THE MICHIGAN DAILY i Select your Fall or Winter Suit from the line in the city. Dress Suits a specialty i Wil Co. TIHE ICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan., Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March , r879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ig, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor-r to 3 p. m. 7 to i* p. m. Business Manager-i to 3 p. in. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; Davis andrKonald's Confectionary Store. Phones: Bell and Home, 96o. Tailors and Importers 311 South State Street a I. P. NOTE BOOKS The Idem.o Loose Lee.f Book is the best selling bookon the market. Get our Prices be- yon make your Purchase. SHEEHAN (iC CO. Students' Headquarters ni't Be Downcast t your shoulder to the wheel push and keep pushing;, and ur CLOTHES are made by me will find PUSHING much ,r. Dieterle OR Liberty Street (Copyrighted) fr The 'mers and Mechanics Bank 101-103-105 South Main Street I $100,000. Surplus and Profits $67,000 Ann Arbor Savings Bank ital Stock $300,000 Surplus $100,00 Resourses $3,000,000, ner alBanking usiness Transacted ers; Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres., W. D. Harm a2, Vice-Pres. M. J. Fritz, Cashier. DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor Time Table Limited Cars for Detroit-7:12 a. m. and hourly to 6:12 p. mn., also 8':12 p. mi. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. m., 6:40 a. mn., and every two hours to 6;40 p. mn.. 7:40 p. mn., 8:40 p. mn., 9:45 p. mn., and 10:45 p. nm To Ypsilanti only. 11:15 p. m., 19:15 p. m. 12:30 p. in., 1:00 a.i. Limited Cars fer Jackson-7:46 a. m. and every two hours to 7:46 p. m. Local Cars for Jacks.n- 5:20 a. m., and every two hours to 9:20 p. mn., 11:15 p. mn. Frank Pennell..........Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard..........Business Manager Maurice Toulme .........News Editor C. Harold Hippler.............Assistant Karl Matthews............Athletic Editor G. C. Eldredge................Assistant John Townley..........Edusi ' and Drama Haude Edwards..................Women Harold B. Abbott..............Cartoonist ED ITORIALS Harold G. McGee Louis P. Hailer Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers R. Emmett Taylor.......Edwin R. Thurston NIGHT EDITORS H. Beach Carpenter . Fred B. Foulk Marton R. Hunter.........Morris Milligan Bruce 3.JMiles.......Ernest R. Burton Lester F. Rosenbaum..David D. Hunting :REPORTERS Leonard M. Pieser........Harold P. Scott Leo Burnett..............Penn H. Hossick F. M. Church.............. Carlton Jenks Charles S. Johnson......... C. H. Lang Bernus AU. KlineA..........3. R. Kistner Will Shafroth............. Henry C. Bogle F. F. McKinney............G. S. Johnston W. R.. Melton........Ralph . Cunningham Y. F. Jabin Hsu..... .H.y d. Rummel Frank E. Kohler.........Herman Piper BUSINESS STAFF A. Rg Johnson, Jr........Advertising Mgr. Emerson Smith. .......Accountant Laurence D. Bartlett.......Circulation' Mgr. Sherwood Field.............John Leonard Harry E. Johnson SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1913. Night Editor-Fred B. Foulk. STUDENT COIJNQI OATH OF OFFICE. "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have carefully read the Consti- tution of the Student Council; that I will support it; that I have not solicit- ed any support at my election; and that I will well and faithfully dis- charge ther dties of my office as a seber of the Student C ouncil,-So help tme C RELATIVE TO THE COUNCIL. Typical of several received lately, the communication in this issue of The Michigan Daily shows an ignor- ance of facts concerning the student counciland a pessimistic view of the honesty of the student body of the university. Article VI, section 3, of the student council constitution reads, "No solici- tation for support for any candidate, or electioneering for, of any kind, shall be carried on by candidates or by anyfother person." This is the "old system"v which our communicant de- plores the absence of, and it is the only system the council has ever had from the days of its inception the system that the communication inad- vertently admits "has failed to reveal" the election of any "notoriously unfit" men. The ruling proposed by The Michigan Daily will simply provide -a penalty for the. violation thereof. We ask, of what value is a ruling without a penalty for,,its violation? The pres- ent Corrupt Practices Act-of England- subjects a candidate to the same lia- bility for the illegal actions of his "friends" as does the proposed addi- tion to the council rules. Proof of conspiracy to defraud a man of nomination or election by os- tensible campaigning or false charges of campaigning merits the severest condemnation by the council. That is simply a detail., Ultimately, the question is not one of rules but of common honor. No man can be legislated into the latter. We believe that most upperclassmen ofa the University of Michigan are honor- able enough to live up to the letter. and spirit of the potentially finest body of men on the campus. What penalty is too severe for any who aren't? PLACING RESPONSIBILITY. On the shoulders of the fout new men elected to official positions in the athletic association yesterday rests a no uncertain responsibility as regards their relation to the student body. Dur- ing the coming year they will fight the battles and present the view-points of five thousand Michigan students. On them has devolved the task of making those battles count for more than they have in the past; of giving those view- points the prestige they deserve. That the campus has faith in these men is conclusively shown by the endorse- ment given them by the voting con- stituency ,and this endorsement is the more significant inl view of the general