THU MICHIGAN DAILY ,. 4 IHE M1CIGAN DAILYI Select Your Fall or Winter Suit from .the ,st line in the. city. Dress Suits a specialty m.Ho Wild Co. Tailors and Im porters n311 Souti State Street v 1913 CalenAdars and Dairies ce Supplies Letter Files and Index Files Typewriting Supplies AT SHEEHAN Q COs Official newspaper at the University of Iiich- igan. Published; every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entrered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March a, Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor-- to 3~ p. in.; 7 to io p. mn. Business Manager-- to 3 p. mn. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; Davis and Konald's Confectionary Store. Phones: Bell and Home, 960. Frank Penn ell............ Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard.........Business Manager Maurice Toulmne.............. News Editor C. Harold Hippler............ .Assistant 'farl Matthews ..............Athletic Editor Gi, C. Eldredge........... ...Assistant John TownlIcy............Music and Drama :Mautde Ed yards....................Women I l arold 13. Abbott................ Cartoonist Harl'lG. EDITORIALS HrlG.McGee Louis P. Haller Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers 1:. Tlnirett Taylor........ Edwin R. Thurston NIGHT EDITORS yf. Beach Carpenter . Fred B. Foulk Morton R. Hunter...... ,.... Morris Milligan Bruce .J. Miles............ELrnest R. Burton ),ester F. 1Nosenbaum..David D. Hunting REPORTERS Leonard 1I. Rieser......... Harold P. Scott l.eo Burnett...............Fenn H-. lHossick I. 'M. Church........Carlton Jenks C'harles S. Johnson.......... , C. III. Lang IrnunsC. Kline ............J. R. Kistner Wtill Sliafroth.............. Henry C. Bogle I". V. MclKinney....... ..G.S. Johnston 1V. R. Melton ..,..... Ralph E. Cunningham Y. F. Jahin Hsu........... H. ,-. Rummel Frank IF,.Koher ..........Herman Poinlper BUSINESS STAFF A. R. Johnson, Jr.......... Advertising Mgr. Emerson Smith ........ ....Accountant La urence D. Bartlett.... ..Circulation Mgr. Sherwood field ........John Leonard Harry I. Johnson FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1913. "You may never make a letter here in the university. You may never land on your class team, but there's° a big chance that you may make some- body extend himself to grab some, honor and thereby make a class-or perhaps-Varsity team better, so- "GET OUT. "~The athlete who wins p)oints for his university isn't always the one who comes here backed by a great prep school reputation. Maybe you have been working along the wrong lines. Why, "Sleepy" Dull thought he was a sprinter when he entered the uiversity. He couldn't do the 100 yard dash in less than a dozen sec- onds to save his soul, but he develop- ed into one of the best distance run- ners in the country. You may not be able to equal his record, but you may be 'able to do something. There is on- ly one thing for you to do-- "GET OUT. "We want some good inter-class ac- tivities this winter. We want some- thing to stir our spirit when it's cold and sloppy and everybody hangs around home and wonders why in blazes hie didn't stick in the Old Town and sell shoes the rest of .his life. Help this along. You can do, it. Don't leave the work for the men who know they are athletes. Try to be among those present in skinny togs on the gym floor yourself. To do it you must "CE T OUT. THLEN RICAL CIRCLES. Kitty G~ordoni Here Saturday. A woman who has given as much time to opera as Kitty Gordon must be an authority on the subject, and Miss IGordon has this to say regarding the TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES OF ALL SORTS AT (Begin the Year Rig w All -I University Bookstores *tato St. pfow iIn S t. I I - WHY NOT HAVE YOUR MICHIGANENSIAN IC'UR Equ1tip your office. )YOuil r.qur Handy Desk Calendar, an Excelsior Diary, Journal or Ledger, Card Cabinet, Quart of Ink or Box of Pens wStudents' Bookstore now so that you can have some of, i FOUR SUITS There arc pecopl ; ulio buy four heap snits a year. 'Better' by r to get two suits from mte. hey will lok four times ias food and lat-t tour timesi as ong. Deterle 'AILOR Liberty Street (Copyrighited) Plat~inum Portraits made from the negtitve-_-your frietnds< at ho,)!te will peia hm Stuzdio 319 M. Htxrov St. Plyeone 961-L, .... .. REGULAR EDITION $1A 0 C RI1N NMILJUMP. 120 -9227.iaA Lbpry-&wt. The DETROIT UNITED LINES armers and Mechanics Bank,,u Arbor Time Table 101- 10.3-105 South Masn Street Wtal $100,000. Surplus and Profits $67,000 Limited Cars for Detroi4I 7:12 a. m,. and Ihourly to 11:12 p. in., also S:1', p. n. Local Cars for Deirot-5;40 a. i., 6:40 a. loti64 p e Ann Arbor Savings Bank, mm ,n 3i:0p 9Pyn.. #hus:45 ur pm., and 10: l It) 1;n..i Capital Stock $300,000 Suplat $I CO,CCO 11:30'p. ni., 1:00 c. ni. -Resourses $3,000,000 Limited Cars for Jackson--7.:43 a. m. arnd Gieneral Banking Rusifness Trat *acted every two hours to 7:46 p. in. fficers: Chas. E. HiscocK, Pres., W. D. Harti- Local Cars for Jackson-5:20 A. in., and man, Vice-Pres. M. J. Fritz, Cashier, l every two hours~ to 41:20 P.Mi.. 11:15 p. rif. P r r ..r. . .