THE MICHIGAN DAILY. VS we want you to see our t English Custom Lasts the :st with the new flat 7 8 inch black and tan, light or heavy $5 to $7 per pair.' G 4 tM pEE f ^; nt9 i / y : // 1 -' ( ,,. ,.:i . ' . .i NEGATIVE DEBATING TEAM IS. PRAISED Prof. Hollister Commends Michigan's Representaties at Evanston. treatment at Evanston. They were im- pressed by the interest shown, the hall being over-crowded. A native In- dian from Bombay was the most ef- fective speaker of the other team, us- ing perfect English, and having a very acute sense of humor which he used with telling effect. ISERIES OF LECTURES TO BE. DECISION WAS VERY CLOSE. I (VE N BY ALBERT V. FITUCI. leld's' MAIN STREET "Michigan has reason to be proud of her debating team which faced Northwestern," said Prof. Hollister, who accompanied the men on the trip. "I felt very comfortable until the de- Albert, Parker Fitch, president of the Andover Theological Seminary, Cambridge, Mass., will deliver an ad- dress at the Michigan Union Sunday afternoon at 3:15 o'clock, and will also TOUR clothes should be right and you may be thankful that there is a store in your midst where you can get clothes that fit, and have style and workmanship guar- anteed. Prices $10.00 to $25.00 for Suit or Overcoat. Furnishings, Hats, C a p s, Bags and Suitcases. Mackinaws J F. WUERTH COMPANY the largest stock of best fitting pumps you ever $4.50 and $5.00 per pair. cision was announced by the presiding conduct the Union services of the PIlace of Sweets Down Town LET FIrnish the lce Creaxm Aitoration to Fr2%Aterities mnd Sororities ON MAIN STREET 'J t! , "' 'l 11 officer. Still, the debate was close enough to see how a judge might vote either way, which means .that the con- test was an excellent one. "I really feel that our men had the audience with them as far as they could overcome the natural prejudice, and there seemed to be a general feel- ing that our men would get the decis- ion. If the teams had spoken here we would have won, but enthusiasm of the Northwestern supporters had to be overcome. They were as dem- onstrative as if it had been a football game, especially after the result. "The debate was very clean, and both teams handled themselves well. Our men stuck to the question more closely, did not use as many .notes, and had a greater variety of material." The Michigan men all expressed themselves as pleased with their churches Sunday evening, his subject being, "A TraditionMl Faith or a Per- sonal Religion-Which?" Beginning Sunday, Pres. Fitch will speak at vesper services in Newberry hall every afternoon until Friday at 5:00 o'clock. His general theme for the entire week will be "Mirrors for Men in the Old Testament," and the daily talks will be upon some particu lar phase of this general subject. Prof. Wenley to Speak at Big Rapids. Prof. Robert ,M. Wenley will deliver two addresses at Big Rapids tomorrow at the anniversary of the founding of Ferris institute. His morning ad- dress will be "The Scholars and Other Folks", and "Changing Attitudes in Relation to Social Conditions" will be the subject of the afternoon lecture. WHY? We charge more than some for our cleaning. OUR WORK IS BETTER. No Odor. Try ALFREDO DECKER ft COKN C.l A.%YPrrand D.e in,W rks J. A. CR EY, Proprietor. Tel. 16534-CL rIter etih Ph Aome 1361-Lr or'beat anyprice mgde on a typewriter, sale Or rental. D. F. WOODWARD ings Bank Bldg, Second Floor Ann Arbor, Mich. 711 Packard St.' 925. N. Univ. Ave. Work (2'called for and Delvered. ,I " pAn up-to date showing of Hayley's Millinery Fall Millinery at popular prices. Hair Goods a specialty. Bell Phone 1390-J B. E. HATLEY, 206 B. Liberty Street ie Ideas For Moving Picture Plays! YOU CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND EARN $25 OR MORE WEEKLY r .ke training time a pleasure by drinking 0 We Will Show You How! If you have ideas-if you can THINK-we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No "flowery language" is wanted. The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers are moving "heaven and earth" in their at- tempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing de- miand. They are offering $ioo and more, for single scenarios, or written ideas. Nearly all the big film companies, the buyers of photoplays, are located in or near NEW YORK CITY. Being right on the spot and knowing at all times just what sort of plots are wanted by the producers, our SALES DEPARTMENT has a tremendous advant- age over agencies situated in distant cities, We have received many letters from the big film manufactur- ers, such as Vitagraph, Edison. Essanay, Lubin, Solax, Imp, Re- liance. Champion, Comet, Melies, Etc., urging us to send photo- plays to them. