THN MICHIGAN DAILY your Fall or Winter Suit from the largest line in the city. Dress Suits a specialty . H. Wild Co. Tailors and Importers 311 South State Street m SH- Ek HAN'S Book'.Store THE MICHIIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan.1 Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mich-; igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1 879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor-i to 3 p. in.; 7 to o p. m. Business Manager-t to 3 p. m. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; Davis and Konald's Confectionary Store. Phones: Bell and Home, 96o. Frank Pennell------------Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard..........Business Manager Maurice Toulme.............News Editor C. Harold Hippler---------------Assistant Karl Matthews- - . .......Athletic Editor G. C. Eldredge-.........- ...Assistant John Townley............ Music and Drama Maude Edwards-...............CWomen Harold B. Abbott---------------.Cartoonist EDITORIALS Harold G. McGee Louis P. Haller Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers R. Emmett Taylor........Edwin R. Thurston NIGHT EDITORS H. Beach Carpenter .. Fred B. Foulk Morton R. Hunter-..........Morris Milligan Bruce J. Miles.........,Ernest R. Burton Lester F. Rosenbaum ..David D. Hunting REPORTERS Lieonard M. Rieser......... Harold P. Scott Leo Burnett ...............Fenn H. lossick F. M. Church.............. Carlton Jenks Charles S. Johnson ............ C. H. Lang Bernus E. Kline.............J. R. Kistner Will Shafroth...............Henry C. Bogle F. F. McKinney-....,.....G. S. Johnston W. R. Melton........Ralph E. Cunningham Y. F. Jabin Hsu--.........-H... Pummel Frtank E. Kohler----------Hernia, Pomper department ask how to draw a book from the general library, or for a five- year man to inquire in the law library if they keep text books, when of course there is free acess to scores. In the eyes of the ancients, a good library was judged by the number of good books on its shelves, but in modern times we rate a library's efficiency rather by the number of books drawn out. Last year a great many students were sent notices, to remind them, that they had not drawn books. These proceedings seem wholly unnecessary. It is the duty of every student to find some short time from his studies in order to avail himself of library advan- tages. FORMER FACULTY MEMBER DIES TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES OF ALL SORTS AT Begin the Year Right quip your office. You may require a Handy Desk Calendar, an Excelsior Diary, Journal or Ledger, Card Cabinet, Quart of Ink or Box of Pens w AHR'S 6 University Bookstores State St. Mwa.J Si. . Yo~z 1 ;op Have no idea what the atmos- phere does to goods part cotton. They crumple up, wrinkle and shrink. Enough said. Dioterle TAILOR Liberty Street (Copyrighted) The DETROIT UNITED LINES Farmers and Mechanics Bank Ann Arbor Time Table 101-103-105 South Main Street Capital $100,000. Surplus and Profits $67,000 Limited Cars for Detroit-7:12 a. m. and I I he Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $100,000 Resourses $3,000,000 General Banking Business Transanted ifftrs: Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres., W. D. Harri- man, Vice-Pres., M. J. Fritz, Cashier. hourly to6:12 p. m., also 8'12 p.m. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. m., 6:40 a. m., and every two hours to 6;40 im.. 7:40 p. in., 8:40 p. mn., 9:45 p. in., and 10:.0 p. m To Ypsilanti only. 11:15 p. m., 12:15 p. m. 12 :30 p. in., 1:00 a. m. Limited Cars for Jackson-7:46 a. m. and every two hours to 7;46 p. m. oca Cars for Jackson-5:20 a. m., and every two hours to 9:20 p. m.. 11 :15 p. m . Our Optical System is equipped to gi v" the best service. We test eyes No "Drops" Used. We m zke your glasses. ,Y zee-O t Agency Arnold & Co. 320 S. MAIN BUSINESS STAFF A. R. Johnson, Jr........Advertising Mgr. Emerson Smith ... ......Accountant Laurence D. Bartlett......Circulation Mgr. Sherwood Field ............. John Leonard harry E. Johnson WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1913. Night Editor-H. Beach Carpenter. IN WHICH YE ED SEEMETH PEEVED. Coises! At it again, and with the "same to you" hardly out of our mouths! Thus doth life go, which verily is just one - thing after another. Pardong, mussher. And some of them gave blue books, some gave lectures, a few, bless 'em, were absent. And it was the morning and the evening of the first day-after vacation. There being no reason to weep over spilt milk, however, now that we've come from the land of milk and honey to that of skimmed cow juice and sorghum, we'll say "Brace up. Only three weeks more, and then we start all over again." Piffle! SALVE! To the visiting members of the Mich- igan Engineering society, Greeting. We are glad you are here and we hope you'll have a good time. If we can help you in any way, let us know: call on us wherever you meet us, on the campus, in the Union, anywhere. Being human, we can't always guess what you