TE im IcHfI GAN\\ iL: 1Y _. BOUYS we want you to see our New FLAt English Custom Lasts the very 1 hest with the new flat 7-8 inch. heels, iii black and tan, light or heavy we:ight, $5 to $7 per pair. ~~' Puf ield' 4: SENIOR RECORD BLANKS ARE TO()BE FIDILI)DO Vt' ATII )ON (E Senior records for the 1913 AMichi- ga;nensian have now been Jplaed :inl the principal buildings on the cam- LAY EIWOR VA IZATlO]N PLAN A Michigan smo ker was held it the Tl.oledio club on. January 2 and abouftl } T OUR clothes should be rig e' and you may be thankful th there is a store in your midst Whe you can get, clothzs that fit, as have style and workmanship gua an teed. Prices $10.00 to $25.1 r, for Suit or Overcoat. pus, and s houtld be fille=d out. and drop- I10;) men were present, of whomn near- lied in the> boxes immerdiately, as the I y :h a woze amni. Besides having 119 S. MAIN STREET have the largest stock of best fitting pumps you ev'er X4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 per pair. aagem';71en7tf_the. year-boolK desires to begini the filing 01' the inforlmatiion> as soon as piossible. This year's rrc- ords are somewhat different than those of former years, having sac fosr suggestions and "bright. ideas" to be used in the book;, as well as a lar - er list of questions to be answe red byI the near-grads. View,; of the campus, of student ae-I1 tivitie s, of" seniors, and other picure of interest sire also wantel by, the, management. These will be retfurned, t in good con'dition to the owner if sign- ed and dropped it, the boxes along f ood tfime a the smoker, the old l~fehian on ec me o imbued with lt bian spiit1)h ?tlte old alumni as- sociatiaonu t herre, whtich had.been jhrac- tically inactive for some time, wvas coi..nplete'y reorganized and a commnit- tee appointed to form thy, alutmni as- #so( citnoanDuitirly ewbasis Eo tha7t it ma:, y be assured tin the f t~iure that.i the Tfoledo oalumni Nwill blG 'a.live body';, of men. NEW E~iIEifSTO ITs 1011,1 About 20 n,>,W inenibers were add~ed Furnishings, Hats,- C a p S, Bags and Suitcases. Mackinaws //R fl. A / 4: >>'" Palm-ae of Sweets, Down Town ~I+ rnIsh the Ice Cveek rx Attervtion to Frmtornls o ,,rd Soror ities ON MAIN STREET .J. F. WVUERT 4A with the records.! to the Indiana c'ub Su nday afternoon: (:'HJN'E a WOMAN W~ 11ILL TLL flo for any I(oosiers, who werc ON ('lUSTS OF 16,R COU1N'TV Y not already mnembers, to si-n. Thh CatpyIrgh i mg AL.FREOD :CKfl (L COH N N ,II PowE-i~e e p; sff- apt g Pholme 1361-10 ,ill meet or tI eat any price male on a typewriter, sale or rental. U. F. WOODWARD I Arbor Saviags Bank Bldg. Second Floor Ann Arbor, Mich. IDr. George Kn E1pper of the Christian' church will tall t o the ,women ,At\N,,v- berry hall this afrn~oon at 1:34 o'clock- on "Things Fundamental." This is to be a discussion of the essen- tials of character in pursuin g a col- lege career aind the effect of sucth training on after life. X. program has been arronged for the women at: the regular meetings of the Y. W. C. A. at Newberry hall on successive Tuesdays. Miss Wan, the notable woman' orator will give a lce- ture ;upon "China's Crisis" February 16. Miss Wang will deal of personal experiences in old China and compare them with the China as the( world now knows It. brings the total of the club up to 94, makOng it one of the large'tof the sec- tional cor.iztttions on the' campus. A. eetngof iW' ebibi' will bo h 10 vri ay fternoon to decide ,ou the so- cial ;prog;ram for the r miaindler of the yrA dance is lplalintd fcr the near fuitreand several smokers and other affa.irs will be giv~en next semester. LO-91:3, 3l3 class pipe:. Phone 382- 1.. . L. Comoni. 73 All ears in the future will $stop at (loo(;year Drug Store. 