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secrets of success.. We are selling photoplays written by people who "never before wrote a line of publication," Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of only one good idea each week, and will write it out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25, a low figure, You Will Earn $100, Monthly For Spare Time Work FR Send your name and address at once for free copy of Sourillustrated book, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING." Don't hesitate. Don't argue. Write now and learn just what this new profession may mean for you and your future. Ad ,211 you'll forget all ot C' - dp ivatins. Nothing to q ual it for r2al cfres",hi ab olutE v hol i71flC u ' me n dmm downigh t Ia e p 2}Y ,sre, Delicious - Refreshing L2 T f , A istA 2 g w1.I f~ t( A _. . -D PROF. FLORER SPEAKS ON STUDENT fLIFE IN GIERMANY Prof. W. W. Florer, of the German department, delivered the second of the series of lectures given under the auspices of the German faculty in the economics lecture room yesterday af- ternoon His subject was, "Der Deut- sche Student." "Most of the German students with whom I have come 'in contact," said Prof. Florer, "were npt the type which we see caricatured in papers and books. They do not spend their time fencing and carousing. They are se- rious, earnest men, vitally interested in the leading problems of the :day. The German students played an active part in the social and literary move- ments of the late nineteenth century. They are the recognized leaders of German thought." Dean Effinger to Talk at Paw Paw. Dean John R. Effinger will give two lectures at Paw Paw and Jonesville tonight and tomorrow night as a por- tion of the university extension lec- ture course. At Paw Paw under the auspices of a local club, Dr. Effinger will talk, on "The Mediaeval Churcl and the Drama." Tomorrow evening he will lecture on "Education and the Dollar Sign," under the auspices o the board of education. PROF. VAUIHvAN OF PENNSY WILL LECTURE ON "INFERNĀ®' Prof. H. N. Vaughan, professor o romance languages at the Universit: of Pennsylvania, will give a public lec ture this afternoon on Dante's "In ferno" in room 102 ecoinomics buildin at 4:15 o'clock. Prof..Vaughan, wh is the son of Dean V. C. Vaughan i here on a visit to his parents. Make Liquid Air for Physics Dept The liquid air plant of the .mechani cal engineering department has bees overhauled and put in shape for- use A quantity of the air will be made thi morning under the direction of Prc J. . Emswiler, for the use of the phys ics department. 4 TATIONAL AUTHORS' 1543 Broadway New York City INS TITUTE See the World's Star Hosiery "rHE KIND THAT WEARS" Beauty and Strength Combined. Agency at 625 IF. Liberty .roves Bldg., cot. State and Liberty. Entrance on Gertrude L. Rudd erty, Up Stairs, Room 1. PHONE 539-L NINE -mum Big Store Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. As a young men's store aims to keep in close, constant touch with its clientele absorbing the ideas and studying the individual tastes of alert and progressive young fellows who regard correct attire as an asset in social and business life. Autumn's finest in Furnishings ial showing at...................................................SOc onal values at..................... ...........$1.50 and up to $2.50 usua1 values, at................................................ $1.00 ,Con,1AIn, Fiegel Co. Manhattan, headquarters for these famous Shirts.......................$..1.50 to $4 Hosiery, extra strong showing at................................................25c Great values in Fall Underwear........................ .......$1 to $6 200-202 South MadI