2.50 The Michigan c Log wal $2.0 fill $2.50 3S' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1913. PRICE FIVE 1- ___________ ______________ CIL IS HELD VOID t Against Junior Law Election Representatives is Allowed by Act of Student Council. HOLD NEW ELECTION" FIRST OF NEXT SEMESTER. of Council Exonerates Candi. From All Blajue and Makes Them Eligible. being in executive session for i hour last night the student decided to allow the protest ed by Edward Kemp and Syl- osner against tle junior law i of January 13 on the grounds ends of both candidates solici-' es for them although without owledge of either candidate. ntiment of the council was ed in the following motion: was moved, seconded and d that the election of student il representatives from the r law class on January 13, be declared invalidated; a new nomination and elec- be held and that Messrs. W. idlau and G. C. Grismore be leclared ineligible for stu- council; and that the campus Aifled that Messrs. Laidlau -rismore are entirely exoner- THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Wednes- day, generally cloudy with the proba- bility of snow; warmer; moderate southerly winds. University Observatory -. Tuesday 7:00 p. m., temperature, 20.6; maxi- mum temperature, 24 hours preceding, 24.0; minimum temperature, 24 hours preceding, 11,.8; average wind velocity, 10 miles per hour. To Inspect Stage Frames in Chicago. In order to secure more definite ideas and details regarding a porta- ble stage for the new Hill auditorium, Superintendent of Grounds Marks will make a trip to Chicago week after next, where he will inspect the steel frame models such As are used in the Thomas Orchestra hall of that city. .O TO BESTAGED OUTOF TOWllN Senate Council Grants Permission for Performance of Annual Opera 4n Detroit on s. .April 19. TOUR WILL MARK NEW EPOCH FOR UNIVERSITY DRAMATICS BURNETT WINS IN POSTER CONTEST Judges Select His Drawing as Best Fitted for Advertising Annual Union Opera. -V * SEES DANGER IN LITTLE POLITICS Goverhor Hadley Believes Greaier In- terest in Politics Would Prevent Present Evils. : \\e th 1il8n~edialclass of the l nip +r itv ol Michigan do lw(r ,t wish to, expre ,s our deepewSt I to over thLc loss of our clissmate and friend Martin Judy, and to extend our heart. felt sympathy to his bereaved Jparents lie ws held Miii the highest e§- teem by all with whom he came i contact, and we feel that our class has lost one of its bright- est and most promising mem- b)0rs. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WORK IS OF HIGH CLASS AVOIDS BIG POLITICAL TOPICS. Detroit Aliuni Association Manage Seat Sale For Producton. Will At a meeting of the judges for the Michigan Union opera poster contest, held yesterday morning, the drawing submitted by Leo N. Burnett, '14, was picked as the winner. Burnett will receive the first prize of $10, and his design will be emblazoned on the prints used to advertise the annual opera. Prof. William C. Titcomb and Librarian Theodore W. Koch constitut- ed the committee which made the award.. Burnett's poster represents a knight and lady fair on board a more or less rampant charger. The valiant gen- tleman is draped in a becoming suit of iron, while the clinging creature at his side is garbed in a flowing gown of old rose hue. The back-ground of the picture is dark olive, with the lettering in black and white. Second Place Won by "Bill" Fanning. Second honors in the contest go to William S. Fanning, '13E, whose effort, while rgossessing much artistic merit, was adjudged as hardly available for advertising purposes. Fanning's drawing pictures an armored knight, also proudly astride a prancing steed, and holding erect a deadly spear. On the left of the poster, the back-ground is panelled to reveal a glimpse of a green forest with a feudal castle on a precipice beyond. Green, yellow and blue are the colors used. It is probable that Fanning's production will be used on the sheet music for the opera. Two tickets for the opera will be awardedras second prize, while the third prize of one ticket will go to Herbert L. Burgess, '13E, whose entry was judged as highly creditable. Hon- orable mention was awarded to the contribution handed in by William G. Sprague, '15E. According to Prof. Titcomb, one of the judges in the contest who has; served in this capacity for several years, the poster picked for first place is of exceptional 'worth. "Burnett's drawing is practically perfect for post- er purposes," said Prof Titcomb yes- terday. "The lettering is especially clear and attractive, while the design is without a fault, and almost equal to professional work." The winning posters will not be put on exhibition until after exams, at which time the name of the 1913 opera will also be announced. REGISTRAR'S OFFICE HOURS TO BE LONGER NEXT WEEK ds the council wishes impress the fact that. ates are entirely inno- rge of soliciting votes; over-eagerness