1 tf We sharpen all makes safety razor blades. HI. L. Switzer Co., 310 S. State wyly ?, W" ch Llg'omore than olle f"()t'our cilfleain. Outt ozll _ISi 8BT1E.Nt dr r ~ Vt h FTdf""rt~+ l~e zii'g and Dyeing Works J. A. GREY, Proprietor. Tel. 1$534.L 711 Packard St. 925. N. Univ. Ave. 117olpk (Ued ff o ii )elir4red, *~Iyls Millinery An up~to date showing of Fall Millinery at popular prices. Hair Goods 'a HiAYLEY, 206 E. Liberty Street Bel[ Phone 1390-J E. E. OXOAMMBMRM, MirAdams VSE FREE NiEW WHITNEY -THEATRE Thursday Night., Jan. 16, at 8:15 H' NI \ XW. S\\ A(; 1.'Offers the fo\0ou Ope~t ta Withi the complete cost and proction as seen at the Lyi1c Theatre. Newv York. for -,ix months last season. COMPANY INCLUDES Otis Harlan Lottie Engel Maude Odell John Dunsmure Philip Simmonis Kalheryn Stevenson Roland H~ogue Charles Hines Viotor Kahn Anid th famous daning be (auties The Hi 'hiand-amDaisies W6Aith Each order for Suit or Overcoat. FREE--$6.00 Trus ~ Same Material as Suit, or Different I Every wide-awake man should take advantagje of this sale. H1aving, two pair of risers with a suit makes it last twice as long. DonI.t.' Fo Thmi ISpec~lal Orchestra Carriages at 10D. Prices, 50c, 75+c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Sear &1( esl( j, Januay14() /, 10 a i Our custom made Clothes are no higher than the hand-me-down kind. Our, custom- made Clothes last longer. than the shelf clothes, and are made of better materials. Giving away a pnir of $6.00 Trousers With a suit or overcoat is equal to selling our merchandise at13 the regular price. Figure this out for yourself, then come down and le.-,ve your orders, We guarantee. Fit,, Style, and Workmanship. We adre experi;sOol nAaking Full wihyou for the Junior MOcp Dress Dress garments, and would Suit.f be pleased to figure AI)S IN TIMS (OL ARE TOE PAID F6,R IN Ai) VA N CE. F rIt I~t~iXroom apiart nent fur- nisbed or unfurnzisIhed. Telephone 1;12-3, 71-75 FOil S4LE F"'r Rent eor'l--Undeirwooad, Oliver, Remington, and Smith typewriters at lowest prices. 0. 1). Morrill, 222 S. State. 71-73 W1 _,aNT211'. VAnt0-d--Can you sell the very best'in old line life insurance? Large nunm- ber of satisfied policy holders among the faculty and students. Tpo a man of$ character this is a big opening; for part time work. A. A. A. Daily, office. 74-75 LOST 1Lo4-On Friday morning , a gun-m(i al handled knife ita front of chemni try' building. Firuer return to Ur ion desk and rec ive reward., Lt---Gentlemnan's gray glov e. Finde p)lease leave at office at Union.7 Lo it-WVatch with fob. Haunting case Initials 0. U. J. orn fob. Namei back of wvatch." Leave at Daily offic or phBone 1400-3. Reward. 7 L ost--Small red notebook betwee chemical building; and Oyster Ba Cafe. Finder please call H. Pompe 1317 Thayer, 17,04-I,.Reward. 7 Wecan gilve you the best service. o strings for altl Musical Instrumtent Crinnell Bros., 120-1.22E. LibertyS bx7 ... : " .._. ,. _w_ .,... ,.u __".z.. , Y" f _2im... =.,. ti E. II::1, 'L'SA rS T''ss .': 'sx em . m r FSuits" Overcoat n ,.,W 0,ole n Air Aff C50 [Clore ' Less ill1. S Co pny. ANIERICA"S GREATEST TAILORS oah'ar Near Mack's Wanted-Two neat appearing persons The best guitar or m andolin for to demonstrate. Call at room 20 St.' to buy is ihade by the world's far James Hotel between 1:00 and 2:00. Mri atr.Seadtyt ___________--beautiful instruments at Schaebi FOUXI)1& son"'s Mulsic house. Found-Fountain pen. Owner may Full Dress Tux:edo, and Prince identfy at Daily Office between 1:'00 1bert Suits for Hire. Whittinger and 2:00 p. in. 75 244 WGtoodward Ave., Detroit. e LOO-K FOR THE NUMBER 5 p y Big Store' Reule, Conlin, Fiegel As'a young men 's store 'aims to keep in close, constant touch with its cligntele absorbing the ideas and studying the individual tastes of alert and progressive young fellows who regard correct attire as an asset in social and business life. Autumn's finest in Furnishings e :ial shiowing at.............................................. 50r itional values .at. . .................. ............$1.50 and up to $2.50 nusual values, at .. .. .............................. ..........$ .00 NI mulittan, headqurters for these famous Shirts.... ........... ....$1. 50 to Hosiery, extra strong showing at........... . .... .............. ............... ... Great values in Fall Underwear...............................$1 tea ,A Fi9edel COO 200-202 Sct 0 71