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January 11, 1913 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1913-01-11

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BOYS we want you to see
v Flat English Custom Lasts
l htest with the new flat 7.8
s, in black and tan, light or h
ght, $5 to $7 per pair..
Pu rf leld '.4

.s the ztu f


'I'le New('1lb Will ho Ifod-Ted on
J~ug~ae oee~i~iNow
011 C~ampus~.

G~a rrel% Brothers Shown to lalve
Ei ena De-velopment Than
'1 harp o of Carlisle.

Noce 1

e have the largest stock of best fitting, pumps you ever
$4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 per pair.


Pe lace of 'Sweets
Down Town
r,%Zrlxlah the I** Creftrmi
Atterifox to Frakterit1
and Sororties

LL ?

f l ' '

'ypewriter RepaJrfng phlonte 1361-U
I will meet or beat any price macs on ,a typewriter, sale or rental.

s Bnk Blda. Secnd Floora~u

Ann Arbor, hMich.'

Today and Tonf~ht'
The Bet tof All
Diving Girl
And an All Girl Show
Weserve Your Seats
Wait for Cru
the Big Cru

President-Emueritus Anlgell and Sei,-
crh1 Oth~er Noted :.len
The seventh anniversary of the
founding of the Michigan chapter of
the Corda-l'ratres Cosmopolitan club
will be celebrated by a banquet at= the
Michigan Union on Monday evening at
6:00 o'clock. .President-emeritus
James B. Angell and President Harry
1B. Hutchins will deliver addresses on
the cosmopolitan movement. Efforts
are also being made to obtain Edwin
T. Mead, who will give a leture on
the oratorical course that night, andi
it is -probable tha he will speak on
-the peace question.
* Pre ident W. W. Welsh and K, To-
nouchi, recording secretary, will also
*speak. Music will be furnished by
*the members of the club and the dif-
ferent nipional hymns will be sung.
T ickets for the banquet are 75' cents
and may be procured from Johnston,
*Primrose, Welsh and FQulk, either to-
day or tomorrow.

Although James Thorpe, the Car-
lisle Indian, who was declared the
champion all-round athlete of the
world at the Olympic games last
spring, is nearly a perfectly developed
man, the two charts of the arrels
brothers held by Dr. G. A. May show
two more evenly developed.menc., Dr.
May has made a chart of the Indian
"1phenom", from the mneasurements
made by a Dickinson college man.
Thorpe is 24 years of age, stands
71.2 inches inl height, and wei ghs 181
pounds. In spakin of the great ath-
lete Dr. May said, "No man could
make such recrds as Thorpe, dd last
spring in both thn weight and running
events, and later in football, unless
he were in perfect physcal todition.
The measurements on the anthropo-
metric chart which we use indicate
the quantity of a man's deveopmnt
while the physical condtion mark
shows the duality o1f development and
that is why 1 have given Thoirpe 100
per cent as his phsical condition.
Some of the most important of his
measurements, such as the cubical
capacity of his lungs a(d the girth of
his chest, I have not seen, but T sus-
pect that they will be small in com-
parison to his other measurements or
to those of either of the GGarrels."
The chart of the Indian w~ill be plac]
ed in 1r. May's office together with
those of the two Garrels boys, A. tit..
Koher, and W. M. Cole, so, the stu-
dents will have .an opportunity of
comparing our own, near perfect men
with this marvelous athlete.
Play to lie Presented t Same Timei
With M31any Faculty .en
il iCst
The annual "soiree musicale, liter-
ire, et, dasante" of the Cerce Fran-
cais will be given on Thursday even-
ing next, January 16, at SaraiCas-
well Angell hall. As usual, there will
be a program including a short play,
several musical numbers and recit-
tions, to be followed by dancing, with
a typically French dance program.
rThe play., selected for performance
is a charmin " farce of Labk he, and is
entitled "U.n Monsieur qu p rend la
Mon che." The title is' a somewhat
rare idiom, and means a gentleman
who easily loses his temper. With the
past which has been selected, a cv-
er and finished performance is assur-
ed. Miss Gertrude Patterson will take
the leading and only feminine role,
and the other parts will be played by
Messrs. Talamon, Canfield, Hurlburt,
Kenyon, Bird. The rest of the pro-
gram will include a duet by Misses
DeGoenaga and Shields; a recitation
of one of the De Musset "Nuits" by
Edgar Mowrer and William Daug-
erty;' a song by Waldo Fellows; a.
dance in the antique style by Miss
E~mma Heath; and a mandolin solo by
Mr. Stevens.
Dr. George A May, after a recentI
visit to Cornell Uniiversity, has ad-
vanced a theory as to why Michigan is
always able to win from Cornell in
the indoor track meets. He said that
Cornell uses a cinder track to train
her squads, thus placing them at a dis-
adlvantage when they run on the or-
dinary indoor tracks. He also stae
that their gymnasium was in poor con-
dition, and that it looked as if they
would have to get a new pace.