of their iponsible for the pro- zbsequent invalidating that the action taken necessary to guard sibility of the repeti- urrence. Either of the were candidates may e next election as they ige of campaigning in ed on page 4.) , ETEES ON WORK Inc Expense of Social Function Better Every Feature of Event. REFRESHMENT PLANS ARE NEW. At a meeting of the Junior hop com- mittees yesterday afternoon plans for the big function neared completion. Added features in every department will make the annual affair a bigger and more representative event than it has ever been before. Already near- ly $300.00 more has been spent in prep- aration for the hop than at this time last year. The added expense is ex- pected to make every part of the hop more distinctive. At present almost as many have signified their intei-, tion of attending the hop as attended last year. Invitations Are Novw on Hand. Invitations have been, received from E. A. Wright of Philadelphia and may be received at the F3eta Theta Pi house from Wendell.' Smith, chairman of the invitations. committee. Admis- sion will be more than last year on ac- count of tne added expense. The price was discussed yesterday but will not tre definitely decided upon until next meeting. The arrangements committee re- ported in regard to the contract for refreshments which was let Saturday to Mrs. M. O. Smith of Detroit. This important part of the hop will be; greptly improved. The Detroit cat- erers will serve 200 at one time and lots were drawn for places in being served. According to the scheme de- cided unon yesterday there will 'be For the first time in the history of' university dramatics, a Michigan Un- ion opera will go on tour this year,I permission having been granted by the senate council yesterday afternoon for the 1913 production to be given in Detroit on April 19. As this date comes soon after the resumption of school following the Easter vacation, it is expected that th ose who partici- pate in the presentatlion and manage- ment of the opera on its Detroit trip will not be compelled to interrupt their studies materially, this having been one of the points which has pre- vented the operas in former years from going out of town. The Detroit performance, it is ex- pected, will be given in the new Wash- ington theater in that city. This play- house is now in process of construc- tion, and it is probable that the Union opera will be the initial attraction on its boards. The sale of seats and the advertising for the Detroit presenta- tion will be handled by the alumni as- sociatiou of that city, which is spon- sering the trip. Tq Take Entire Production. According to the General Chairman Philip K. Fletcher, '13E, who with President Edward G- Kemp, '14L, of the Michigan Union, was in conference with the senate council yesterday af- ternoon, the entire 1913 production will be carried to Detroit. Several cars and coaches will be required to transport the bevies of dimply dan- seuses, stately choruEsmen and rollick- some principals,, as well as the scen-1 ery and properties, for. the show. It has been decided to call a meeting of the men trying out for reading roles in the opera for! tomorrow evening. At this time the selected tryouts, to whom portions of the book to memorize for1 competitive rendition after exams. The choruses will not be called out until the beginning of next semester, at which time active preparation for the 1913 performance will be commenced. Y. M. C. A. Raises a Large Fund. Officials of the city and the univer- sity Y. M. C. A. have been conduct- ing a canvass for funds which closes this evening. An attempt is being made to raise a total of $7,700, which includes a fund for the Y. W. C. A. as well. Last week $4,500 had been collected, although not more than half of those on the list had been solicited. Wellington H. Tin)er, of the Univer- sity. Christian association, said last night that all were confident of their ability to raise the necessary sum, and present indications are that the amount will exceed their expecta- "The evils of public politics are more often due to partisanship than to dishonesty," said Governor Herbert S. Hadley of Missouri in a lecture de- livered last night in University Hall, "and instead of having too much poli- .tics it is my belief-that we have too little. The great problem of our gov- ernment today is to reconcile the rules of business and the laws of men." Governor Hadley's remarks cover- ed the broad field of our political, in- dustrial, and judicial systems; in which he sketched the accomplish- ments of the past, the problems of the present, and the possible solutions of the future. In speaking of the influence of col- leges in politics the speaker declared they taught the doctrine that anything whatever was preferable to running for office, and that politics was an un- worthy and unprofitable field. "I am glad to know that Michigan men are practicing what I