° Our Optical System is eq uipped to g ive the be wt s ei vie .'et s y s N r ps e , W n L e y i ~Shur-Wa Agency F 4* Arnold 8& Co. 320 S. MAIN Night Editor-Morris A. Milligan. All oieiiber$ of the D~aily staff meet At aNoda ll and Packs oni Saturday at 120:4,3), . u, sharp for 3Michigauensian p ic tre. IlTere will be an important' meet- hig of Mhe business staff at 4:30 this afternoon. It is necessary for all ,ue1iolwrs and tryouts to attend. M1,eeting of the Cubs Club at T.lhe lli ? ii Daily office at 4:30 o'clock todlay. GET OUT! The threatene'd loss of Craig to Var- sity track circles emphasizes the con- tinued presence of a mooted problem- the building ofa strong Michigan track team in the absence of qtianti- ties of quality. With the track pre- lirunary training season already well openedl and the meets rapidly ap- proaching, Trainer Farrell is anxious- ty running down the clues that some- times lead to the uncovering of ma- terial. It seems to be the same old story of bringing the mountain to Ma- hornet, which isn't a pleasant ac- knowledgement to ,be compelled to make. We are tempted to quote an editorial a la "Pip" Titus, which ran in these columns years ago, in some suc:h manner as this: "This is addressed to the long, skin- ny guy, the fat guy, and any other fellow who has been convinced for years that lie has no ability as a track mant at all; it's for the fellow who, in prep school ran fourth to a one armed man in the hurdles and who couldn't lift a 12-pound shot; to the gink who was scared to death if he jumped four feet in the air or covered more than his own length in the broad jump. "GET OUT. time to begin: "Naturally much depends on the physical development of the individu- al. In woman the vocal chords de- velop later than in man, and no girl should begin serious" voice study until she is at least seventeen." Miss Gordon appears in "The En- chantress" at the Whitney tomorrow night. At the Majestic. Janet Priest is less than five feet in height. That is the reason she is playing the ingenue role in "Honey- moon Trail" at the Majestic theatre this week instead of being, a grand opera, star. Poor little Janet. She has the voice of a Tetrazzini and the dramatic ability of Mary Garden, and yet-she is handicapped by being "a sawed off" to resort to slang. And as the critics say, "Who ever heard of a five foot grand opera prima donna?" MUSIC A-ND DRAMA. The Faculty Concert. The new string quartet of the schoo) of music made its first appearance last evening at the regular monthly facul- ty concert, and displayed a beauty and finish of ensemble that make it a not- able addition to Ann' Arbor musical life.- Albert Lockwood played some Debussy dances with string' accompa- niment that were full of charm, and Hr. Howland sang a group of German lie~ler inl super)b voice. Iidiigani ia Takes A inual Sleigh Ride Eighteen 'Michigainuas, with the la- dy friends, are scheduled to embark for the frozen northland this after- noon at 4:00 o'clock on their annual sleighride. 'W~thitmore and its chill breezes will be the terminal of the trip where the customary dinner will be followed by a dance. The schedule, makes no provision for the time of return. .._..= . -- --- 4 3 a (' L 1' , . . .f ; II,.' 4 SWEET BETTER SERVICE AS IT SOUNDS BETTER CANDY THE SUGAR BOWL inn Arbor's Beat Confectionery. lee cream soda de luxe. Candy of all descriptions. WE PAY ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS, PARTIES, ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION ON MAIN STREET CARDS - PROGRAMS -STATIONERY NON , R AMPLES - GREGORY MAYER & T OM Co. DETROIT. Mac Last of the Holi daysa Some of your vacation joys must be left behind --- but not Fatima. 60 Fatima coupons will secure a white satin pillow toP, 24 in. square, decorated with hand- oomely pc.ed flowers- 12 designsw to select from. 16Q - 8 I', for indltxvidual" I r . T il.. ,....,. : n f . , E y d s 4 9 r; Banquets and Club DinnersI are se i x-( c iiiul)Cs'of style at AR, R 4,ow SIHIRTS TEA MACK'S X111 prove as The land of sunshine and flowers is the place to. go to escape the cold and snow of winter. I Through Electric-Lighted Sleeping Cars Vfa2 New~oklta ie Michigan Cent ral-Big F., tr in connection with Queen & Crescent and Southern Railway Detroit to Jacksonville Also dinners, lunehes and efresli moats Open 8 a mn. to 5 p.m.-- Saiuydvys iflW 9 p.m. Orchestra Satuorday, -- -Noce at d Evcninig SECOND FLOOR Mack &Co MAIN STREET good' in everyr way as the col- lars that bear the same name C hiett, Peabody & Company, Maikers Leave Detroit Leave Toledo Arrive Jacksonville 10:35 p. m. Daily 12:30 night Daily 8:40 a. m, 2d morning mvjv (jemanA~miicfl ii~ ankThe Liberty and Maine Sts. IState' Savings Bank A Most Convenient Place for Your WinJ.,Bootfl, Presidenti Win. Arnold, Vice-President Baning C. Join VWalz, Jr., Cashier ILOW WINTER TOURIST FARES on sale daily, October 15th to April 30th; return limit June 1st. N For particulars consult Michigan Central Ticket Agents II jA u t j , . 0( T v ,-r ' Or Wnr . e a !i t ro u e r's I "kI~~ ~ ~ in th~is ad witlid hCM. I I OTTO F. MIALCOLM 338 Mayniard inf. L Up to date pressing parlor I face, le.' IlNDflA I &