T YUUI $2.50 I1 The Subscribe Now or ichi Y. v. c rt;f .. w . r?" Y I=AILED TO ANY ADDRESS $3.00 No., . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURS AY, OCTOB1iR Iu, ll- PRICE FIVE . . . ..R.. .. ... ITY GETS I THE WEATHER MAN -I THREE TUOCHDOWNS LRS FIND THIAT SCRUBS ?RESAIMEN ARE NOT WEAK i FACED IN REAL GAME. Forecast for Ann Arbor-Thursday, rain and colder. University Observatory-7 p. m. tem- perature 61.2; minimum temperature for 24 hours preceding 46.6; maximum temperature for the 24 hours preced- ing 66.8; average hours preceding, total rainfall for' .03 inches. wind velocity for 24, 7 miles per hour; 24 hours preceding CHEM BUILDING, IS OVERCROWDED Facilities Cannot Take Care of Any More Students Next Year. 1HAS BEEN BUiLT THREE YEARS. It would be a phy:ical impossibili- ty, according to Prof. . D. Campbell, director of the chemical laboratory, to ac"omodate any more students in the department. Vhat would be done in case of an increase in the number of chemistry students next year, has not been determined; but it is considered certain that the present equipment of laboratories would be insufficient to meet the emergency. Vc r, _ F s:naelo Ih let ut*~lthI Tie'c~s ior he second MIc1^ig r Un- nenbmhip dance w'iil .o on .ale at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon at the Union office, The sale will be limited to 100, and anyone without a ticket will not be admitted to the dance on saturday night. No reservations will be ma~de. The chaperones for the affair are Dean and Mrs. Henry M. Bates, and ssistant ean and Mrs. William 14. EUBETA P1 TAKES LEVEN 1MEMBERS is I TESTS SHOW CITY WATER I1 Wil 3T YEAR MEN WORK W ,ite Rai and Mud, Youngs op Verterans While They Sio Little. wing lhrough the mud and d ie numerous raindrops, the v ssled with the scrubs and men yesterday afternoon forc mihutes. It might have been or any one of many diffe s, but the varsity didn't c honor when it was all over al of three touchdowns was, r'esult. And it might not h that much had either the sc freshmefi an offense equal to >rn defense they showed, reserves were the first bunc the swimming meet and it t ,rsity five minutes to finally p 11 through the line. Then for Minutes the ball sesawed upf the field with the scrubs' sto line, the feature. Wyman t were playing the ends, Mu [cHale the tackles, the regu trio intact and the bac'kf r with the exception of Hug vas taking Craig's place.q of Carpell was one bright s little fellow showed some gr icking and wasfighting ev ELL s4ers w odg- arsi- the over the rent laim and the CANVASS GATHERS MANY FOR UNION Besieging the reticent students in their lairs and proving to them that the Michigan Union needed them for members, the campaign committee last night secured 133 new members for Michigan's club. This now brings the total to close onto 1900 members and como l'j ci m ti h'le 01 the Ath ha ii ud in thI' was no rc i nw uxo i i 'qaain o the univritwl no wOt i Ba r- (lay's "lee 1.n1w nlOV \'l 0I t ny it n- derstoil ee a vote. 'Tb rsoim io of t bod of re geni ~'''1Aa a i'Mmle in eud img thoe (.'iAOll. 'ir(> i'u '5i adi v'iOOIl n o he ,<.' paid by the y oung ladies w ould see a to c'a~r a tonsistet solution<"* AUTHORITIES DISCOVER TI COLON GERMS ARE AGAIN FL NG THEIR WAY INTO LOt SUPPLY. WARNING NOTICES POST Dr. Vaughn States That All DrinI. Water Should bre Foiled. boil the water." Again this warning slogan, so fan iar to studrts who have a'. nded' uvii ersity in previous year , is sou :d from the water analysis laborat of the meuical department. A t completed yesterday shows the " a have the heads of the campaign are more rubs -- the than jubilant. With the campaign only two days h to Mlong in its race, the long waited for ook mark of 2,000 has been' so nearly ush reached that it is now practically cer- fif- tain that it will be breasted before the and entire rooming house sectioji has been ane- canvassed. But success does not-mean and a cessation from the labors and the sser campaigners will start afresh today. ular H. S. Parsons, '15 E, held the first ield 'honors last night with a total of nine hitt memberships. E. o. West, '14 L, came The second with six of the slips while four pot other men obtained five each. And in 'eat addition there were ten solicitors with ery a record of four, a fact which points to the zeal of the workers. Telephones kept the Union manage- on ment in touch with the campaign all ar- evening and this system will be used but again tonight so that a little celebra- the tion can be held when "2,000" is ush- een ered in. The work of ciecking up the the campaigners is the hardest part and by it is hoped that those who have not iey already made a detailed report will as do so today. nd Rivalry, good natured but keen, has nk- been instilled into the workers and ing this will no doubt be kept alive by the, ity fact that the "scores" are being post- ng, ed on the bulletin board. Laboratory facilities of the depart- ment are now being taxed to their full capacity as a result of an increase of 150 students enrolled in the chemistry courses. Three new teaching assist- ants and two .sew laboratory assist- ants have been employed by special consent of the executive committee of the regents, and will be recommended for