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January 15, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-01-15

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U sual F aclty Reception for Students l
Will Follow General Plan
of Last Year's
Sh(anges in Present Announcement
May le Necessitated by
Invitations for the big semi-annual
"blue book" functions are now in the
hands of the university printers and
- will probably make their appearance
on the campus tomorrow morning.
The schedule for this year's pre-hop
festivity conforms almost identically
with that in use last year, the initial
promenade for the worrying ones hav-
ing been set for 8:00 o'clock Monday
morning, January 27.
Reception hours at the engineering
building will be somewhat more
lengthy than in the literary depart-
ment. The literary re:.eiving com-
mittees will be in session from 9:00
o'clock until noon and from 2:00 until
5:00 o'clock in the afternvon, while
the members of the engineering com-
mittee will convene an hour earlier in
the mornings and adjourn an hour
later in the afternoons,
Conflicts may necessitate slight
changes in the present announcement
from the engineering department, but
such alterations will be published
in the regular printed announcements
of that department. Arrangements' for
all post-blue book events have not'
been attempted on account of the un-
certainty of the personel of those whc
may be in a position to participate in
such aftairs,.
Completed arrangenr en s by the
committees in charge of the semnes-
ters "wind-ui" follow:
Schedule of Ex'umilat ions First Sen-
ed., i 1912-1913.
The Examination Period Begins
Monday, January 27.
Note-By the time of exercise is
meant the time of the first exercise of
the week in a given course, the first
lecture hour in the case of lecture
courses with quiz sections. Irregular
classes which cannot be examined as
scheduled without causing conflict
must be examined at one of the fol-
lowing periods: 1st Friday 2-5, Is'
> Saturday 2-5, 2nd. Thursday 2-5. Nc
examination may be held ex ept as an-
nounced in this schedule, and no date
of examination may be changed with-
out special vote of the fawuliy.
Monday or Wednes~ay, at 8--first
Wednesday a. in.; at 9, second Wed-
nesday p. i.; at 10-first Monday a
(Continued on page 4.)
Raise Money for "Maggie's" Memorial
Money for the memorial for "Mag-
gie," former janitress at Barbour gym-
nasium, is rapidly being collected by
the various committees. The Colle--
ate Alumnae association has given
five dollars, and there have been sev-
eral gifts of similar nature. Those
who have not yet handed in their mon-
ey are urged to do so as scon' as nos-
sible. The nature of the memoria'
will be decided ulon at a meeting of
the committee this week.
1Union Employment Agency is Active.
It is esti-ated that 150 positions
have been tilled by the Michigan Un-
ion employ:nent bureau since school
opened 1, a fall. The majority of the
jobs were given out early in October,

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Wednes-
day, increasing cloudiness with snow;
lowest temperature about 15 degrees;
moderate southwesterly winds.
University Observatory- Tuesday,
7:00 p. m., temperature, 27.0; maxi-
mum temperature, 24 hours preceding,
30.4; minimum temperature, 24 hours
preceding, 19.6; average wind velocity
7 miles per hour.
Eight members of the zoological fac-
ulty attended the meetings of the
American Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science which were
held in Cleveland during the second
week of vacation. The meetings of
nine societies were attended by most
of those who made the trip. Reviews
of the papers delivered at these ses-
sions will be made at the meeting of
the Zoological Journal club which
will be held in room 305 south wing,
U. H. at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening.
Senate Council Grants Permission to
Stage Annual Production
Out of Town.
Permission for the presentation of
the 1913 Michigan Union opera in De-
troit on or before April 5 was granted
by the senate council last night. The
staging is subject only to the restric-
tions of the non-athletic committee
and that the show is not offensive.
This is the first time that a Union
opera will be given outside of Ann
Arbor. Attempts have been made for
several years to have it presented in
Detroit. Last- year, faculty approval
was given and arrangements were al-
most completed for the presentation
of "The Awakened Rameses" but it
was thought that not enough time had
.been given for adequate publicity. The
alumni of that city, however, were
anxious for the opera to be given
there and the university authorities
were petitioned for the presentation o
the 1913 production.
The opera will probably be given
in the Detroit Opera House on the
Saturday afternoon and evening after
the performance in Ann Arbor.
The question of holding class ban-
quets out of Ann Arbor was also tak-
en up by the council and was referred
to a committee of deans to investigate
and report at a future meeting.
To take the place of Laura Hollings-
head, '14, who has left college, Lydia
Maulbetsch, '14, has been selected to
play the part of Helene, one of the
principal female parts in "Koepnick-
erstrasse 120," the Deutscher Verein
play for this year,
Rehearsals are being held nearly
every evening and most of the lines in
the first act have already been learned
There will be a rehearsal of the first
act tonight and of the second Friday
evening. There will be no rehearsal
Instructor Suffers Injury from Fall.
Carl Jenness Coe, instructor in
mathematics, was the victim of an ac-
cident Friday. While walking on a
slippery sidewalk he slipped and dis-

located his right shoulder. The in-
jury did not prove serious and he was
able to take charge of his classes as
usual yesterday.