We sharpen all makes safety razor
Iblades. H. L. Switzer Co., 310 S.' State
street. tf

A plan is on foot at the present1
time among scine of the Spanish
specaking student of the university to
foma club for the Spanish students
of a nature somwhat similar to that
of the Cercle Franc'ais and the Dent-
sc erVrein. The new club will dif'-
fer radically from these however in
that it will admit only men to meem-
bership. The principal object will be
to promote the Spanish language and
to particularly emphiasize its comnmer-
cial phase, andl also to study the re-
lations of Armerica ito, the Latin coun.-
tries. The organization will be called
the Spanish Commewrcial club an~d will
atteyupt to obtain some good speak'
ors fsroira Spanish countries to address
its embe rs. A meeting has been
called for mnext Tuesday night at 7:00
0(1001<. at the Union and all studcn s
who are interested in Spanish or in
our relations to the Latin American
coiintries wxill be c'ordially welcome.
A. Spanish club was in existence in
the university about three years ago
but it had to be abandoned en account
of lack of interest. The :students who
are behind the present movement.
however, thinly there is an amplle field
here for stuch a body. Although the idea
was instituted by studentAs, several
mnembers of the faculty hav ie express-
ed their appr oval of the formation of
the c lb and their belief that it will
flouiri sh.


ThurdayNight, Jan.16, at 8:15
T h u r d ayII'IN'lrm , 1VA t ( IlOfers the .Ioyous Operetta %
with thw comnplete cost anid pro luci ion as seen at the Lyric Theatre,
New \'urk, for 1ix months lint rasron
Otis Harlan Lottie !Engel
Maude Odell .John. Dunsmure
Phitip Simmons Katheryn Stevenson
Ragland Hogue Charles Hines
And the famous dancing beauties
Th Highand Daisies'

w1 it
asi it
u y l!

YOUR clothes should be right
.adyouma be thankful that
there is a store in your midst where
you -can get clothes that fit, and
have style and workmanship guar-
anteed. Prices' $10.00 to $25.00
for Suit or Overcoat.
Furnishings, Hats, +C a p s ,
Bage andSuitcases.
Mackinaw s

Yidui tlt 2Tb1
Sei iceable c
41414" it?
pon M(4 toQ findI it

ite little Ibush two-bit adlet
intoQ nearly every house in
,Arbor. The chance to id
eaiis the izse of the adlet.

tips .1115~ C01,UMN :ME TO BE
For limt-S5ix room qaartment fur-
nishe 1 or runfu;rnished. 'Telephone
Fom, R1,nt or S:de,-(;Underwood, Oliver,
tei ngtion, and Smith typewriters
at loetpks .D orl,322
5. Stae.71-73
Foz ~:tt~in ICreooms and Suite, at
~108 P". A.1n1St. rpelone number
Ls«$--T it dollar bill beweenl gym
pnd fMain str'eet. Finder pleasie
phone W1atsoni, 8l?4 J,
we are never undersold, Goodyear'
Drug : ore, 2 tf
If ucala Martin Hlailer's Fur-
nituretore you will be shown a comn-
plete line o: rus, rpies.e.
necesary acessoie3(r _arstudent's
room. 73-74

