'FE MICHIGADAL D AI L'Y' lis"swing "-i Awl] ur new~ STEIN-3LOCH SART '1:CLO)TH=ES to matike them y Atylish looing--of course they fit in thazt comnfortable way (-h is the res ult of 58 ye is of knowing how to tailor good cly will saLve yO ouni too, and You wvill apprecia te this better examination and try on. Comew in to-da,,y or to-morrowv. sackinaws on hand $6.50 to $10.00 In price EN(1;I N -,DW NOEDOT DetoitSndy leotrefh IJ~te~ Sttessericeupon isgadu ation, and was active in is offl .1ica duties (unittai he'day oiii. death. In i 1897 the hnraydg o' i -M. S.'a sity. Mr. Wheelervi asipromnent inlhi be'ig he uild ;ing of 'the ock a Sank St. Mar. H lobul h (1e81i'h Anal belot7 the o n a the Niaraugauraal. K. W. -Z1immer('sC'Ihid, me tallurgist for the coinled P lanits of the Generll (1l Mo to rS Co., wil 5 ) k to c e ca studets.a9:71 o'lock tlomorrowi1: building;. i uecwilb,'etI lurgy as ,Appl (ie o :Atooile .Prar-" ice.'' The il~lecuew( 1CI he-IOpv1to thoe itretd nschitt, Apifel &Co.- h. ''IllEATRICAL11CERCLES, 2 r, ;, Quarr' The, Drug Store on the Corner Extend the l ff l 'ERT iv ,ir iA/ErsT SEASON'S GREETINGS *: *: *'f *r *: DO Yo*u* * * *i --- laitl" Vl u1Able? - D *= * *: *,~i 4 3s 4i4d *# * 4 idlet o, and prince Wtihittlngtor Detroit. e Al1- Co., o d Quarry Drug Go. Kitty Gordoni Coning. (The beautiful Ditty Gordon, whose loveiness is world famed, has often been asked the recipe for keeping bemty after one has it The English p~rinma donna, who comes to the Whit- ney theater on Saturday, January 11, in victor Herbert's masterpiece, "The 1'>chatress," holds that worry. is one of the chief causes of lines and wr i nkles. It is said that beauty is only skin dee'p," declared Miss Gordon, in a re- cent interview, "but even if this is the case the sakin is open to influences froin the mind. Worry will mar the ymost velvet Slush of youth, and the one sure way to keep the envied tran- quillity of a flower is by bing at peace with the world." Ast the Majesti. Rose's Aerial Dogs caption the of- fering at the Majestic tonight. Miller and (leveland appear in a singing, talking and dancing combination. "A Snap Shot," by the Dowlings, concerns ar matrimonial failure. The big act of the show is "A Caba- ret Revue," presentedl by Bert St. John, through Ralph Whi thead. and his company. It is making a great hit, Tomorrow 'night the entire bill chanrges with the usual matinees at the utsual time. Garrick, IDetroit. igh class burlesque, clever vaude- vilIle, captivating musical comedy, spectacular stage settings and thrill- ing pantomime, taken in generous quantities and carefully mixed by ex- pert hands, produce the stimulating and exhilarating theatrical beverage known as "The Passing Showv of :1912" and(I "The Ballet of 1830," which the Messrs. Shubert have brought to the Garrick theater, Detroit, this~ week, after its six months' run at the New York Winter Garden. It will remain at the Garrick the rest of the week. MUSIC AND l R11-L. - Faculty Concert. The month of January promises to be a memorable one for Ann Arbor's many music-lovers, both in the nun- her and importance of the ;concerts ascheduled. The January faculty con- certi is announced for Thursday even- in,- of this week. On January 13 will occur the second recital of theUni- versity Symphony orchestra, and on the 10th Mr. Dotterweich will play his second program of the season. On Wednesday the 22d Albert Lock- wood will play one of his series of historical, recitals, and the month will end with the 'fourth Choral Union concert, to be given by the Boston Symphony orchestra on January 31. The faculty concert of this week offers a proram notable in many ways. It marks the debut of the new faculty string quartet. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lockwood will play the violin. The program includes a Beethoven quartet, the lDebussy Danse Sacree t Flans Profane for piano and strings, and the Schumann Quintett in E flat. =Albert Lockwood will play the piano parts in these two numbers. William Ilowland_ will sing a group of Ger- man lieder. December Regents Meeting Postponed Owing to the fact that it was im- possible for a sufficient number of re- gents to be present December 20 to constitute a quorum, the December meeting of the board was postponed until January 17. The Popular Price Tailor KODAKS Bell Phone 871-L (xive that kidI brother a What's What For the convenience of the univer- sity students, the Western Union Tel- egraph Co., has opened a branch office at the. Calkins Pharmacy, opposite the campus. This should prove a 'source of pleasure to those who desire to send telegrams without coming down town. This is the second branch office op- ened by this company this month, the other being Davis and Konald's store, corner State -and Patckard streets. Both offices will be fully supplied with the new design special blanks to be used during the coming 'holiday week. Telephone Berl or Home 32 for rat- I MAX KRUTSC LYNDON Chier dal Society Postpones Meei The annual mneeting-. of the Amier Chemical societyv, usually held du the Christmas holiday"s in coni tion with the mneeting of the Amer. Society for the AdIvanilcemient, of ence, has been postponed until spr The meeting is to be held in Cleve] and will be attended by several m bers of the local branch of the ciety. TUTTLE'S Extra fine blue serges and Overcojats $28-$, 104 N. Fourth Ave r *~- CET ONE OF OUR Telephone ALARM CLOCKS and ,you will get to yo f classes on t Prices always right and all clocks guarantteed. New lo1rcation, 111 t EAST WASHINGTON :STREWT J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewelt- 719 No. University Aeuue '/4OFF'-. ~ALL FLANNEL SHIRTS Get ins TIN ' and STlOCK UP N SUIRTS: a saving to NMI of from cents to 70 cents Per Garment Tinker i& Company 342 S. State St. rdvcit~ u!crIbu s e ress Buildinu Maynard Street Ac ross from. Majestic ADS IN THIS COLMItN :41W TO T PAID FOR I-N ADVANCE. LOST ILost-Beftween 12nd -4 p. 1in. Tuesdayi,21 waltch and fob with inlitils D. 1I. f. Rteturin to 6U_) Monroe .Reward. For RentA--Onle sulO iite scnd loor; gler'oom?7, third loor $(1 1.50., 613 Packad, 38-1g.70-71 W1ant'edl--- CSeveral live S1 ,slf-supporting Smithson,515.Iiiin u8L 70 The best shoe sine next to .Wa- ner's.' Cod tf We are never undersold. Goodye arI Drug Store. 2' tf Open every eveingh until 9:30. Sun- days from 9:30 to 12:30, 1:30 to 3:30 only. Lyndon's kodaks, films, .flash- lights. 719 N. University. Suni&Fri Saiiple lfines of canes for your in- spection. W\agnier & Co., State St. 70-71 Notice: Clara C. Kingsley has re- duced the price of boar'd from $3.50 to $3.00. Address 213 S. Thaye cr. 70-71 D eFrie S' Art Store. Pictures and Framing 223 S. Main ;Street Reason able Priccs Prompt Servica ar Good Workmansbi ON STATE ST] We Serve Hot Lur January.,Clothin g''Sal The Greatest Bargains Ever Offered' to Clothing Buyers. Sale commences Monday, January 6th, anid will continuec for next thirty (30) days. es. 68-69 1 $15.00 Suit or Or 'ercoat, $11.25 ss 13.50 18.00 i / Off 28.00 $25.00 Suit or Ovorcoat, $l it 21.c 20.00 I' it 15.00 30.00 i 35.00_ 4 ihigan Song Bosfor 22.00" 1850I it 26. Odd Trousers at A Big Reduction 9C 1214J23 S. Main St. Lowney and Morse at thee m :. .:sr ,.arr 1W and Art All Candies made by ir~ivrsity Pharm c Wish you a HAPPY We Insist on Satisfying GOULDING & WIKEL 1219 SOUTH' UNIVERSITY AVENUE. I-Bell Phone. a,'d PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. H x Uoe I All Broken Lots of Overcoats , at Gre atly R educed, Pri ces LLEN'S GOOD CLOTIES STORE.. Pai Stree-