James Keeley Emphasizes Value
Higher Education in Jour.-
iaalist ic Work.






"A college education is becoming
more and more recognized as a valua-
ble asset in journalism," said James
Keeley, general manager of The Chi--
cago Tribune yesterday afternoon dur-
ing an interview. "The number o
college graduates who are taking u
journalism as a profession is steadi-
ly increasing, although I believe that
on The Tribune they are still in the
minority. I do not feel that a college
training can ever be made a require-
ment for the practice of journalism.
as is the case with other professions,
for the reason that genius can not be
kept down. But in spite of that fact
the newspaper men of today are not so
good as those of tventy years ago, and
I feel that this is dus to. modern en-
vironment. Taxicabs, telephones, and
the easy ways that now exist for
gathering news do not demand the
exceptional man who was needed sev-
eral years ago."
"Newspaper Work" was the sub-
ject of an address which Mr. Keeley
delivered in the afternoon to a gath-
ering of students that more than fill-
ed the lecture room in West hall. In
his talk he emphasized the growth
and importance of special feature de-
partments of the modern paper, say-
ing that personal service is the- key-
note of success of the present news-
paper. In closing his lecture he said:
"The man who determines to give to
his paper the best that is in him, who
sets for himself a high standard of
truth and honesty, and who lives up
to that standard will win. We are get-
ting him from the universities and col-
leges. May the crop increase."
In the evening Mr. Keeley was the'
guest of honor at a staff dinner held
by The Michigan Daily at the Union
and recounted some of his actual ex-
periences in newspaper work. Prof.
Scott presided as toastmaster at the
dinner and other speeches were made
by President Harry B. Hutchins, Re-
gent Beal, Prof. Wenley, and Dean Ef-
Mr. Keeley returned to Chicago last
Junior women advisors made their
second appearance in society with
their "charges," yesterday afternoon,
at the second series of group calls.
The territory covered was known as
Mrs. Jordan's division, and about 75
womep took advantage of the "at
homes." Last Saturday, about the
same number turned out at the in-
formal receptions given by Mrs. F. N.
Scott, Mrs. G. W. Patterson, and Mrs.
P. B. Canfield.
The contest for the junior girls play
will close tomorrow, when the judges
expect to hand down their decision as
to which of the seven plays submitted
is the best suited for the purpose. Of
the manuscripts which have been
read, one shows exceptional ingenuity
of plot and treatment, and is corsid-
ered of real literary merit. As soon
as the decision is made, and the play
chosen, junior women are urged to
try out for parts in the cast, whet r
they have had any previous experience I
. or not. A plan to catalogue the suc-
cessful plays of each year is under
Junior Laws to Banquet at Allene
At the meeting of the junior law
class held Monday afternoon, the so-
cial committee reported that the annu-
al banquet will be held in Ann Arbor
the latter part of March at the Allenel

An all-law smoker is being arrang-
ed for February 17. This will be the
first function in which the three class-
es will all get together. One member
of the faculty and several student
speakers have been secured.

