THE MICHIGAN DAILY tnuary, othing Sale Dreadful Demon Dupes Demented Dudes, Demands D~ollars for Dreamy Dances LY NDON I 719, No. University Aveuue We are giving 25 perpent discount on ouir entire stock of Men's Suits and Overcoats. This in- cludes till our fo*mous Stein-Bloch Clothing which is so well and favorably known. We have received another large shipment of our $10.00 Mackinaw. Michigan's campus is in the hands of an ogre. Those who have seen this monster swear hie is far mightier than the dlemon of exams, the blue boob I imp or any of the other beasts which harass the students' days-and nights. ']his ogre is terrible to behold. His head is made of bard earned cash, his body is a mass of flowers and favors while' his limbs are clad in the con- ventional Ildoeskinl. On his feet are dainty pumps and his function is to ::ance and smile: It is none other than the "J" flop monster. Already many students are enthralled by his snares and are hi-;eeforth doomed to sleepless nights. It usually starts with the day that the demon isprings hls trap in the shape ,t' stn impulse to ask some damsel to th,;festivities. One class, however, both seizes the bait and ecns It is remarkable, but the whole matter arrests not with the creatures prey but with the whims of femininity and the price of party gotwns. MIany 1an1unsusp~ecting youth has'been fairly within tke clutches of the "social dragon" only to slide elus- ively out azain via the ''throw- down'' route. There iso one consolation, however, for those who fall into the hands of the animal. They are drugged for a time by the se' anaesthetic of the beautiful, andth forgetfulness of their trials that aire to come by the l soft music of the dance and the thrills of the aforementioned "species." Of course they awaken later, smother the' monster in profanity and then "loosen up"' a bit more or else seek a loan shark. A oral: T1his is not a warning, They all fall anyxxa. I KO KS -rn-i I Uindesch mitt, Apfel &Coo= MAX KRUTSCII The popular Price Tailor lI Bell Phone 871-L N ! ,. . I' i y;", , ;, ;, li Exira fine blue,; serges and COverct.,ats $284$30 PF M1yjir-, n F9 IN OEJRIqT, MICHIAN The Place to Buy Derial for CH1"APS Quarry Drug Go. /'/ A uS IN 'I'BIS COLUMIN ARE TO) BE iS Pith _1E--11. I l"4) RtIet---Six rooni -apartment fur- nis'hed or unfurnished. Telephone. 1612-J,7 1-75 For Rent-Front room, location first- class; steam heat, mission furni- ture, everythaing desirable. 727 S. Thayer. Phone 1119-J. 71-72 lor tRtit or Sale-Underwood, Oliver, te imngton, and Smith typewriters at lowest prices. 0. D. Morrill, 322 3S. SiLtte. 71-73 Wa td --Catholic students who need a payingo position for vacation please see MAr. Smithson Friday and Sat-- urd, y, 516 S. Division. 1058-L. 72 1)z ntaal Sudenuts Attentionu! #We have a stock of zinc and lead 'for your requirements. f-l. L. Switzer Co., 310 S. State St. 72-73 We sharpen all miakes safety razor blade s. H4. L. Switzer Co., 310 S. State street. t PTS" ,t ELi 2AVEUR INT "FE WiST I TUTTLE'S OIL STATE STRUET Saturtlay, January 13._ Senior lit luncheon and da (e at the Michigan Union, 12:i'0 m. Math Tutoring. 1Pri vate preparation for exams. Call at 1:331 Geddes or phone 1829-1, after 6:4.5Ip. nm. 72 1111E PAlA IS RQY AL, 300 E. Lib- ertly Street is selling Michigan Pen- nants and Pillows at a great reduc- tion. Call andl see. 71-73 All cars in the future will stop al Goodyear Drug Store. 1 tf. Caterin: and serving of lunches, small parties and banquets for univer- sity women's clubs and sororities, lone in good style at 114 N. Ingalls. 63-66 Open every evening until 9:30. Sun- clays fronm 9:30 to 12:30, 1:30 to 3:30 only. Lyndon's kodaks, fllms, flash- lights. 719 N. University. Sun&Fri The best shoe sine next to Wag- ncr's. eod tf r! III We Servo Hot VN IVETSITlY CALENDIARI 104 N. Fourth Ave Lunches 11 4.. The abiity t perform tins_-1 whether Cat workeor TAhy ^-13- based on s o u - c, vi ~izd nrv~ ~ticria o: ~-o -.Corexercise and body-building, nee .. -restoring foGd are the two things which make ycj LfI;j 14and keep- you efficient. of all th-in