preach," he said when informed that there were more Michigan graduates in Congress than those of any other in- stitution. "I believe that college men can best solve the questions which are now before the country; involving, as they do, principles of social and po- litical science." Governor Hadley refused to commit himself upon questions of national political significance, declaring that his visit was social rather than pro- fessional. His reminiscences of his pre- vious visit to Ann Arbor as a member of the victorious invading debating. team from Northwestern University were amusing in the extreme. While in the city the governor was the guest of Prof. H. E. Riggs, of the engineering department, who was one of his classmates at Kansas Universi- ty. He was banqueted by Delta Sig- ma Rho fraternity at the Union last night, and left early this morning for his home. NEW POWER PLANT IS PUT INTO OPERATION YESTERDAY Turbines Will Generate 100 Kilowatts For Local Supply and Nearby Towns. Marking the culmination of more than a year's continuous iabor, the Barton plant of the Eastern Michigan Edison Co. was put into operation for the first time yesterday, afternoon. With the opening of the gates, the water raced into the huge turbines, setting the powerful generators in mo- tion. Recent rains have greatly swol-~ len the Huron and the flood has been pouring over the spillway of the new dam for more than a week. Gardner S. Williams, consulting en- gineer in connection with the work, announced last evening that the sta- tion would be turning current into the lines some time next week. It has a capacity of 1,500 kilowatts, and will help supply Ann Arbor, Chelsea, Dex- ter, Ypsilanti, and other neighboring' towns. Canoeing on the new lale will be facilitated by a path to the left of the dam, while a windlass and rollers on the right hand side will take care of boats and heavier craft. A fishway will empty into the tailrace, providing a passage up and down stream for the citizens of the Huron. Delta Sigma Rho holds initation, Delta Sigma Rho, the honorary de- bating fraternity, initaed the follow- ing men last night: John McElroy, '13L; Bartel Jonkman, '14L; Lyman Hulbert, '14L; and Paul Blanshard, '14L. A banquet was held at the Union after the initation, at which Governor Hadley was the guest of honor. President-Emeritus James B. Angell, and Roland Fizel.'12, '14L, were the other speakers, and Sel Blunrosen, '13L, presided as toast- master, tC(1)MMIfT El * * Alnnii=7,,ialSe ks atNen-lerry 1H11l. "he Stilant of Lif' "was the theme of an address given at Newber- ry hall yesterday afternoon by Martha Downe i y, '09, now of Detroit Y. W. C. A. The message dealt with the value of college experience in after life. - TO TEACH TWO NE SUBJECTS THIS SUMME .tilt( r (11anid Dl ~e.ignuig to be IIn- eddl in fSiimiaeri Selhodl (urrie tihm lfor First SM31 Fi LE("ITRVIE SChEDULE WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON. 1,s4)0 A bridged Aiuoiunceienlts of Hot VTeatieni Sessions to le Mailed. At least two new subjects will be ad- fled this year' to the summer school schedule which will contain many more courses than have been given in previous years. This summer, cours- es in landscape designing and archi- tecture will be given for the first time as hot weather subjedts 'The regular summer school faculty., with Prof. Kraus as dean, will include a number of professors from the lead- ing uniiversities of the country. Prof. F. A. Updike, of Dartmouth, will con- duct the courses in political science. Prof. M. Parmuelee, of the University of Missouri, will be connected with the sociology department, and Prof. Frank Cam c(Y, of. Denison university, who is now in charge of Prof. Hobb's work, will continue his courses during the summer session. He will conduct the customary excursions to Put-in- Bay and Niagara Falls. The s cdle of suranier lectures will be made public within the next two weeks. In addition to members of the faculty the program announces Gov. F. N. Ferris, State Geologist R. C. Allen, and Regent L. L. Hubbard. Several other prominent educators havebeen asked to take part in the work but their dates have not yet been arranged. More than 100,000 abridged editions of the summer school announcements containing several pages of illustra- tions are to be sent through the mails within a few days. The complete an- nouncements will be off the press the last of February. OFFICERS FOR SECOND TERM ARE ISELIECTEI1 Student Council Holds Regular Sem Annual Election of Officers For the Coming Year. STUDENT BODY ADOPTS NEW BASIS FOR REPRESENTATIOI Flags From Pole Rush Are Presente to Men Who Tore Them Down. At the last meeting of the studei council for the first semester of th present year held last night, the sem annual election was held and the fo lowing officers were chosen to guid the destinies of the council during th second semeste'r: president, J. Edwi