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January 19, 1913 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1913-01-19

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Carpenter, Haller
her are New Athletic
Association Offi-



Report of Treasurer
Net Balance of



* *

* ---
* For Football Manager:-
* Morris A. Milligan, '14.
* For Interscholastic Manager:-
* H. Beach Carpenter, '14.
* For Secretary:-
* Louis Haller, '11-'14L,
* For Treasurer:-
* * Albert C. Fletcher, '14E.
* * * * * * * * *


Forecast for Ann Arbor-Local snow
and much colder. Brisk and high
winds west and northwest winds.
University Observatory - Saturday!
7:00 p. m., temperature 25.5; maxi-
mum temperature 43.0; minimum tem-
perature 25.5; average wind velocity
9 miles per hour.
At the meeting of the Dixie club
last night, plans were formed to get
every southerner interested in the
club. A committee was appointed con-
sisting of J. H. Roper, '14E; A. T.
Rickets, '15E; F. L. Marshall, '16, to
canvass all students and faculty men
from the south and try to induce them
to attend the next smoker which will
be held in the latter part of February.
Including the new men who joined last
night the club has over 50 members.
Plans are being considered for getting
more men from the south to come to
Twentieth Anniversary to be Celebrat-
ed by Passing From University
hall to the New Hill

Polling the heaviest vote in the his-
tory of the University of Michigan ath-
letic association, Morris A. Milligan,
'14, was yesterday elected manager
o~f the 1913 Varsity football team over
Prescott G. Brown, '13E, by a plurali-
ty of 513. Milligan received 929 votes
while Brown polled 416. The total of
1,345 votes represents the heaviest
vote in the history of student elections
in the athletic Association.
In the election of interscholastic
manager, H. Beach Carpenter, 14, de-
feated Fred H. Dye, '14L, by the heavi-
est plurality of the day-810. Carpen-
ter received 1,069 votes agains 259 for
Dye. Louis Haller, '11-'14L, was suc-
cessful in the race for secretary of the
association, defeating Renville Wheat,
'14, by a vote of 951 to 372. Albert C.
Fletcher, '14E, carried off the honors
for the treasurer's position when he
polled 796 votes against 303 for Rus-
sell A. Yerrington, '14E, and 234 for
T. F. McCoy, '14L.
Voting in the election commenced
shortly after the polls were opened
at 9:00 o'clock and though the inclem-
ent weather conditions indicated a
light vote, the officials in charge of
the election were surprised by the
large number of men who turned out
during the earlier hours of voting.
Later in the morning the weather
cleared up considerably and when the
polls closed at 1:00 o'clock the voting
during the last two hours had been ex-
ceedingly brisk.
Meeting of Athletic Association.
The annual meeting of the athletic
association was held at 3:00 o'clock
in University Hall, when the results
of the election were made known to a
small number of members, and the an-
nual report of the treasurer for the
fiscal year just closed was read. Be-
(Continued on page 6.)
To simplify the production of plays
and to assist in their preservation, an
organization has been formed among
the women of the university to cor-
respond to the Mimes of the Michigan
For a number of years junior plays
of excellent merit have been produced,
but there has been no way in which
they could be kept for reference, or
the personnel of the cast be kept in
mind. The proposed organization will
handle both of these difficulties, and'
reduce the work of the junior and
senior play committee each year. In
line with the idea of an organization
is the scheme to preserve the junior1
play manuscripts, with notes, facul-J
ty criticisms, etc., and photographs,
in the library.]
That these plays have merit of a lit-
erary nature is attested to by the1
fact that the Chicago College League,
has recently selected the last year's4
play by Eva Hanks and Louise Conk-
lin. for reproduction. This is the first