want; but we want to fool you into believing that we are a little better than usual, and so we want you to ask us for whatever you want: we'll get it, or "something just as good." LIBRARY ADVANTAGES One great advantage of a large uni- versity is well equipped libraries. Here many of the students make no use of them, and if they do, it is usu- ally late in their course. Surely it is undesirable to have a senior of any Death Takes Dr. P. B. Rose at the Age of 78. Dr. Preston B. Rose, '62M, former- ly assistant professor of physiological chemistry, died December 24 at Iris home in this city after an illness of a few weeks. Dr. Rose had spent the majority of his 78 years in Ann Arbor, entering the university in 1859. After graduation he was appointed assist- ant surgeon in the Fifth Michigan in- fantry, and served until the close of the Civil war. He became assistant in chemistry in the university in 1865, and was, ap- pointed assistant professor of physi- ological chemistry in 1875, and later assistant professor of physiological chemistry and toxicology, and lectur- er on renal diseases, serving until 1881. WESTERN EXPERTS TO SPE Ah BEFORE FORESTERS TONITG HT There will be a meeting of the For- estry club tonight in room 407, engi- neering building, at 7:30 o'clock. Af- ter the meeting addresses will be made by Mr. R. A. Stretch, deputy su- pervisor of Medicine Bull national forest in Wyoming, and Mr. Rex King, deputy supervisor of the Mono forest reserve in California. All persons in- terested are invited to attend. PLANS FOR A NEW ThEATER ON MAIN STREET COMPL ETE P Plans for a new theater, to be erect- ed on the old Kapp property on South Main street, between William and Lib- erty, have been announced. Excava- tion will be begun shortly and the building will likely be ready for occu- pancy late in the spring. It will be four stories in height and the theater prop- er will have a seating capacity of 1,000. According to present plans the theater will be used for vaudeville. l txjdio 319 I. Hu ron St. r 4 ~ i~ . _ __ . ' , '1' Y - r r nlllllilill } ) ,. ,.dz ^a - ,.. l S ,r { ' Phon~e 961-L U, OF M. SONG BOOK REGULAR EDITION $1.(0 WHY NOT HAVE Y O U R MICHI GANENSIAN PICTURE now so that you can have some of Platinum Portraits made from the negative- ycur friends at home will allpreciate them for X'mas. ORINMML,1 BROS.1 !/ r I i I 'l ; ,, ,;, ,, t 120-122 East Liberty St. ".4 A1 T/ } f{ \ ' r . Y J J i iii ,tyZ 11, 1, Ammulow ,' ,..W .s!%w' ', 1 '/,rf /Ill! %r, .. inm , ;; SSWEET BETTER SERVICE AS IT SOUNDS BETTER CADDY UNIVERSITY CALENDAR THE SUGAR BOWL Ann Arbor's Best Confectionery. Ice cream soda de luxe. Candy of all descriptions. WE PAY ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS, PARTIES, ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION ON MAIN STREET. CARDS- PROGRAMS -STATIONERY NG W. LZIWRITE NGRVIG SAMPLES GREGORY MAYER & THOM CO, DuWo X. MiCH Wednesday, January 8.-Engineering society meeting at the Michigan Un- ion, 7:30 p. in. Thursday, January 9.-Senior engi- neer dinner at the Michigan Union, 6:00 p. m. Friday, January 10.-Fresh dent smok- er at the Michigan Union, 7:30 p. m. Friday, January 10.-Public lecture on "Eugenics or Race Betterment," by Dr. V. C. Vaughan at Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Saturday, January 11.-Senior lit luncheon and dance at the Michigan Union, 12:00 m. Last of the Hoiays Some of yo r vacation joys must be left behind -- but not Fatima, 60 Fatima coupons will secure a while sat.n pillow top, 24 in. square, dccorated with hand- someljpc:-'edflowcrs-12 designs toselecdfrom. r: ) b r r ASS ' d ;" '' I Ac a4 ° a. Vistinclively In7dividtual-) ° Banquets and Club Dinners are served in best of style at MACK'S TEA' ROOM Also dintiers,lunches and refreshments Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Satuida s till 9 p.aE. Orchestra Saturdays-.--Noon acd Evening j Lots of tie space, A The land of sunshine and flowers is the place to go to escape the cold and snow of winter. Through Electric-Lighted Sleeping Cars via NewYorker1tra lLines 'Michigan Central-Big Four in connection with Queen & Crescent and Southern Railway Detroit to Jacksonville Leave Detroit 10:35 p. m. Daily Leave Toledo .12:30 night Daily Arrive Jacksonville 8:40 a. m. 2d morning The Raglan Shoulder Free and easy when skating and playing Be careful when you buy for there is a vast difference in makes. SECOND FLOOR Mack MAINS TREET to put on or take 15 cents-2 for 25 cenits ('hiett Peabody & Co.. Makers, Tro (Mermjelcan Iu 1 u The State Savings B-( Wm J. Booth, President Wm. Arnold, VIce- C. John Walz, Jr., Cashier E J Liberty and Main Sts. A Most Convenient Place for Banking - k " s Your LOW WINTER TOURIST FARES on sale daily, October 15th to April 30th; return limit June 1st. Ilk For particulars consult Michigan Central Ticket Agents WAGNER & CO. State Street. I Tryour work. One pair troi c tF i Ou pressed free to anmone brim in this ad with them. O7tTo F. MALCOLM 338 Maynard St. Up to date pressing parlor F ".w