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October 02, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-10-02

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Tr-4 sfrAna etTdy HNMNLMMN~
S. rat tlr an Arbor:--Wednh - ter o t at teiiicaens o ffi <
* * dthy nivar;it isIng teropgratue e;lwusdor- t n Sth An rbo Prt bu4dn a
Ofte oAS R EP-ufTED ade wePt4ry, tindste'dlacw.rd mengrhe tr fdrniro s of AR wANGE ENTElTA S
Aiorin l e 4 byex bb 9 ir gadt hs h r etrn ~i iiest yE~rte 8tryn luta gr the ~ ofies taf
9 sitdbyHs o oehsitwl b.Iai' ee ci d8t. the atnnuareltbareopretaueshtydartustbi eire menha Unjorh Ermporsey te1eteA4eng ago F
d*d d.d iiue nn th merimEt etrholCaie emeberd tatahe thtidty feteetiungt.s t mae .efenrllmnt s g. nqf?1 Zl 9n:
al gtth uiinthg t o teopohantesteatth nieritiffrnin hespgi PlneA h redigsuni ERr - -d f-8ove
tag o 'iPhle n- Pen. wr, fowWichheentrs"rsidMieidht ughin Ustnigtnbu he Jlsids lage atenanc tan heSun4
wer dl h ntrva mstka adanagealo onte mnyincdetalyportaiteethaeauninwichhrvtdatretde erth maph
ni esg y "he leraearcloednbgth ceebrtionof te evety-ffthannveraryer. achnriay eenighte lwas et sid 4r
thefuera>duyas eld ed b a aynottobe orotena iletoepidte istryofhadinsi- patyal ofdhthher wll ttnde Te d1t6
r eystret. tr bilty, namkih theiniialyearof he ew prionupo wnc w arejunyio wit th mTagemn o Th
on y tee Uivesitnentdin, aworty itrouctindt th nex chpterpf ur nivesit'rgis- otvrin, a enns turnaent Tw
tho atra odawfo nDHRIO utncl f>Ms. SmalL- thetryh" cusyone otheourgesnandotnen o nd ns
atgrotAli l|Mcia Y RFSO th r PewhicA wa I scrany ob oe htdrigtepeet1esinw hl nls wUer prsetedby Th TO thoe 5 mr ha a tsru i
tyrmmderwofthe avethe eneaus nd eart co-pertionthaEin heEast as een oblrgeaertotheredpctit winers, acd embe w
. oera cnnae drtev- 0SFE frEr Atd~ ofA Dr afatoti te evlomet fnheintiutonthei te esreofth ges-nar boinan Aies
.en partoutrjWtoiri.rsstponth stdet bdy hefacttatmhe.emersThoughtheN piNTitv of ah numlb'e rie t i
ery "goPof m"U aso tefautyae herfreds ndtea hersadtedytudrllthtlisobseal.an laneds ran
.a brfo atya' Al ees lad slce n Con nect ned inthirpo ertomae helifto te tuen hreboh aplasntannai.d routemsfome irechdit
froni diabetespt.rofidelye one.' partment Terw Suidn ce ti e undt h niest
whiqh he.rmain- litustrthl d along tisn on tand thi
mt o r n v fe ai' f r lre a e r the, eTabihto he eyom
A okn o oiin etit ta et rm daee eWAth> a totsaendanI e bslf 1onq4,ctf inomto ueu loaddm
eroflat ea'ssqa wul soncliehiPof.Harso IL-FRESH SHOWSdup YIMICPAIHAS Gooyn places.,e niona .ent
- --a-, c henstantlyudets
n a idwgames~i a~lso uPROMISINGh BUNCHyFRESHMANcnoWEEs eofsther summern gav e iv. braok tat
shl aseeig aort, hl vt I t ii xetdta eea ude
hav hpe. t isam afte r ateristi of r. -un r JM'Ichg Dilys to erd at Atrdlete SreIn to4dese r ienb a for r td t hore r faute args e Drt icetu termh~~ ws i
y ha h topal rfne Are Pmaign comnteDailyh ht
