-if. le Michigan D Local $2.00 flail $2.50 I ,,., I I' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS IONS i/ IR OFFICES ARE CL OSEDi THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Sunday, generally fair with temperature de- creasing to 10 degrees; moderate to brisk west to northwest winds. University Observatory--Saturday, /7:00 p. m., temperature, 33.7; maxi- mum temperature, 24 hours preceding,, 35.8; minimum temperature, 24 hours preceding, 32; average wind velocity 6 miles per hour; rainfall .32 inches. Graduate is Married During Holidays. Educatioi A. J. Barnard, '11, was married in There w Detroit during the holidays to Miss cational c Elenor Furgeson. After a honeymoon o'clock to the couple will return to Tarkio, Mis- Berry wil souri where the groom is head of the Hygiene." oratory department of the high school. for the en: WEATHER CAUSES PROF, DELAY IN CANVASS SP Can- assers Will Try to Secure Requir- Prof. Frid nal (ill to Elect Officers. 'ill be a meeting of the Edu- lub at Tappan hall at 7:00 morrow evening. Dr. S. C. 1 address the club on "Sex %AI0(OYILE TO FEATURE EXAMS. helpful Ihints and Pointers Will be Given Students. Examinations and everything per- The election of officers suing year will be held. WENLEY TO More Men File Petitions Making Eight Candidates Run- ning for Four Offices LAL ELECTION WILL IE HELD SAT'lURDAY MORNING. nts Must Present Yellow Coupon Books in Order to Vote. ninations for the various offices e athletic association closed at o'clock last evening with the fol- g men nominated: for football ger, Morris A. Milligan, '14, and ott C. Brown, '13E; for treasurer, t C. Fletcher, '14E, and Russel rington, '14E; for secretary, Ren- Wheat, '14, and Louis Haller, '11, for interscholastic manager, H. Dye, '14L, and Claudius G. 11, '13. Milligan was nominated iday by Captain "Bubbles" Pat- Brown presented a petition of equired seventy-five names yes- y to the athletic association and ominated automatically, as is the of the board. Yerrington, Dye, endill also submitted the neces- >etitions for their respective of- and were nominated. This con- the list of candidates and the .ations are now closed. There are men in the field to fill four posi- two men are competing for each EAK AT DINNER lay Will Officiate as Toast- ter at Uioi's Jionthlly linner Thursday. Will Hold Election Saturday. The annual election will be held next Saturday morning between th% hours of 9:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Every member of the association, which means all students in the uni- versity, will be entitled to cast his vote upon the presentation of his yel- low coupon book. The tellers in charge of the election will tear event number 12 from the book of each vot- er. The place of election has not yet been announced but it is probable that it will be held as usual on the main floor of University hall. ARRANGE FOR BOOTHS AT HOP. Will Follow General Plan in Use Last Year. Arrangements for Junior hop booths are' nearly completed. There will be 24 in all. These will represent the independents and 21 fraternities.Ther- will also be a booth for chaperones and one for refreshments. All will occupy about the same floor space as they did last year, and in general the style of decoration will be the same. Most of the booths will be decorated in fraternity colors but a few will have an oriental effect. Author of Union Opera Marries. Joe Hudnut, '12E, was married to Miss Clara Ring, of Philadelphia, De- cember 28 at the home of the bride. Hudnut was the author of last year's Michigan Union opera, "The Awaken- ed Rameses," and was also on the staff of the Gargoyle. He is at present an instructor in the University of Ala- bama. NEW RULING ALLOWS SUIMER STUIJENTS NINE HOURS WORK Students, in the summer school, will hereafter be able to take nine hours ot work, according to a new ruling of the faculty o the literary department. Tle summer session is eight weeks long, and if suffln ient rason is shown, a student may be allowed to do nine hours work. JAMES KEELEY TO BE GUEST OF HONOR AT DAILY DINNER The Michigan Daily will hold its sec- ond staff dinner of the year at the Union Tuesday evening. James Keel- ey, editor-in-chief of the Chicago Tribune, is to be the guest of honor. It is expected that President-emeri- tus Angell and President Hutchins will be present, and the board in con- trol of student publications has also been