods of Fighting Fire in the Pacific Northwest." Prof. Lovejoy has had seven years practical experience in the Jnited States governmental forestry service. Fresh Engineers Dance Tonight. Fresh engineers will hold their first lance of the year, at the Michigan Union tonight at 8:00 o'clock. The committee hasplanned several feature and favor dances. Prof. and Mrs. J. P. Bird and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Finch will chaperone the party. Prof. Roth Heads New Association. Prof. Filibert Roth, head of the for- estry department, was recently elected president of the Tri State Forestry association, which was formed at Lan- sing. The new association, which will include Michigan, Wisconsin, and Min- nesota, was organized to replace the Lake States Forestry association. 220-yard run-C. P. Wilson, Coe. sity are included. 440-yard run-C. D. Reidpath, Syra- The object of the eighth congress cuse. is to bring together representatives of 880-yard run--J. P. Jones, Cornell. all students in the world in order to One mile run-N. S. Taber, Brown. encourage friendship and foster mu-- Two mile run--T. S. Berna, Cornell tual understanding. 120-yard hurdles-F. W. Kelly, The sessions of the congress will be Southern California. held in the Cornell cosmopolitan club 220-yard hurdles-J. B. Craig,,Mich- house. After the congress the delegates igan. will proceed to Washington, D. C., to Running, high jump--M. S. Wright, meet the President o the United Dartmouth. States at a reception to be given in Putting 16-pound sht-R. L. Beatty, their honor at the whitehouse. Columbia. Invitation have been received by Discus-H. K. Thatcher, Missouri. President hutchins and the local Cos- Hammer-Carl Shattick, California, mopolitan club. A special meeting will Running broad jump-A. L. Gutter- soon be called by the Cosmopolitan son, Vermont. club f ielect members to represent ---_-_.the Michigan chapter at the con- TO COMPETE FOR OPERA ROLES. gress. Thirty Men Receive Parts to be Given C'ONDUCT EDTfCATION AL CIRCUS. at Tryouts on Feb. 12. -- Parts in the 1913 Michigan Union Faclty, Students, and Equipment of opera were given out to 30 men for Gopher Instluton go on Road competitive preparation, at a meeting "Presidclt Vincnt's Educationa of the tryouts for reading roles in the Circus," or the new iraveling Univer- production, held at the Union last ev- sity of Minnescta, is attracting much ening. Lines from each part in the favorable comment in that state. The book were assigned to several candi- plan consists in a representative por- dates, while some of the tryouts were tion of the university-faculty, stu- given portions of several parts to dents, and equipment-going on a memorize. tour of the small towns of the state The next meeting of the cast tryouts and giving what is called a "university is called for Wednesday, February 12, week." at which time the aspiring Thespians Tents are pitched, and the students will be required to give their parts study and recite in their regular class- Following this session, the pruning as, while the people of the town have process will be commenced in earnest, an opoprtunity of learning the real in an effort to award the various parts workings of higher education. to the most competent men in time for The plan is more than a university them to prepare for the first rehears- extension, for a portion of the univer- als. city is practically detached and se , own in the different towns of the E Sstate. The plan is approved and com- WIRELESS STA TION HE A RS , ,mended by the United States bureau of educaton as bringing the state insti- Wireless messages from Ohio State ution and its supporters into better{ Wireessmessgesfro Ohi Stte utual understanding. university were received Wednesday --ul--------g night for the first time by the local R VIEASON TO CONJUCT station. Although B. N. Burgland, op- A NEW -COURSE IN BOTANI 'rator of the local plant, plainly un- lersgood the message from Ohio. steady conversation could not be main- Pew coursA, which will be offered ained because of the inability of the vor the first tune next semester by Ohio State operator to catch the mes- he botanical department, as Botany sage sent by the local station. The '6, Tropical -Food Plants, and Food reason is not known, but it is supposed Products. The course will deal with that the receiving apparatus of the 'he source, history, -cultivation, prep- southern station was not correctly aration, and commercial importance of tuned, because just prior to the test aropical food products. The subject stations in different parts of Ohio re- vill be non-technical and open to all ,orted receiving communications sent .tudents without prerequisite. Many '>y the university wireless apparatus of the lectures will be illustrated with -- ---- stereoptican slides. The new class Prof, Brunint Will Aeet Classes Today will meet at 7:00 o'clock Thursday Prof. J. R. Brun-mm, of the rhetoric evenings, the room to be announced1 iepartment, who was called to Reed later., City last Sunday by the death of hi: ------------, father, has returned to Ann Arbor Committee Considers Senior Play.l ind will meet his classes this morn- Three plays are at present underE mng: :,onsideration by the committee inc ---- -- -- ---- charge of the senior girls' play. Try- DEVICE FOR MEASURING AIR outs have been completed, but no cast PRESSURE IS READY FOR LAB is to be chosen until next semester, 'when a final reading of the selected! The latest production of the engi- play will be held,. neering shops is an adjustable aver- aging manometer, which has recently Prof. hilduier Addresses Verein. been constructed by the shops for the Prof. J. A. C. Hildner of the German mechanical laboratory. The instru- department addressed- the senior wom- ment is designed for the purpose of ens' section of the Deutscher Verein measuring air pressure in pipe lines last night on the subject of "German and other such practical uses. It will Lyric Poetry." He illustrated his talk' be transferred to the laboratory soma by singing many of the lyric, accom- time this week. panied by E. M. Wisdom, '13. DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR AND 'RITIC PLE SES AUDIENCE. M. Firmini Roz Gives Brilliant Lecture on Modern Theater and Develop. w-nt of the Drama. "Already a reaction is beginning which will carry the French theatre back to the old conventions," declared M. Firmin Roz in his brilliant lec- ture last evening on the modern the- ater and its relation