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January 09, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-01-09

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Local $2.00
Flail $2.50


.XXII, No. 71.



L .E


alole That Michigan Team
Mchiigin's Men Will Meet
on Gridiron Again
Next Fall.


Game With Southerners Has Been
Hard for Varsity to Win in
Years Past.
Although dispatches from Nashville
have not been confirmed from this end,
it seems entirely probable that next
fall will see Vanderbilt back on the
football schedule. According to, ad-
vices received from the southern city
the return of the Commodores to the
Wolverine schedule will be featured
by the fact that the Michigan team
will play in Nashville for the first
time. The game will probably be the
third on the Wolverine booking list,
coming on October 18th.
On account of Director Bartelme's
absence from the city the report could
not be verified, but according to some
athletic authorities, it is fairly authen-
tic and it is believed that the.contracts
have been signed. Vanderbilt has al-
4ways proved a worthy opponent of the
Wolverines and although they have
never won a game they have thrown
more than one scare into the Mich-
igan camp. The last game with Mich-
igan was two years ago when the
Yellow Jackets were defeated in a
close game by the score of 9 to 8. Ow-
ing to the fact that McGuigin, who is
coach of the southern school, is a
brother-in-law and pupil of Yost, it
has been his ambition to win from
his former mentor and relations be-
tween the two schools have been the
There is considerable comment over
the fact that the game is scheduled
so early in the season as Vanderbilt
has always proved a tough customer
and hitherto has been played as late
as possible. The southerners always
start practice before Michigan and
they will have the edge at such an
early date. Also the fact that they
will play on their own field gives them
an advantage and all considered, the
Vanderbilt game is going to be a hard
one. If the contract however, has
been signed, the date must have prov-
en satisfactory to Coach Yost who is
best able to determine the merit of
such a date.
Arthur Cohen, Campus Thespian, Com.
es Back to College After Leav-
ing for Footlights.
The quiet of the scholastic life has
overcome the glamor of the footlights.
An early morning train yesterday re-
turned an ex-famous personage, who
forsook the campus just a year ago to
join the ranks of the profession of
powder and grease paint.
Arthur G. Cohen, alias Rameses, ali-
as Mr. Posket, alias Reggie Barking,
conceded one of the best amateur
thespians that ever graced the cam-
pus stage has re-entered the law de-
partment and will continue his course.
Cohen dropped out of school just a
year ago. At that time he had just
finished carrying the title role in the
Union opera as well as the lead part
of the Comedy club production. "Art"
was determined to go' on the stage in
The would-ie-actor made.his way to
New York. He had little trouble in
securing a place with one of the lead-
ing companies there and played for a

couple of months. Then he was call-
e(I to his home on the western coast
by the wishes of his parents, who did
not care to see their son in dramatics.

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Thursday,
generally fair, continued cold, lowest
temperature about 15 degrees; mod-
erate north winds becoming variable.
University Observatory-Wednesday
7:00 p. m., temperature, 11.5; maxi-
mum temperature, 24 hours preceding,
15.7; minimum temperature, 24 hours
preceding, 110; average wind velocity
9 miles per hour.
Members of the Chess and Checkers
club will hold their annual dinner at
the Union tonight at 6:00 p. m. Mem-
bers of the team .will give an account
of the tournament which was held in
Chicago during vacation and illusta-
tive and exhibition games will be
Dies in New York Hospital.
Prof. Charles N. Jones, a memb'er
of the mathematics faculty of the
university from 1874 to 1887, died at
a private hospital in New York city
Sunday afternoon. Death was caused
by heart disease.
Amendment Will Have to be Passed if]
Student Voting Comes Before
State Lawmakers.
According to advice received from
the attorney-general of Michigan the
proposed student suffrage bill would
be unconstitutional and a constitu-
tional amendment will be necessary
if it is passed. President Henry Rotts-
chaefer, of the local suffrage associa-
tion, and Vice-president Mackey, were
in Lansing last week conferring with
the legislators and they report that
they are all in favor of advocating the
amendment to the constittion.
Representative Murphy of Berrien
county, was the most interested and
he has offered his services in framing
the amendment. He spoke to many of
the prominent business men of the
state and he found that there was
state-wide approval of the measure.
The prevalent opinion among them
and the legislators is that the amend-
ment should be framed along broad
lines so as to include absent business
The different committees that were
appointed to conduct the campaign
among the students in the different
departments will begin active work
within a week
James Keeley Will Lecture to Prof.
Scott's Class Tuesday.
James Keeley, editor-in-chief of the
Chicago Tribune, will deliver a lec-
ture dealing with newspaper ethics at
4:10 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon
in room 202 West hall. Mr. Keeley's
address will be given before Prof.
Scott's class in journalism but ar-
rangements have been made to accom-
modate all who are interested in the
Mr. Keeley is one of the most prom-
inent newspaper men in the country
and is considered an authority on
matters relating to journalismn. He
has been closely connected with the
Chicago Tribune since 1898 and is