appointment. One of the labora- tories is now accomodating nearly twice as many students as it is equipped to handle, and all the others are overcrowded. In the beginning courses, 1, la, A., 2E, and 2b, 100 more sudents are en- rolled than were last year. Eighty- five students are enrolled in the lab- oratory courses in organic chemistry,; though the laboratory is equipped for only 45. This work is now required for the junior year in chemical engi-" neering, whereas it has been optional heretofore. VW"It has never tamed to me," con- tinued Aii itel' iha th eung ladins i Ch. ' tere -ould ce to Vote at Ah7i-e ci'ia non elctions and it has hnyU my le that Mrs. Jordan amd lis I igow would take the same-viewx. Tb is 1 found to be true as a result of a talk wi lh them. Mrs. Jordan cdx aneed the thought that as the majioa portion ol' the i5.O0 re(-eived from lhe girns is ni-si :g:ed to the Pal- mer field improvement fund, the young ladies woulti undoubtedly feel fully recompensed in Ut:ing; granted admission to all at bletic contests on Ferry field. "In my opurion it can be safely taken for granted that active membership in 4the Athletic a-moiation Ls to be limited to m en, both si udents a nd fac- ulty of the unersity, wxhose entire fee of $5.00 is paid into tbe treasury of the Athletic association." Eleven members of the senior engi- neering class have been chosen in the regular fall elections to Tau Beta Pi, the junior and senior honorary engi- uiecring society. They are: James W. 'oliln, Willian A. Grove; Edward .M. yi. Thomas F. McGivney, Robert MoMath, Norman K Sheppard, Charles M. Smith, Stephen R. Trues- dell, Clair Upthegrove, Jeptha A. Wade, and Carl E. Wolfstyn. According to the qualifications es- iential to successful candidates, those hosen have seldom failed in recitation during their college career, and repre- sent the best in their class from the standpoint of scholarship. Personal- by and character are considered also in making the selections. to contain a considerable quantity colon germs, indicating that the wat is contaminated and that the utmc precautions should be taken. Drinking fountains on the camp have been shut off for several day: and drinking water has been availab only from the tanks containing distil ed water which have been placed i most of the university buildings. No tices that the water is at present im pure have been posted on he campu by order of the committee on sanita tion. The water analyses have show more or less contamination for sever Varsity. ted ze v vn -as RED SOX RALLY TIES SCORE IN SECOND SERIES G At hE All bets were off in the second game of the World'se series yesterday. The game resulted in a 6 to 6 draw and was callel in the eleventh inning. Ros- ton made a surprising rally at. the close of the game when Speaker hit a home run, and all but defeated "1i3r Six" Matthewson, the Giants' .in- stay: The summary:- ilarriug r Withdraws From Race. Vditor The Daily: Please announce through your col- umns that 1 am heartily in sympathy with the movement to eliminate the use of cards in elections on the cam- pus, except in the cases of freshman classes where a condition prevails tiferent from' that applying to other classes. As -a student councilman I have given expression of my views along this line and wish to be consistent re- 'arding the matter. I congraulate the candidates for track manager on their attitude and in sympathy with the movement and hav- inq distributed cards earlier, I now w iithdraw my name as a candidate for Varsity base ball manager, and ask that it be not further considered. Respectfully, Signed, Lon H. Barringer. ends a of Con shown e vars 11, and the ild mate a J Illini Club to Hold Meeting. s. The first regular meeting of the Illi-- rung the ni Club will be held Monday afternoon. tried to The 'club at present consists of 1001 e varsity charter members. The plans for the ond time future are indefinite but a series of s when dances and one or two smokers will be job from given. Lincoln's birthday will be cel- had re- ebrated by a banquet, at which some prominent Illinois man will speak. Needs Carnegie Medal. ts flick- pus, searching for the night watch- ite hour man. vhitened The stillness became unbearable. ers. Two Brave thoughts came to the terror- the turf stricken collegian. He would steel r little himself for the deed and perhaps save hed to his Alma Mater from some dread ca-' _i 1 t 't i r jl , a R H New York.... . .....6 11 5 Boston...............6 10 1 Batteries-Matthewson and Myers, Wilson; Collins Hall and Bedient. VARIOUS CLASSES WILL AIEET FOR NOMINATIONS FRIDAY. Although the new class constitution provides that the nominations for offi- cers shall be made tomorrow, most of the classes have not as yet made ar- rangements for their meetings. The delay this year is due undoubtedly to the general slowness of getting under way that seems to be prevalent all over the campus. The election of councilmen will take place Monday, October 14. The class officers are to be elected -on the Sat-, urday of the next week, but as this is the date of the Columbus game at least one class will not hold their election at that time. The junior lit class will meet Fri-, day .afternoon at .5:00 o'clock in the west physics lecture room to