There Will be Five Concerts, as in Past
Years, Given on May 14, 15,
16 and 17.
The annual May festival of music
will celebrate its twentieth anniver-
sary this year by passing from its 19
years in University Hall to the splen-
did setting of the Hill auditorium.
The nearing completion of the struct-
ure reminds one that the month of
May and the festival are not so
far in the future. Plans for the pro-
grams, the artists, and the seating
arrangements are already taking defi-
nite and final shape.
Remembering the huge audiences
of the past few years, it is evident that
the enormous seating capacity of the
new auditorium will not be any too
large to care for the increased attend-
ance. The May festival this year
promises to be the biggest that has
ever been held. As in past years there
will be five concerts, on the four days,
May 14, 15, 16, and 17.
The Theodore Thomas Orchestra of
Chicago, under Mr. Stock, will again
furnish the chief instrumental part
of the festival. The choral union of
300 voices will be supplemented for
this occasion by a chorus of several
children's voices. The choruses have
been hard at work all the winter, and
Mr. Stanley is greatly pleased with
the results obtained. The festival will
introduce a new choral composition
by Mr. Stanley, which has just been
completed, and as yet remains a se-
cret. The other works chosen are
Verdi's "Requiem," the first act of
"Lohengrin," and the finale of the
The list of artists engaged includes
some old Ann Arbor favorites, as well
as several distinguished singers who
have never been heard here. First
among them all comes Schumann-
Heink, the most loved of all favorites.
Then there is Florence Hinkle, who
sang here last year; Mme. Marie Rap-
pold, soprano of the Metropolitan op-
era company; Rosalie Wirthlin, con-
tralto; Lambert Murphy, a Metropoli-
tan tenor; Putnam Griswold and Pas-
quale Amato, both baritones of the
Metropolitan, and Henry Scott, bass,
also of that company. Such an assem-
bly of famous artists places the fes-
tival in the front rank of the music
events of the country.
The advance seat sale will start, as
usual, in March, and will be conducted
on the same scale of prices and in
much the same manner as in former

f. Firmin Roz Will Deliver Public
Lecture on "The Theater
of Today."
Opportunity to hear one of the most
distinguished French authors and crit-
ics will be offered the university in
the visit of M. Firmin Roz next Thurs-
day. M. Roz is engaged by the univer-
sitly, and the lecture is free to the
public. It will be given at 8:00 o'clock
on Thursday evening, January 23, at
Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The sub-
ject will be "The Theater of Today,
and Its Relation to Contemporary
It would be impossible to mention
all of the accomplishments.of M. Roz,
or all of the distinctions which have
been heaped upon him. For many
years an educator, he has more recent-
ly devoted all of his time to literary
work. He is a collaborator in several
of the leading French reviews, and has
been for some years dramatic critic
of the "Revue Bleue." He is a profound
student of American and English life
and literature; he has translated Em-
erson, Hardy, and George Moore, and
has written studies of Tennyson and
of modern English novelists.
These facts make his visit to Amer-
ica and his lectures here of prime sig-
nificance. From among a dozen very
interesting subjects, the lecture of Mr.
Roz on the modern drama was chosen
as most interesting to his audience
Soph lits will dine at the Union to-
morrow night at 5:30 o'clock. Jack
Watkins, acting as toastm ster, will
call on Prof. J. A. C. Iner, of the
German department, Frank Murphy,
'14L, and Harold Kennedy, manager of
the class basketball team for short
talks. Several other members of the
class will give musical numbers.
The program will be concluded in
ample time for those who have other
engagements for the evening. Tickets
which are selling rapidly, should be
arranged for by calling Lang, 343, as
the Union must be notified by this ev-
ening as to the number expected.
Will Pick Opera Poster Monday.
Because of the absence from the city
of Librarian . Theodore W. Koch, one1
of the judges in the Union opera poster
contest, the drawings submitted in the1
competition were not passed upon
last week. Mr. Koch will be in town
today, however, and the board of judg-
es will meet tomorrow to pick the
lucky one from among 13 entries.
Craig Soon to Have Running Mate.
Ralph Craig, '11, . formerly Michi-I
gan's star on the track and OlympicI
point winner is soon to become a ben-I
edict. The announcement of his en-I
gagement to Miss Elizabeth Spies, of
Montclair, N. J., was recently made in1
..Alpha Nu Chooses New Officers.I
The Alpha Nu society last night
elected the following. officers for the
next semester: president, J. L. Prim-
rose, '13; yice-president, G. A. An-
drews, '13; secretary, E. W. McFar-
land, '13; treasurer, L. M. Sprague,
'14; syble editor, J. M. Barrett, '16.E
Adelphi Elects New Officers.
The Adelphi society elected officers1

for next semester last night as fol-
lows: president, Edwin J. Rosenberg,
'13; vice-president, Werner W. Schroe-
der, '14; secretary, Floyd L. Young,
'14; treasurer, Louis E. Porter, '15;3
sergeant-at-arms, Harry G. Gault, '16.

