THU MICHIGAN DAILY Select your Fall or Winter Suit from the T THE fICHIOAN DAILY U, largest line in the city. Dress Suits a specialty G H Wild Co. I *Tallors and Importers r 311 South State Street m I Holiday ,Goods We have the finest line of Christmas Cards in the city. MMAGAZINE SVBSCRIPTIONS At the lowest club rates PRIVATE CHRISTMAS CARDS'. With your Initials and Address Leave your orders new at Student's ha s Bqokstore Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- iag the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress ,of March g, t879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor-: to 3 p. i.; 7 to to p. m. Business Manager-t to 3 P .m. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.So; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; Davis and Konald's Confectionary Store. Phones: Bell and Home, 960. Frank Pennell-.........Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard ..........Business Manager Maurice Toulme .............News Editor C. HaroldH ippler...Assistant Karl Matthews------------.Athletic Editor G. C. Eldredge................Assistant John Townley .... .......Music and Drama Maude Edwards...............Women Harold- B. Abbott..... .........Cartoonist EDITORIALS Harold "G. ' McGee Louis P. Hailer Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers R. Emmett Taylor......Edwin R. Thurston NIGHT EDITORS H. Beac Carpenter D.. RFred B. Foulk Morton . Hunter.........Morris Milligan Bruce J. Miles ........... Ernest K. Bptrton Lester F. Rosenbaun.....David D. Hunting REPORTERS Leonard M. Rieser-........Harold P. Scott [eoBurnett.............enn H. Hossick F. M. Church............. Calton Jenks Charles S. Johnson............ C. H. Lang Bernusi E. Kline ..... ...... R. Kistner Will Shafroth ............Hen C. B ogle F. F. McKinney............G. S. Johnston W. R. Melton.........Ralph E. Cunningham Y. F. Jabin Hsu...........H. . Rummel Frank E. Kohler..........Herman Pomper BUSINESS STAFF A. R. Johnson, Jr.........Advertising Mgr. Emerson Smith . ..........Accountant Laurence D. Bartlett......Circulation Mgr. Sherwood Field----------John Leonard Harry E. Johnson FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1912. With this issue, The Michigan Daily will discontinue publication for the holidays. The next paper will be is- sued Wednesday morning, January 8, 1913. COMMUNICATIONS (This paper assumes no responsibility for sentiments expressed in com- munications.) Editor, The Michigan Daily:- Your editorial entitled "Snobs" that appeared Thursday hit the nail square- ly on the head. Your estimate of the number of snobs in the university may be slightly exaggerated, but you are to be congratulated upon the sensible stand you take upon the matter. A person's worth is not measured by the height of the social status into which he is born, but by the height he raises himself above that status. The other evening as' everyone was hurrying to dinner, I chanced to over- hear a few remarks that demonstrated, to my disgust the air of superiority that is assumed by many of the stu- dents. Three co-eds passed two others and one of the three spoke a word of kind- ly greeting to the nearer of the two, who did not pay the slightest sttention to her. "Don't you know your friends?" ask- ed her companion. "Oh, replied the girl, sneeringly, "I don't care to know them. They wait on table at the boarding house." Any man or woman who has the pluck and courage to gain an educa- tion by working for it is far above the contemptible cad or snob who looks down upon them because of it. If this air of superiority is encouraged or allowed to- go on unchecked, the traditional democratic spirit of Mich- igan, for which it is known throughout the United States, will soon become a tradition and nothing else. The soon- er the snob is brought down from his self-constructed elevation, the better it will be for our school and for the snob himself. Yours for democracy, L.C. R. W Ail Holiday Editions Sfor Christmas Cifts BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF Fiction, Biography and Travel Christmas, Cards, Calendars and Novelties THE MICHIGAN CALENDA R 1913-5 University Bookstores \l tat.~ St. mmin St - g~w -K 'm WRY NOT HAVE YOUR MICHIGANENSIAN PICTURE now so that you can have some of made from the negative--your friends at hoa wil appreciatc thim for X'mas. THE SEASON For balls, dinners, theatre par- ties, etc., is here. Perhaps you have grown too STOUT for your evening clothes; perhaps t o o SLIM; perhaps they are WORN OUT, and perhaps you HAVEN'T ANY. Come on in. Dieterle TAILOR Liberty Street" (Copyrighted) S Studio 31951 "'t*irOn$ t. Phorle ~C1-L 1I U. OF M. SONG BUO OKE REGULAR Open Eve nings Until ORINNELL BROS.l EDITION $1.10 C h r i s t in a '. I M11 The niers and MechanIcs hank 101-103-105 South Main Street #1O%000 Surplus and Profits $67,000 he Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $100,000 Itesourses $3,000,000j General anulag 3usIessTransacted ltficfs Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres., W. D. Harri- man, Vic-Pres., M. J. Fritz, Cashier. DETROIT UNITED LINES Aun Arbor Time Table Limited Cars for Detrolt-7:12 a. m. and hourly to 6:12 p. mn., also 8:12 p. "m. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. m., 6:40 a. m., and *very two hours to 6;4p.i.. 7:40 p. mn., 8:40 p. mn., 9:45 p. mn., and 10:45 p. n3 To Ypsilanti only. 11:15 p. m., 12:15 p..m. 12:30 p. m.,.1:00 a. m. Limited Cars for Jackson--7:46 a. a. and every two hours to 7:46 eeal Cars for Jackson-5:20 a. m., and every two hours to 9:20 p. m.. 11:15 p. m. Our Optical System*. is equipped to- give the best service. We test eyes No "Dfrops" Used. We make your glasses. 