nominate officers. The senior lit class have no- tices posted for the nominating meet- ing tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in Tappan hall. The senior laws meet in Room C tix .,ime afternoon at 1,J o'clock for the same purpose. while tli juniors of that department will also 1en1er of ''( _as !ies at Saginaw.. Word has just been received in Ann Arbor of the death of James Webber Peter, l;9 li, at hIs lionme in Saginaw. Peters, '09 lit, at his homse in Saginaw, to his college friends, gradated front the H arvar-d L~aw School after re- (:eiving his A. U. degree here. He was admitte d to tbae Mich igan Bar just a year ago, and ha s sinee been asso- ciated with his father, a prominent Sagin-aw Iawyer. MOPII, T'0 3EET EN 3IA ' '. Second Year Men Will ther in l're- paration for Rush. The walls of the west phybics lec- ture room will echo to the concerted cheering of sotIhomores from all depart inuts of the tuiversity, who will hol a m12ss-e'ting there at 7 : Th this even- ing to prepare for the rush and cane- spree of next Saturday morning. Maurice C. Myers, law, '13, will be chairman of the mo dug. President L. H. Barringer, of the Student Coun- cil, will talk about the contests from the Council jpoiot of x iew ; "Bottlesa Thompson wil mkhe the "pepper" speech; andl "Etddie" Snier, who is general chairman of the o nUittee in charge of tile rush and cane soree, will explain the rules governing thon, and give detailed instructions as to the order of the day. i-encefort1, Ye Laws Can Recline. New swivel seats are being installed in the law library. They will take the place of the present small, straight- backed ones and will make the'barris- ters more comfortable as they study their ponderous books. tains contaminated m has had to be tapped to furnish part of the ply, and the examine frequent intervals in oratory have shown poisonous bacilli. At colon bacillus, which in itself, is apparent acts as an index ofte gerous parasites, as fever, and hence eve: recommended. Several of the boar serving only distilled N gested by Dean V. C.' students at houses w the case request the b thus effect a general must be met. pre Jane Addamis Was Adda ms of Hull House, was a much sought after person last evening. Leaving Chicago early,in the morning, and s opping an hour to visit with friends, Miss Addams did not reach Ann Arbor until 4:48, where she clev- erly eluded a number of interested people and curious reporters. She was driven rapidly to the home ci Miss Alice Crocker and given one half hour to prepare for a dinner party at Dr. Warthin's. During that half hour, in the midst of numerous tele- phone calls, and inquiries concerningM her guest, Miss Crocker told of the social worker's marvellous energy and1 ability to always keep going. "I have known Miss Addams a num- ' ber of years," said Miss Croker, and 1 have never seen her looking so well.1 In Chicago, in addition to. all her reg- ular work,Miss Addams has one dayt in a Hurry, But-! before dinner. She was willing t talk, however, and when asked wha university women could do for equa suffrage, child labor and other burn ing questions of the day, said:. "I am very much surprised that th university women here have no equa suffrage league. At the university o Chicago, at Wisconsin, and other col leges where I have lectured, there ar very active -suffrage clubs which ar doing some really fine work." When asked what Michigan girl: could do in the state movement foi woman suffrage, Miss ,Adams was o: the opinion that a strong club shoulk be formed at once, to aid in arousing interest in the matter before it comes to a vote on November 5. In regard t child labor and the social evil, Mis. Adams said, "in such matters collegE girls cannot do as much, but every onE should be vitally interested, and well Carefully nosing about for a weapon, he discovered a small cudgel and arm- ed with it he approached the maraud- ers. Fear was in his heart as he drew near, just in time to see one of the figures grab the ground again. But he nerved himself and spoke. "Wh-wh-what are you doing." "We are merely catching angle worms for the laboratory," responded the figure, at the same time seizing one 'of the "wigglers" and putting it in a pail. The student fled. Phyvsical E aS are Yc x, in Progres s Physkcal tramiinations tor first year men have ali 'dy begun at Waterman gymnasium. U. has been arranged for the fresh Ii and enineers to sign first for gy0 iass( which begin No-1 meet in Room C at the same hour, vember 4 n o take their examia- while senior engineers will meef to- tions at once. Other atvudeots desiring morrow evening in room 311 of the lockers may take their x:,aminations new engineering building for their after the clas s for the f rs year men nominations. have begun. a week which she devotes entirely to newspaper reporters." Miss Addams had just five minutes informed upon all legislation, an tion which is at present being in the movements." ear Man there is a'tic r .: , - .-_--, - _ _ .- ,_ _. __, _.- -- _< - un- ;z at the Univ. Y.M.C.A. admitting without charge to HI r , y To accommodate all new men the same lecture is given on three successive evenings, MON,, TUES. and WED., OCT. 14, 15, and 16, 4 7:15 P. M., in MEDICAL BUILDING. I E N.E