invited. CHINESE STUDENTS PRESENT PROGRAM An Audience of 800 People Witness a Unique and Novel Enter- tainment. CHINESE FARCE IS A FEATURE. Eight hundred people of twenty dif- ferent nationalities, representing every shade of opinion, creed, and .ideal, crowded Newberry hall to its limit last night, to enjoy a brilliant program unequalled by any previous affair of this kind by the Chinese Student's club, under the auspices of the Cos- mopolitan club. The program was featured by the presentation of a two act farce, which was written by Y. F. Jabin Hsu and V. T. Maw, two juniors of the univer- sity. The drama is well constructed and presents a peculiar type of drama, that is, Americanized China, viewed through the eyes of an oriental, who knows China, old and new. There is little real plot to the play, but its purpose is easily understood. Cosmopolitanism is its theme. By de- picting the Chinese life, rejuvenated by men and women who have learned the western civilization in colleges of America, the playwrights show what China is to become in the future. The cast consists of four characters, two of which were acted by the authors, the other parts being played by C. P. Wang, and Miss P. Y. Tseo, one of the two Chinese women in the university. President W. W. Welsh of the Cos- mopolitan club presided and expressed in a brief talk what the club stands for and the purpose of these "Nation- al Nights." The performance opened with an il- lustrated lecture on the Chinese rev- olution by Q. L. Young, who was on the scene at the time of its outbreak; and many of the pictures used for the lantern slides were taken by him. The third number was a Chinese in- strumental trio consisting of T. W. Shen, S. U. Huang, and Y. F. Jabin Hsu, who executed several melodies on instruments similar to the fiddle, mandolin and flute. A song in the Chinese old court lan- guage by Y. F. Jabin Hsu attired in ancient Chinese costume and accom- panied by S. U. Huang was featured for .the fourth number. The mysteries of battledore and shuttlecock as played in Chinese schools were then introduced perhaps for the first time in this country by W. H. Pan, C. C. Fu and H. L. Wang. At the conclusion of the program re- freshments of Chinese "Li-chi" tea and cakes were served. ed Promises of Aid .1'omuorro'w. FACULTY MEN OFFER SERVICES. Several members of the faculty and a number of the teachers of the city schools braved the slush and rain yes- terday morning and began the person- al house to house canvass designed to secure the required number of prom- ises of co-operation in providing lodg- ings for the members of the state teacher's association, which will be necessary to convince its executive committee that Ann Arbor can handle the next meeting. On account of the inclement weather the canvass has not been completed but all the returns will be in by Mon- day afternoon, and at vuat time it will be practically known whether the meeting will come here or not. The following faculty men have volunteer- ed to canvass one district: Professors A. G. Hall, L. C. Karpinski, J. B. Pol- lock, F. S. Breed, C. S. Berry, J. W. Scholl, W. W. Florer, J. W. Bradshaw, Dr. C. E. Parry, Mr. Humphreys and Mr. Tompkins. Professors A. S. Whit- ney, C. O. Davis and Principal Spring- er of the high school will act as a committee to canvass the fraternities, while Miss Allura L. Rudd, secretary to the appointment committee is to call WILL SELL ONLY N P) TICKETS. Prof. R. M. Wenley will be the prin- cipal speaker at the fourth monthly Union membership dinner, which will be held next Thursday evening at the Union and Prof. David Friday will offi- ciate as toastmaster. "Hal" Hurlburt, '14M, the student speaker, who origi- nated the proposed water racing course project, which is being backed by the Union will explain his scheme. Several new features will be insti- tuted at this dinner, among which will be the limiting of the number of tickets to 150, instead of 200 which were formerly placed on sale, and ths reduction of the time-element so that the dinner and aftermath end by 8:00 o'clock. Henry J. Dottereich and Anthony J. Whitmire of the school of music fac- ulty will play the piano and violin re- spectively and one of the best musical programs of the year is assured. Tickets will go on sale Monday af- ternoon. They may be obtained from members of the committee or at the Union after 5:00 o'clock tomorrow. CON CT NAVAL TANK