Hancock, '13E; vice-president, W.Sco Hopkin, '13E; recording secretar; Cyril Quinn, '14; corresponding sec retary, Howard Wilson, '13; treasure Robert L. Mayail, -'13L; auditor, Se den S. Dickinson, '13. These officer as well as the new councilmen recen ly elected were sworn in at the mee ing. Following a petition from the uppe classes of the dental departmen claiming that they do not have a coup cil representation in proportion wit the enrollment of the department, committee was appointed to invest gate the representation of all depar ments in the council. The committe made the following report which wa adopted by 'the council, which wi hereafter serve as a basis for reprn sentation in that body. "The apportionment among variot departments shall be based upon tI fall enrollment figures of the variot departments in accordance with th following scale, the number of rep resentatives to be based upon the fig ure to which the numbers in the do partments most closely correspon< An enrollment of 100 will require representation of one councilman; en rollment of 250, two councilmen; en rollment of 450, three councilmen; en (Continued on page 4.) BARTON RESIGNS FROM UNIVERII Varsity Football Player and Trae Man Intends to Leave University. : WILL ENGAGE IN BUSI Change is Made to Aid Students ~ Making Elections For Coming Semester. in In order that all students may have ample time to arrange their next sem- ester's elections, Registrar Hall's of- fice will be open from Monday until Friday during the first week of exam- inations. His office hours will be from 9:00 o'clock to 12:00 and from 2:00 to 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. A fee of $1.00 will be charged for all blanks not turned in by Friday. Students en- rolled in combined courses will be compelled to fill out blanks for each department. Extra hour petitions may be filed with the election blanks. Freshman students will receive, their blanks in rhetoric classes Thurs- day and Friday. Those who make changes in their courses must first consult with Prof. Rankin, chairman of -the committee on elections, who will be in the registrar's office from 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock next week. Will Try to Communicate With 0. S. U. Attempts will be made at 11:00 o'clock tonight to communicate with the Ohio State university wireless sta- tion by the local plant. Although talks are held almost daily with Cleve- land stations, attempts to communi- cate with the state university at Co- lumbus have failed on account of the weakness of their station. But as im- provements have been made it is ex- pected that the effort tonight will be successful. VS ;F l10 N 01*SSTEMIN EXAN. Iut Six Memb )ers of Prof. Turner's (la 0pposo 'New Method, Satisfied with the merits of the hon- or system as proved in a recent "blue- book," 275 members of Prof. E. R. Turner's lecture class in English his- tory voted yesterday to use the system in the final examination. Opposed to the introduction of the new method, six of the freshmen elected to take the examination under the supervision of° the instructors, there -being three more aaainst it this time than when it was first introduced. Prof. Turner is highly enthusiastic. over the plan, and optimistic as to its future on the campus and with the sysiem in active use among his own classes and those of Prof. C. O. Davis;, he believes that the good results of *the present work will be shown next; year In a wider adoption of the honor system by the classes all over the campus. Charles Barton, '14E, Varsity foot- ball player and member of the Varsity track squad, has tendered his res- ignation to the engineering depart- ment of the university. If Barton per- sists in his signified intentions of giv- ing up his university work, Michigan will lose a valuable athlete, and the friends of the lengthy gridiron star are doing their best to deter Barton from taking the step. It is understood that Barton desires to give up his work in the university in order that he may enter business, though it is possible that he may re- turn to the university at some future date to resume his studies. Barton has announced to his friends, howev- er, that he will not finish this semes- ter's work. Barton made his football "M" dur- ing the season just closed when he filled. the position of Varsity end. Bar- ton became popular with the Michigan football supporters because of his abil- ity in receiving forward passes, and in this line of gridiron play he proved most valuable to the Michigan team. Barton was ineligible for the 1911 Var- sity team, but in 1910 he was a mem- ber of the 1914 All-Fresh team playing the entire ,season at the center's post. In track work, Barton's specialty was the pole vault, and although his weight kept him from being a marvel in the art of leaping the bar with the aid of the long stick, he managed to set up some good marks, especially in the indoor meets. .w .- -