now vice-president of the publishing
company as well as editor-in-chief of
the paper.
Resolutions were adopted yester-
day fternoon by the House of Rep-
resentatives extending sympathy to
the family of Congressman W. W.
Wedemeyer. The resolutions, which
were offered by Representative Mc-
Lauchlin were unanimously adopted.
Masonic' bodies of this city are ar-
ranging for a memorial service for the
late congressman. The service will
probably be held next Sunday. He
was a member of several lodges, both
1,h r.pa i n ntr




Governors H. S. Hadley of Missouri,
John F. Shafroth, of Colorado,
and Woodbridge N. Ferris to
Talk Here in Future,
Elaborate Plans are Being Made to
Entertain Gov. Ferris, Who Pre-
sides at Debate Jan. 17.
Governors of three states, two of

Feared 'That Michiga n's Star Hurdler's
Injured Knee Will Keep H ini
Out of The Hurdles
Other Track Men Will Begin Active
Work for Indoor Meets
Next Week.
A question of whether or not "Jim-



"Cihinese ight," to be Given Next Sat-
uirday .fight, Will Show the
Customs of Orientals.
In order to show a better insight
into the modes of living, customs,
viewpoints, and characteristics of dif-
ferent peoples than can bev gained
from the colored accounts of travelers,
the local Cosmopolitan club, like oth-
er similar organizations, has adopted.
a policy of giving a series of "Nation-
al Nights."
The "Chinese Night" which comes
next in the series will be presented
next Saturday at 7:30 o'clock at New-
berry hall. The affair as the name in-
dicates will be staged by talented Chi-
nese students in the university, and is
open to the public.
The program will consist of short,
and interesting items depicting Chin-
ese folklore, their national aspiration
and educational progress. A two-act
farce, written for the occasion will be
produced. Lantern slides will be dis-
played to illustrate the recent Chin-
ese revolution. Chinese slight of hand
and shuttlecock dance are other fea-
tures of unusual interest.

whom were. mentioned for the presi- mie" Craig, Michigan's star hurdler,
dency in the recent campaign, and has been lost to track athletics this

another man of international promi-
nence, will speak before' university
audiences within the next two months.
Governors Herbert S. Hadley, of
Missouri; John F. Shafroth, of Colo-
rado; and Woodbridge N. Ferris, of
Michigan; and the Hon. Edwin D.
Mead, secretary of the International
Peace Conference, will appear in Ann
Arbor in the near future, in accord-
ance with arrangements made at the
meeting of the oratorical board last
Governor Haley, the militant trust-
buster, so prominent at the Chicago
convention, is to lecture on "The Ac-
tivity of the College Man in Politics;"
appearing on the lecture course of the
oratorical association Tuesday even-
ing, January 21. The university of
Michigan is an old acquaintance of the
governor's, who led a victorious team
against her in the Central Debating
League during his college days. He
will be entertained at a banquet by
Delta Sigma Rho, the honorary debat-
ing society, of which he is a member.
Peculiar interest attaches to the
visit of Governor Shaffroth, as his son
William is a junior literary student in
the university. The governor, who
was elected to the United States Senate
at the recent elections, will speak in
Ann Arbor about the last week in
February, stopping off on his way to
the national capitol. He is said to
have been the dark horse candidate
of Bryan, had the choice of Wilson
been impossible.
Edwin D. Mead, the leading advo-
cate of international peace, and the
presiding officer of the principal peace
organizations of the world, is to speak
next Monday evening, January 13, in
University Hall on the subject, "The
United States as a World Power." He
is one of the most gifted speakers on
the lecture platform today, and is a
historian of no small standing.
Governor Ferris, of Michigan, is to
appear here January 17 as the presii'
ing officer of the Chicago-Michigan
debate. Elaborate plans are being
made for the entertainment of the
schoolmaster statesman, and the board
of regents have postponed their meet-
ing in order to be present on the even-
ing occasion. The regents and gov-
ernor will be entertained at dinner
by President Harry B. Hutchins, and
it is probable that a reception will be
tendered the distinguished guest by
the University Senate.
Gilbert A. Currie, representative
from Midland county, and recently
elected speaker of the state house of
representatives is an old Michigan
man, having received his degree from
the law department in 1905. While
in the university Mr. Currie
took an active interest in cam-
pus affairs and in his senior year was
an associate editor of the 1905 Mich-
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley who has
been in Baltimore for the last fve
weeks confined with a severe case of
la grippe left that city three days ago
for Annapolis, Md., where he will vis-
It his son, Lieut. Hollis Cooley. Dean
Cooley's condition is greatly improv-
ed and his physician has consented to
his returning to Ann Arbor next Mon.