WITH 7°1 iS$! WE Lb-K NO) IV N IS I'R.AVELLER. on the sororities. FIRE PROTECTIVE SYSTE31 MANAGERS MEET 'ro DECIDE ~The big naval tank in the engineer- ON BASKETBALL SOHEDULE ing building, has been emptied this week, for the double purpose of giv- With all of the other winter sports 1nt it its annual overhauling and well started, basketball is the next cleaning, and also for making connec- activity to be commenced and it is tions.with the new fire protective sys- expected that the interclass series tem. The tank, which measures300 will be in full swing the first part of feet by 22 feet, is the third larg- the coining week. Coach Douglass est in the world, being surpassed only has issued a call for a meeting of the by the German government tank at interclass managers at the athletic of- Berlin, and the federal pool at Wash- fice Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock ington. It is expected that the tank and at that time it is expected that the will be filled in -bout a week or ten schedule will be arranged, and other days, when the connections with the plans ,for the season formulated. It fire protective system will be com- is imperative that all managers at- pleted. tend this meeting as it is probable that practice periods will be assigned to 1h K. Mcl)onald, Geologist to Lecture. the various classes who are to enter Donald K. McDonald, geologist of teams at that time. . the Isthmian Canal Commission, will lecture here tomorrow afternoon at taining to them will make up this month's Gargoyle which is expected to appear the latter part of this week. The book will take up the exam ques- tion from all points of view and will offer timely tips to students. The exam bug is uniquely depicted on the cover design drawn by "Bill" Fanning. A double page drawing by E. S. Everett presents the exam in an atavistic manner, showing a modern Laocoon. These fear inspiring phases are overbalanced by some consoling portions, containing examination an- tidotes of every description. Poster Entries Must be In Tomorrow. All entries for the poster contest of the 1913 Union opera must be submit- ted by Monday evening at 6:00 o'clock at the Union. No poster will be ac-I cepted after this date. The contest- ants should remember not to put their names on the drawings but on a sepa- rate slip of paper. EDWIN 0. MEAD TO DELIVER LECTURE Famous Peace diocate Will Speak i I nmversity Hall Tonior- row Evening. In order to form some idea of the time consumed, a preliminary reading of the entire book of "Koepnicker- strasse 120" was held Wednesday night and last night. A rehearsal of the first act, without books, will be held Monday night in room 203 U. H. at 7:00 o'clock. Alpha Nit Society Nominates Officers. At the regular business meeting of the Alpha Nu held last night in Uni- versity hall nominations were made for officers for the second semester.! The constitution was revised for adop- tion at the next regular meeting, Sat- urday, January 18, at which time the mid-year election will occur. 4:30 o'clock in the lecture room of the economics building. "General and Applied Geology of the Panama Canal" will be the subject of his talk. The lecture is primarily for geology and engineering students; but the public is also invited. Dr. Warthin Leaves on Lecture 'Tour. Dr. A. S. Warthin of the medical department left early yesterday morn- ing for Kansas where he is to deliver a number of lectures on "Sex Hygi- ene," under the auspices of the depart- ment of education of Ljwrence, Kan. He will speak in Hutchinson tonight, in Topeka on Monday, and in Law- rence on Tuesday evening. Edwin D. Mead, the famous peace advocate, will lecture on "The United States as a World Power" in Universi- ty Hall Monday evening. He is one of the leading citizens of Massachusetts, according to "Who's Who;" having at- tained especial distinction in the fields of politics, statesmanship, oratory, letters, and the cause of international peace. Ever since the establishment of the World's Peace Foundation, Mead has been at the head of this movement, which numbers among its active sup- porters such men as Nicholas Murry Butler and David Starr Jordan. Pres- ident-emeritus Angell is a member of the advisory council of the foundation. Edwin Mead is an extensive travel- ler, having been all over the world in the interests of the peace movement. He has probably lectured on morE widely scattered platforms than any