1, 1Shur-On Agency e Arnold & Co. 320 S. MAIN t, . .... .! SWEET TER SERVICE AS IT SOUNDS BETTER CANDY THE ARRIVAL. Christmas! The good, glad holidays! And all they mean to Michigan men and women! The end of the first, long pull is here; and many an impatient fresh- man-perhaps an upper-class-man or two-has already packed his vacation wardrobe, and is getting his mouth fixed for home cooking, his ears ready for home talk, and his brain ready for its meed of welcome rest. Out-going' trains will soon be carrying students by hundreds. They are going,li'ke car- rier-pigeons, straight back to the best place on earth; and, we are sure, like carrier-pigeons they are bearing messages, messages of. work well- done, of rest welT won, of joy at being home again, where they may turn their minds to fresh pastures and gather new strength' for the coming short, hard pull, and the last, steep pinch, of the semester. To them we say: Good luck and joy attend you! But there are many, too many, who must stay behind, who must substitute, for a real vacation, the poor counter- feit of Ann Arbor in a deep sleep. We will not dwell on the subject-it is too touchy for our scratchy pen-longer than to say to these: Get exercise, get all the entertainment that is go- ing, get nuts for the squirrels, get together, If misery does love company, it is because company hates misery. And to the Home-goers, to the Stay- behinds, to the At-homes, to every- body, The Michigan Daily repeats those fine old words that even repeti- tion cannot rob of strength: "A merry Christmas and a Happy New Year." PICKPOCKETS WILL FIND NO "PICKINS" AT DENTAL CLINIC Thqse who have ever experienced the pleasant sensation of having their coat-pockets rifled while they were having their teeth fixed in the dental clinic, will be gratified to learn that steps are being taken by the authori- 4ies to have the clinical equipments so arranged that the patients will be able to leave their wraps in plain sight while-theyare being operated on. In the past it has been custom- ary to leave all coats and other su- perfluous garments outside of the lab- oratory, thereby exposing them to the tender mercies of all who "happened by." The new idea is simply this: to install immediately under the dentists tool shelves, a cast iron rack or shelf, for the patients' wraps. It is hoped that this will alleviate the dental authorities from any em- barassment and responsibility i-n the care of such things, as well as make the patients feel safe regarding their valuables. The pedestals, as they might be called, are being made in the engineering shops and will number about 90 and are to be installed inside of two weeks. Senior Dent Appointed Editor. L. P. Jackson, '13D, was appointed associate editor of the Michiganensian, to represent the ,dental and homeo- pathic departments, at a meet- ing of the senior classes of those de- partments held yesterday morning. 1'' I ; J 1; i i I _ 1 1 I I; III I +14f I ( I i 1 I . I .r 1 'V1 ; 1 , i III ,o l { ' l ~ : d y u . . 1 II I I -. ,,, % V 1 1 , ,1 111// " - ' i ,; ,g , ; )v' I .' , i' 1 1 fly era k _. , I 11 I,} I K - I 1 ,l~ -_--... , alp { -- , 4 , ;; 11 ;! I '', ' . r -- , i . l 1 1 dill, I I ; ;, , n l' i z . , , , , ,, ! i , ,, ,I i ',I / , r. I l 6 II . ,, 1 ' i l l ' I I I I ,, , , I 1 ' , i t , , i l ljl1 , i I s,,,,, ; . E ;I,,,,,t II ,1 , y *' I I ! 1 I a .I I .%i >l ,,,... 1 I 1 4-71 K ET7~~.S~e 4 THE SUGAR BOWL Ass Arbor'e Best Confectionery. Ice cream soda de luxe. Candy of all descriptions. WE PA IPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS, PARTIES, ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION ON MAIN STREET TheChiStMasBOX At home they know the import- ant things -a box of wholesome Fatimas right on top. 60 Fatima coupons will secure a white satin pillow top, 24 in. square, decorated with hand- aomel, painted flowers-12 designs to select from. d.e M mo CARDS - PROGRAMS -STATIONERY GGYA &TtC SAM LES GREGORY MAYER & THOM Co. DETRUIT.Micn , ,,, 7g 'e' , w , f r u ._ ' a"Ldi Yinc4ie~ "- .I _+ ', , , ,.. ,f : ~, -ESOMM& C, Banquets and Clubr Dinners 11 are served in best of style at ARROW SHIRTS a .Ab TEA MACK'S ROOM will prove as .'IptL 1- mqIDA A Thoughtful Gift Also dinners,lunches and refreshments Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.--Saturdays till 9 p.m. Orchestra Saturdays-,-Noon and Evening. SECOND FLOOR Mack &Co. MAINS PTiREET" Through Electric-Lighted Sleeping Cars. Effective Nov. 24th via NewYorkdintra Li nS Michigan Central-Big Four in connection with Queen &,Crescent and Southern Railway Detroit to Jacksonville Leave Detroit 10:35 p. m. Daily Leave Toledo 12:30 night Daily Arrive Jacksonville 8:40 a. m. 2d morning LOW WINTER TOURIST FARES on sale daily, October 15th to April 30th; return limit June 1st. good in every way as the col- lars that bear the same name 1.50 Vp Cluett, Peabody & Company, Makers It does not have to be some- thing novel or freaky to please a gentleman. It is well known that _-j] our stock of flen's Furhishings appeals to tasty dressers. WAGNER & CO. Th e Liberty and Main ts. State Savin s Bank A Most Convenient Place for Your wn J. Booth, President Wi. Arnold, Vice-President Banking C. John WaIz, Jr., Cashier " Try our work. One pair trousers CutThisOut prsedatree to anyon0 bringing in this ad Nwith th,,-. OTTO F. MALCOLM 358 Maynard St. Op to dafe pressing parlor For particulars consult Michigan Central Ticket Agents Haberdashers State Street A u"W AI