Math'Tutoring. I
Private preparation for exams. Call
at 1331 Geddes or phone 1829-L after
6:45 p. m, 72
'iTlE PiALAJi ROTAJL, 309 E. Lib-
ertly Street is selling Michigan Pen-
nants and Pillows at a great reduc-
tion. Call an~d see. 71-73
Catering and serving of lunches,
swiall parties and banquets for univer-
sity women's clubs and sororities,
alone in good style at 114 N. Ingalls.
With the New Year comes a new
line of book cases, desks, and chairs
1 ith which to equip a student's room
ffectiye'y and completely. Call at
Martin H aller's, 112 +a. Liberty St.
We can give you the best service on
strings for all Musical Instruments.
Grinnell Bros., 120-122 E. Liberty St.
IDental Stiudents Attention!
We have a stock of zinc and lead
for your requirements. H. L. Switzer
Co., 310 S. State St. 72-73
Full Dress Tuxedo, and Prince Al-
bert Suits for Hire. Whittinger Co.,
244 Woodward Ave., Detroit. e o d

Rt A. Stretch, '07, deputy sup~ervisor
for the United States, in charg;e of the
Medicine Bo0w National F'orest in Wy-
oming, spent Thursday afternoon in
conference with the forestry faculty
concerning the, techniceal regulation of
that forest reserve. Professor P. S
Lovejoy of the forestry faculty was
formerly in charg;e of this forest re-
serve and Nwith Mir. Srltm Iinitiated
various schemnes of surveyin ', cruis-
ing and v aIunation which are still being
11r. L. T. Young of the forestry fac--
slty has had chare of the field work
on this reserve f, r the past two sum-
*ners so that mncr. ttba r ordinary in-.
t rest a Li ache3 to it from a Michigan
'I'l;.X 'IiLBS('{ri3131I'liTlEE WDI E
(I 'I I NTOt!)-19 mS'rRICIS.
The general committee a ppoin ted by
President 11. I..IHutchins to agitate
the matter of bringing the state teach-
er's association meeting to Ann Arbor
net in the high school yesterday after-
noon and divided the city into 49 (is--
tricts. Each distr'ct wil be assigned
either to a teacher of the city or to a
faculty memnber to be canvassed this
morning. It is hoped that the present
personal house to house canvass will
bring out enough promises ofl co-op-
er'ation in the matter of furnishing
accommodations to convince the ex-
ecutive committee ,of the teachers' as-
sociation that Ann Arbor can handle
the meeting.
Fresh dents held their first social
event last night at tile Union, about
50 of them gathered to enjoy a col-
lection of smokes, eats, and speeches.
The program w~as as follows: Speech-
es by 1) r. It. BIunting and E. L. Whit-
inan of the dental department on
"Class Pride," and "Class Fellowvship."
President Robert Ilrown and Chair-
Sman. H-enry M. Klein also made short
talks. P. D. Welling gave a recitation
and W. If,. Cohen an impersonation.
Cerald D. Strong played a. violin solo
and H-enry M. Klein a piano solo.
Their next event will be a dance.
jI r. (A'Ing'erich'I To Speak at Uiwton.
Dr. S. F. Gingcrich, of the English
(epartmetnt, will go to Lawton, Mich.,
today where he will give a lecture on
the extension course Sunday night.

Special Orchestra
Prices, 50c, 75c, $1.00,

K, r$l I C-1If ,u11'Iy 4 0e n

f f
oil I
4l i' ,

Q2 ou uet.,
r yr
Ahofi~ ~. ,{Y-
i;;jrl- -
J Sdg

Carriages at 10:50
$1.50, $2.00

There are subjects.
upon which it is easier
to draw out the thread
of verbosity than the
staple of argument.
Not so with
Velvet furnishes its
oawn best argument.
You draw it out of a
pipe in great, cool
Tlightful puffs- so
Lemptingly smooth
,and sca.issying that it
leaves no chance for


The Big Store

Reule, Cnin, Fiegel Co.

As a young men's store aims to keep In close, constant touch with its clientele absorbing the ideas and studying the individual tastes of alert and progressive young fellows
who regard correct attire as an asset in social and business life. Autumn's finest in FurnishingsU


N.ck wear, spe~ial showing at................................... ...... ......... 504C
Gloves, enc. ptioiial values at .................... . ...... ...$1.50 and uip to $2.50
Shirts, most unutsuial valu s, at.......... .............. ................. . ....Loo0
Reule, Cofl41fl, FegoiCO.

M tuhitan, headquarters for these famous Shirts.......................... ..$1.'50 'to $4
Hosiery, extra stronig showing at t * ...... ........... ........ .... .25c
Great values in F411 Underwear,.....4< .... . . ... ......................... .$1 to $6

200-202 South PM Jnv

w 1- - ..-U, 1 . - m m - - --, 1

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