Al C, . rte- .<,,,.,:-,..rp...F ' ' y, I _. F NK p :51 I is for - CHAPS LE'S Quarry ,Drug Co. STREET (20 lh~nni~i Sufda\will bE .JeV~ }.d:at.the :, ptli tc'1urch thiMs min:;.1il A s short fello ...ip servicewill be hltd by theingstoheDr.ora-'k lb.chlor a- jct whsichthe Rv.C.oetrSJ. Lor - noon tk onr sbV- hissemotiath 'me literawltalk'tohe Young People's Gucil ervicatat::003p. . "ife awiHack-le lei~ ngEathr epaatryd Scil hool.- ilTae forigsermon at the Cunica afrs willaket teYoungby Peoples tor, the Rev. George, Knepper, subject, "A Domestic Tragedy." UniversityI student's Bible classes are held at noon; vesper service at 6:15 p. in.; social half-hour at 6:45 p.m. *' *: *, AW)S !N Tills COLUMN ARE _N r. i 0FOR I N AI XNI. I3 The trile lsu.4-, Q~itadlei: gov.b i ito isfe*s~kly e ery houase h i AnnAror. "Do eliatice tofind it If';~i~ he S~ 0 th ~til