inalyReurs. , onciUsngs anheraf his ecndition ad o hoe h aerrenteielg u pns Celbrsitiesr for e fit sNE theP~ inuuain o sm e ln a f ysiv os-t-os
By,.h reha nT rdaly acceteb 19, te only ____nfr ll Of- (~e-Uapr Er' L Anr LLmn sagnof1
g . -as"What's p'atla Willaluabtu en es-
taratrers a - ad frm .ttened nd jihealnth , Perofes "tl a houndre frye rmb e n tar e Asrest u lt of the wokd rin t h ak e Aprecedng ummer,'gand 1of 9oettedn h -mes
. eatpectd, finall re- of ma4 s all athrangmats th a tem m ant of the caportnte ro th t eo the Univsiy fers ityhY spe.a C. n A. h An 1 al-iesiphn' footballr e antsvlan
S~qp -Wrigh, vth waseta li ai his athe-lw, P orse th or ous class he r ad Prete t Htaine 70 mebst fo tiht, "inttitu - pickede by Coah Yot an qn tha h udy .feno neti
r en. tw yeas ag. r W. B'on, whill e ghen ti sTen pe sho on tl y e r bn mnd theat no and t h es ut o is le e ther num feates fr, Whsra Whnat aVi xons er 4et aearaybe eu e n
las Vet he qua, maley er pningtuoo thas nt an more hadva o~nrve and ofgt- bery inito over 1200itin thaet tw ani inrew d ubico o yedpn attractiv
bee seleced lila oherdcourss, ingnsirit thanrefords. .score o
irdaotfrymnbten railway ta and oan es ns v'reavertyW eef Atods. thraek.nhrdsn pretbe hnebo wich isroa be frte pet thist Aa
afternoon willmasoteo. Laant omndty.aft5 rQtln>9
to tweny-five and i conftnvrolfity. "Thie b i. prnlst year~ cofe b the erd a t in e r hegi eventy-ffas cmaredn itsayer. ofaE a hltica c essin h ich~ tas Wet asi fo h fehnr
i k nt wl b mdeT e aas wer e taought tn oAn-, rahy, a the rospectsgare th a vst.h aveet ths antaeoe mas wen i ann hexd a dane cadilwn t
str wl b n.ese naubese-teualwokcomtteha retd foteacttgs'ededth ira~n
when te traiing Ar or Smle as'hen h-fre the fnrlwsh d i we~a passo e away tt. a mlare tne nth u st oid of the aso-T he. p ubal f ish ofr ' welt ~ Watedd Th. dO~a,~tes frth ntym
But espte he ctslas Fr 8a aftrnoo $t reie h is Cf t utin doestes areit respontle citdont bidy wher most t o f the tet - Beah U arpenter, 14ndt dna Rcon ' hi dce rshv led ie
en orpostins s s itar Bed 8 t ings theet.i forthe aryn than the rnta y of the nw o th n e oraiatio hJohnston '14, he manmet out T e 41h h~ e
drecst he ersnne lagel o atned on pag esofe ae otigneosd hery-prton pae4 lyta nd ee p tios en comitte gn sut t fe , h r e thietwiers e td pebrs - 0 ldwdt at
deyer wud e l fclt ndfomr tdetso D.a atS h eeomn OUT THIS AFttuin I tEdR OONh rs-drBlnadAlr' hs acs nteohree
tala d e h ln - mal y en atcu al o m r s po h tu e tb dyt ef c t a h m m e s Th o g h i iitve o um e h al il be u e e/b n u t
wpie sgve om r ea g Po. mleyws fte aulyae 7hi Wred, n HAT s7n ed od l htle fbsbl asalegewsogn n rvt ano.Alrenme
e h ilapea xie yaphsca n nore nterpWHrt A Tetelie Ah tueThrebt a laatadaIedrmtam redneahd-frsratn aearadbf
centr tio f lst athe as uffrin frm dabeesproitale ne. patmet. he awsandmedcs tie
maeb oa oIa raiain

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