Program for Social Evening of French
Society Will Include Com-
edy Farce.
Following its annual custom, the
ctercle Francais will hold a social ev-
ening tomorrow night in the parlors
and hall of Barbour gymnasium
beginning at 8:00 o'clock. Admission
to the affair will be by ticket of the
French club, which admits to the se-
ries of lectures and entertainment
throughout the year which that or-
ganization features. One may be se-
cured at the door at a price of 50 cents
to spdents, $1.00 to others.
The Soiree Litteraire, Musicale et
Dansante which it has been the cus-
tom of the Cerele to feature in mid
January will this year embr'ace a pro-
gram, musical, and literary, to be fol-
lowed by a dance in the parlors and
hall. The prologue of this affair will
take the form of a vaudeville pro-
gram from the stage of Sarah Caswe:
Angell hall. Misses Mercedes de Goe-
naga and Elaine Shields will enter
tain with a vocal duet in two parts;
Messrs. Edgar Mowrer and W. Daugh-
erty will give a French recitation
from Alfred de Musset, Waldo Fellows
will introduce a song in the French
language, Miss Emma Heath will give
a novelty dance, a creation revived
from the old rustic dances of th
provinces, and Mr. Stevens will ren-
der a solo on the mandolin.
A departure from any past perform-
ance of the Cercle will be a comed
farce of one act, entitled "Un Mon-
sieur qui prend la Mouche," by M. La-
biche. The roles will be taken by
members of the French faculty, assist-
ed by Miss Gertrude Patterson, who
will lead in the sole feminine part.
The soiree will he open to all who
hold the associate membership of the
Cercle. It is the third of a series o,
entertainments conducted throughout
the year to promote the interests of
the French language at Michigan.
Board of Directors Merely Transacts
Routine Business.
Ostensibly peaceful and serene, the
board of directors of the athletic as-
sociation met yesterday afternoon and
transacted business of minor import-
ance. Fobs were awarded to outgoing
members of the board, in compliance
with the past custom, and the question
of which class team a man who is tak-
ing a combined course shall play with
was decided, the player being allowed
his choice. The petition of H. Beach
Carpenter for interscholastic manager
was accepted.
Laws to HaveI Usual'Time for Exams.
Students in the law department have
been worrying lately lest they have
all their examinations within one
week. To allay their fears, the rumor
was traced down and found to be
without any basis.
"The last class this semester will
be held on January 24," said Prof. E.
C. Goddard, secretary of the depart-
ment, "and the examinations will take
place as usual."
Herbert Wilkins defeated Horace
Maynard in the junior lit student
council election, held yesterday after-

noon to vote off the tie between these
two men. All the new councilmen
will be sworn in at the meeting to be
held next Tuesday night at 7:00
o'clock in the oratorical rooms. It
was erroneously stated that the meet-
ing would be held last evening.
Tickets for Saxophone Dance Go Fast
Tickets for the Wright saxophone
trio dance which is to be given at the
Union Friday night are being dispos-
ed of at a lively rate though some are
still obtainable This dance, which is
the second of the saxophone trio par-
ties, will be strictly limited in num-
bers, no more than 75 tickets being
sold. The cardboards may be ob-
tained by phoning 319 or 236.

U'nless more candidates ,ap-
hear today for the office of in-
terscholastic manager, the fol-
lowing will compose the com-
lete ticket before the student
body in the Saturday elections.
For football manager, Morris A.
Milligan, '14, and Prescott G.
Brown, '13E..
For trea serer, Albert C. Fletch-
er, '1:E; Russel A. Yerring-
ton, '14E; and '. F. McCoy,
For secretary, Renville Wheat,
'14, and Louis Haller, '11-'14L.
For interscholastic manager, H.
Beach Carpenter,'14, and Fred
11. Dye, ,14L.
* * * * * * * 'e

E *

1 e'w


Congress Will Contain ]
More lehig.an Alunni Than
the Present Congress



First Biasketball Supper I Held.
About 25 upperclass women who
are interested in basketball participat-
ed in the first rof a series of suppers
at Barbour gym last evening. The
meal was prepared by senior women,
after which dancing music and other
stunts were featured.
Uttendance at Union Function Will
Be Limited to 150
Tickets for the regular monthly
Michigan Union memb rship dinner to
be held tomorrow evening at 6:00
o'clock were put on sale Monday and
have been selling at a lively rate. On-
ly 20 of the pasteboards remain to be
sold. The number of tickets has been
limited to 150 for this affair, and the
service will be better than ,ormerl3
when the 200 mark was set as the,
limit. All speeches are to relate to
current topics which will be of in-
terest to the student body. The dinner
and speeches will be over by 8:00
Prof. Robert M. Wenley has been se-
cured as the principal speaker of the
evening, and the precedent of having
a faculty toastmaster which was in--
troduced at the last membership din-
ner will be carried out. Prof. David
Friday will act in this capacity. "Hal"
Hurlburt, '14M, and "Mort" Hunter.
'13E, are to be the student speakers o'
the evening. Hurlburt, who proposed
the water racing idea for the new darn
on the Huron river, which is now be-
ing supported by the Union, will ex-
plain the scheme in detail, and Hun-
ter, a student member of the present
board of control of'athletics, will con-
fine his remarks to the athletic situa-
Henry J. Dottereich and Anthony
Whitmire, both of the school of music.
will furnish the musical part of the
Godfrey Strelinger, '13E, will re-
ceive his diploma at the end of this
semester and will locate at his home
in Detroit. Strelinger was to have
been the master of costumes in the
coming Union opera in March. How-
ard Wilson, '13, has been appointed
by President Edward Kemp to fill the
vacancy on the opera committee.
Editor, Michigan Daily:-
The rport having reached me that
my petition for the office of football
manager was circulated by persons
other than myself, I wish to state em-
phatically that the petition in ques-
tion was handled exclusively by my-
self and Leo Rabaut, '13L.
I can say further that my name
would have been placed in nomination
by Captain Paterson, making the pe-
tition unnecessary, if I had brought it
to his attention before the time limit
had run out, something I neglected to