season is right now bothering the
Wolverine track contingency.
No less an authority than "Steve"
Farrell, trainer of the Maize and Blue
athletes, has stated that Craig may
not be able to compete in the indoor
meets and might possibly be deterred
from work out of doors by an injury
to his knee in football. On the otheri
hand7friends of Craig state that there
is no reason why Craig cannot get in-
to activities within a short time if he
trains with care, and furthermore that
the possibility of his being kept out
of the outdoor work are very remote.
Craig nursed an injured knee during
almost the entire foooall season, but
with proper care and light practice
he was enabled to appear in all of the
games. His knee still bothers him, it
is stated, and imay prevent this par-
ticipation in the hurdle events, his
specialty. Whileit is not thought thatc
the injured knee will keep him fromt
running, with the propercare, it is
feared that in alighting after taking
the hurdles lie might injure it stillt
more. For this reason it is stated
that he might not be able to enter
Craig has done no strenuous workr
in preparation for the indoor track
meets. If the statements of his
friends are to be relied upon, howev-
er, he will begin moderate training -
as soon as his injury will allow him.1
His friends believe that he ought to
be in shape for the meets with Syra- -
cuse and Cornell, and that by the
time the outdoor season commences
there should be no reason why Craig
should not appear in a Maize andl
Blue running suit.]
Though Captain Haff of the 1913
track team is ready to have his men
report at Waterman gymnasium for
work preliminary to the opening of
the indoor season, work since the re-i
turn of the men from the Christmas
recess has been desultory. Some of
the aspirants for places on the team
have taken light gymnasium work, but
as yet there has been no organization
in the training. It is understood, how-
ever, that even the imminence of the
mid-year examinations will not pre-
vent the track men from beginning
active work early next week. Owing
to the fact that the Junior Hop of
February 7 will cut in on the use of
Waterman gymnasium, it is expected
that the athletes will make the most
of the time between now and the be-
ginning of the semester exams to con-
dition themselves after the holiday
Chief among the men eligible for
this year's indoor team are Captain
Llaff in the middle distances, Haim-
baugh for the distance runs, Band and
Seward for the sprints, Sargent and
Griest for the high jump and Kohler
and Cole for the weight events. A
number of other stars of last year's
squad are expected to. begin work
soon, together with several promising
members of last season's All-Fresh
team. Trainer Farrell will be on the
job continuously, and the men who
turn out will be given as much atten-
tion now as if in preparation for one
of the big meets.
Graduate to go Around World as Tutor
Carl Helmecke, '12, of Grand Rap-
ids, a student in the graduate school,
has accepted a position as tutor and
companion to the son of Dr. Wilson of
Port Huron, on a trip around the
world. The party will probably re-
turn about May or June.