orator of his day. His lecture Monday evening will begin promptly at 8:00 o'clock, being held in University Hall. Single ad- mission will be 50 cents, but the course tickets will be on sale at the door for $1.00. These will also admit to the addresses of Governor Hadley and Senator Shafroth, the Chicago- Michigan debate, the university ora- torical contest, the cup debate, and the oratorical association play. JUISTIN WINSOR PRIZE IS WON BY MWCHIGAN GRAD. Dr. Arthur Cole, a graduate of Mich- igan, has recently gained high honor by winning the Justin Winsor prize in history. This reward which is con- ferred every other year by the Amer- ican Historical association, consists of a money prize of $200 and the print- ing of the book winning the prize. Dr. Cole's work was "The Whig Party in the South," and is concerned with the period before the Civil war. After completing his undergraduate work here as assistant to Prof. Van Tyne, Dr. Cole taught for several years in Indianapolis, Ind. Later he went to the, University of Pennsylvania as Harri- son fellow in America, and recently he be ame affiliated with the Univer- sity of Illinois. His rise has been rapid, and the winning of this las1 honor gives him a recognized stand- ing among professors of history. CLASSES MAKE} NOMINATIONS FOR, COUNCIL .111 niors of Foat lDepartmtlents'C hooe Candidates For Seats in the Student Council. ELEC'iION OF COUNCILMEN WILL BE MADE TOMORROW Members Elected Will Take Seats for Three Semesters in February. Junior classes in four departments nominated candidates for- student council seats at meetings held yester- day. Twelve men were nominated, and from this number, six will be chosen at the various elections which will be held tomorrow. Junior lits nominated Herbert Wil- kins, Albert Chipman, Horace May- nard, and Arthur Kohler. The elec- tion will be held at 4:15 o'clock to- morrow afternoon in the west phys- ics lecture room and the two men re- ceiving the highest number of votes will take seats in the council. Third year engineers will choose two new counclmen from the follow- ing candidates, nominated at a meet- ing held yesterday morning: W. J. Thienes, Albert Fletcher, G. W. Bal- lantine and H. J. Trum, Jr. The elec- tion is to be held tomorrow at 5:00 p. m. in room 111 of the new engineering building. G. C. Grismore and W. J. Laidlau were nominated by the junior laws at a meeting held yesterday afternoon, and the man receiving the highest number of votes at the election to be held tomorrow afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30 o'clock in room C of the law building, will take his seat in the council. Junior-medics will vote on the nam- es of Carl B. De Forest and F. A. Lau- rence. One of the men will be chosen at the election to be held Monday at 12:00 m. at' the general hospital. All the men elected will take office at the first meeting of the second term and will remain councilmen for three semesters. Anti-Tuberculosis Society to Meet. The annual meeting of the Ann Ar- 'or Anti-tuberculosis society which was to be held in the faculty room of the medical building tomorrow after- noon at 4:00 o'clock, has been post- poned to Friday at th3 same hour and place. Dr. V. C. Vaughan, president of the association, will preside. DAVID IEINEMAN TO SPEAK .1'UNION THIS AFTERNOON. David Heineman, of Detroit, will be the principal speaker on the regular Sunday program at the Michigan Un- ion this afternoon. He is treasurer of the city of Detroit and prominent in law circles in that city. "Hank" Rum- law circles in that city. "Hank" Bal- lard will play a violin solo "and re- mn out. ?rof. V. B. Ford is Elected to Office; At a recent meeting of the American Mathematics society, a national organ- Ization containing over 650 members, held in Cleveland, Profesor W. B. Ford of the mathematics department of the University of Michigan was elected to the office of Councillor. Vacation Still Lasts for Dr. Garrett Dr. M. B. Garrett, of the history de- partment, who is enjoying an ex- tended vacation has not met his class- es since the holidays. He is expected to return shortly to resume work. 11reetertan Cburc~b Leonard A. Barrett, Minister J. Leslie French Student Pastor 10.30 'Communion Service, with an Address by Mr. Barrett. r2.0) University Classes for Men and Women. 6:30 C E Meeting. r Union Series rIe8.lart 18. i utchins "The Gospel of Service" St. Andrews Episcopal Church