Senior Medic Yesterday Succumbs to
an Attack of Blood
Martin Judy, '13M, interne in the
university hospitals, died early yester-
day morning from an attack of blood-
poisoning from which he had been suf-
fering for several weeks. Judy became
ill shortly before Christmas vacation,
and blood-poisoning resulted. It is not
known as to how he became infected
with the germ. His condition gradu-
ally grew worse until all hope for re-
covery'was given up.
His parents were notified soon after
he became ill, and his mother and
brother came from California to take
care of him. They were with him con-
stantly until he died.
Judy was graduated from the high
school at Easton, California with the
class of 1904. Entering the university
in the fall of 1907, he would have been
graduated with the present senior
class. He was a member of Phi Chi
Professors and ciassmates regarded
him as one of the best men in his class.
All seemed to think, that of those who
will graduate this spring, he had the
brightest prospects of any of the class.
The remains wvill be sent this morn-
ing to his home in Antioch, California,
for burial.
T. Paul Hickey, member of the fac-
ulty of the Western State Normal of
Kalamazoo, will be the principal
speaker at the Union today. The pro-
gram will begin promptly at 3:00
o'clock and will consist of a mando-
cello and banjo duet by Theodore M.
Wood and William M. Connelly, and a
banjo solo by E. C. Ferguson.
Helen Magee Gives Address in Lansing
Helen Magee, '14, of the Lyceum
club, will give an address this after-
noon in Lansing on "Domestic Part-
nership" before Mr. H. R. Pattengill's
class of the First Baptist Church. Miss
Magee is one of the five representa-
tives from the Lyceum club that have
spoken there this winter.
Second Semester Schedule to be Posted
The schedule of courses offered in
the law department during next sem-
ester will be posted Tuesday. All elec-
tions must be made before the end of
the week.

Near Graduates Won't Vote for Pretti-
est Girl and Others.
In spite of the fact that the boxes
have been placed in the corridors of
the main buildings to solicit the biog-
raphies as well as votes for the "class
pets" on the slips provided for that
purpose by the Michiganensian, re-
ports have it that few seniors
have responded. From the senior lits
only 50 slips have been turned in, and
of these only 25 have been voted upon
as requested.
During yesterday's elections the
boxes were called in, but they will be
placed again Monday in the usual
"It is the duty of all seniors
to aid in the compiling of the year
book," said Editor Stanley Newhall of
the Michiganensian, "and in doing this
it is only fair that they should not
balk because we ask them who is the
most popular man, or the biggest bluff-
er. I earnestly hope that votes will
be cast promptly and as requested,
so that copy may be turned in as early
as possible. It will insure better re-
Noted Missourian to Give Address in
University Hall on "The
College Man In
Is Recognized as a Powerful Orator
and Campaigner With Mag-
netie Personality.
Governor Herbert S. Hadley, of Mis-
souri, will speak on "The College Man
in Politics" in University Hall Tues-
day evening. Being a college man who
has created a name for himself in the
political field the subeict is one upon
which he is peculiarly qualified to talk.
The rise of this man in politics was
as brilliant as it was rapid. Attracting
national attention to himself by his
activity in the corporate and vice pros-
ecutions in St. Louis, he was appointed
Attorney General. His vigorous fight
against the Standard Oil Co., and the
harvester and insurance trusts added
to his prestige, and he was elected
governor of his state by a large major-
In the recent political upheaval
Gov. Hadley allied himself with the
Progressive party, acting as floor
leader for the Roosevelt faction in the
memorable Chicago convention. Al-
though a professed "Bull Moose," Had-
ley was the only compromise candi-
date acceptable to the administrative
forces in that convention.
As a speaker he has the grace of
the orator and the vigor of the cam-
paigner combined with a magnetic
personality.He is not unknown to
Michigan as an accomplished speaker,
for he was a member of the Northwest-
ern University debating team which
defeated Michigan at Evanston in 1895.
Junior Women Lunch at Union.
Junior women, to the number of 76,
held the first of a series of luncheons
at the Michigan Union yesterday. Mar-
guerite Irving acted as toastmistress
and short talks were given by Selma