to contemporary manners. The distinguished schol- ar and critic is touring America under the auspices of the Alliance Francaise. His lecture here was attended by a large audience which found his pene- trating criticism deeply interesting. M. IRoz began by discussing the mn- portance of the theater in all the pe- riods of French literature, and the reason for its occupying this place, which he found in the peculiar literary genius of the nation. He discussed at length the beginning and development of naturalism and symbolism as seen in the drama, with many rich illus- trations from his close familiarity with the French theaters. NOTED WRITER IS TO LECTURE HERE Percy MacKaye, Author and Play. wright, Will Speak in This City on Feb. 6. WILL TALK ON DRAMATIC WORKS Percy MacKaye, the well-known author and playwright, will give a lecture on "The Peoples' Leisure and the Civic Theater" in Sarah Caswell Angell hall on Thursday afternoon February 6 at 4:30 o'clock. The sub- ject matter of the lecture will be tak- en from a book manuscript which he is working on at present. Percy MacKaye is probably better known than any other of the younger playwrights of America. His two dra- mas "The Canterbury Pil'ims" and "Jeanne D'Arc" met with a big suc-. cess, the latter having been produced in London, England. He is also au- thor of a volume of poems, and in col laboration with Prof. . P. S. Tat- lock, has recently published the "Mod- ern Readers' Chaucer." Harvard is MacKaye's alma mater he having graduated there in '97, and then spent two years studying abroad He makes his home in the literary colony at Cornish, New Hampshire but spends the larger part of the win- ters in Cambridge.. RETURNS AFTER WORLD TOUR. K. S. Inui, '06, Contest Winner and Peace Orator, Locates In America. K. S. Inui, '06, one of the organizers of the Cosmopolitan club and the win- ner of the Northern Oratorical League contest in his senior year, has re- turned to America after a speakinyg tour of the world. He has been givin'> peace lectures in three different lan- guages. Inui has been elected secretary-gen- eral of the Japanese Association of America, with headquarters at 143 Post street, San Francisco. This organ- 'zation is engaged in promoting a bet- er understanding between the east and west, especially between America and Japan. FIVE DOLLARS IS REWARD FOR BEST JUNOR HOP JOKE A neat, shiny little five-dollar gold piece is waiting for someone. That is for the someone who can write the best J hop joke for the next num- ber of the Gargoyle. Contributions entered'in this contest should be ad- dressed "Contest Editor," of the Gar- goyle, and must reach the Qffice of that! publication before midnight, Friday, January 31. The management an-I DETAIL WORK OUTLINED DY COMMITTEES At Meeting of .lunior hop Representa- tives, Tickets for "Money" and Musical Club Concert Are Distributed. INDEPENDENTS TO ME kTI't UNION TODAY AT 4 i P. X Grand March to Be Led by George B. Dluffield and Bliss Josephine H. Clay, of Detroit. Plans are practically complete for entertaining Junior hop guests on February 7. Combined committees at a meeting at the Alpha Delta Phi house yesterday afternoon decided numerous details, while independents will make final arrangements at a meeting at the Michigan Union at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. All independ- ents who expect to attend the func- tion should be present at this meeting. The grand march will be led by Geo. B. Duffield, chairman of the rec pton committee, and Miss Josephine . Clay of Detroit. At the meeting of the committees yesterday afternoon representatives from the Comedy club and musical clubs were present and distributed tickets for the "Money" matinee and the musical clubs recital. Tickets were given out according to the lots for places which were. drawn at a pre- vious meeting. The final reports of the committees will be made at the next meeting of the committees to be held at the Alpha Delta Phi house Saturday, February 1. At the independents', meeting, this afternoon definite plans will be made for all independent functions, Includ- ing the dinner to be held at the Mich- igan Union Friday evening before the hop, and the formal dance to be held at Packard academy Saturday, Febru- ary 8. It is expected that about 40 independents will attend. Decorations to b Elaborate. Hop decorations will be rhiore elab- orate than ever. The 24 booths are practically completed and various changes in construction and color scheme will change the general effect considerably. A contract has f been let to Supt. J. H. Marks to prepare the large electric signs which have been used in the past. .The decora- tion and wiring of th signs and other electrical accessories will be in charge of university electricians. The manip- ulation of the flash and flood lights to be used in connection with the num- erous feature dances will be in charge of special mechanics. who will accom- pany the Fisher orchestra and Finzel band. Invitations are Being Distributed Hop invitations are being distrib- uted by Wendel Smith, chairman of the invitations committee. They may be secured at the Beta Theta Pi house. Tickets and advertising cards for ad- mission to the gallery have been re- ceived. Tickets will be placed on sale in a short time at $1.00 and $1.25. Special accommodations in the way of seating have been made for the grandstand part of the hop. 1. BREITENBACH CONTINUES IN ADVERTISING BUSINESS. Dr. H. P. Breitenbach, at the last meeting of the board of regents, was granted a renewal of his leave of ab- sence for the second semester. Last July, Dr. Brietenbach was caled into consultation by the Detroit office of the J. Walter Thompson Co., one of the national advertising agencies. Up- on the completion of this special work, nonuces t'hat a "non de plume" -must he was induced to continue with the be signed to each entry, with an ac- company, and accordingly obtained companying envelope enclosing the leave of absence from the university. real name, address and class of the He has recently been given the po- contestant. sition of assistant chief of the copy - ----- 1 and plan department. Fresh Gym Classes Rest for Exams. 1 At the university, Dr. Breitenbach All fresh gym classes will be sus- made a special study of journalism and pended during the two weeks of ex- advertising. He gave the first in- aminations. Classes Nvill not be re- struction in advertising ever given at sumed until February 13. the university.