I-IF MICHIIGAN DAILY ., , " 4" , 4 A A, , 4 4 -11-4 9-0 - #, - , . . ISelect your ]Fall or Winter Suit from the lar'gest line in the city, Dress.Snits a specialty 'I C a ll H W'I Con Tailors and Importers 311 S nut'h State Street THE 1ICIIOANDAIL Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except :Monday dur- ing the university year. E~ntered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress -of March 3. 1879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street, Office Hours: E ditor-i to 3 p. In.; 7 to io p. mn. Business M'anaer-r to _3 p. mn. Subscription Price: By carrier, $250; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University P'ha. macy; Davis and Koniald's Confectionary Store. Phones: Bell and Home, 960. Frank Pennell........... .Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard ..........Business Manager ADOUDIL!,TRIEAT. a Uni-versity hail is destined fora docuble treat tonighit in hiaving anotherc of tho debaiting classics between Mc igan and ,tChlicago with 1the Honiorab-le WVilliaml N. Ferris, newlyI elected gov- ernor of this stalte as the presiding- officer'. Tt will be Michligan's first op- portunity to g-re "t the newv governor since his election and it is to be hoped that the opportunity wvill not be neg- lectedl.1 Incidelntadlthese debates wvith Chi- cago seem of late to have acquired the for1tuna: tehai of bringing the state's cief0 execuitive here to act as presid- in1 ofier The vivid addre ss made byv Governor Osborn on thiat occasion TWOyer ago will long be remember- ed by those who had the extreme good tegin the Year Right F ;qulip your o11ice. Youl may require aL Handyr Desk Calendar, an Excelsior Diary, Journal or Ledger, Card Cabinet, Quart of Ink or Box of Pens I TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES OF ALL SORTS AT Get Your S_____ ___ 'AND PLA HOCE A1 R'S University Bookstores State St. No...n St. The Most Complete Line in City. Hockey Pucks, 25c, 50c Maurice Toulme .............. News Editor fotnfatnin h eae h C. Harold Rippler ...........Assistant otn f t~tik h eae h Karl Matthews .............Athletic Editor same is bound to be true of tonight's G. C. Eldredge .............Assistant John Townley ...... ....Music and Drama word-fest. Governor. Ferris rightly an lde Edwards .. .........Womeni enjoys a country-wide reputation on 1 Iarold B. Abbott................ Cartoonist - ~ .. Students' Booksto>r r I I I ' ,-I WINTRY BLASTS Have no terror for the manl who carries a letter from me that his SUIiis ready. I Dietl TAILOR Liberty Street (Copy righted) .-., . .r, The Farmers and Mechanics Bank 101-103-105 South Main Street Capital $100,000. Surplus and Profits $67,000 The Ann Arbor Savings. Bank Capital Stoc~k $300,000 S urplus $IC0,13CO Resourses $3,000,000 A General Manking Business 'fransacted Officcrs: Chas. E. Hiscockc, Pres., W. D. Hatri- man, Vice-Pres., M. 7" Fritz, Cashier. Ann Arbor Time Table Limlite Cars for Detrolt-<12' a. in. and bolurly to x.1 2 p. in., also u:12p!. nn. Lcal Cars ;or Dss:roi -");4() a. mn., 6:40 a. in., and every two hours to 6;10 p. in- 7:40 p. wn., 8:4 0 p. 4'.,-):417. in., and 10:43 p. in To Yps5ilanti ontly. 11:15 p, . ,, 12:15 ph. in. 12':30 p. m., 1:00 a. m, Limited Cars for Jackson-7 :46 a. mn. and every LWO fhours Wo7:46 Xp.n. Local Cars for Jackhson- 5:20 a. in., and (,very two bours to 9:410 p. lu., 11:15 p.mi. 1.4 Our Optical System is equinped to gx tct'r ) ei t We test eyes No "Dop" sd.Wemkeyour glasses., EDITORIALS Harold G. McGee Louis P. Habler Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers lt. Ltnmett Taylor........ Edwin R. Thurston i NIGHT EDITORS H. Beach Carpenter . Fred B. Foulk Morton R. Hunter ........Morris Milligan Bruce J. Miles..... ....rnest R. Burton Tiester F. Rosenbanin.lavid D. Ihunting REPORTERS Leoard24.Rieser........ flarold P. Scott Leov Bunsett..........,.....Feun f1, lUossick 1'. M\. ('burch............. Caritun Jenks Cales S. Johnson ... .....C. i1i.Jangi fernus E. Kline....... J.l.kisteer 1lVill Shafroth ............enry C. Bogle I 1F. F". MclKinney ........G. S. Johnston A. R. 1Melton..... .RaflphTi. Cinningbani V.1'. Jabin Hsu.............~. tRuinel Franik E. Kohler......Herman Poinper BUSINESS STAFF A. R. Johnson, Jr.. ,......Advertising Mgr, Emerson Smith.... .........Accountant Laurence D. Bartlett........ Circulation Mgr. Sherwood Field .,.......John Leonardi harry P . Johnson FR1ID)AY, JANUARY 17, 1913. Night Editor-F. M. Church. R 11A 1) 11' U S. IW reneiber thlat four athbletic offices iull b 1s; llced onlSaturday. I 'leFtieinb it is your duty as a Inl- beri of the athletic .association, to get ofver to the polls nand - ote. Rimwiber thAt your coupon boob will hve fo;l e 1)resented if you get inl your ite.To inaake sure, 'better taut fh bwJ ook on your person now. Other- ise yt aoui ?ah"forget. iaeiber to vote for the Inen youi feel c mnfident will best represent the 4studenit bojdy in case they are eventu- ally elected froniflhe board of direct- or o the b!oard ini contr'ol of atlilel- is s. Thdis is the renal signific~ance at- tmihg to the o wling election. BEFORE YOU VOTE. Another day remains before the op- ening of the polls for the annual spring election of athletic officers. You1 still have twenty-four hours in wvhich to; do soave hard determined thinking. Better stay at home. if you can't give your ballot the benefit of such think- ing; if you intend random shots with your "X-s." In that election tomorrow, vote .for the man who in your judgment has the' shade of his opponent in the qual- ity of his back-bone, his stamina, his ability to fight for the right, his cour- age under fir e, his resolutions to see that in the future student opinion be- comes a potent force in the athletic policies of the university. This should be the controlling factor in your de- cision, not the question as to wNho is the best of "good fellows." Forget your organizations, forget your social affiliations, forget your in- timacies, and jtsubstitute everything to this larger problem of selecting meen who are leaders in every sense of the word. thie 1 aLti-ri r 4Jant b is ,nuca t. n iLLL ei with non-political ais with political topics. Because of the sig nificanice of' the debate and the governor's initial visit to the university, empty seats should be a scarity. ('omique has y ,+New Owner, owners hip of the Comique theater has changed from the control of be given in University Hall and the seats down stairs will sell for $1.00 a,,nd those in tb~ebalcony for 50 cents. F'resh lit class dues payable T'0DA Y ait ["niversity Mall. 7:-45 a,. in. to 5 :00, 1). m., W50 enats. I r, (ihi ; (JJ F -- td WHY NOT HAVE YOUR MICHRIGANENSIAN PICTURE now so that you can have some of ~ Platinum Portraits bade fromt t'e negative- yo-ur friends at horie will appreciate them #udio 319 W. YH aroz is Phne 961-L Wiie can give you the best service on Strings for all Musical Instruments GINNEJJJ BROS., 120-122 F. Liberty St. Arnold & Co. 320 S. 1MA~IN / . l lir 1, f:' / / 4' l ,}l ar ,' 1 i ,I ;,,, A pp I ; 11 SWEET AS, IT SOUNDS BETTER SERVICE BETTER CANDY THE-, SUGAR BOWL Ainn Arbor's Best'Coafectionery. Ice cream soda de luxe. Candy of all descriptions. WE PAY ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS, PARTIES, ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION ON MAIN STREET tRi:OtY y:i r&ThOM 0VVDEROI T icE Yj/, Make a Note of his The popular Freshman is th)e one who. always has a good supply of Fatinias . Wilh echc packiwge of f aimna you 5ef a pennant coupon, 25 of which secure a :and- 'some felt p ennanI-Colleges,, Unitersit les and Fraternal Orders (1 2x32) selection of 115. £'URA- 49 Y4n7 qeig'e4 kadivdil V T uri st ~Lois~~, egIoMsssipi e - Prvideanc, Ne4'lexco, ort Carolia, $ouith Cazolina n ea Finl Rturn ILim -it n. I,10 13 Banquets are serv, TEA and Club Dinners ved in best of style a~t MACK'S ROOM :: Also dinners, lunches and refreshments Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.--Saturdlays till Orchiestira Saturda3-s---Nooni and Evening SECOND. FLOOR MAIN STREET ARROW SHIRTS The makers depend on their good qu~al- ities to sell you another bearing the same label. $1.5SO2up Cluett, Peabody & Company, Makers packets are ao Rold to lIda-goin oero-ute and rtrigaohr Liberal Stop-over Jprivileges. Nowv is the time to arran ge to spend thewter:'C2 where the climate is delghfu and outdoor lie always tho.roughly enjoyable. For particulars Consultl 1~raciai~~n Liberty and Main Sts. A Most Convenient Place for Your B~anking The State Savings Wmn J. Booth, President Wmn. Arnold, C. Johna Walz, Jr., Cashier C Try S .. ...s _ _.... ... .. : t.,,a -®, ,...