Members of Michigan Engineering So-
ciety Hear Fine Program at
Union Dinner.
More than 150 engineers, members
of the Michigan engineering society,t
their wives, members of the faculty1
and senior students of the civil engi-
neering department, gathered at thet
Union last night for the annual ban-
quet of the society.
Prof. H. C. Sadler acted as toast-t
master and introduced the speakers4
of the evening. The following toasts
were given: "The Legislature of Mich-
igan," Col. Emory W. Muenscher, C.E.,j
Manistee, Mich.; "The Engineerin
Profession and the Man,"Byron Parks,
Grand Rapids; "Gray Iron Castings,"
C. E. Bement, Lansing, Mich.; "Engi-
neering Chances in the Philippines,"
C. W. Hubbell; "The Coon and the
Turkey," Dorr Skeels, Grand Rapids,,
Mich.; "Charles E. Greene," Prof. L.
M. Gram, Ann Arbor, Mich.; "The Fu-
ture Engineers," Frank C. Gibbs, '13E.
"Nig" Kuhn, "Ed" Lazear, and
"Jinx" Otto, the three original "Darbs"
presented a skit entitled "A typical
day in camp." The stunt took the au-
dience by storm and pleased the old
engineers hugely. "Bill" Williams gave
his never failing amusement stunt "A
little imitation music;" and the man-
dolin club played music during the en-
tire meal.
The society will resume its meetings
today and the three day convention
will end with this afternoon's session.
All entries for the Michigan Union
opera poster contest must be handed
in before next Monday, January 13.
Gordon Jacques, '13L, chairman of
the poster competition, announced
yesterday that this date would be fin-
al, several weeks being necessary for
the judging of the posters and Athe
preparation of the vari-colored cuts.
As previously announced the 1913
opera will be presented on March 26,
27, 28 and 29.
Contributions for the poster con-
test should not bear the name of the
artist. No posters have been handed
in to date, but it is expected that the
number of entries will be fully a
score, which is considerably more than
last year. Judges for the contest have
not yet been named.
Leaves For Cambridge in September.
Percival V. Blanshard, '14, who has
been granted the Rhodes scholarship
will leave Ann Arbor for Cambridge
next September, and will probably
specialize in philosophy. The schol-
arship entitles Blanshard to three
years at Oxford university with an al-
lowance of $1,500 a year.

Lit and Medic Faculties Disagree as
to the Abolishing of Six Year
Combined Coure; Medics
May Conuinle,
Would Have Regents Grant 1legree of
B. S. in Medicine at End of
Fourth Year.
Whether the six year combined med-
ical and literary course shall be con-
tinued, or whether three years of lit-
erary work shall be demanded of all
medics, making the required medical
course seven years instead of six is a
question that has caused considerable
trouble between the literary and med-
ical faculties. At a meeting of the lit-
erary faculty Monday night the mat-
ter of retaining the six year course,
with the seventh year made optionl
with the student, was tabled, which
means that the lit faculty refuses to
reconsider its decision to terminate
the six year course.
Five years ago the combined course
was raised to six years by the liter-
ary and medical faculties and at least
two years of preparatory literary
work was demanded in some approved
university instead of the one year of
literary work at Michigan which had
been previously required. This order
went into effect in the fall of 1909 and
was to continue for four years, when
the requirements for the medical de-
partment were to be raised to three
years, making it a seven year course.
The class which entered this fall was
the last one that could enroll on the
six year combined course.
Under the six year course the first
two years of work was taken entirely
in the literary department and at the.
end of the next two years, when a jun-
ior in the medical department, the
student would receive a B.S. degree
from the literary department and the
M.D. degree would be conferred at
the completion of the six years.
"The medical faculty will take the
matter up to the regents at their
meeting January 17," said Dean V. C.
Vaughan, of the medical department,
"If the regents say' go to the seven
year course, we will go,, but the med-
ical faculty will not advise such ac-
tion to the regents. To go to the sev-
(Continued on page 4.)
Council Receives Letter From Senate
Against Use of Firearms at
Football Games.

At its meeting held last night, the
student council took action on a com-
munication received from the senate
council protesting against the use of
revolvers in the grandstands at Ferry
field during the progress of athletic
events. The council agreed 'with the
senate committee, and passed a res-
olution embodying their ideas in this
regard. However, this is all the coun-
cil can do in the matter.
The 1916 medic class sent in a peti-
tion to the student council protesting
against being compelled to pay' dues
in both lit classes and medic classes.
The council passed a resolution to the
effect that students entered in a com-
bined course may choose which class
they will pay their dues to. In case
they are seniors they are compelled
to pay their dues anyway.
A letter was read from the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania thanking the
council for the congratulatory letter
sent to Pennsylvania after the' big
Provision was made for the election
of six new councilmen. The nomina-
tions will be held Saturday and the
elections will be held Monday or soon
(Continued on page 4.)

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