Leopold, Irene Bigalke, Jesse Camer-
on, Dean Myra B. Jordan, and Helen
Brandebury. Phyllis Dunn gave a vo-
cal selection. The program was fol-
lowed by dancing.
Prof. Gleason to go to South America.
Asst. Prof Gleason of the botanical
department, who was granted a leave
of absence by the regents at their
meeting Friday, will spend next year
in research work in Europe and Aus-
tralia. Since the holidays he has been
studying South American and West
Indian iron weeds at the New, York
botanical garden. He will remain
there until the opening of the second
semester when he will resume bis

MIichigan State Association Decides to
Hold Its Annual Meeting in
' Ann Arbor on Oct. 30
and 31.
Prof. Davis Predicts That Big Success
Will be Attained and Will
+ Benefit University.
After months of debate, and a city
wide canvass for accommodations, the
Michigan State Teachers' association
has definitely decided to hold its next
meeting in Ann Arbor on October 30
and 31, 1913. The question was set-
tied at a meeting of the executive
committee of the association in Kala-
mazoo yesterday.
Seven of the eight members of the
committee were present, and after
much debate and discussion, the first
ballot showed three.-votes for Ann Ar-
bor, three for Kalamazoo and one for
Detroit. The prevailing sentiment
indicated that Ann Arbor was regard-
ed as the best place to hold the meet-
ing, but a number of objections were
made against bringing the associa-
tion here.
It was said that the location of the
accommodations promised was too
far from the center of the proposed ac-
tivities and that the teachers would
be obliged to spend too much time in
walking back and forth. The tnterest
of the majority of the university pro-
fessors in the meeting of the associa-
tion was also questioned. The in-
creased traveling facilities between
Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Detroit,
promised by the Michigan Central rail
road and the D. U. R. did not seem to
be stated in convincing language, and
some members of the executive board
doubted if they wouldbe given.
When these facts were refuted by
the local representatives, another bal-
lot was taken, Ann Arbor gained one
(Continued on page 6.)
And Still They "Trip the Etc."
Forgetting that the exam bug-a-boo
was within easy crawling distance,
100 couples assembled at the Michigan
Union last evening for the regular
weekly assembly.
Prof. Eggert to Speak to Verein,
Prof. C. E. Eggert, of the German
department, will address the men's
section of the Deutscher Verein at
8:00 o'clock tomorrow night on "Her-
vorragender Deutsche-Amercaner."
There will also be a short musical pro-
Kappa Beta Psi, a new national fra-
ternity has been formed on the cam-
pus, the membership of which will be
drawn entirely from men of the far
western states. Formal announcement
of the reorganization was made at the
Rocky Mountain club dance at the
Packard academy last night.
The Rocky Mountain club has been
reorganized as a sectional club since
1902. The large numbers of western-
ers now attending Michigan has made
it impossible for the club to fill the
broader function it formerly did as a
social orgaiization for all men from
that part of the country.
For several years the club has work-
ed with the present step in view, and
January 8 the new fraternity was in-
corporated at Lansing. The change
was favorably acted upon by the fac-
ulty before the holidays, but the offi-

cial announcement was postponed un-
til the dance last night. The faculty
members of the Alpha ,chapter are:
Prof. Filibert Roth, of the forestry de-
partment; Prof. C. T. Johnston, of the
engineering department; and Asst.
Prof. L. H. Cone, of the chemistry de-



May Communicate With 0.

S. U. by

Daily Messages.
Daily wireless communications be-
tween Ohio State and the local wire-
less plant will be established soon if
present plans materialize. Attempts
have been made in the past to com-
municate regularly with the Ohio State
plant, but on account of the weakness
of their apparatus, it has been impos-
sible to receive messages. As their
plant has been improved, another test
will be made Wednesday and if suc-
cessful will lead to a daily exchange
of news between the two universities.
Fresh Lits Hold Successful Party.
Fresh lits to the number of 300 gath-
ered at Barbour gymnasium yesterday
afternoon for the second party of the
year. The efforts of the social commit-
tee to have an equal number of men
and women in attendance were suc-
cessful, and every "laddie" had a "las-
sie." The party was chaperoned by
Dean and Mrs. John R. Effinger, Prof.
M. P. Tilley, Mr. F. G. Tompkins and
Dean Myra B. Jordan.

Leonard A. Barrett, Minister J. Leslie French Student Pastor
10.30 Address by Mr. Barrett. Heredity, a Natural Law, viewed
from a Spiritual World.
12.00 University Classes for Ien and Women.


C. E Meeting.

Ieader, Allison.

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