excellence of the whole field of candi- dates. We are confident that that en- dorsement will never be a source of disappointment. MEMORIAL FUND FOR "MAGGGIE" IS STILL RATHER SMALL. Money for the memorial to "Mag- gie," the late janitress of Barbour gym, has not come in as readily as was an- ticipated. About $30 has been collect- ed to date. All remaining contribu- tions should be handed to the com- mittee by tomorrow afternoon. No def- inite kind of memorial has yet been chosen, this matter will be taken up in detail at the committee meeting this week. It is also expected that a permanent successor will be chosen at this time. Depict Life of Lower Classes. Stereoptican slides depicting life among the lower classes supplemented a social held at Newbery hall last ev- ening. This was the first of a series of six entertainments to be given upon successive Saturday nights. Jeffersonians Discuss "Crime." "Crime" in all its phases was dis- cussed at the regular weekly meeting of the Jeffersonian society last night. Prison reforms and new methods of punishment, including the novel vas- cetomy operation were the chief topics of interest. This series of programs will be discontinued until after the examinations. State St. WHY NOT HAVE YOUR MICHIGANENSIAN PICTURE 'now so that you can have some of y Platinum Porraitsh made from the negative--- your friends at home will appreciate them W University Bookstores Studio 319 ED. Hixron St. Phone 961-L r We can give you the best service on Strings for all Musical Instruments GRINNELL BROS., 120-122 E. Liberty St. G "ON PICTURE PLAY WRITING." A hand book of workmanship by James Slevin, Pathe Freres Picture- Playwright. The book has 92 pages, is nicely bound in boards and presents an en- tire picture play, showing its develop- ment step by step. Price postpaid, $1. Satisfaction guaranteed. We have nothing to sell but books. FARMER SMITH, Incorporated, Cedar Grove, New Jersey. . LVI4IESTIC AHR'S Sweater Bargains .'. Special Sale of SWEATER and JERSEY VESTS Buy Now and Save NEARLY ONE - HALF YOUR MONEY Indoor Base Ball And Hockey Supplies "&in 3t. The' I Our Optical System is equipped to give the best service. We test eyes No "Drops" Used. We make your glasses.S $hur-On~ A ge'n(e 4j Arnold .& Co. 320 S. MAIN Temple Wednesday, Jan. 22. Paths Sensational vim 1 I f' SWEET 'TER SERVICE AS IT SOUNDS BETTER CANDY Detroit Secretary to Speak to Women. Martha Downey, '09, secretary of the Detroit Y. W. C. A., will speak at the regular meeting of women at Newber- ry hall Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock. Her talk will deal with the power of the college woman in bus- iness affairs. Starting Monday Capt. Auger Tallest Man on Earth, as- sisted by the Smallest Comedian alive i n the Extravaganza "Jack, the Giant Killer" Aerial Macks Sensational Features on the FLYING TRAPESE Marconi Bros. Italian Street Musicians "The Traveling Salesman' Monahan Ventriloquist Novelty The Eminent Star Mr. Joseph Bcrnard AND COMPANY In a One Act Farce Pathe Weekly BALKAN WAR SCENES Coming Next Thursday Venus on Wheels THE WOMAN BEAUTIFUL Feature Story THE SUGAR BOWL "The Harem Ann Arbor's Beat Confectionery. Ice cream soda de luxe. Candy of all descriptions. WE PAY ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS, PARTIES, ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION ON MAIN STREET UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Captives" on the Great Desert. CARDS -PROGRAMS -STATIONERY Gt W RITE G VNG i& GG A&LES GREGORY MAY[R & THOM Co. DETROIT. MICH Soph engineer basketball practice Monday, 3:00 to 4:00 o'clock, city Y. M. C. A. Game with junior engineers. Soph lit dinner at the Union tomor- row night at 5:30 o'clock. Senior engineers should arrange for sitting for Michiganensian and class pictures at Randall and Packs at once. Those desiring to sign Dixie club constitution can do so at Union today from 1:00 to 5:00 o'clock. Taken Sahara Admission, l1c I Banquets and Club and Sat.. lees to $1.50 UA STARTING MON. Jan. 20 Nighte 25-50-75 1.00-1.50-2.00 Dinners MATINEES, CURTAIN AT 2:15 O'CLOCK NIGHTS, 8:15 O'CLOCK Henry W. Savage offers the new and joyous operetta LITTLE BOY B1American version by A. E. Thomas and Edw. Paulton. Music by Henry Bereny he same cast and production that was seen for six months at the Lyric Theatre, New York Including Otis Harlan, Maude Odell, John Dunsmore, Philip Simmons, Katherine Stevenson, Roland Hogue, Charles Hines, Victor Kahn and the Dancing Beauties "The Highland Daisies" EEK JANUARY 27,Mats-Wed " and Sat, Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.50 Err ANUAY ~iNights. 50c, ?5c, $1..00, 1.50 and 2.00 William Faversham Presents his spectacular Production of JVLIAS CAE S AR ith a Company of Eminent Stars,.including Wm. Faversham. Frank eeran, Berten Churchill, Fuller Mellish, Miss Julie Opp and a companv of 1 00. MAIL ORDERS NOW: Such order must be accompanied by check or money or- r for correct amount, made payable to R. H. Lawrence, Mngr., Garrick Theater, to- ther with a self-addressed stamped envelope. NE MOST NOTABLE SHAKESPEARIAN PRESENTATION OF MODERN TIMES The Raglan Shoulder Free and easy when skating and playing hockey ' are served in best of style at MACK'S TEA ROOM Also dinners,lunches and refreshments Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.--Saturdays till 9 p.m. Orchestra Saturdays-I-Noon and Evening SECOND FLOOR Mac. MAIN STREET (! ; rinan-A nerican Sa 'ings JJ I Liberty and Main Sts. A Most Convenient Place for Your . B~anking 1 I EA D EVON Astyle favored by mien who seek!h., different in dress, itsa CCJLILAR jIc Zior zSc. +nlett, Peabody & Co., Mak~ers I Be careful when you buy for there is a vast difference in makes. WAGNER & CO. State Street h. .. .,.. Cut This OTTO Jr. MAd Try our work. One All