Michigan's Representation Will Agahi
Exceed That of Either Harvard
or Yale.
Michigan will have a larger repre-
sentation in the newly elected 63rd
Congress than any other university
There will be 23 graduates in the
House and six in the Senate, whic'
is an increase of four in the lowe
legislative body, and one in the up-
per over the number of Wolverine
alumni in the present congress. The
nearest rivals, Harvard and Yale
were represented by 15 and nine
alumni respectively in the 62nd Con-
ress and from incomplete- reports
Michigan's lead will not be overcome
All of the graduates in the preseni
Senate will retain their seats in the
new. body and Gov. John Shafroth
'75L, of Colorado, has been recently
elected Senator for the term begin-
ning March 4. The present alumni i
the upper legislative body are G. M
Hitchcock, '81L, of Nebraska; P. J
McCumber, '80L, of North Dakota; M
R. Sutherland, '83L, of Utah; J. W
Kern, '69L, of Indiana; and B. F
Shively, '86L, of Indiana.
Out of the 19 Michigan graduates
in the present House, 15 were re-elect-
ed to the 63rd Congress and eight en-
ter that body for the first time. The
newly elected alumni are: S. W. Beak-
es, '83L, of Michigan; L. C. Cramton,
'99L, of Michigan; R. H. Gittins, '00L,
of New York; W. Gordon, '3L, of
Ohio; G. T. Helvering, '06L, of Kan-
sas; P. H. Kelley, 'OOL, of Michigan;
C. E. Mapes, '99L, of Michigan; and '
C. McLaughlin, '83L, of Michigan. The
old members of the lower body are:
D. R. Anthony, '91L, of Kansas; W. P
Borland, '92L, of Missouri; J. F
Burke, '92L, of Pennsylvania; M.
Conry, '96L, of New York; S. B. Cox,
'89L, of Indiana; H. R. Fowler, '85L
of Illinois; J. W. Good, '93L, of Iowa;
M. P. Kinkaid, '76L, of Nebraska; C
A. Lindbergh, '83L, of Minnesota; C
A. Plumley, '69L, o Vermont; W. G
Sharpe, '81L, of Ohio; J. M. C. Smith
'79L, of Michigan; S. W. Smit, '78
of Michigan; E. T. Taylor, '84L, 01
Colorado; and J.' J. Whitacre, '87L, o
There are three republicans an
three democrats represented amoti
the six Michigan alumni in the Sen-
ate while in the House the democrat-
ic graduates lead by one, having 12 t
the republicans 11. Seven represen-
tatives are from the state of Michigan
two from New York, three from Ohio
and Indiana has both of her senator
Wolverine graduates, and also on
representative. All of the congress-
men hold degrees from the law de-
Prof. Eggert Speaks This Afternoon
"German Pineers," or "What Amer-
ica Owes to the Germans," is the sub-
ject of a lecture to be delivered by
Prof. E. C. Eggert of the German fac-
ulty this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock i
the economics lecture room.
In the course of his address he wil
show the part the Germans played i
the colonzation of America and i
the years of early independence.
Will Hold Funeral Services Today.
Funeral services of Miss Mary Clem
ents, who died early Monday morning
after a two week's illness, will be hel
this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock fron
the residence of Mrs. Ida Clement
Wheat, 825 Tappan avenue. The ser
vices are to be private, only the imme
diate relatives being present. The in
terment will be at Forest Hill Ceme

Regent and Mrs. W. L. Clements
Miss Betty Clements of Bay City and
Miss Macardy of Akron, Ohio, have ar
rived in the city for the burial.


but the committee is now keeping reg-'
ular office hours three days each week, Chemical Society Will Hold Meeting,.
and a number of students are furnish- The January meeting of the Ameri-
ed with work every week. can Chemical society will be held to-
morrow at 4:00 o'clock p. m. in room
To Offer Course in Chemistry Again. ' 151 of the chemical building. Prof.
The course in chemistry of the M. Gomberg will speak on "Triaryl of
household which was given for the Oxides." Anyone interested is invited
first time this year is to be repeated to attend.
the second semester on the same days
and at the same hour. Senior Women Meet This Afternoon.
The prerequisite will be' slrictly ad- The subject of class memorials will
hered to: i. e. students must have had be taken up at a meeting of the wom-
chemistry 2 and 2a or 2b or the equiv- en of the senior lit class in Tappan
ment, hall this afternoon at 5:00 o'clock.

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